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The Villa police station terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in Sierra Madre's villa police station.

Police Chief's terminal[]

Note: This terminal is located on the chief of police's desk in front of the contraband room. It has Hard-difficulty lock.

Disengage Contraband Room Lock[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the nearby contraband room.


> Unlocking...

Prohibited Items[]


Sinclair's prohibition list is going to be difficult to enforce and told him so. He claims we're getting an automated system that would confiscate items even the slightest bit radioactive or foreign and ship them back to the visitor's source address. Asked about items already in the Villa (didn't mention the construction crew) and he dismissed it.

Of course, no sooner than Sinclair gives his prohibition speech, his pal swings by the same hour, asking how "hardnosed" we were going to be. Told me he couldn't guarantee he could keep me supplied if I didn't treat his "friends" with the same respect. Prick.


> Displaying log...

Security System Installation[]


Sinclair installed a new security system for visitors coming into and out of the Villa - he doesn't seem to care too much about what they do when they're inside, only that we confiscate any personal items that could be dangerous or foreign, and make sure we know who enters and who leaves. Asked him again about watching the construction crews. He said that was a "Villa matter" (great, that means the Prick runs the show). As long as there were no more accidents among the crews, that's what he cared about.

Barely tucked my flask under the desk before he showed up. He gets that disapproving look when he sees the hard stuff.


> Displaying log...


Note: This terminal is located on the desk in front of the holding cell.'


Sierra Madre Security Network

Sinclair Visit[]


Sinclair did the rounds again today. Glad he left his ghostly entourage at the casino, those walking lightshows makes me wonder why he's even got us on staff when they could blast us in a second. Otherwise, Sinclair runs a tight ship, good to see in these days and times. Don't know how smart he is trying to make a resort to escape everything in the outside world, but rich guys can make it happen, even ones that've been hit hard like Sinclair has.


> Displaying log...

Holding Cell[]


Nothing much to report. Pretty quiet tonight, even from Puesta del Sol. Imagine Morris up in the casino probably has more than enough with the guests coming in tonight, poor bastard.

Set up the radios so I can listen in on the Gala Event when it fires up, and left one out for the prisoners. If Sinclair doesn't want us to be too strict with the guests tonight, I may just toss the key in the holding cage with anyone we pick up and let them unlock the door when they sleep it off.


> Displaying log...



Set up the radio room downstairs to broadcast through the speakers. Don't want to miss tonight's performance, the receiver down there is stronger than the desk radios we have up here.

Stashed some supplies from the evidence room down there to celebrate once my shift is over. Way I figure it, the rest of the guards'll be too busy to check up on me.


> Displaying log...


Note: This terminal is located on the desk in the locker room.



Got the weapons and the mines in today, along with the shotguns and the ammo, enough to defend the Villa if trouble breaks out. Sinclair's taking the world situation seriously, even all the way out here... maybe more so because we're out here.

Hate to think if someone got their hands on half the stuff we have stored here. Enough military ordinance here to turn the Villa into a mine field.


> Displaying log...

Dispenser Report[]


Dispensers are up and running. Unlike most everything else, we've had few problems with them. I heard they'd been part of some World's Fair exhibit Sinclair had seen, so he contacted the researchers about the dispensers to see if he could use them here.

Turns out, dispensers do more than supply convenience items: if there's an emergency or the threat of communist attack, codes can unlock ammo and repair kits for the dispensers. Stored back-ups of the codes in the contraband room, just in case.


> Displaying log...


Note: This terminal is located on the table in the basement.


Sierra Madre Police Network

Vending Machine Installation[]


Oversaw the streetside Vending Machines installation today, all working, mostly because the casino crew was running the show.

Finally complained to the Chief about the machines. They feel like a "company store." We only get a few casino chips with the paycheck, so we can barely buy anything. Chief says he's not sure the chips were Sinclair's idea, only if we had any problems with the machines, let him know immediately.


> Displaying log...

Search and Seizure[]


After another "discussion" with the Puesta del Sol crew, told Chief it'd be difficult to enforce the prohibition list, let alone the searches. Chief had the Gala on his brain, said Sinclair put construction of the Villa more important than patting down the construction crews for liquor and chems as long as they didn't hurt anyone or each other. Got a little hot under the collar, Chief did too, told me to walk it off.

This whole thing stinks. Chief's barely got time for me, now Sinclair's turning a blind eye to things in the Villa because his friend's running the show?


> Displaying log...

No More Parking Tickets[]


One good thing about this assignment - no more writing parking tickets. Sinclair's laid out the streets so narrow, cars can't even come into the Villa. Resources being what they are, he may not want folks to waste gas coming here. Cuts down on traffic noise, too. Chief says it's more than that, says Sinclair wanted the Villa to be "reclusive."

Long as I don't have to worry about double-parking snobs or Chryslus gas-hogs clogging the Villa, I could care less. Wonder how he expects folks to get here, though. Seems extreme, even for privacy.


> Displaying log...
