Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


General information[]

Several aspects of gameplay, such as the availability of certain missions and the merchant currency pools are affected by the real world passage of time. The cycle refresh rates are not uniform across all instances and may occur on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. Additionally player activity, can determine the start of a new cycle.

Daily reset[]

The daily reset occurs at 1700 UTC. Any cycle which resets on the new day, will reset at this time, including the Atomic Shop. Servers remain active during the reset; however, some instanced interiors, such as the Wayward may need to be re-entered to be applied if the reset occurs while inside.



Daily Ops[]

Events and quests[]



There is no permanent passage of time in game during a play session. The Pip-Boy will display the same date each new session. If the player remains in the same server long enough, Pip-Boy will mark the change of date as in game time passes; however, the date will reset upon joining a new server.

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