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Fallout Wiki

Trisha Miller was a student at Vault-Tec University before the Great War.


Trisha attended Vault-Tec University with the goal of becoming the overseer of a control Vault. Her job applications to various Vaults repeatedly failed, with one notable rejection by Erik DeMarcos, overseer of Vault 96. Meanwhile, she had also made two senior thesis attempts, both of which were rejected by Dean Harland Elliot. These incidents led her to become annoyed with Vault-Tec, concluding that the school was "a hive of nepotism and ass-kissing."[1]

Needing money, Trisha opted to sign up as an experimental subject for Drew Collingsworth's thesis project in the VTU simulation vault, which involved a nutrient paste food replacement scheme. Trisha concluded that she would at least have her meals provided for in the experiment.[1] She presumably perished alongside Drew and the other experimental vault dwellers, who entered the vault about a week before the Great War and quickly ran out of food supplies due to the unpopularity (and, as later discovered, lethality) of the nutrient paste; with communications cut off due to the Great War, the dwellers were left to starve.


Trisha Miller is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

