Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


General guidelines[]

  • The reference should include the names of all involved characters, followed by a colon (:) and their respective dialogues. Character names should be displayed as their full name and link to the character's page. Dialogue should be italicized and placed inside quotation marks.
  • A link to the dialogue file of the character(s) must be included at the end of the reference. This link is to be within parenthesis and separated from the main text using a line break (<br />).
  • The link should describe who the dialogue belongs to. For example, instead of [[HAROLD.MSG]], write [[HAROLD.MSG|Harold's dialogue]]." This is to avoid redirects or confusion when the file name does not match that of the speaker. Some dialogue pages have the ability to link to individual dialogue lines. When possible, the page link should also include an anchor (i.e. specific line link) to the first-occurring line of the reference. For example, to reference lines 12-15 of Abbot's dialogue file, write "[[Abbot's dialogue|Abbot.txt#12]]" instead of "[[Abbot's dialogue|Abbot.txt]]."
  • Note that older games may include brackets or other details within the dialogue reference. These details should be removed.
Product Code
Character name #1: "What is being said by them"

Character name #2: "Their response to the prior prompt"
(Character name #1 and Character #2's dialogue)

<ref>Character name #1: ''"What is being said by them"''
<br/>Character name #2: ''"Their response to the prior prompt"''
<br/>([[Link to dialogue file|Character #1]] and [[Link to dialogue file|Character #2's dialogue]])</ref>
Nolan McNamara: "Veronica. I hope-"

Veronica Santangelo: "I brought you a present. We unlocked the secret of HELIOS One."
Nolan McNamara: "What? Wonderful news!"
Veronica: "No. It's not. ARCHIMEDES II is an orbital laser. Effective only outdoors in a limited radius and requiring a long recharge."
(Veronica Santangelo and Nolan McNamara's dialogue)

<ref>[[Nolan McNamara]]: ''"Veronica. I hope-"''<br/>[[Veronica Santangelo]]: ''"I brought you a present."''<br/>Veronica Santangelo: ''"We unlocked the secret of HELIOS One."''<br/>McNamara: ''"What? Wonderful news!"''<br/>Veronica: ''"No. It's not. ARCHIMEDES II is an orbital laser. Effective only outdoors in a limited radius and requiring a long recharge."''<br/>([[Veronica.txt|Veronica Santangelo]] and [[NolanMcNamara.txt|Nolan McNamara's dialogue]])</ref>

Player characters[]

Dialogue prompts chosen by player characters are stored in the dialogue file of the NPC they're talking to. In other words, player characters don't have dialogue files of their own, so link to the dialogue file of the conversing NPC.

Product Code
Vault Dweller: "Where were the mutants coming from?"

Harold: "Everywhere! Hell, seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one. But mostly in the northwest."
(Harold's dialogue)

<ref>[[Vault Dweller]]: ''"Where were the mutants coming from?"''
<br/>[[Harold]]: ''"Everywhere! Hell, seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one. But mostly in the northwest."''
<br/>([[HAROLD.MSG|Harold's dialogue]])</ref>
Product Code
Courier: "Wait, what happened to your caravan?"

Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Mojave happened - hit by raiders packing some heavy firepower. Can't believe the Crimson Caravan haven't heard. So if you want to buy all of Cassidy Caravans, you're looking at it - and what I got in my pockets. Still, as little as that is, not looking to sell."
(Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)

<ref>[[Courier]]: ''"Wait, what happened to your caravan?"''<br/>[[Rose of Sharon Cassidy]]: ''"Mojave happened - hit by raiders packing some heavy firepower. Can't believe the Crimson Caravan haven't heard. So if you want to buy all of Cassidy Caravans, you're looking at it - and what I got in my pockets. Still, as little as that is, not looking to sell."''<br/>([[RoseofSharonCassidy.txt|Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue]])</ref>

Multiple-NPC conversations[]

Referencing dialogue between more characters is presented similarly to the standard format, but includes an increased number of characters and dialogue files.

Product Code
Character #1: "What is being said by them"

Character #2: "Their response to the prior prompt"
Character #3: "Responding to Character #2's response."
(Character #1, Character #2, and Character #3's dialogue)

<ref>Character #1 (usually a player character): ''"What is being said by them"''
<br/>Character #2: ''"Their response to the prior prompt"''
<br/>Character #3: ''"Responding to Character #2's response."''
<br/>([[Character #1's dialogue file|Character #1]], [[Character #2's dialogue file|Character #2]], and [[Character #3's dialogue file|Character #3's dialogue]])</ref>
Courier: "Energy Cells have a high expenditure rate. Some extra reserve cells could offset that."
Dala: "They certainly did. Batteries for my vib... vivisectors... would always come up short right before climax."
Doctor 0: "I think Wattz manufactured holodisks. Or was it holotapes? Never can keep those two straight. Anyway, we're out of small energy cells. Dala."
(Dr. 0, Dr. Dala, and Dr. Klein's dialogue)
<ref>[[Courier]]: ''"Energy Cells have a high expenditure rate. Some extra reserve cells could offset that."''
<br/>[[Dala]]: ''"They certainly did. Batteries for my vib... vivisectors... would always come up short right before climax."''
<br/>[[Doctor 0]]: ''"I think Wattz manufactured holodisks. Or was it holotapes? Never can keep those two straight. Anyway, we're out of small energy cells. Dala.
<br/>([[NVDLC03DoctorO.txt|Dr. 0]], [[NVDLC03Doctor8.txt|Dr. 8]], [[NVDLC03DoctorDala.txt|Dr. Dala]], and [[NVDLC03DoctorKlein.txt|Dr. Klein's dialogue]])</ref>

Mimed dialogue[]

A character may "mime" dialogue or perform gestures. These actions are to be italicized and placed into square brackets ([ ]). Since these actions are not technically dialogue, quotation marks are not to be used. Apart from the performed actions, the rest of the reference is to be formatted in the same manner as standard dialogue.

Product Code
Character name #1: "What is being said by them"

Character name #2: [Their response to the prior prompt]
(Link(s) to dialogue file(s))

<ref>Character name #1: ''"What is being said by them"''
<br/>Character name #2: ''[Their response to the prior prompt]''
<br/>([[Link to dialogue file]])</ref>
Courier: "You need a battery... a Fission Battery... and Scrap Metal? And you can counterfeit the chips?"
Christine Royce: [She nods, impressed. Then she points at you, then her and makes a circle.]
(Christine Royce's dialogue)
<ref> [[Courier]]: ''"You need a battery... a Fission Battery... and Scrap Metal? And you can counterfeit the chips?"''
<br/>[[Christine Royce]]: ''[She nods, impressed. Then she points at you, then her and makes a circle.]''
<br/>([[NVDLC03Christine.txt|Christine Royce's dialogue]])</ref>

Holotapes, notes and terminal entries[]

General guidelines[]

Holotapes and notes are commonly used to support claims. If referencing the entire source, list the name of the holotape or note.

Product Code
Link to text article
[[Link to text article]]
Note for Ted
[[Note for Ted]]

Terminal entries[]

  • Terminal references should include the terminal's main page name followed by a semicolon (;). Next, the reference should include the terminal name itself and the name of the specific entry, separated by a comma.
  • Terminal entries should link directly to the entry being referenced. This can be achieved by appending a pound symbol (#) and the entry's name to the link of the main terminal page.
Product Code
Terminal location article; Terminal name, Terminal entry name
<ref>[[Terminal location article#Terminal entry name|Terminal location article; Terminal name, Terminal entry name]]</ref>
Fort Independence terminal entries; research terminal, Critical Components
<ref>[[Fort Independence terminal entries#Critical Components|Fort Independence terminal entries; research terminal, Critical Components]]</ref>


Image references should always link to an image and have some amount of description or context.

Product Code
Short description of image
<ref>[[:File:ImageName.png|Short description of image]]</ref>
Delta XI Rocket in Fallout 3
<ref>[[:File:Fo3 Delta XI Rocket.png|Delta XI Rocket in ''Fallout 3'']]</ref>
Flag depiction on dynamite
<ref>[[:File:Dynamite50starflag.jpg|Flag depiction on dynamite]]</ref>


Game guide and manual references must include the name of the guide, edition (if applicable), and page number(s) of the referenced content. The name of the guide must be linked to the relevant Fallout wiki page.

  • The guide name and edition must be in italics. They must be followed by a comma to separate this info from the page number.
  • If the referenced content spans multiple pages, then include "pp." before the page numbers. Otherwise, the content is on a single page, and "p." must be included before the page numbers.
  • Small amounts of a guide's text may be included in a reference. In such a case, also include the section title, referenced content, and link to the relevant wiki page (if applicable).
  • Section titles must be italicized. The guide text should be italicized, placed inside of quotation marks, and separated from the main text using a line break.
Product Code
Game guide <edition>, p. XXX
''Game guide <edition>'', p.XXX

Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, p. 486
''[[Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide]]'', p. 486
Product Code
Game guide <edition>, p. XXX: "Section title"
"Text of the guide book"
[[Game guide]] <edition>, p. XXX: ''"Section title''<br/>''Text of the guide book"''
Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition, p. 457: "Equality"
"By law, the NCR prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief."
''[[Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide]] Collector's Edition'', p. 457: ''"Equality''<br/>''By law, the NCR prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief."''

Developer quotes[]


Screenshots of developer quotes must include the following:

  • Both prompt and answer.
  • Question asker's user name marked out, if not the individual adding.
  • Include server information, developer information, and date in table below.
  • Those from private messages and channels are not allowed, must be independently verifiable.


  • Add new entries to the bottom of the developer statements article list
  • Use the following format for adding screenshots
==Server name: Brief subject, Date==
{|class="va-table va-table-full"

! Information
! Image

! Date
| rowspan="3" |[[File:Screenshot.jpg|100px]]

! Dev user name

! Source

! Prompt
| colspan="2" |

! Answer
| colspan="2" |

! Ext link
| colspan="2" |


  • Screenshot images categorized with [[Category:Fallout 76 source text images]]
  • References placed in behind the scenes section of intended article only
  • Utilize following format
[[Fallout 76 developer statements#Server, brief subject, date|Discord server: Brief subject, date]]


Non-canon references must be marked clearly using the following formatting. Anything that is not derived from Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 should be referenced in the following format:

Single citation
Instructions Code
In front of a single citation, or a citation that will only appear once in an article, replace <ref> with:
<ref group="Non-canon" >
The code will look like this in the article:
A man named Angus founded the Hub.<ref group="Non-canon" >''[[Fallout Bible 0]]'': "2093 ''The Hub is founded by a man named Angus''".</ref>
The citation will look like this in the article:

A man named Angus founded the Hub.[Non-canon 1]

In the reference section, a single referenced article will appear like:

Fallout Bible 0: "2093 The Hub is founded by a man named Angus.

Duplicate citation
Instructions Code
In front of duplicate citation, or a citation that will be used more than once in an article, give a descriptive name and replace <ref> with:
<ref name="name" group="Non-canon">
The code will look like this in the article:
The Mariposa Military Base was newly completed in January 2077.<ref name="BibleMariposa2077" group="Non-canon">''[[Fallout Bible 0]]'': "2077 January 7  ''Major Barnett orders transfer of all FEV research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base."''</ref>
The citation will look like this in the article:

The Mariposa Military Base was newly completed in January 2077.[Non-canon 1]

For subsequent, identical references, instead of the full reference, replace it with:
<ref name="name" group="Non-canon" />
The code will look like this in the article:
Barnett decided to move all FEV research to Mariposa.<ref name="BibleMariposa2077" group="Non-canon" /> The scientists objected to the orders.<ref name="BibleMariposa2077" group="Non-canon" />
The citation will look like this in the article, the same after each reference:

Barnett decided to move all FEV research to Mariposa.[Non-canon 1] The scientists objected to the orders.[Non-canon 2]

In the reference section, a duplicate article will appear like:

2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 7 Major Barnett orders transfer of all FEV research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base."

End of the article
Instructions Code
If there are only canon references in an article, the following is placed at the very bottom:
If there are non canon references also, the following must be added:
The citations will look like this in the article:

1. ↑ Alice McLafferty: "The Crimson Caravan Company has been in business for over 130 years. We're partially responsible for the progress in the NCR."
(Alice McLafferty's dialogue)

1. ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2093 The Hub is founded by a man named Angus.
2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 7 Major Barnett orders transfer of all FEV research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base."

Reference box format
Instructions Code Instructions Code
Another option is to place all references in a scrolling reference box.
{{ref box}}
To use the reference box with non-canon sources.
{{ref box|Non-canon}}

External links[]

External sites contain information about the Fallout series that we want to preserve. If the site containing the information becomes defunct in the future, called "dead links," the information can still be accessed and verified via these archive links. We do so by archiving (saving) via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine at web.archive.org.

Functional link[]

If you find an external link that is not archived, recognizable by the link not beginning with web.archive.org, follow the steps below to save it to the Wayback Machine, and then add the new archived link to Nukapedia. Follow this step if the external link is still functional.

  • Start at the Wayback Machine save page.
  • Copy paste the link into the "save page now" bar. The checkboxes are optional, such as saving outlinks. Click save page.
  • Depending on the options chosen, this takes a short period of time and is displayed during the process.
  • When complete, a link will be provided after "a snapshot was captured." Click the link after "visit page."
  • The archived link will be in the browser, copy this link and paste it to Nukapedia after the unarchived link.
  • Format it on Nukapedia as followed:
Reference format
Details Code Displays
Original link and archived link

<ref group="Non-canon">[https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/4nMJ3QEIKoK16nZ0A8P7Ec/fallout-76-inventory-update-notes-january-26-2021 Patch notes] - [https://web.archive.org/web/20220308024950/https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/4nMJ3QEIKoK16nZ0A8P7Ec/fallout-76-inventory-update-notes-january-26-2021 Archived]</ref>

Patch notes - Archived

<ref group="Non-canon">[http://www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/181620031291956956 Formspring] - [http://web.archive.org/web/20130209011941/formspring.me/JESawyer/q/181620031291956956 Archived]</ref>

Formspring - Archived

Dead link[]

If you find a link that is not functional, it is called a dead link. The Wayback Machine can be utilized to search back in time to find a point in which the link was functional. This is the link that should be added to Nukapedia.

  • Start at the Wayback Machine main page.
  • Copy paste the link into the url search bar. Click "browse history."
  • If the link has been saved in the past, a timeline and calendar will appear.
  • Search through the calendar dates to find a functional archived link.
  • If one exists, copy this link from the browser and paste it to Nukapedia after the unarchived link.
  • Whether or not a functional archived link can be found, add {{icon|dead}} after the unarchived link to signify that it is a dead link.

Adding a reference section[]

If references are included in an article, the correct template must be used so that they are visible. The reference subheader is situated at the end of each article, before categories and navboxes. Do not use the {{RT}} template which has been depreciated.

End of the article
Instructions Code
If there are only canon references in an article, the following is placed at the very bottom:
If there are non canon references also, the following must be added:
Reference box format
Instructions Code Instructions Code
Another option is to place all references in a scrolling reference box.
{{ref box}}
To use the reference box with non-canon sources.
{{ref box|Non-canоn}}

Policy vote forum overview
GuidelineReference formatting guideline
Proposal discussionDraft: Reference guidelines
Proposal voteVote: Basic reference formatting guidelines
Date and result8 December 2020 · 14-1-1
Amendment 1Developer statements · Discussion · Vote · 10 November 2021 · 12-0-0
Amendment 2Publications and dialogue · Discussion · Vote · 10 February 2022 · 11-1-0
Amendment 3External links · Discussion · Vote · 22 March 2022 · 10-0-0
Related topicsDeveloper statements · Dialogue · Holotapes and notes · Publications · Terminals and images