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This is a transcript for dialogue with Christine Royce in Old World Blues.


NVDLC03ChristineMedicalCenterHolotape NVDLC03ChristineMedicalCenterHolotape Pained 50 {Quiet, she's in a cell - she's been tortured, but recovering} This is Christine Royce. Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel... the Circle. {AUDIO: In this log, Christine has just been operated on. She's not horribly weak, but definitely tired and worn out - she's committed to die.} 1
Neutral 50 Not going to make it through this, hope someone finds this message, gets it to the Brotherhood in the West. 2
Neutral 50 Tracked a rogue Brotherhood Elder, Elijah, here, to the Big Empty. {Breath} Place is more than it seems, there's a crater hidden deep inside. 3
Neutral 50 Junkyard of Pre-War labs scattered across the crater's surface, all still running... {to herself, mutters} like this one. 4
Neutral 50 Elijah's dissecting these centers, one by one... tracked him to an old Chinese-American internment camp. Survivors, Ghouls, have bomb collars. 5
Neutral 50 Robots moved in when I tried to intercept him... Elijah sent the camp Ghouls against us both, like walking bombs. 6
Neutral 50 Got hit by the explosions, woke up here. {To herself} Guess the medical robots were programmed to bring wounded victims from the camp to this center. 7
Neutral 50 Some kind of Auto-Doc prototype lab... manned by corpses trapped inside suits that keep them moving, no idea why. 8
Neutral 50 Not sure how long I'm going to last... cut open my head like a lot of the humans I've seen here, feel strange, can talk, but can't hack the term...{"terminal," trails off} 9
Neutral 50 {AUDIO: Need a distant explosion as Ulysses breaks in to save Christine.} 10
Neutral 50 {AUDIO} ...wait, an explosion outside. Someone's here... someone's... {crackles, fades} 11
NVDLC03ChristineUlysses01Holotape NVDLC03ChristineUlysses01Holotape Neutral 50 {Slight frustration, trying to make a point} ...don't want to argue philosophy with you. Brotherhood are {emph} preservationists. Tech in the wrong hands, it's dangerous. Mojave's proof. {AUDIO: In this log, Christine is debating with Ulysses, her "doctor." She's still recovering on her bunk - a little tired, but still strong.} 12
Neutral 50 {Shrugs} No denying that. Proof's here in this crater, all around us. {Beat, slightly appraising} Your tribe, the Brotherhood - haven't met many of you. Wanted to. 13
Neutral 50 {More reflective} Thought you might be the last chance for the Mojave... the West. The East. But you're all the same mind, obsessed. 14
Neutral 50 {emph, correcting} Elijah is obsessed. He's mad. It's why they ordered his execution. 15
Neutral 50 {"You..."} Two are more alike than you know, too wrapped in the wrong bits of history to see ahead. {Shrugs} Not judging. I know how it is. 16
Neutral 50 {Quieter, reflective} People are like couriers, you and him. Sometimes don't even know the message they bring. 17
Neutral 50 {Turns attention back to her} You all had a {emph} new flag. Thought maybe new ideas along with it. {Beat, quieter} What you believe isn't any better than the Bear or Bull. No future in either. 18
Neutral 50 {Defiance} So says the man with the Old World flag on his back. America, the Commonwealth... burned away. 19
Neutral 50 {Slight anger, low} America {emph} sleeps. And until it's dead, I carry it. Just like I carried you. More than hope. Belief. 20
Neutral 50 There's voices here in the Big Empty, I want to talk to them. Not like your Elijah did. {End on a downnote, like a movie trailer going away} Got questions. Want to hear history give its answer. 21
NVDLC03ChristineUlysses02Holotape NVDLC03ChristineUlysses02Holotape Neutral 50 {Quiet, Ulysses has just entered} ...didn't think you'd make it back. {AUDIO: In this log, Christine is greeting Ulysses when he's come back from a difficult journey. She's still recovering on her bunk.} 22
Neutral 50 {Dismissive, matter-of-fact} Almost didn't. Got my answers. {Rueful} Your Elijah, he met the Gods in this place, did a good job of making them question the way of things. 23
Neutral 50 {Hunting instinct} Do you know where he went? 24
Neutral 50 He's gone to the Sierra Madre. That's a special kind of hell. He won't come back. Someone smarter, tougher's going to kill him. If the Madre doesn't. 25
Neutral 50 {Determined, angry, hates this guy} I have to go after him. 26
Neutral 50 Not going to talk you out of it. Know what it means to track someone you share history with. Got a meeting of my own. 27
Neutral 50 {Quiet} That Courier? 28
Neutral 50 {Nods} Get her to come to me. {Beat, slow} Got a message for her, like the message she had for me. 29
Neutral 50 {Cold, staring into future, slight bitterness} Make them walk the road west, straight and true, sink their feet in Old World ash. Let storms tear at them. See the Divide. See what happened. 30
Neutral 50 {Divide = Dangerous, desolate area, quiet} The Divide? There's nothing there. 31
Neutral 50 {Slight smile} Nothing there? Like the Big Empty? The Sierra Madre? No, the Old World sleeps there, sure as the flag I carry. The Courier knows the way. 32
Neutral 50 {Closing note, foreshadowing final conflict} And at the Divide, her and I - there, we'll have an ending to things. 33
NVDLC03ChristineUlysses02Holotape Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Quiet, Ulysses has just entered} ...didn't think you'd make it back. {Almost didn't. > As in, "almost didn't make it back." Dismissive.} 34
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Dismissive, matter-of-fact} Almost didn't. Got my answers. {Rueful} Your Elijah, he met the Gods in this place, did a good job of making them question the way of things. 35
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Hunting instinct} Do you know where he went? 36
Neutral 50 {DUPE} He's gone to the Sierra Madre. That's a special kind of hell. He won't come back. Someone smarter, tougher's going to kill him. If the Madre doesn't. 37
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Determined, angry, hates this guy} I have to go after him. 38
Neutral 50 {DUPE} Not going to talk you out of it. Know what it means to track someone you share history with. Got a meeting of my own. 39
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Quiet} That Courier? 40
Neutral 50 {Nods} Get him to come to me. {Beat} Got a message for him, like the message he had for me. 41
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Cold, staring into future, slight bitterness} Make them walk the road west, straight and true, sink their feet in Old World ash. Let storms tear at them. See the Divide. See what happened. 42
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Divide = Dangerous, desolate area, quiet} The Divide? There's nothing there. 43
Neutral 50 {DUPE} {Slight smile} Nothing there? Like the Big Empty? The Sierra Madre? No, the Old World sleeps there, sure as the flag I carry. The Courier knows the way. 44
Neutral 50 {Closing note, foreshadowing final conflict} And at the Divide, he and I - there, we'll have an ending to things. 45