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Fallout Wiki

I'm scared something bad's gonna happen.

Wally Warwick is a child living at Warwick homestead in 2287.


The youngest of the Warwicks, Wally lives with his parents and helps with tasks around their settlement. He is frequently fighting with his older sister, and complaining about her tattling to his parents about him in an attempt to get him in trouble.[1][2]

He is reluctant to talk to the Sole Survivor, but when convinced that they are trustworthy, he will share that his dad has been acting strangely lately, and Bill Sutton thinks he has been replaced by a synth.[3] Wally can be overheard asking his dad why he never goes to sleep anymore, to which his dad says he does, and that he has never felt better.[4] The Sole Survivor can also learn from Wally that Bill has given Cedric some caps and sent him to Goodneighbor in an attempt to solve the synth problem.[5]

Interactions with the player[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Kid's shirt and jeans


Wally Warwick appears only in Fallout 4.


  • Xbox OneXbox One Wally will occasionally spawn in the floor of his home. He cannot be interacted with while in this state. [verified]
    • Reloading a save prior to rendering of the Warwick Homestead can solve this issue.
    • Leaving the area and coming back at a later time may solve this issue.


  1. June Warwick: "What's this I hear about you going in the water?"
    Wally Warwick: "What?! Did Janey tell on me? It was only for a minute. I thought I saw a toy rocket and I was trying to get it."
    June Warwick: "I don't care what it was. You know the rules. I won't see my only son wind up in some mirelurk's belly."
    Wally Warwick: "I hate when she does this. She's always trying to get me in trouble!"
    (Wally Warwick's dialogue)
  2. Wally Warwick: "Thanks a lot for telling on me, Janey. You're such a tattle-tale!"
    Janey Warwick: "What are you talking about?"
    Wally Warwick: "Dad says I'm in trouble cause I was playing with his rifle. he says you told him."
    Janey Warwick: "Well mom says it's my job to keep an eye on you. Maybe if you stopped acting like such a whiny little baby, I wouldn't have to anymore."
    Wally Warwick: "Tattle-tale! Tattle-tale! I'm never going to tell you a secret ever again."
    Janey Warwick: "Like I care about your stupid secrets."
    (Wally Warwick's dialogue)
  3. Wally Warwick: "If you really are here to help my dad, then I should tell you something. Foreman Bill says dad's a synth. That's like a robot who looks like a real person. Foreman Bill said he had an idea to take care of our synth problem. He gave Cedric some caps and sent him to Goodneighbor. I wish they would just leave my dad alone."
    (Wally Warwick's dialogue)
  4. Wally Warwick: "Dad, how come you don't sleep anymore?"
    Roger Warwick: "What? Of course I sleep! What kind of silly question is that, kiddo?"
    Wally Warwick: "Sometimes I hear someone doing stuff in the middle of the night and it wakes me up. When I look, it's always you."
    Roger Warwick: "Okay, okay, you got me. It's grown-up stuff. One day, when you're a man with a family of your own, you'll understand."
    Wally Warwick: "I just want to make sure you're okay, is all."
    Roger Warwick: "Son, I promise you, I've never been better."
    (Wally Warwick's dialogue)
  5. Wally Warwick: "Sorry [lady/mister], but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
    Sole Survivor: "Well, I'm not a stranger. I'm a friend of your father's, and I'm here to help him."
    Wally Warwick: "Oh good. I'm really glad you're here, because I'm scared something bad is going to happen to my dad. Foreman Bill says dad's a synth. That's like a robot who looks like a real person. Foreman Bill said he had an idea to take care of our synth problem. He gave Cedric some caps and sent him to Goodneighbor. I wish they would just leave my dad alone."
    (Wally Warwick's dialogue)