Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia!

Hello, Yodamort, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, The Gunny (talk) 19:14, June 23, 2017 (UTC)

You can use the autoheading to add your title[]

Or you can type it in manually, if you want. Here's a link to a handy page that shows the different level headers Help:Wikitext. There's all kinds of goodness on the help pages. The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 23:01, August 14, 2017 (UTC)

Video Negotiated Settlement[]

Thank you very much for your vote on the petition. We have had talks with Wikia/Fandom, and a settlement has been proposed. I encourage you to review it and have your say here. Agent c (talk) 20:36, September 8, 2017 (UTC)

Video Forums[]

Thank you for participating in the video forums so far.

In order to work out where to go from here, I've created another forum asking the community where our "Red line" is, and whether or not I should continue to be the point person on this.

You can find the new forum here. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this matter. Agent c (talk) 16:17, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, this is just a quick message to let you know a fourth question has been added based on the current feedback, especially from those who voted for removing the videos. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:50, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

All Hands Meeting[]

Okay, I think its clear that going ahead with a meeting is a good idea. At this stage I would like to open the floor to agenda items. We have the following things to discuss.

  • An update on any negotiations, and other actions
  • Possible action to progress our case further whilst staying on network
  • Possible engagement with Wikia on video in line with the proposed deal- if we should participate and whom that contact person should be.
  • Possible alternatives if the situation cannot be resolved.

Please let me know if you want anything added to the agenda here

I'll be asking a number of people to speak on certain issues, but as always there will be plenty of room for discussion.

I propose that the meeting be held at 3pm North American Eastern Time on Sunday 24 September, this should be 8pm in London, 9pm Central European time, and Midday North American Western. If there are any objections please note them below and we'll look into alternative scheduling, the more objections the harder we look for a new time.

We have arranged facilities for the meeting, it will be held online. It is open to all persons who have participated in any of the video discussion threads up to today, except those employed by Fandom/Wikia inc (as this is the Community's meeting), or have been employed by them in the recent past.

Votes taken in this meeting will be taken as consensus view of the wiki, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

We have setup a discord server (Nukapedia's Fallout Shelter) located here. It is mobile friendly (via an app) and is very flexible.

Although everyone is welcome in our social space (The-Common-Room), only persons who meet the above criteria will be admitted to The-Town-Hall (where the meeting will be located). You may be asked to verify your account before this access is granted. Agent c (talk) 21:53, September 11, 2017 (UTC)

Discord Investigation[]

Hi Yodamort, I am investigating an incident that occurred in Discord earlier today with a view to determine if action should be taken against Sigmund Fraud under the Administration Conduct Policy following the moderation action taken against Hades. Result of this investigation can include the charges being dismissed, summary action, or calling of a board.

You're not required to cooperate if you do not choose to.

I have reviewed the logs, and would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions on my talk page at your earliest convenience.

  1. Do you believe that Fraud’s finger posting encouraged Hades to post the emoji that got him banned?
  2. But for the actions of Fraud, do you believe Hades would have done what he did?
  3. Do you believe that Fraud’s actions were an attempt to undermine Saka’s authority?
  4. If a non moderator had done what Fraud did, do you believe moderator action would have been appropriate? if so, what action would you have expected a moderator to have taken?
  5. Do you believe that Fraud’s actions meet the standards that you would expect from a Moderator on Nukapedia who was doing their job correctly?
  6. What do you believe the outcome of this investigation should be?

I look forward to your response. Agent c (talk) 21:15, December 18, 2017 (UTC)


I've dealt with Hades off the back of the log from last night, threatening violence against another user is far from ok.

When I was skimming through I can understand why he might be annoyed, we know you are joking about everyone getting on your level, but others don't always take it as such. That is fine. However minimodding isn't acceptable, regardless of if a moderator is present or not.

The preferred option would be to use the @chat moderators command to see who appears (if I'm on mobile I only appear online when the app is open, I imagine that may be the case for some others. From what I understand Sig was just a ping away and an attempt to summon him could have been made, but for what ever reason it wasn't (there was also a statement that I need to look at a bit more, but that is a separate issue).

I know as we temp you to mod, your situation is a little bit more unique in the sense you do get permission to moderate. You are only allowed to moderate when those rights are in place, when they're not you need to defer to others (even if no-one is present). Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:42, December 23, 2017 (UTC)
