Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Can we, pretty please, live without "might be references"? Why add reference unless it is definite or confirmed? --Rowaasr13 10:59, 15 November 2008 (UTC)

Besides it's more likely a reference to the "Gremlins" series of movies. Remember? Don't feed the MAOGUAI! -Accountless Avenger
I agree, it's very silly. Being Chinese, it's very easy to hear "monster" when Three Dog says "Yao Guai". Yo-gi doesn't even sound anything like yao-guai! I certainly don't believe an entire species of semi-common enemies is an Easter Egg! 18:10, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, seriously. Can we see some citations for that "yogi bear" note? lol I vote for removing it. Redsteven 23:21, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

The name Yao Guai is definitly a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh; a card there's called Mother Grizzly, and it's a bear so it HAS to be a reference! (For those who didn't understand the sarcasm; I'm not being serious). 21:27, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Yes! The general rule that people are trying to establish in this particular Wiki is that 'Not everything is a cultural reference!' ThePog 15:06, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

I'm all for leaving it out, until there's a citation from a reliable source that states that it is indeed a reference to Yogi Bear. If you're going to throw in every "Y might be a reference to X" then the page would be clogged with the insight of every editor on the interwebz. AzureSN 18:38, January 13, 2010 (UTC)
You know, it's obvious that it refers to yogi bear. There is not even a need of wide association like in that ridiculous polemic argument about "Yu-Gi-Oh". If one can't distinguish such an association from the more direct and less complex we have in the YaoGuai, then i can't help thinking that he or she is a bit... simple. YaoGuai is not only a bear like Yogi, it's a black bear him, we have a word structure very similiar to yogi, "yaoguai" even CONTAINS "yogi" when you just remove u and a, every creature except YaoGuai has a far more morphology-oriented and easy to grasp name (like Rad-scorpion, Rad-roach, Mirelurk, death claw (what could be less creative?)), only the yaoguai stand out. Why? Because their COULD NOT be the result of sheer randomness (all the other names aren't random). I think it's obvious: some creative and intelligent programmer had an idea people refuse to grasp until today, because most of them aren't creative enough.



1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a family: familial ties.

Thanks for listening, children. --DarkJeff 16:41, 22 December 2008 (UTC)]

And what's this gotta do with anything? -Accountless Avenger
While I'm not the one who wrote familial, someone KEEPS changing it to familiar, which in the context of the sentence it's used doesn't even make sense. --DarkJeff 21:19, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Yao Guai Tactic[]

An easy strategy for melee characters (and also any other character that finds themselves jumped by a Yao) is to just take out a Ripper and circle around it while letting the knife do its work. I've done it numerous times without sustaining damage. I just hate it when the VATS slow-down allows the Yao to pounce on you. --Penumbra 06:45, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

I'd say. After wiping my old save files and starting over on normal difficulty, I encountered a Yao Guai at level 2. What the hell, Bethesda?! I managed to baton him into submission, barely. It's important to use 3rd person for close combat, since you turn a lot faster, and they can't quite match it. (A Wanderer) 23:46, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
I just used the Animal Friend perk. Best strategy there is if you ask me. OPM 13:35, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

01:24, 11 January 2009 edit by[]

Personally... I think it's an AWESOME edit. It's hilarious, and I agree with it.

I suspect someone will change it back and consider it vandalism, but what does everybody else think? :) Redsteven 02:21, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Alright, another person further edited the part about Yogi bear, and I still think it's ridiculous. Nobody else seems interested in discussing it, so I'm just removing it entirely. Redsteven 17:40, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

A Notch too Far[]

Just an hour ago,I was fighting a Yao Guai outside MPDL Power Station.I was to the left of the station and a Yao Guai (2 o'the bastards,actually) pounced on me.Mid pounce,I shot him and the bastardly beast flew over the station,over the Billboard,over the street and then landed outside of the road,in a ditch.It took me 14 minutes to find him.I think this was a glitch or a damn good jump.I think this also breaks the record,too.I'm very serious.This was a true story. HuangLee 03:55, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

(Laughs until coughs)...thank the ragdoll physics. Something along those lines happened to me, too. I think its funny to watch a headless mutated bear fly at Mach 1 from Lucky's near Tenpenny Tower nearly to Megaton (so no, you didn't break MY record...keep trying though) A Yao Guai's ragdoll is incredibly rigid; only the neck and arms move much. So, when you blast it with, say, a combat shotgun, and it is leaping toward you, usually the thing grabs enough air to propel it a LONG WAY AWAY. When bored and with friends, try saving in front of a 'Guai and taking turns using different ways to send it to space (my seventh try holds my group's "Guai Ball" distance record)...'FORE!!! -- The Seasoned Gamer

huge jump[]

i shot a yao guia with a combat shotgun and it flew straight up, into the air, and dissapeared for about 3 seconds and came back down a few feet infront of me why do they go so far and high?

i made 1 do a triple bakflip:)

I reckon it's a problem with their ragdoll skeleton being too inflexible, it's a bit like playing billiard. Golan2781 19:42, 19 February 2009 (UTC)


Quick lil unimportant question here: Is it normal for these things to spawn near Megaton? I fought 3 of the things extremely close to Megaton, a place I've never heard of them being encountered at.--SharpstarofFireClan 03:10, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

black bear[]

I remember reading/hearing somewhere in game that they "may have descended from the region's Black Bear population", can anyone help me out here? Atomic645 22:34, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

Yes, I think it says that on the loading screen. Fat Man Spoon 13:00, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

You can also tell from what they look like and their movments


Should it be added in the article that Yao Guai can apparently survive for hundreds of years like other creatures effected by FEV? I believe theres much more proof pointing to this than any Yogi Bear references, and would actually fit with the game. I'd also like to ask, does anyone know if Yao Guai's are sterile like Ghouls and Super Mutants? Or are they like other animals like Deathclaws and Mirelurks, where we know they're able to reproduce?--Moltenfungus 14:22, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Deathclaws reproduce? <shudders> We don't know that little Ruzka is the original bear, it is only implied. Nitpicker of the Wastes 14:24, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
I think that a type of animal ghoulification took place in ruzka's case. I don't think this may be the case with all Yao Guai, bit it is possible. The world may never know...--Hollow Points 02:37, October 24, 2009 (UTC)Hollow Points

increase in population?[]

is it normal after encountering a couple to start running into them everywhere in the wastes(with the exception being the dc ruins), i continue to run into them in pairs constantly since i've first seen them, thankfully i've never ran into a trio as this article referenced to but it's becoming insane, i literally was walking up to a wastelander roaming the wastes, and just as i closed in, a yao guai jumped out and killed him right in front of me(probably saved my life since i've been attacked from behind by these things and killed in the process) anyone else having this problem? 03:04, 5 August 2009 (UTC) liquidwater

The higher your level the more you'll find out in the wastes. It's to replace most of the weaker enemies like the wild dogs and mole rats --Moltenfungus 03:11, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Bug kind of thing[]

im not sure where it was i cant remember but i saw a yao guai so i went towards it to kill it but i then noticed it had a black line coming from its head and it went all the way into the sky, when it moved it was still there like some kind of rope or something, then when i killed it it continued to have it sticking out of its head so i took a photo. the line was only like 3cm thick on my tv screen and became more dominant at different angles, do you have any idea why this would have happened

Standard graphical glitch. Spoon 15:23, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

Strategy Section[]

I thought we didn't include strategy pages, because of the differences in play styles. Anyone? --RedTracer7 21:26, September 4, 2009 (UTC)

Cartoon Reference?[]

Hell no! It is CHINESE!!! It has abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with that god damned Yogi Bear!!!--ASL93ratjar 22:29, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

I don't know. One chased me for three hours until I dropped my pic-ah-nic basket. -DragonJTSLeave me a message 22:55, 30 April 2009 (UTC)
Sorry, it does. YaO GuaI. That Furry Bastard 22:56, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Dude! IT IS CHINESE!!! China made their words and phrases BEFORE that cartoon was made. So maybe YOGI BEAR is a reference to chinese! No. Nevermind. No chance. Still, no reference on fallout's part.

Has it occured to you that Bethesda might've chosen that particular term because of it's meaning AND because it's a reference to Yogi? That Furry Bastard 23:45, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Yes. about the meaning. i just don't see any connection with Yao Guai ang Yogi.--ASL93ratjar 23:48, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, there's no way in hell a bear is connected with a bear. :\ No way! No way at all, nuh uh. No sir'y bob.--OfficerBlue 08:36, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

So you are saying that everything is a reference to everything else? Maybe you should think before you speak, or type, I should say. A bear is an animal in real life, not just on a cartoon. So again, i DO NOT see a connection with Yao Guai and Yogi.--ASL93ratjar 22:04, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

Unless i hear different i, am entitled to my opinion--OfficerBlue 22:08, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

And I encourage you to have your own, no matter how much I may disagree.--ASL93ratjar 22:10, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Bear in Chinese is xiong. Not Yao Guai. It is 100% a reference to yogi bear. ASL93ratjar = fool

Yaoguai (妖怪 pinyin yāoguài) or yaomo (妖魔 yāomó, literally, "demon") or yaojing (妖精 yāojīng, literally, "sprite" or "seductive") is a Chinese term that generally means "demon". Yaoguai are mostly malevolent animal spirits or fallen celestial beings that have acquired magical powers through the practice of Taoism. The evil ones are usually referred to as guài (literally, "freak") or mó (literally, "demon") in Chinese. Their greatest goal is achieving immortality and thus deification. In Journey to the West, the demons seek this mostly by the abduction and consumption of a holy man (in this case, Xuanzang). Here is the definition. It means 'Demon'. Make what you will. Fat Man Spoon 18:44, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much Mister Spoon. I NEVER said that Yao Guai was bear in chinese. I merely stated that it was chinese. So, before any anonymous douches want to call me names, make sure you know what I ACTUALLY said. And better yet, make sure you know what the hell you're talking about.--ASL93ratjar 22:07, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

whoever said there, ratjar is a fool.... LOL IDIOT. EAT YOUR OWN FAILS.-- 22:53, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

It's just a reference that works on more than one level, they're oh-so cleaver over there at Bethesda, so no need to take this so far. Yes, it doesn't mean bear in Chinese, it's merely a name given to the creature to describe its nature toward prey items, and it's reasonable because of the high Chinese presence in FO3, however, there are dozens of names for the bears that they could have come up with, Chinese, English or otherwise. They obviously picked this one for a reason, Mr. Ranger, Sir!--DashMan54 13:56, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Please can we just get over it or just refer the readers to the discussion screen if they want to see an all-out war over one measly sentence. --Mandalore IV 07:13, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

A final note, the main argument seems that it's similarity is in its pronounciation. Yao Guai is pronounced "yow-gwigh", not "yow-gwee". The similarity is more coincidence than anything, considering the definition of malevolent animal spirit. In Chinese, there really is only one way to say "irradiated mutant monster beastie".

Bethesda has denied that Yao Guai has anything to do with a cartoon bear. The pronunciation /yau-gwai/ sounds nothing like /yo-gee/

Did they now? Did they really? Sure, you claim this and yet....nothing to prove it. Link the denial. You didn't even sign the edit. I call bullshit

Reopening the Yogi Can of Worms because of recent edits[]

So, I might be re-opening the whole can of worms here, but let me try to explain my reasoning (the same reasoning as on the cultural references page).

  • Yao Guai means demon. So why make them bears, if not to make a horrible play on words with Yogi Bear?
  • Yao Guai is not pronounced like Yogi, I know. That's why I call it a "horrible" play on words.
  • I did not think this was legit, but so many people have seen the connection that I began to wonder, and now I give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt. (I've also come to realize how unsophisticated the sense of humor in the game is, so I find this barely believable reference now believable.)

That's my reasoning. However, if the comment directly above mine is true (about Bethesda denying the reference), please, please someone cite a source! I would love to put this to rest forever. Without a Bethesda statement, however, I am currently on the side of leaving it in.--Gothemasticator 06:55, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

I tend to disagree. Normally if you say, something is an intended reference (or make any other factual claim), it is up to you to prove it. Just claiming something and the waiting until someone cares to disprove it (which is not possible in a case like this anyway) and until then acting "as if" true, just doesn't do the trick. -- 19:11, December 6, 2009 (UTC)
and yet this appears to be the policy used on EVERY SINGLE OTHER REFERENCE IN THE WIKI. the fact that its come up so damned many times before alone makes it a far stronger reference than say the highly disputable bullshit asspull you list with tenpenny refrencing shindler's list.
Fine with me. I'm going to leave it out from now on.--Gothemasticator 20:38, December 6, 2009 (UTC)


Using Ruzka of Point Lookout as evidence I think that the Yao Guai are Ghoulified bears. I think their appearance is nothing to do with mutations passed down through generations but down to their ghoulification. They look like ghouls, sickly, rotten looking flesh, little hair and those creepy, creepy eyes. It might also explain why we never see any Yao Guai cubs in the Yao Guai Tunnels; which would be a place to see them, being their home cave and all.--A Pickering 21:47, January 5, 2010 (UTC)

No. Yao-Guai are mutated bears, descended from the local black bear population. They are not ghouls, Ruzka is an unique exception to the rule. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 23:20, January 5, 2010 (UTC)
I'd never thought about that until Tagaziel mentioned the word 'descended' which does come up in the loading screens.

Yao Guai Noises[]

I have the Animal Friend perk and near every time I see a Guai I have to go near it, I just love the animal animations when they're not in conflict (Molerats standing or digging, Dogs sitting down etc.) but I just love to sit next to one and listen to its noise for a second before running off. Especially in the Den where the sound just emanates from everywhere, it's such an awesome noise!

Liquid bear bug[]

One of the two yao guais near the VAPL-84 Power Station seems to lose whatever is holding its body parts togehter when looked upon at long range. The head, torso and limbs of the creature rolls away as if cut of while the skin is still connected but stretched out between the body parts.

If you walk closer to, or kill the yao guai, it snaps back to its normal posture.

Yogi bear[]

While I do find the history behind the Chinese term Yao Guai interesting, isn't it also possible that the term was chosen since it's spelling/pronunciation is similar to Yogi-as in Yogi Bear? XD —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

No, and it's pronunciation bears no relation to "Yogi". And sign your posts. --Kris User Hola 11:37, July 25, 2011 (UTC)
Some people just don't have a sense of humor;-p68.25.86.213DarthOrc
Well, to be fair, the pronunciation really isn't very similar to "Yogi" at all. --IsaacSin 00:51, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

Pronunciation and original meaning aside, i think that it bears (excuse the pun =P) too much of a resemblance to the name Yogi to be completely accidental. I'd have to agree with OP on that.. as i've always thought it was a partial reference to the classic cartoon bear... hey, try talkin to one and see if he mentions anything about pic-i-nic baskets xP --LolThisIsATerribleUsername (talk) 04:19, July 15, 2012 (UTC)

I feel that the likeliness that they actually sought out the mandarin terms on the idea of naming the bear something meaning "demon" is pretty unlikely. I think the truth behind it is that they thought "Hah, Yogi would make a hilarious name.." "Well hang on, there's a yao guai in manarin and it looks like it could be said that way.."

^ actually fuck it, 3-dog says yogi, so it's enirely probable that this entire scenario was developed during his script being written.

'cause seriously, think about this for just a split second; Mole rats, radscorpions, radroaches All of their names have a good grounding in what they used to be, why would a "black bear" get different treatment? NO ONE in the wasteland is going to think "What the hell is that? I know, I'll call it some random mandarin word I used to know!"

Yogi first showed up in the 50's. TV was popular, don't you think it's much more feasible that people remembered the bear by a connection to TV before another language entirely? That'd make so much more sense too, since clearly the name "Yao Guai" was used fairly extensively, giving an idea that lots of people used the term, even as a joke.

Yea, everything about it being named after Yogi but having it *almost* hidden cleverly by name is more feasible than it being named in another language after "demon". --Messyart (talk) 03:23, May 23, 2014 (UTC)

Yao guais in Fallout Tactics?[]

Weren't yao guais originally in Fallout Tactics, and Bethesda decided to implement them in their Fallout?

Merge articles?[]

I think we should probably merge the articles for Yao guai. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Inivican (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Why? They all have different appearances, locations, and stats. Paladin117>>iff bored; 14:46, March 22, 2018 (UTC)