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The Good Fight is a quest in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries."

Quick walkthrough[]

Side quest: The Good Fight 
Travel to Lynn Pier parking
Read Sparrow's note and use the vertibird to travel to the Capital Wasteland
Repel waves of Talon Company mercenaries in GNR building plaza
Enter the GNR building and kill Hatton
Disable the radio transmission. 
Reward: ???+ XP

Detailed walkthrough[]

Go to the Lynn Pier Parking structure when prompted and kill all the Gunners there. Read the note picked up from the body of the nearby Vertibird pilot, Sparrow, and fly to GNR plaza. Upon arrival, the player character and the Good Fighters will be attacked by two waves of Talon Company mercenaries. After defeating them, go inside the GNR building and eliminate the rest of the Talon Company mercenaries. The corpses of the Good Fighters' senior members can be found throughout the building, as well as unique mercenary outfits and collectable loot. Upstairs, the leader of the Talon company mercs (Hatton) must be killed. Shut down the transmission beacon to complete the quest. After finishing exploring the plaza, one can recruit surviving Good Fighters to their settlements before using the Vertibird to return to the Commonwealth.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
10 Investigate the Lynn Pier Parking structureIn the Commonwealth, good transportation can go a long way. While I haven't seen any operable cars on the road, perhaps if I head to a parking structure I might find something.
15 Read Sparrow's NoteAt the Lynn Pier Parking structure, I found a vertibird and its former pilot. On her was a note, which I picked up.
20 Fly the vertibird to GNR Building PlazaAt the Lynn Pier Parking structure, I found a vertibird and its former pilot. On her was a note that said she came to the Commonwealth to recruit reinforcements. The note urged me to travel to Galaxy News Radio in the Capital Wasteland to help her comrades. OR
At the Lynn Pier Parking structure, I found a vertibird and its former pilot. On her was a note that said she came to the Commonwealth to recruit reinforcements. I used her vertibird to travel to the Capital Wasteland where a battle was taking place.
25 Aid the Good Fighter MercenariesAt the Lynn Pier Parking structure, I found a vertibird and its former pilot. On her was a note that indicated she was hear to recruit reinforcements. I used her vertibird to travel to the Capital Wasteland where a battle was taking place. I joined the battle and attempted to aid the Good Fighters.
30 Stop the Super Mutants
35 Defeat the Talon Company mercenaries
36 (Optional) Pick up the missile launcher
37 Defeat the Talon Company reinforcementsAt the Lynn Pier Parking structure, I found a vertibird and its former pilot. On her was a note that said she came to the Commonwealth to recruit reinforcements. I used her vertibird to travel to the Capital Wasteland where a battle was taking place. I joined the battle and helped the Good Fighters clear the plaza.
40 Examine the Good Fighter's corpse
50 Examine the Good Fighter's corpse
60 Enter Galaxy News Radio
65 Fight your way to the studio areaI traveled to the Capital Wasteland on a vertibird and joined a battle already in progress. After clearing the plaza, I entered the building and fought off some Talon Company mercenaries.
70 Kill the Talon Company BossI traveled to the Capital Wasteland on a vertibird and joined a battle already in progress. After clearing the plaza, I entered the building and fought off some Talon Company mercenaries, killing their leader.
80 Examine Hatton's corpse
90 Shut off the transmission beaconI traveled to the Capital Wasteland on a vertibird and joined a battle already in progress. After clearing the plaza, I entered the building and fought off some Talon Company mercenaries, killing their leader. I then shut off their transmission beacon to prevent them for calling further reinforcements.
1000Quest finishedKill the remaining Talon Company mercenaries


[Platforms needed] Talon company reinforcements will not spawn after the first wave halting progress, and persists after reloading a previous save.[verification overdue]
