Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

it should be added that there's a copy of the U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes inside the locked room with all the ammo and guns

Abandoned Shack north of the Armory[]

I don't know how else to broach the subject, since we don't seenm to have a Wikia Page called "Unmarked Places on the Map," so I brought this one here -since the location in question is just north of the Wheaton Armory.

Anybody here know about the Shack here, that requires a key to get into??

Here is the answer http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Regulator_HQ But it should be noted somewhere so people won't get confused.

Brotherhood Outcasts at the Armory[]

When I first discovered the Armory, I was following 3 green lines on my compass. They turned out to be Brotherhood Outcasts. As I was a little behind, they ended up being killed by the Raiders and I looted some great gear from them! Has anyone else found Outcasts here?

See this: outcasts are a random encounter. Jdw 18:33, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

Yep, I did, it's just a roaming patrol though.

I was heading north from Angie's house when i ran into two Outcasts and an Outcast Protectron underneath the old rail lines. followed them all the way to the armory where i looted them after they attacked it.

In my current game, with Broken Steel loaded, the 2 Enclave soldiers killed the Outcasts as well as the Raider sentry, then I sniped 'em both! Ha, ha!--Brian ranzoni 09:31, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Origin of the name[]

I was wondering if anyone had any idea of the origin of the name; is it a military reference? Or perhaps a nod to actor Wil Wheaton?

I think it's a coincidence with no special meaning. Might as well be a hat tip to the ROTC at Wheaton College, or the American Legion post in Wheaton, MD.Shadowgm 18:53, 7 January 2009 (UTC)Shadowgm

Chances are pretty high that it's named for Wheaton, MD, continuing the trend of using real places as the basis for many of the names in the game.

I am fairly certain that there is a real life Wheaton Armory, its like a, coast guard post or somethingKatikar 21:53, February 7, 2010 (UTC)

It was named after me, my last name is Wheaton!Kornflakes89 05:14, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

Could be named after Frank K Wheaton The following information is from Wikapedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Wheaton

"When the Civil War started, Wheaton was commissioned as lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Rhode Island Infantry on July 10, 1861. His father-in-law from his first marriage, General Samuel Cooper,[2] was the ranking general for the Confederacy, whereas Wheaton fought for the Union. Wheaton's unit fought at the First Battle of Bull Run, where its commander, Col. John Slocum, was killed. Wheaton took command of the unit, was promoted to colonel effective July 21, 1861, and led the 2nd Rhode Island during the Peninsula Campaign, where he was commended for his actions at the Battle of Williamsburg. At the Battle of Antietam, the regiment was kept in the rear and out of the battle.[4]

On November 29, 1862, Wheaton was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers and placed in command of the 3rd Brigade (62d NY, 93d Pa, 98th Pa, 102 Pa & 139 Pa), 3rd Division, VI Corps. He led them in heavy fighting at the Battle of Chancellorsville. His brigade, under the command of Colonel David J. Nevin of the 62nd New York, was the only brigade of the VI Corps to see action on the afternoon of the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg after completing a forced march of approximately 30 miles from Manchester, Maryland that day. At Gettysburg he commanded the 3rd Division while its commander, Maj. Gen. John Newton, temporarily commanded the I Corps, in place of John F. Reynolds.[4]

Wheaton remained in command of the brigade during Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign in 1864, as well as during the subsequent Siege of Petersburg. His men were hurried by train to Washington, D.C., in time to help repel Jubal Early's raid on the capital. During the ensuing operations in the Shenandoah Valley, under Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, Wheaton was promoted to command of the first division after Brig. Gen. David Allen Russell was killed at the Third Battle of Winchester. His division fought well in subsequent battles. After the return of VI Corps to the Petersburg front, Wheaton earned the brevet rank of major general in the volunteer army and was brevetted colonel in the regular services.[1]" The Happy Wanderer (talk) 03:37, August 31, 2012 (UTC)

Loot condition[]

I don't know if it's the same in every game, but when I picked up the loot it was in very bad condition. One item was almost completely broken. If this stuff is always in this condition, I think it should be mentioned in the article. --MadDawg2552 16:08, 11 January 2009 (UTC)


Notable loot section needs to be split up, it's currently a mixture of location description and general loot section. -- Porter21 (talk) 23:52, 4 June 2009 (UTC)

I'll see what I can do I started a new game so I can get the accurate loot to see if its random and I'll try to clean up the loot section, i.e. chinese pistols aren't really notable loot.

Invisible Mines[]

Upon entering the facility through the broken fence on the west side I proceeded to jump down onto the bunker entrance's roof to use it as a sniping position. However, much to my dismay as soon as I made contact with the steel roof I discovered it to be a minefield after hearing the sound of activated mines and witnessing the resulting explosions after I jumped to the concrete ledge immediately west of the roof. There appear to be no such mines visible, yet without fail every time I reload the previous quicksave the roof seems to be loaded with mines. My speculation is that they're not actually invisible, but rather perhaps the tangible surface of the roof is out of sync, effectively hiding the mines beneath the visible surface of the roof. Does anybody actually know why this is? Jellyb0nes 04:03, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

Fun with Fingers[]

It has come to my attention that, upon fast-traveling to the Wheaton Armory, prior to dealing with "The Waters of Life" quest, you happen to arrive in the midst of about 7 or 8 raiders, and in general there is at least one with a missile launcher.

In the event that you have the Lawbringer perk, and you want to pad your numbers before going to the Regulator HQ, it might be advisable to drop in on this mindless party of ruffians.

Again, please note that this is prior to completing the "Waters of Life" quest, as I have yet to get that far. Also, I only know this because, as it mentions on the Regulator's entry, Sonora might be running for her life if you fast travel directly to the HQ, so I have been going to the Armory as an easy way around that. The extra fingers is just a lovely little bonus.

-- 08:48, August 15, 2012 (UTC)

Terminally Black and White[]

The terminal here has a black screen with white letters. Every time I play this game I forget about it, until I get there and use it, and then I am stuck with having to deal with this black/white setup on other terminals for an indefinite period. This is notable, so that people can avoid it, especially given that the loot inside isn't that great.

--MrsMcEntire420 (talk) 03:09, February 23, 2013 (UTC)

scary loud sound?[]

So, I just entered the blue door to the offices part, and the game started making this weird megaphone howling sound. I'm not sure how better to explain it. I went back outside and it died down slowly. I'm guessing this is a glitch. - NemFX (talk) 22:07, April 14, 2013 (UTC)

There is no mention of regulator HQ on the site map that should be northwest of the region. 19:52, June 26, 2014 (UTC)monkeydudette1990

White Terminal Text[]

The white text terminal bug isn't really a bug it's a feature. When editing terminals in the geck, one of the tick-able options is "Alternate colors" This will render terminal texts white instead of the default green. Have not tried but I assume it may change depending the pipboy color. However it is not a bug. It should be moved to the Notes section as an "oversight" since a feature that works and can be used does not classify as a "bug". 20:58, August 20, 2020 (UTC)Anonymous
