Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Veronica Benchley was a citizen of Huntersville who was quarantined and later shot by the military.


Veronica Benchley, much like her fellow townspeople, lived in a rather impoverished area, and was likely overjoyed when the town "won that grant" from the government in March 2075. Unbeknownst to the town's citizens, West Tek was planning to use the town as test site for their FEV research. At a nearby farm, the new water lines were tied into the irrigation system around June.[1] Eventually, on November 3, 2076, her husband fell ill with the FEV and was taken away by West Tek scientists while she was killed by the U.S. Army,[2] though the exact circumstances of the event were covered up and her neighbor Gail Meyer was told to just stay indoors and obey the quarantine.[3]


Veronica Benchley is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

