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Fallout Wiki

Leads to Taking Independence[]

Taking Independence was recently removed from the "Leads to" portion of the infobox. It was added a few edits back with a reasonable explanation. Anyone know whether it should be there? On that quest's page, it lists When Freedom Calls as its sole predecessor. Relatedly, the quick walkthrough is inconsistent with the infobox.
-- Whtqn (talk) 14:26, February 23, 2016 (UTC)

Does it really lead to Taking Independence? I think the trigger there is to have a certain amount of settlements, not a previous quest. And is Sanctuary really optional for Taking Independence - the quest page says different. --Alfwyn (talk) 15:30, February 23, 2016 (UTC)
Re-added, since I don't see how Preston Garvey can talk to you about The Castle if he's still stuck in the Museum of Freedom. Whatever quest alias(es) he has in When Freedom Calls will likely add AI packages which override his ability to initiate the Taking Independence quest.
As for Sanctuary, it's actually marked as a side quest in the game data, not a Minutemen quest. AIUI, the requirement for Taking Independence is to have access to a number of settlements. You get access to Sanctuary Hills as soon as you leave Vault 111, and you can gain access to almost every other settlement before you even meet Preston Garvey for the first time. The Sanctuary quest is just about building the beds and whatnot, which I doubt affects your 'ownership' of the settlement from the POV of the trigger for Taking Independence, BICBW. Aya42 (talk) 18:59, February 23, 2016 (UTC)
I see. --Alfwyn (talk) 14:13, February 24, 2016 (UTC)


We currently have a note stating "It takes approximately 200 rounds from the minigun to kill the deathclaw.". Surely this note can be a bit dependant. I mean if the player has rank 5 in Heavy Guns then this may not be the case. Another factor to consider is also difficulty.

13:41, October 8, 2016 (UTC)

Game Breaking Bug (are there more queststages - to fix with console?) Sorry, very long[]

I have a rather rare bug, that occurs after clearing Concord of hostiles and one must speak to Preston in the Museum and than later in Sanctuary. It plays out like this: You talk to him in the museum and after that, it ends with a short scene between Sturges and Marcy. But instead of walking outside they revert to their leaning/sitting etc. state and are only forced outside the museum if you exit yourself - on their way to Sanctuary there is no dialogue between them and after reaching it, you can't assign anyone to any activity and Preston and only gives standard lines. The funny/strange thing is, that i have this bug because of another bug >>

I tried to delay the Minutemen questline by advancing the story (going to Diamond City + Nick etc.) and at least get Codsworth as a companion. I was building up Sanctuary and tried to use Codsworth as a provisioner, he was at that time still "assigned" to the players "Residence" instead Sanctuary (or there is some kind of lock for not freeing Preston) - it didn't work so i ignored it and used a standard Settler.

When i was ready to advance the Minutemen questline everything worked out as intended until that moment when all of them reached Sanctuary. The first thing i noticed was, that Codsworth started his job as a provisioner (after the initial failure, i used him later as a companion, what usually "deletes" his settlement job) - i also noticed that the players "Residence" is no longer available to him, he moved automatically to "Sanctuary". Even now after hiring/releasing him as a companion still reverted him to his provisioner job - while the provisioner route of my settler was canceled (at least in the Pip-Boy) i found him still walking around. <<

I loaded a previous save to prevent this bug from happening by reassigning Codsworth and the normal provisioner to new settlements and setting new routes. After that, the Minutemen quest bugged out as described.

Are there console commands to advance the questline between step 80 and 100?

HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 22:40, November 6, 2017 (UTC)

Rassigning Codsworth to Sanctuary seems to fix it - Codsworth seems to have his old provisioner bug too.

HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 23:58, November 6, 2017 (UTC)
