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Roger Warwick was a man who lived with his family at Warwick homestead in the Commonwealth.


According to his family, the original, human Roger Warwick was an unpleasant man who spent his time drinking and neglecting the farm.[1] He had lived in the Commonwealth his entire life, and previously lived in Danvers before moving to start the homestead with his wife June around 2275.[2] The Institute, desiring to use Warwick homestead as a test site for an agricultural experiment, had him kidnapped, tortured for information on his life, and replaced with a synth double.[3]


The human Roger Warwick is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Janey Warwick: "My question is... do you think a person can change? I mean, really change, like deep down?"
    The Sole Survivor: "Sure I do. The ability to change and adapt is a fundamental part of being human."
    Janey Warwick: "I think you must be right. My dad's a good example. He used to drink all day and he never did any work, then one day, everything changed. He stopped drinking completely and started to work really hard, sometimes long past sunset. He suddenly seemed to care a lot more about what happened to the farm and to us. Honestly, it was nice."
    (Janey Warwick's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "You could say that. How about you? Lived here all your life?"
    Roger Warwick: "Yep, I'm a Commonwealth boy through and through. My family's from Danvers, originally. My wife and I started this place up about twelve years ago."
    Note: This is part of the longer conversation in DialogueWarwickHomesteadIntro (when encountering Roger for the first time.)
    (Roger Warwick's dialogue)
  3. Institute BioScience terminal entries; BioScience terminal, Warwick Homestead Initiative