Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Canonically in the brotherhood of steel?[]

I noticed in the vault dweller's memoirs that despite being able to be trained by Rhombus he never mentions returning to broken hills for training. Canonically, did the vault dweller not agree with the brotherhood or did something happen preventing his training? --sdly93@yahoo.com 17:34, May 13, 2011 (UTC)

Really the memoirs are just possible happenings of the first game so it could have happened ether way

Pointless merge[]

Pasted from Talk:Albert Cole:
Exactly, the Vault Dweller could be anyone. And as I have said before, "all but confirmed" is not good enough on the Vault, basing the merge of such an important character on speculation is absolutely ridiculous. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 01:46, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

Matter is settled. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 15:42, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

Vault Dweller's parents?[]

I decided to look into vault dweller's family records and I found there is no actual records of vault dweller's parents but I remember reading something about his family disowning him. Does anybody know where this was mentioned and if there are any in-game dialogue stating anything about his parents? Ttjlife 01:16, April 12, 2012 (UTC) No because Interplay wanted the vault dweller to be just like the player hence the stres on making it a role playing game MH

If Ulisses were to go to the Capital wastland what impact would he make?

Is th appearance of the Vault Dweller in Fallout: Tactics considered canon? "The only salvation" (talk) 00:30, April 2, 2013 (UTC)Jack of All


I can't remember when/if the Vault Dweller was mentioned by the Mojave chapter of the BOS. I ask because I noticed the category/Fallout: New Vegas Brotherhood of Steel characters. Thank you for any help! -(Kdarrow (talk) 08:59, June 8, 2020 (UTC))


Just a note on gender, the character is portrayed as both male and female in the original game. In the subsequent game, "he" is used to describe the Vault Dweller. Unfortunately, at the time, "he" was the culturally acceptable gender-neutral pronoun used to describe both men and women. It wasn't until later that "she" and later still, "they," entered the common lexicon. intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/6/24 [1:38am]

We have no real way to tell that applies to Fallout 2, especially since VD is written in a number of instances in a gender-neutral fashion. Tägäżïël 19:30, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

Canonical gender in infobox[]

Uh, this page use to specify in a gender section of the infobox that the Vault Dweller was male. And he was, in fact, male, considering his own daughter uses male pronouns. I understand having the actual text on the page be gender neutral in reference to the Vault Dweller's role in Fallout 1 because you could be either gender within just that game, and having consistent pages for protagonists is good, but I'm not sure why the reference to him being canonically male in the infobox, which generally includes OOG canonical information, was removed or when. FallShortOfTheTruth (talk) 07:34, 13 September 2021 (UTC)

Ah, I do see that there's a note stating that he's given male pronouns in Fallout 2, but I'm still not sure why it was removed from the infobox or even why the gender section of the infobox was removed wholesale. FallShortOfTheTruth (talk) 07:40, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
The articles for all protagonists have been (re)written in a gender-neutral manner, including the infoboxes. It's true that Fallout 2 uses male pronouns for the Vault Dweller, but in the past, "he/him" used to be the standard to describe a person whose gender is unknown. See also the section above. The Appalachian Mandalorian insignia 11:42, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
The argument that he was used as a gender neutral pronoun would already be hard to believe for me, considering how rare that was even when it was used for that purpose, but the statue in NCR is a statue of a male Vault Dweller, and this is once again people who knew him personally. The Vault Dweller is pretty much 100% confirmed as a man, short of actually meeting him in game in Fallout 2 and him saying "I am a man." Like I said, the main page being gender neutral is 100% okay to preserve the spirit of the choice in the games, but the pages for the Lone Wanderer and Courier have a section in the infobox that has their gender described as "player choice", and a section like that for the Vault Dweller that says that and then has "canonically male" has been on the page for a long time and seems appropriate. FallShortOfTheTruth (talk) 18:15, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
He being used as a gender neutral pronoun is the rarity, being used as the male pronoun is the norm. If direct uses of He and Him are not clear enough, can I flip the table and ask what information would have to exist in order to say that he is male? Do we need a terminal entry with the word "Male" directly beside his name? Or would that technically be a leap in logic as there isn't an "Is" between the two? As Tagaziel helpfully pointed out in the same above section referenced, the Vault Dweller has been referred to in a gender neutral fashion in other places, meaning uses of They/Them as Gender Neutral pronouns would be the norm by that point. The use of He/Him pronouns in Fallout 2 are proof that He is a He, the only times such pronouns are used in a Gender Neutral sense, that I can think of, is in reference to pets. LovinglyGaslight (talk) 18:29, 13 September 2021 (UTC) The vault dweller is canonically a man. There are plenty of in game references to him being a man and any attempt to try to make him something he is not canonically, is doing the reader a disservice. If you bothered to use the proper gender, you wouldn't have to include a section on why you chose to not use the proper gender and the article wouldn't have to deploy an incorrect usage of "they" and "them".