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Wasteland Joe's logs is a holotape in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries".



A Good DJ and a Better Man[]


Phil doesn't like to talk about the past. Hurts too much, I suppose.

But the past doesn't really work that way, does it? It's not something you can put away like a pair of old shoes. It'll come walking out and kick you in the teeth when you least expect it.

Writing about it helps, I think. My feeling is, if the past is gonna knock down the door anyway, I might as well invite it in.

Thankfully, Phil was kind of enough to put a message on the air, asking for spare parts so I could fix up these old holotapes.

Bad Man Turned Good[]


It's on brand for Phil to take in Mercy. He's always been about redemption, and what person needs it more than a raider?

Doc Amalee said Phil mentioned something in his sleep, about taking people to paradise to hear a eulogy. Not sure what that means. I know there's rumors he was in the slave trade, but I refuse to believe it. Probably best to leave it alone.

Holed Up in the Schoolhouse[]


When Sparrow left for Boston, she asked me to clear out some landing space on the street near the schoolhouse. I was gonna give her a hard time about it, but now I'm just worried. I suppose I need to worry about myself first.

Most of us were here clearing rubble when the mercs attacked. With the station undefended, the ones inside didn't stand much of a chance.

Gotta Take a Chance[]


We've been holed up in the schoolhouse ever since the Talon Company took GNR. We've got to shut down the signal before they call in more reinforcements.

It's too late for Phil and the others, but the good fight was never about one man. It's a movement.

We'll have Fisheye give us cover and we'll use the chaos to make one last run at the doors.

Related quest[]

