Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I've clicked the dish to leave a message. Do I get a cookie now? (also I wanted to test my new signatur):> --Mr.Lexx(talk) 23:43, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Flying Birds in Base Fallout 3

I kinda was wondering if you could possibly go and take a picture of those birds you see flying around the map markers in Fallout 3. If you can, great. Thanks, anyways. CheezeWEEPツ 00:24, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

You've got too much bear and not enough cougar. :P Nitty Tok. 00:26, February 5, 2010 (UTC)
Haha, funny. Anyways, I still want to know if I can go and shoot these things. I think they just might be ghost npc kinda things. I hope Grizzly can get a baseID for these things too. CheezeWEEPツ 00:28, February 5, 2010 (UTC)
Not you, you nonce. Grizzly. I'm responding to his name change. Nitty Tok. 00:29, February 5, 2010 (UTC)
I forgot to say this like four months ago, but if you were, then make a new section.Nukey (talk) 22:46, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

10mm Pistol

Why'd you revert my edit? It's the same way on Combat shotgun and for the Colonel's 10mm. Nitty Tok. 20:42, February 7, 2010 (UTC)

Filtration through sand

Thank you for interesting article ( http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p919.htm) and for your interest in this subject. Sand layer, as the page says, can bind up to 99% of fallout. Fallout consists of relatively large insoluble particles, too large to make their way through ~1 micrometre pores inside sand layer, so effectiveness of this expedient filter is easy to understand. However, nuclear weapon product contains long-lived and mobile in environment species, e.g. caesium-137, technetium-99, and iodine-129 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fission_product_yield) which in my opinion are types responsible for pollution of water and biosphere before the events of Fallout 3. In this case a sand filter is ineffective because this isotopes have an ability to form ions soluble in water. (Don't get me wrong: the filter is probably the best thing a survivor can get in short period after the bombs fell.) A layer of sand is permeable for such species. I don't have sufficient knowledge to address question whether these isotopes will accumulate in living matter which is crucial, however, the need for water purification facility in Fallout 3 doesn't seem unprobable to me, at least it isn't B-class sci-fi bullshit.


Yeah, that's possible: <gallery perrow="6"> (perrow is amount of images per line, as the name implies). -- Porter21 (talk) 16:38, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

No, only on individual gallery tags. As far as I know, there's no way to alter the amount of images per row globally. -- Porter21 (talk) 16:43, February 21, 2010 (UTC)


Do not upload scans. Ausir(talk) 19:52, February 27, 2010 (UTC)


Thanks for working through those tagged images - no small task! I see you were able to put a few of them to good use :)   phoenix  txt  xp  13:57, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

CNC Wiki problems

Hmm, infoboxes and navboxes looks normal to me. Have you tried doing a cache refresh (CTRL-SHIFT-R in Firefox)? Maybe you somehow got sent a garbled version of the site CSS, happens occasionally. -- Porter21 (talk) 08:31, March 19, 2010 (UTC)

Ongoing forum discussions of note

Hi! If you haven't already, please drop by the Forum:Wiki general discussion boards and join in some of the current discussions. At issue are questions of admin maintenance responsibilities, a new way of handling bug submissions, and table formatting, among others. I lool forward to continuing to work with you, especially as the coming release of Fallout: New Vegas brings us more content to create and organize. Cheers.--Gothemasticator 04:08, March 21, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout 1 Images

Do you know how to zoom in and out with the camera in Fallout 1 and 2? I need to learn how to do that so I can take screen shots of large areas, and not just buildings or people. Help? I really appreciate it. Ghouly89 (Talk)

Oh, then how did you take screens of whole maps from Fallout? Is that part of the patch? Ghouly89 (Talk) 17:48, March 25, 2010 (UTC)
Ahh, I see. I have already installed the patch and have been using it for taking bigger screens. I was just a little confused when I tried to change the custom resolution to higher than 1280 x 1024, and it just created an application error. Thanks for the help! Ghouly89 (Talk) 21:50, March 25, 2010 (UTC)


Better watch out, Faran Brygo knows what it is too! ;) Nitty Tok. 22:09, April 7, 2010 (UTC)


Yep...in Wasteland. :-) I was making a joke and distinguishing myself from the character from whom I shamelessly stole my handle. On reflection, though, I can see that it doesn't come across the way I wanted! Thanks! (And good to see another Wasteland fan.)--Faran Brygo 00:04, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Awe why did you delete the books in Alpha by location. It took me days to write that up and lots of going back and forth between the game to make sure it was all correct @_@

I just wanted to ask.. why do you completely and totally hate FO3 so much?

Hell, it introduced me into the Fall Out universe and I was enticed. I'll probably not play the first 2 games due to me absolutely HATING turn play (when it comes to strategy I prefer real time).

Fallout: New Vegas

I'm interested to see your opinion on this game, since it seems to include some elements (I use the word loosely) from 1 and 2. SuSpence95 (Talk) 07:39, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

I'll probably try and find the first 2 games (and I can agree that much that Fo3 is more of a spinoff than the actual sequel), but I'm not sure what they run on (meaning, I wonder if it will run on my vista...)

If it's one thing that I utterly despise about fallout 3 it's that it's very... How should I put this... Michael-Bay-ey. I see explosions every 10-20 minutes and it pulls some stuff right out of it's anus. Like Liberty Prime (which was fun to be with, but looking back on it, it was just plain ridiculous), Alaska being attacked (if there was a war with nukes, I'd head there first. Due to the anti-nuke systems they have), and the G.E.C.K. Apparently in the first 2 games it was a fundamental agriculture kit. In Fo3 it was a magical box that ate your radioactive waste and rocks and shat out trees n' grass n' fertilized ground.

Another thing that bugged me was how there was still oxygen. From what I can tell, there was more than 1 nuke that hit the DC area, or maybe I just know nothing about the diameter of a nuke (I pretty much don't), and all pieces of shrubbery and such are gone... Except for Harold and Bob at least. How the hell is there oxygen with only that little patch of forest? That thing is no more than maybe a few meters long. How is it possible for people to BREATHE?

Whoops. I ranted a bit. But I think Fo3 was a decent taste to the world, I'll be researching it much, much more. Thoadthetoad 10:33, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

But of course I'm willing to take the risk! A literate world with interesting characters, creatures, and (generally) accurate scenario is worth more than a large amount of graphics (though that is a huge perk to the newer games) and a not-as-in-action gameplay choice (I like having the ability to duck behind rubble, minimizing damage done to me).

Though I have not played the other games (and I cannot say that Fo3 is not a good fallout game yet), I will still stand by the idea that Fo3 introduced a wonderfully epic sci-fi world to me, and I will always keep it close in my heart for that. I also patiently await New Vegas in the hopes that it will be better (since it's being developed by the remnants of Interplay, yes?) as far as the world, but keep the same gameplay style (V.A.T.S. and live action at same time). I also like how large the world is (though when you get to level 20 it seems to me that it gets really REALLY pointless to wander teh wasteland).

Further complaint: I really hate how there are all these tiny stories you can find, like unmarked quests and just general stories that the game tells, but there are just SO many areas that are there simply to be... there. Like redrock caverns (those caverns just outside of DC), I went in there and found mirelurks... nothing else. There was no real story there, there wasn't any fun or barely even interesting information to dig up.

I'm getting sick of video games remaining video games, they should be something like an interactive movie/book, where you control decisions and actually can decide who you side with (another thing that I find bleh with Fo3).

I don't hate fallout 3 but it was a decent introduction.

On a completely DIFFERENT subject

On a COMPLETELY different subject, you know why I hate MMOs a lot?

There is never some kind of extra special one-of-a-kind goodie that only 1 user can get. If it's something that a game should do, it's that every couple of months (5-9), the game would then have a new, special item that can only be done through an unmarked quest (though a notification is sent to everyone in the game that the new goodie is out). It remains a secret until someone can find it. The quest is meant to try the brain as well. Meaning, you'd have to have some random logic to get it. Like putting a loaf of bread in a water bowl sets a complicated machine off, which opens a door to another random area w/ some form of out-there puzzle.

I don't know why no MMO, or any game online relaly, has ever done this. This is a cool idea.


The parameter naming of CNC Wiki's collapsible navbox is slightly different from that of The Vault's {{Navbox collapsible group}}. It doesn't support "group" parameters, only "header" and "content". Sometimes it's the little things :) -- Porter21 (talk) 13:24, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

That's because you actually have two templates for navboxes with collapsible groups at C&C wiki:
The first one is used in Template:Tiberian Sun Nod Arsenal, and the latter is used in Template:Renegade 2 :) -- Porter21 (talk) 22:04, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Portal design

Just to clarify - what are you looking for? A new main page and/or a standardized portal design? -- Porter21 (talk) 12:11, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

I'll take a look today or tomorrow :) -- Porter21 (talk) 07:33, May 1, 2010 (UTC)
Do you want to add a blog-based news system (like we have here) or is that not necessary? -- Porter21 (talk) 20:59, May 1, 2010 (UTC)
I've created a draft at User:Porter21/Portal WIP. It's pretty simplistic, but it should have all the elements commonly needed for portals. The main "building blocks" for portals can be found in Category:Portal templates; the most used template of these is Template:Wikiportal/Section with which all other boxes are created. Basically this template creates the box around another template with the actual content. I've also added the basic news functionality; creating a blog and adding it to Category:News makes it appear in the blog listing on my sample page.
A suggestion from an outsider's view: I think the main downfall of the current navigation and portal structure is that there's no easy way to find game-specific info. Sure, there's a link to the game category and the games listed under the various universes in the sidebar, but I'd feature them more prominently. I think game-specific portals would help a lot, as would a sidebar menu which lists them all. Just my two cents :) -- Porter21 (talk) 17:45, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

US commonwealths map

Could you make a version of your General US Commonwealths Rev.png|map of the US commonwealths which shows the states they incorporate (like this one does)? I like your map better overall, but for putting it on the various commonwealth pages one with the former states would be more informative I think. -- Porter21 (talk) 14:20, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks :) Not sure whether I should be happy or sad about reaching the 50k mark though :P -- Porter21 (talk) 19:08, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Did you know...?

To display a random image, you could use something like this (just add more <option> rows with image choices):

<option>[[File:01 Vault 101 Citizenship Award.png|250x250px|center]]</option>

If you want the text version of DYK to work, you can simply copy {{Wikiportal:Main/Did you know}} and modify the options. For the text version, you'll also need to add the following to w:c:cnc:MediaWiki:Common.css:

/* Did you know */
.portal_dyk_cont p {
   margin: 0 0 0 1.5em;
   text-indent: -1.5em;

Hope this helps ;) -- Porter21 (talk) 07:46, May 5, 2010 (UTC)


Does the quotation not belong at the head of the page? Ghouly89 (Talk) 08:39, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

I personally think the quotation looks better at the head of the page. I respect your view, but I think a consensus should be reached on which looks better. And by "breaks the flow of the text", do you mean it forces the rest of the writing in the article under the contents box? I don't quite understand. Ghouly89 (Talk) 12:10, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

Configuring the bot

I can try ;) Could you supply me with the following:

  • The content of your family file
  • The command you were trying to use

That would help with troubleshooting. -- Porter21 (talk) 15:36, May 10, 2010 (UTC)

The family file looks fine at first glance, except for:
        self.namespaces[4] = {'_default': u'The Vault'}
        self.namespaces[5] = {'_default': u'The Vault talk'}

which should rather be:

        self.namespaces[4] = {'_default': u'Command and Conquer Wiki'}
        self.namespaces[5] = {'_default': u'Command and Conquer Wiki talk'}
What happens if you enter simply replace.py? -- Porter21 (talk) 17:26, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
I'm asking because having the script help displayed usually happens when you try to call a script with an unknown command line parameter, or when using a valid parameter in an incorrect way. Simply entering replace.py should bring up a prompt to enter the string you wish to replace if the aforementioned issues were indeed responsible.
On a sidenote, you've probably noticed I made a few small optimizations to CnC wiki's Monaco.css. I wasn't sure whether you intentionally removed the background image for the pagebar, or whether that was simply a typo - just in case you're wondering why the image is suddenly being displayed. -- Porter21 (talk) 08:02, May 11, 2010 (UTC)

Deathclaw, eh?

Never thought I'd find you in Fallout 2 itself. Spoon Say Hi! 16:30, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

You're part of a random encounter added by Killap. Apparently you were responsible for the Shi Submarine. Spoon Say Hi! 19:11, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

One thing I didn't get was the difference between reprogramming it yourself and getting the Techie to do it. And if you leave some explosives next to the torpedoes, does it blow up? I never tried it...

Anyway, it was pretty awesome seeing that little "You see: Mikael Grizzly" pop up in the status box. Spoon Say Hi! 19:26, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

gammer :P

ya i think it does make a difference if its a forem or some sort of professional document, i say that becouse in a forem ( im talking about the one i posted not all forems) like the one your bitching about it is not that necessary, becouse unless your some single minded fool you can understand what one is saying. for ex: thats there stuff. you can still see what that means even though i used the wrong their. i can see what you mean when you say it can be rude but its olny rude to the ones that are nitpicky about grammer. now all this was not ment to be a attack of some sort :). i bet your a nice dude and your just trying to get your point across but a lil advice for next time when you say something it works beter if you dont try to sound like a dick tored people. oh ya and on the practice crap u can trust me i use good grammer when i feel its necessary ( i ment to say gammer on the headline) ok now have a nice day. with love your friend MrDot01 22:59, May 16, 2010 (UTC)

awww ur so cute when you get all upset. hahahah im just messing with you and i feel that here and now geting my point across is grate, plz the only reson i sent that last post was to help you get your point across. i mean when it comes to it, people willl understand and go with ones point of view if its with bad grammer and misspellings over the one that makes the writer sound like a dick, and just so you know most of the post i have seen of you, you sound like a dick. im just asking you to chill out, i can understand if it was a topic that was serious but you were bitching about a random topic that i posted becouse i wanted to see what people would say about a dum idea ( and the topic was pritty dum, i know cuz i made it) im just saying pick your battels. o and stop being a dick ( o im in a rush so i think you can pardan some bad spellings and some bad grammer) have a nice day and im sorry but i just dont care.

with love

your friend MrDot01 :P

your posts

hay i have seen some of your post and i just have to say that you need to seriously rethink the way you behave tured other editers, u come off relly rude


hay i geuss i need to say sorry for what i said, i did not mean to be to harsh on your and hert your feelings, my bad. i was just trying to get my point across and i went to far and so u banded me cuz you did not like what i was saying to or about you. agein im sorry and i hope we can be BFF's one day, think you for your time

with love

your freind MrDot01 18:58, May 20, 2010 (UTC)

Can you confirm/deny this strange claim?

A recent addition to Jingwei's page: "In Fallout 2, perusing the data archives of the Shi Emperor reveals that it was Jingwei who requested that the Shih-huang-ti be transferred to the Alaskan-Pacific theater in order to intercept American convoys in open waters."

I see nothing in the dialogue file, but perhaps you know something? Thanks.--Gothemasticator 04:54, May 21, 2010 (UTC)

Ha! I definitely asked the right guy! I've been holding off installing and playing the new version of the RP until this latest round of bugfixes is done. I'm happy to hear you have been a part of it.--Gothemasticator 07:15, May 21, 2010 (UTC)

Jingwei Info

I was about to tell Gothemasticator that I could verify the thing about Jingwei when I saw your explanation. Anyway, I kind of figured it was Restoration Patch specific, but I didn't know whether or not that was considered canon, or actual info rather. I mean, the point of the Restoration Patch is to restore a lot of the cut content to Fallout 2, but I didn't really know how much of that was just fan-made recreations, or Killap actually getting the content from a game file somewhere. Point being: I sort of assumed that it was Black Isle's dialogue that had been taken out of the game in the initial release, but then inserted back in through the Restoration Patch, and I didn't know whether or not the cut content was now valid

Anyway, I don't know how much of the Restoration Patch dialogue you wrote, but as for that part, I must say that you did a really nice job, and I really enjoyed reading that. I thought it fit really nicely with the canon (although you did basically say that China started the Great War, as did President Richardson, but I thought it was still technically unknown), and it was really well written. The admiral's journal entry (whose name I right now can't remember for some reason) was definitely the best part of it, and does a fantastic job of explaining San Francisco's back story in full, as well as showing some of the events from the Chinese perspective, which I thought was a nice addition to the lore. It reminded me a lot of the Roger Maxson holodisk from Fallout 1, which I also really liked. You probably would've completely solidified that had you said "They remember Mao Zedong. What will history say about me?" instead of "Chairmen Cheng, eat your heart out." Regardless, I thought I'd explain my contribution, and give credit where credit is due. Thank you for your contribution to the Restoration Patch; Fallout 2 is a better game because of it - MaulYoda 23:44, May 21, 2010 (UTC)

If by the "nudging me in the right direction" bit, you meant the vagueness of the submarine quest, I haven't done it as of yet; I only had a conversation with the Emperor after I assassinated AHS-9. However, from what I can tell, I definitely had to look through a lot of the Emperor's dialogue in order to find out the bit about the boat, or the fact that the submarine was reactivated, so yeah, it seems to be a nice balance. I also liked the change you made to one of the Emperor's probability checks (if that's the right words to use); chance of submarine reappearing in this game: 100%. It would make sense to do it, but I thought it pretty cool that you even changed the smallest detail to be consistent with the RP


How come you never post that news over here at the lil' ol' Vault? :P Nitty Tok. 12:36, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

C&C Wiki navigation

I think it's definitely better than before; the work you've been pouring into it shows :) I think the two "cancelled games" menus could be combined though, and I'd make the various "Metaverse"/universe menus subcategories of one top-level menu called "Setting" (or whatever you deem appropriate). It might also be worth considering to prefix the game menu with "C&C:", if only so you can add "C&C3" and "C&C4" to Tiberium Wars and Tiberian Twilight.

Regarding the main page, I think game buttons would be more useful than the C&C logo from a navigation standpoint; being able to see the logos would probably help people who can't remember the exact name of the game they're looking for - for some reason, quite a bunch of people can more easily memorize images/logos than text :P -- Porter21 (talk) 17:48, May 24, 2010 (UTC)


The Slavs in Poland are considered Western Slavic, which is what I'm basing my train of thought on. Stop feeding the discussion! :P Nitty Tok. 11:52, May 27, 2010 (UTC)

But you're forgetting one thing, Grizzly. I'm an ignorant American. :D Nitty Tok. 21:28, May 27, 2010 (UTC)


Want to explain to me why you reverted my edits and broke a link? I thought that one of the basic ideas of the guide were that most of the rest were incorrect about a lot of stuff. Nitty Tok. 00:40, June 6, 2010 (UTC)


I needed to ask why I was blocked from the forums. I did let my younger bro use the comp. and I know he came here, I was wondering what he did. if you can tell me, great. if not ah, I'll live wit it. I just created this account as well. My IP was blocked. Sar-Jint 14:45, June 7, 2010 (UTC)Sar-Jint

Nah, don't worry about it. Although I recently found out that a couple of people are using my wireless internet. Could have also been one of them. Thanks though.Sar-Jint 19:01, June 7, 2010 (UTC)Sar-Jint

FNV items

Instead of separate pages, best to start merging them already on the overview page until game's release, as per the forum discussion. Ausir(talk) 08:09, June 12, 2010 (UTC)


On the 1UP video, it is spelt with a K. Tezzla blah blah blah 16:32, June 16, 2010 (UTC)


I deleted your insulting comment. It's not the guy's fault that the interviewer introduced Sawyer as a Bethesda dev. Ausir(talk) 19:04, June 16, 2010 (UTC)


What the hell are you doing? Ausir(talk) 20:58, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Anger Management

I am not mad at you. I just think you now know how it feels to be trampled on. In the future take hed to the level of how you respond to me. I do have teeth and I will use them against my better judgement. I respect you, but if you tread on me, I will tread on you.


you asked me wut non-hetero sexuals did to me they split up my family is that good enough for youRedneckfalloutboy 20:39, June 27, 2010 (UTC) i would like to forget the matter and it was my mom Redneckfalloutboy 22:39, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Oh... sorry

I forgot about proper nouns. Sorry. Nukey (talk) 17:41, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

IP block?

Dear MikaelGrizzly,

You seem to have blocked my IP by mistake (Block ID #5779). I assure you that I'm no bigot, and I'm also pretty certain that I haven't made any comments or edits in the last several weeks. It's a matter honor for me that I be a respectable internet user, so I wanted to set the record straight even though the block period will likely end before I feel compelled to comment or edit again. Have a pleasant rest of the day.

Sincerely, James 22:09, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Is it alright to piggyback on this post? I was also blocked for bigotry that I cannot recall. The block was made by MikaelGrizzly.

  • Reason given: Come back when you're not a bigot. Thank you.
  • Start of block: 18:19, June 29, 2010
  • Expiry of block: 18:19, July 2, 2010
  • Intended blockee:
  • Block ID: #5779
  • Current IP address: 22:23, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

--Hello, I too have been apparently blocked for "bigotry" apparently? If that is the case, could you please show me where, and what I had said exactly to get blocked for a time?

The block was made by MikaelGrizzly.
  • Reason given: Come back when you're not a bigot. Thank you.
  • Start of block: 18:19, June 29, 2010
  • Expiry of block: 18:19, July 2, 2010
  • Intended blockee:
  • Block ID: #5779
  • Current IP address: 02:52, July 1, 2010 (UTC)


I got on today, went to an articale, and noticed something peculiar. For some odd reason, I'm banned. It says to "Come back when I'm not a bigot", but I don't understand how I could've been seeing as I've never even posted on this wikia. Please explain to me why my I.P. was banned, since I don't have an account.

Thank you, 00:25, July 1, 2010 (UTC)Ian Salvagio

Uh why is my IP banned?

I keep seeing this message that says my IP was banned due to bigotry, when the heck did I make a comment with bigotry in it? There must be some mistake.


it said i was ip blocked from commenting for bigotry but to be honest i don't know what i said that was bigoted or would be offensive to anyone. sorry if i offended you but i'd like to know what i said that you didn't like 04:12, July 1, 2010 (UTC)anonymous


i was readin the comments on a blog and saw that you were gettin married so i decided to tell you good luck on your marrige i hope yours doesnt end up as my parents anyway im sure wwill be happy for years to come.Redneckfalloutboy 06:11, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

I was blocked? Could this be an IP mix-up?

>The block was made by MikaelGrizzly.

  • >Reason given: Come back when you're not a bigot. Thank you.
  • >Start of block: 18:19, June 29, 2010
  • >Expiry of block: 18:19, July 2, 2010
  • >Intended blockee:
  • >Block ID: #5779
  • >Current IP address:

Well, this is a surprise. I access the internet through a Verizon mobile broadband card. I also am given a dynamic IP address. Could it be possible that someone on the Verizon network has the same IP address as me, or I magically have the same IP address as the offender? Because I definitely haven't commented on anything since the E3 stuff started coming in, and that was like a few weeks ago. What was the post that prompted the block? Because... I'm not a bigot... and I didn't post anything on this blog in a while... I'm confused and sad now...

I hope this is all some crazy misunderstanding.

Thanks, 06:58, July 1, 2010 (UTC)Anonmyous0

Thank you so much for blocking me

How on earth am I a bigot you idiot, I've never even commented on a news post or put anything insulting on a page.


Thanks :D you can thank gothemasticator for that Mycatisorange 15:54, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

Combat shotgun

It's a combat shotgun used by the US Army in Anchorage. If the CAWS and the Jackhammer didn't win the program to become the US's primary combat shotgun, they why are they using the one they have in Anchorage? Because that one won instead. Nitty Tok. 17:02, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Well, if the combat shotgun shows up in great quantities in the Capital Wasteland while the CAWS and the Jackhammer don't, that must mean there were more combat shotguns than either of the others in armories. The R91 shows up in a similar concentration on the east coast, not the AK-112. In any event, this combat shotgun is a pre-War design, and Chase used it over any other combat shotgun variants that he could have chosen in the sim. If the R91 wasn't the US's AR, why would Chase include it? Ask the same question for the shotgun. Nitty Tok. 17:38, July 28, 2010 (UTC)
How's that? There's no denying it was in the Reclamation, even if it was only in the Reclamation's simulation. Nitty Tok. 17:54, July 28, 2010 (UTC)


I forgot to mention this, but I'm sorry about the mistake. Jason Mical's PnP called it 2mm Electron Charge, I mistook the system for Sawyer's. :/ Nitty Tok. 17:42, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout 3 replica weapons

Hey I was wondering if we have a section for this stuff?


"First Post"

You need to lighten up man.Shadow 21:36, August 5, 2010 (UTC)

Your not what? And I've seen plenty of other ppl do it on this wikia and not get chewed out, or their comment deleted for it.Shadow 00:09, August 6, 2010 (UTC)


How do you link images to regular wiki articles from external sources (e.g. photobucket) ? Ghouly89 (Talk) 23:50, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

I'd like to know this as well. I'll be watching for a reply here, there, or anywhere. :P Kris mailbox 00:07, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Please vote on my admin request. Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 11:53, August 29, 2010 (UTC)


Since you believe that Fallout and Fallout 2 are superior to Fallout 3, I just want to know what your opinion is on the looks of New Vegas? Obviously a lot of people won't play turn base games today because everything now-a-days has to be quick and fast paced. So minus that, what are the bad things you see with New Vegas? TrailerParkApe Spew 22:37, September 16, 2010 (UTC)

Agreed. Having never played the first two, I believe that they are more than likely better than Fallout 3 and I'm glad that Obsidian brought the series back to its roots. Hopefully Bethesda will take a few hints, or more than that, that they should either make Fallout 4 and set it in the West Coast, or let Obsidian make Fallout 4. TrailerParkApe Spew 22:42, September 16, 2010 (UTC)
I am planning on eventually getting them and playing them. I haven't seen them at stores for a while. I saw a box set of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Tactics in one box before for $15, but this was when I started playing Fallout 3, so I just let past me. I haven't seen a box set like that since. And I don't want to order it over the internet from someone and great screwed. I like to buy my games from the store. TrailerParkApe Spew 18:04, September 17, 2010 (UTC)


Don't mention it. Keep the faith alive. Nitty Tok. 21:00, September 25, 2010 (UTC)

Boneyard Vault

On Lily Bowen's page, it refers to the Boneyard vault which is a redlink. Boneyard Vault redirects to Cathedral. Right now I've got the link text for that link on her page saying "Boneyard vault" but pointing to Los Angeles vault. Should it point to Cathedral instead? --Kris User Hola 11:50, September 27, 2010 (UTC)

meme guy and his blogs

I was gonna leave it up to you. If you don't care then I'll leave 'em up. I did give the guy a 2-week suspension for his third offense. Plus, this way he can't really say we're silencing him - even though he's blocked, his blogs are still up. --Kris User Hola 00:35, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Moving woes

Yeah, I know all that. We lose in any event. :/ Nitty Tok. 22:22, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

IRC conference

See: Forum:Admin (and not only) IRC conference. Ausir(talk) 22:36, October 11, 2010 (UTC)


Yes I would, I will send you the code after the midnight launch at GameStop. You can send yours after you confirm that the code I gave you works :) thank you :P I only need the last two now :)


I was just wanting to see how you were doing and if you're enjoying New Vegas. Nukey (talk) 17:46, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout: New Vegas

Hello my friend =) !

I have two questions you asked, but before, between true fan of Fallout, I wonder what you think of Fallout: New Vegas ? After 25 hours of play, I find it really extraordinary work of developers as to bring all these anecdotes, references to the old Fallout's asking a lot of work and a true understanding of the universe.

I prefer Fallout: New Vegas at Fallout 2 even though my favorite is Fallout 1. Otherwise, my other question is more basic, how do you put pictures of armor and weapons in good quality with a transparent background, like NCR salvaged power armor ? Itachou [~talk~] 18:45, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Ha sorry for you, you have an old config ? Or a quad-core ? The recent patch do nothing ? Otherwise I've seen mods in the Fallout: New Vegas Nexus to improve stability, you may be able to try it here.
Otherwise, do you explain to me in detail how you do in the GECK ? I would try to add images for other objects. I have Photoshop CS5 so no soucy on this side of.
I manage to do well Vault Boy, but not the objects of the game ^^. Itachou [~talk~] 00:17, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

Petition for Oasis wide version

Please see the petition I've started. Thanks.--Gothemasticator 20:22, October 24, 2010 (UTC)


Buster is not a source of Vegas information. What's the source on that 12.7mm pistol stuff? Nitty Tok. 01:59, October 27, 2010 (UTC)


I changed his main picture to the Legion uniform one, and put the incognito one below. I think it's best to use his appearance during your first encounter as the main one. Ausir(talk) 01:17, October 29, 2010 (UTC)


Please see Forum:Maintenance!. There's a lot we can do to keep The Vault running smoothly. Thanks.--Gothemasticator 04:00, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

Power armor

For the Enclave power armor and Power armor page, The MKII 2241 version look like The Basic Advanced Power Armor in Fallout 2, this is not the case in Fallout 3, you must separate the two models, also the Tesla armor although they are all such call, they are not the same armors. Write your reasons on the talk page I will answer in evening. Itachou [~talk~] 16:42, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

The organization of the page is not bad ;) but for the advanced power armor Mk 2 I don't agree, there is considerable evidence that this is not the same, you know as well as I do my friend. Already, the image of the 2241 version is the same of the Advanced power armor in Fallout 2, was simple do would make something different if it was different, as the power armor in Fallout Tactics. The stats of the 2277 version are not even higher of T51b power armor while that Fallout 2 is superior (confirmed by Fallout: New Vegas), why it would be the same armor if his stats are even lower than the previous model ?
It's like the leather armor from Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 and the leather armor from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, this is not the same armor in spite of the same name. In the background page like this we must be extremely precise unlike the page for the games.
I'll fix some stuff but otherwise good job =), and also NCR salvaged power armor is not really a power armor, its power pack was removed and replaced, making it no longer needs to power armor training to use it, and so it's not really a power armor (said in a dialogue at Camp Forlorn Hope). Itachou [~talk~] 17:47, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Yes but it has the same appearance, this is not the case with the advanced power armor mk 2 ! The NCR salvaged power armor have not power pack it said in a dialogue in Camp Fornlon Hope and it's no longer considered like a power armor, the NCR uses only because it's extremely durable. Itachou [~talk~] 18:16, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Well it says in the game I don't know what you need more, a speech by Chris Avelonne you're personal god ? For advanced power armor, this is not say it exactly the same armor that's just the same name and before I change the page was already mentioned that this was not the same armor (Ausir therefore approved), and don't be silly, their appearance are extremely different, not the same helmet, not the same pauldron, no fan in the back, well, this debate should end at that point. Itachou [~talk~] 18:42, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Hehe, you're either stupid, blind or you try to get angry I don't know. Anyway you're the only one among Fallout real fan to defend this point of view, it's remarkable, the inconsistencies that you speak ? The same name doesn't mean anything as we already discussed, there are several metal armor, leather armor etc. and what is not said in the terminal that is the version that was created in 2220 !

Finally, here's what quoted on the Fallout 3 Enclave power armor page, which is written for a very long time.

The advanced power armor Mk II appears in Fallout 2 and Fallout 3. Note that its appearance in Fallout 2 is identical to that of the standard advanced power armor, while 'standard' advanced power armor doesn't appear in Fallout 3. In Fallout 3, the appearance of the armor was totally changed, but it is still referred to as "advanced power armor Mk II" in dialogue. The armor is also accessible in New Vegas via the console for the PC edition.

If you have a better argument, a image of the Advanced power armor Mk II signed Fallout 2 with an icon and a model identical to that of Fallout 3, that doesn't exist, we discuss it again. And if you want to discuss with Chris Avelonne and whether the Jet of Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 is the same, I'm sorry but I don't have his email, you may ask Ausir. Itachou [~talk~] 19:23, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

You must have misunderstood the game, should not take everything literally, think is important ;), everyone agrees on this point except you, strange no ? And I don't think you have the innate knowledge, the majority rules they say no ? The law is a good example doesn't it ? Itachou [~talk~] 19:35, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Whether good or not is not the question is always the majority that prevails, and it's also the policy of the Wiki, so you have wrong that's all. This was to put in place for over one year and agree with all and you think you can come and change what you want ? This is not your Wiki, is a Wiki of a community, if you don't agree with that and you don't want to change your mind, return on No Mutants Allowed. Itachou [~talk~] 20:04, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

And ? You think Fallout 3 is more canon than Fallout 2 ? I don't think, Fallout 2 predominates Fallout 3 over whatever you say. Additionally, Fallout 3 is a monster of inconsistency. If no one has cleaned for one year without changing any sentence in this paragraph is that it works well for everyone right ? If you want to do as you feel, you can very well make a Fallout website to you, no problem.
You think you're the one who sees everything ? But you know there are many others who know better than you and than me the Fallout universe, you believe that it would not already clear if such an mistake would have appeared ? Itachou [~talk~] 20:40, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

A debate on this in the wiki forum is created = http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Advanced_power_armor_Mk_II Itachou [~talk~] 22:09, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Still, I think it's best for the Tesla variants to have separate entries, for clarity's sake. Ausir(talk) 22:51, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Deleting comments

Do not delete comments for "flamebaiting" when you're one of the participants in a flame war. Leave that for other admins to judge. Ausir(talk) 21:16, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it's not as if you have never been flamebaiting in Vault discussions yourself. Calm down a bit. Ausir(talk) 21:57, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Faction Project

Hello Tagaziel =)

Well you're not spiteful is a good thing, again sorry for all this turmoil and the fact that I was a little aggressive, yeah I'm pretty disappointed that the more we advance in the history of Fallout and more this creates a huge inconsistency with the rest, for a man like me or like you who follow the series from the beginning, it stings a bit the balls.

For the factions project, I can provide a lot of image (as I put the Caesar Legion, Follower of Apocalypse or Great Khans) and I'll be happy to participate =) after it's true that my English is very far from good but it works my friend ! Itachou [~talk~] 13:17, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

Faction Project

Yeah ok, sounds good. :) CHIEF Talk to me 13:37, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

Theme Designer

Looks like one of the admins changed all the site's colors using the Theme Designer again. Do NOT do that. Looks like some people think that it only changes their theme and do not realize that it screws up the skin for the entire wiki. It's an administrative tool, not something for setting up a personal theme. Ausir(talk) 17:00, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

I know, just telling all admins. Ausir(talk) 17:21, November 4, 2010 (UTC)


I'll take a look over the weekend, when I'll be back at my home base and have some time.--Gothemasticator 17:31, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

Faction Project

Sure, I'll not turn down a chance to help The Vault. I'll do what I can, although I may lose much due to sixth form, but hey, I'll make time.JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 18:06, November 4, 2010 (UTC)


Sure, I wouldn't mind helping out. Nukey ☢ talk 19:14, November 4, 2010 (UTC)


The text was written and the page validated by Ausir, it's not at you to change anything, if you have something to change it, only Ausir has the right to do so now. The thumb of the image doesn't bother me and avoid creating two separate section, we are obliged to show that there are two separate things. Later is not an appropriate term, it's very unprofessional.

And we already discussed, the APA Mk II of Fallout 2 and that of Fallout 3 is visually different, whether through lack of means or another is an unverifiable speculation, a fact's a fact, as we are obliged to incorporate this power armor as Advanced power armor Mk II due to Bethesda bullshit. Itachou [~talk~] 21:38, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Ausir is not a dictator but he alone can decide between us you know. Your cosmetic changes are unsightly and unprofessional, it doesn't suit me. 2277 is the year of its appearance and is the only reference we have, and like Fallout 2, it doesn't call 2220 version but the year of its appearance, 2241 version. Itachou [~talk~] 22:21, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Ranger combat armor

Your image is not an image to represent the whole armor but an image of NPC. The image should be front and static, as generally all other image of armor. By cons it's good for Veteran Ranger page. Itachou [~talk~] 14:54, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Well, any person with common sense would dictate that that's how it works, we avoid showing a weapon at a image of an armor alone and we must discern what it represents. Almost all of the image of armor in Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics and Fallout: New Vegas are like that, and it works like that in every large wiki, either on Dragon Age or WOWWiki. And Mikael, Don't take it personally. Itachou [~talk~] 15:31, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Decapitilizing Locations

Hey just a heads up if a location is marked on the Map then don't decapitilize it because it's a proper location. ---bleep196- 17:08, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

As it says in The Vault Anti-Capitlization project "Please remember! Proper names like Fat Man, Stealing Independence, or Fort Constantine are not to be changed, nor are locations with a map marker even if that name isn't a proper name, such as Deathclaw Sanctuary." So please refrain from decapiltilizing locations with a map marker that have non-proper nouns in their name.---bleep196- 17:24, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
-bleep196- is right. Any location with a map marker retains its ingame capitalization. --Kris User Hola 17:36, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
It's what's stated on the project page. If it were up to me, everything would use the ingame capitalization. --Kris User Hola 17:42, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
In this case, the project page is where the rule is explained in detail. --Kris User Hola 17:44, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

Capitalization: It's a mess, I agree

I agree the current system leaves much to be desired. Personally I'd like to scrap the decapitalization project and just use the ingame capitalization schemes for everything. --Kris User Hola 17:47, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

I also sort of agree with this but with all the work thats already been put into this it would be kind of frustrating to go back and just redo everything, not to mention it would take thousands of manhours to scrap through every single article and capitilize not only the articles themselves, but theirs links and listings.---bleep196- 17:49, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Until we get a reply from Ausir on this subject, it's probably best to refrain from further decapitilization.---bleep196- 18:04, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

Stop changing Followers Safehouse to Followers' Safehouse

Seriously stop it, specially without giving a reason. The location is listed as Followers Safehouse on the map in the game and as such that is the articles name on here stop moving it around!

Followers' Safehouse which you seem to like for some reason is redirecting to the correct article name, Followers Safhouse that is, now let it stay that way or give a good reason for the change.

Ah ok, well my concern was the ' after followers and not the double capitalization. As for not moving content, well I can't delete articles to make way for a move so couldn't move the whole article--Leonick 21:18, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

FNV Service Rifle

Since when has the Service Rifle had a red dot sight and bayonet? X7h3xR34p3r 23:07, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Question re: Cassidy

Please tell me that this statement, which I removed from Cassidy's page is false. Otherwise, I've been missing something very cool all these years.

  • "Having the heart pills in Cassidy's inventory will prevent his death from heart attack upon seeing Frank Horrigan in the game's final encounter."

Thanks--Gothemasticator 00:26, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Notable bugs policy

Please weigh in on a proposed change in our written bugs policy.--Gothemasticator 01:08, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

10mm pistol page merge

Please weigh in on a proposed page merge. - RASICTalk 17:12, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Help bring back the old skin or a better one

Get involved in our protest against the new wikia look--don't edit for a day--Pass this on to any wikis you know - Kevvy9

Your Username

This is entirely irrelevant, but I was wondering what "Tagaziel" means. I'm fairly certain I'm going to feel like an idiot when I find out. The Grammar Police (Talk) 00:30, November 18, 2010 (UTC)


See: Talk:Minigun. What do you think? Ausir(talk) 13:28, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

No title

Already, I never said he lied or he was not trustworthy, I asked a real proof that he could not provide me. Otherwise, the founder of something doesn't necessarily always be said of good will (as the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, known to change what he wants in Wikipedia).

You know, a person quite normal and good integrity can suddenly lie for personal interest or commit murder for exemple, even though that person was known as a good person. I'm not saying he's lying, I just want proof, I don't know, it's a simple request, a text only known by him is not proof, otherwise it's to easy and everybody could invent what he wants.

Fallout 3 doesn't concerned in this story.

Like I was saying Kriss, I know the basic idea was to do the same armor but it was not the case, like the advanced power armor of Fallout 3, which gives two different armor whatever may be said. Ask anyone if this armor looks like the other, if he makes common sense, he'll say no. Itachou [~talk~] 17:44, November 20, 2010 (UTC)


Hello Mikael.

I apologized to Ausir for my behavior aggressive and offensive towards him, I had a bad week (a new office manager was named in my pole and he's an ended asshole) and I was pretty tired, which explains my aggression and my acerbic behavior toward Ausir. I think you know what it is, sometimes the job can stay in the mind and we can not close the doors.

Hope that our relationship will remain friendly, nice day to you ! Itachou [~talk~] 13:34, November 22, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I guess that this technique works well, I think of my friend =).
Otherwise, you tell me something, a printing shop can professionally scan a whole book ? I admit this is something where I'm out of context, I'm not really interested in this. I live one hour from Paris by train (by car it takes longer ;)) and on the occasion I'll watch, hope it is of the arrondisement next to my department, Paris is unfortunately really big. Itachou [~talk~] 16:16, November 23, 2010 (UTC)


See: User talk:Ausir#Tagaziel. I know you didn't mean to say that all people who were brought to the franchise by Fallout 3 are stupid, but best to keep it civil and avoid statements that can easily be wrongly interpreted and lead to unnecessary flame wars. Ausir(talk) 14:42, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

Also, please see Forum:Creature stats and Forum:Character stats. Ausir(talk) 14:44, November 25, 2010 (UTC)


I havent been on in a while and was wondering what you thought of FNV.--Red 22:12, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

Oh ok i have only played it a few times at some of my friends houses but i dont have it yet im getting it at christmas --Red 02:18, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

CNCWiki Games Template

The "style" set in w:c:cnc:Template:Games was overriding the CSS in Wikia.css. I've made the necessary changes; pending cache updates it should now work fine. -- Porter21 (talk) 17:50, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Guardian of the truth

Hello Mikael ;) !

Glad to see you defend the ideas of a true Fallout and try to teach the ignorant what placing Fallout 1-2-New Vegas over the lot.

I don't have much time now with my position as moderator on the biggest French Fallout site, my 2nd game on Fallout: New Vegas and my real life to meet the message in the news about this kind of person, but thanks to you I don't need to do and I'm glad someone can guide those lost souls to a true knowledge of the world of Fallout and what makes these three games worship.

Good evening to you my friend and see you soon ! Itachou [~talk~] 00:54, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

The platinum chip

I disagree. Capitalization aside, how it's spelled in the game should be how it's spelled on the wiki. But of course I could be wrong about that; do you know of any other items that have an article in the name but that article isn't used in the page title on the wiki? --Kris User Hola 13:53, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

Real-world weapons

There's a good reason for simply refusing to list real-world weapons. Experience has shown that no matter how clear and obvious and incontrovertible the correspondence is, the gun-nuts on this site will argue. And without anything but personal observation and insistence to go on, the arguments are not able to be settled.--Gothemasticator 15:06, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Bugs policy revised: new poll

Please review and vote on the revised proposed bug policy changes.--Gothemasticator 04:59, November 30, 2010 (UTC)

Robots can't hold rank or title

You just made Commander Data cry. Or you would have, if he had emotions. :P --Kris User Hola 11:42, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

Xbox modding

I know its against Microsofts terms of service but it isn't against the wiki terms of service! If you dont like xbox modders thats fine but but the wiki is suppose to provide accurate info and im helpin out... Who are you to tell me its not welcome? Last i checked if its accurate its welcome! You can say its not welcome but it doesn't make it true have a good night i have more pages to fix.


Block this guy: User talk: He's been vandalising the whole hour. Tezzla CannonUser Tezzla Dog 11:06, December 6, 2010 (UTC)


An elegant solution on the Courier page.--Gothemasticator 22:58, December 11, 2010 (UTC)

Moving securitron -> Securitron: Good call

I agree 100% percent. It's a product/proper noun, it should be capitalized.

Ammuntion manufactures

Okay, but Donaustahl GmbH is a company name and it's logo is on the 9mm round box with "Donaustahl" above it. Shadowrunner(stuff) 18:01, December 19, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe, also you might be right about Silver Star not being a company name but a brand name. Not sure though. Shadowrunner(stuff) 01:20, December 21, 2010 (UTC)

Special Request for Maintenance Help

Porter has pointed out that Category:Nominated for deletion has a backlog of about 2,000 image files. Please give this category some attention. I am asking you and about 20 other editors who have shown a willingness to contribute regularly to The Vault to aim for reviewing and taking appropriate action on 100 of the images marked for deletion. If we all do our part, things will be manageable again by the end of the holidays. Thanks for your help!

  • If an image has been superceded by a better image, delete it.
  • If an image is unused or unlinked to by any page, delete it unless it is unique and worth having. Perhaps we will use it sometime. If you can think of a use, please add it to that page.
  • If an image should not be deleted, remove the delete tag.

Unused image

You uploaded Andy.PNG|this version of Andy.png obviously to be used on the repsective article page. If you still wish to put it there, then please do. If not, I'm going to delete the file in three days, as there is already an image for Andy in his (its) infobox. Thanks -- Ghouly89 (Talk) 07:47, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

Headline Quote

I didn't add it, I just corrected a lowercase "i" to "I". I kind of figured it should only be one, but wasn't sure enough to remove it. --Pongsifu 21:17, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
