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Vault 101[]

I have left myself access to vault 101 (the water sources in it are clean, and free to use) by convincing the overseer to open the vault/step down, but not finishing by talking to Amata. However, if I do talk to her and she kicks me out, she hints that the vault will be opened someday. Does anyone know how when/if she will open the vault? 05:49, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

Anyone can leave Vault freely, but what she's talking about is, opening the vault for trading and such, connecting to Wasteland as together, not indivudially. You can find Butch at Rivet City, Muddy River bar for example. Goekhan 15:08, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
But you are banished from the vault - you can't get back in if she locks it? 05:49, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

nope, its closed forever, but if you destroy the vault everyone is forced to leave and during a random encounter you'll see Amata and enclave soldiers asking Amata where the location of vault 101 is ~malastorm~

Option 7[]

Is there a way to enter Vault in the Broken Steel DLC?

Who's the maintenance man they talk about?

Never mind. It's Stanley

i think someone needs to do a complet overhaul of this page

things i noticed: picture(of course)

some texting stating stuff in the third person

alot of the same text over and over again, which could be sumed up better then listing all of them

if noone will fix it, i will if nessary

--God help us if you decide to do it. 07:59, September 20, 2009 (UTC)

---Lol. ( 17:28, November 29, 2009 (UTC))

Vault Dwellers outside of the Vault[]

Could somebody please list the locations in which they are found? Or if they randomly appear? 21:15, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

yes amata randomly appears if you flushed back in the quest. she is found talking to the enclave and either dies or is saved and runs away saying its all your fault. ive only heard about this through forum chit chat however...

If you convince the Overseer to open the vault and he steps down, does Amata still wind up somewhere being interrogated by the Enclave, or does it happen only if you damage the water chip? -- 00:40, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it's only if you damage the water chip. Not sure though. 21:15, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. So it seems it can viably be concluded that opening the vault for trade with the outside doesn't expose it to a risk of Enclave invasion as Amata will be a reasonable Overseer in control of the door. Or am I missing something?-- 22:41, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

That's right. 06:22, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

So? Do they appear in fixed locations, or are they determined randomly? 21:18, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

I ventured up to the vault 101 cliffs *the bit overlooking Springvale* and found Freddie Gomez and Susie Mack, both killed. By the looks of their mutilation, I'd say a deathclaw or more must've spawned and had eaten them for lunch. Nevertheless, I threw them into the path of an exploding car and yes their spawns are random, however, sometimes they glitch and you can get back into vault 101. Another tactic is to wait until the door opens and a vault dweller comes out, then quickly run inside, strangely enough, any vault dweller who appears in the wasteland gives you purified water in here, but this is rare, like a lot of glitches I've experienced.

It should also be noted that since it doesn't say it specifically anywhere, that if you convince the overseer to step down/open the vault, that you will meet people from the vault in random encounters. I found Susie Mack (wearing 101 security armor and sporting an assault rifle) fighting (well running from) super mutants. After saving her she talked about being on a trading mission for the vault and handed over some purified water.

I heard that you can find her, but can you see anyone else outside. Are there any in non-hostile locales? 08:05, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Serious bug?[]

After completing the quest, the last objective, "Leave Vault 101 forever" isn't marked as finished. But this quite logical because of that "forever".

The problem starts when 3 Dog talks about the outcome of your visit there. He just says something about you've been there, but instead of going on, he keeps looping on the same phrase for a few times, then the music plays...

In paralel I had the quest of "Picking up the Trail" and was in the phase when I needed to go to Lamplight Caverns (after all was done in the Citadel). For some strange reason this quests ends by itself randomly at some time point, without me even being near Lamplight Caverns, after I finish "Trouble on the Homefront".

Are these known bugs? 22:40, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

Did you purge the filtration system too? This happened to me when I did that. Ever find a fix?

Ending speech.[]

Well, I managed to solve the situation in a non-violent way by convincing the Overseer to step down. Although Amata said I have to leave, she did not say it was permanent but rather that she's confident that we will see each other again. Maybe the banishment will be retconned (ie. if you solved the conflict peacefully (without killing anyone and that includes her father in Escape!) then you will eventually be permitted back inside)?--Amitakartok 16:20, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Contrary to the article, I am only ever able to get the "you're a hero but you have to leave" dialogue after killing the Overseer, and have been unable to achieve it in any attempt to end the situation without violence.Addolorisi 17:14, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

I talked the Overseer out of it via Speech, and he has a conversation with Amata, who then gives me that line. --DarkJeff 21:54, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
maybe it depends on your speech skills, and who the overseer is. I convinced Amata's father to step down, and she became the new overseer.
The article should probably be edited to indicate you can still get the hero dialogue even if you kill the overseer 15:55, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

After I got the final speech 'youre a hero but you have to leave' amata and the rebels all turn red, and my companion immediately opens fire on everyone, forcing me to kill amata, butch, and all the rebels, even the teacher i just minutes before saved from prison.

Amata and the Enclave[]

If you sabotaged 101, where does the Amata and the Enclave event occur? Also, does it make any difference if you didn't lie about who did the sabotaging, and she tells you she'll kill you if she sees you again? Coming Second 04:40, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Amata and the Enclave is a random event, and there's a very good chance you won't see her. It makes no difference if you lied to her about the sabotaging. 06:25, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Overseer Mack[]

Is the distress signal "stop looking for your father and come stop mine" different if you killed him and Mack is in charge?--Tisi 04:48, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Yes. She says something like "the new Overseer is insane, you have to stop him". Difficult to work out why she's looking for help from the murderer of her father, silly cow. Coming Second 04:58, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Maybe she expects you to kill the new Overseer, what with you having experience in such matters? Heh. --DarkJeff 21:57, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
All teenagers hate their parents. He did have someone beaten to death, and then allowed her to be tortured by Officer Mack...and he won't buy her a pony!
Something I do not understand: I read that if you wait long enough, the prick will start torturing her. Now, how long is "long enough"? I waited five minutes and they still repeated the same lines over and over again. Maybe the torture only happens if you let her keep the gun?--Amitakartok 22:33, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Hah !did you already noted how stupid Amata is ? She could not find her way out of a paper bag. She always need the help of someone and she is doing her tantrum during this quest where you just have to speak to the overseer to succeed. Remember how she did with the tunnel snaked before the GOAT, where you just had to speak to Butch to get out of trouble. Even the GOAT is faked."Stop looking for your father"... Her problems are more important than anything else, because she is unable to manage anything and she is desperate without your constant help. If she becomes the new overseer I understand why Butch is so eager to leave the vault.

In my opinion, the Overseer simply turned unreasonable and she called for the LW's help as a last resort. He is an asshole and I'm sure you all share my opinion on him. (Note: I read a fanfic where the guy was sentenced for life after an attempt on the LW's life) Plus, she didn't even know if the LW is still alive or that he/she would even come back ("I changed the door password to my name. If you are hearing this and you still care enough, you should remember it."). Anyway, I found a mod that puts her in the Common House in Megaton if you chose the best solution; talking to her will let you recruit her as an unkillable companion who is pretty good with a shotgun.--Amitakartok 22:33, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Anyone heard of a bug like this?[]

It seems I am unable to finish this quest. I have talked to everyone in the vault a trillion times but the quest doesn't advance. My character tells Amata I'll talk to the Overseer, but I can't find him anywhere in the entire vault. She says you can catch him in his office throughout the day but I have waited and waited, left and came back at different times of day and it appears he never enters his office at all. Where is this guy? I am pretty sure I killed the original overseer so it should be Mack I'm looking for but I assure you he isn't in the vault.

Using the console to try to "player.moveto" him only brings me to some inaccessible room that I have to noclip out of. If I revive/disable-enable him, he appears in the same inaccessible area but doesn't say anything and my only dialogue option is "Goodbye," and killing him does nothing.

Anyone have this problem?

Try killing Amata. Does it throw the vault into chaos? (If it does, then the overseer is treated as being dead.) Weird, though. --DarkJeff 19:39, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
Are you talking to the right refid? 2D043 is the one that is active now. Also, you can move him to you instead of you to him:
prid 2d043
moveto player
If you killed him previously, you want to use Allen Mack instead, 569B4.
User-Mirar pawprint14Mirar (Talk) 08:06, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Major spawning glitch[]

Ok,in my latest playthrough,after entering vault 101 to start this quest,an army of feral ghouls came in behind me *they left me alone,i was wearing the ghoul mask afterall* and killed everyone,thus failing the quest,has this happened to anyone else ? Werewolfhell 22:37, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

how did you manage to get ghouls up there? I've never seen a ghoul in that area.

Like i said at the beginning,it was a spawning glitch,either that or roy philips came back from the dead and made the feral ghouls try to avenge him,and they probably slaughtered vault 101 cause i was wearing the unique out fit "dads wasteland outfit" when i fed roy philips a bullet from the mysterious strangers 44.magnum,but hey i dont have a clue

In my opinion it is a major cheating glitch. Don't be amazed. It can't happen to someone playing as the game was intended to be played. Croquignol 04:35, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Solution 9[]

Solution 9 mentions hearing a resident mention "faulty AIR filtration," and then sabotaging the AIR filtration system. But then it says "In sabotaging the WATER chip system...." I'm guessing that both instances of "air" should be "water"? Redsteven 22:12, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Trouble on the Trophy List for This Quest[]

So I manually purged the filtration system. I told Amata's dad it was the rebels fault, and I told Amata is was the overseer's (her dad's) fault. The quest tells me to escape from vault 101. I do, and it says quest completed. But the little box for "escaping vault 101" is not filled in, and I never receive the trophy for this quest. I saved right after purging the system so I could easily use my speech skill on the Overseer and Amata without failing. Any way around this glitch??

Can't pick up Vault 101 Emergency radio signal after completing "The Waters of Life - Bug Solution for PC[]

If something goes wrong and for some reason you can not receive Vault 101 Emergency radio signal to start this quest you need to do the following.

1. Make sure you are standing near Vault 101.

2. Open console by pressing tilde key (~) on your keyboard. That will bring you command line.

3. In console mode type in the following: setstage 00014ea3 0

That should reset the "Trouble on the Homefront" quest and you should pick up the Vault 101 Emergency Signal now.

That's it.

If you have any problems just read [1]

For the 360, going to and from the Pitt was tried, unsuccessfully - still no signal.

Yeah, this doesn't work. Get an "Item not found for this quest" error. Possibly because I'm using A Tale of Two Wastelands but I can't imagine that removing this item entirely.--Godzillafan93 22:51, August 2, 2015 (UTC)

Disregard; I'm an idiot. If anyone's curious, the first two characters change in TTW, so if you're like me and playing with all the preorder bonuses enabled, it should be "setstage 0a014ea3 0" rather than triple zero. That did the trick. --Godzillafan93 22:57, August 2, 2015 (UTC)

Don't ignore the radio message when you receive it[]

I confirm the radio signal is available only for a limited time, and the quest does not trigger if you ignore the message and don't listen the radio. Later you don't have the radio anymore and don't get the password to open the vault door.If you try to open the door you get a message saying you have the wrong password. If you force-open the door and enter the vault you'll find all people in ms16 (trouble on the homefront)position but the quest don't start. Butch will then never show at the Muddy rudder and you can not recruit him. Of course, none of the random encounters related to this quest will appear later in the game. If you listen the emergency message on the radio you can delay because the new password will be valid until the quest is completed (or failed) Croquignol 01:33, 15 February 2009 (UTC)

Is there anyway to fix this on the console version(360). I never wandered near the vault earlier in the game to actually receive the signal (due to the fact that i destroyed megton). I never ignored the signal because never went in that area and now I have completed every quest except this one. Could it be possible that the outcast distress signal(DLC) confused the game not to give me the 101 distress signal? I haven't found anyway to trigger the signal.

I don't think the outcast signal can interfere with this quest. I played both with and without Anchorage and the pitt enabled and always received all the radio signals. You receive the outcast signal anywhere as soon as you enable the mod, not only near the vault 101. Perhaps you missed the distress call, it is just a message on the top left of the screen, not a windowed message you have to click like the other radio signals. And it is no longer on your pipboy if you don't listen to it in the some next days. I don't know how to trigger a quest on the Xbox version Croquignol 04:43, 15 May 2009 (UTC)


O.K i killed overseer at first mission and now in this mission is new one.He is mad me about what trouble i did to vault and i never can get overseer to change he's mind about opening vault.He always start to fight!Can u only change Amata's father's mind?

Looks like it. Another reason to be a good guy.--Amitakartok 22:34, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
Freaking hell, I screwed up the game this way too. I had no idea what was going on when I started playing so I killed the first overseer. I can't really start the whole game over now :S Is there a cheat or something that could fix this? I wanna open the vault without destroying it.


Good karma choices arent listed. I mean, the options that result in good karma arentmarked accordinglly.

Radiated CRAM?[]


I just did the "Trouble on the Homefront" quest by telling Amata that the outside is dangerious, and that the vault should stay closed.

I selected the food/ammo from the overseer, and got 15 Cram + 545 5.66 Rounds. But, the Cram was radiated with +2 Rads.

I thought it was supposed to be RADless? What gives?

I'm assuming this was basically an error/laziness on the developers part as it gives you generalized Cram. Nothing special, just normal everyday Cram. I doubt they bothered to make one without RADs...

It is very likely laziness. They probably figured there was no reason to create a new Cram item they were going to make exactly one instance of, and that most players would barely even notice. Although it takes like 5 seconds to duplicate the item and change the effect to something without rads. 10:25, July 8, 2015 (UTC)

False Note?[]

"If you have activated the purifier, then you can no longer receive this quest, that is if you haven't already started it. (Confirmed on 360)"

I just got and finished the quest right after finishing the main storyline and activating the purifier (on 360). I removed the note in the mean time, since this seems to be false. -- 10:06, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, from what I understand, if you enter the wasteland from the Pitt, then it pretty much allows you to have all radio signals. However, if you don't have that add-on, then I don't have any idea what's going on there.

Actually, I completed the main quest without ever receiving the signal, and now cannot find the signal or start the quest. When I go to the Vault 101 door, it states that I don't know the new password. I'm about to go to the Pitt, so I guess we'll find out if that helps anything. -- 16:50, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

i was playing BS and right before libety prime blows up, i got this message telling me that i "have recieved the Vault 101 Distress signal radio station". i was like "oh crap forgot to do the quest" and when i fast travelled to vault 101 after leaving, i was able to do the quest. did anyone else get this?


I threw the Vault into Chaos. While I was killing them, I was thinking of what this place would be like in the future. Kinda like the other Vaults. Rusty walls, skeletons on the grounds, but no crazy inhabitants. I did, however, let the overseer live. Let him suffer and turn into a ghoul.


Well, on the main page it says: "WARNING: You will not be able to regroup with any companion should you choose to have them wait inside the vault after you have left for good, barring the use of mods or console commands.Your companion will stay inside, and you will never be able to get them out since entry to the vault will be forbidden. Make sure you leave no one inside."

Well, I think there is a way to save your companions even if you manage to trap them in the Vault. All you need to do is travel to the Pitt for the first time, which automatically fires all your followers. I think that progressing through the main storyline <plot spoilers> to where you get ambushed by Colonel Autumn also fires all your companions.Crimmastermind 09:02, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Officer Wilkins[]

On my return to the Vault before talking to either the Overseer or Amata, when I entered the Sub-Level and opened the door to the room where I shot the BB gun as a child. I was confronted by Officer Wilkins who said "You should never of left, kid. Now we'll make sure no one ever leaves again!" and started attacking me. Should this be mentioned on the page, it might interfere with the 'no violence' reward... Spellunker 17:56, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

After completing the quest by convincing Amata's Farther to open the Vault, I went back to Officer wilkins who ignored me and just said random 'Why wont you just leave?' comment's. But when I tried to start a conversation with him, just turned instantly hostile and shot me. Spellunker 18:47, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
I had a very interesting bug occur with Officer Wilkins on the 360 that prevented any further progress, as the console completely locked up. When entering the vault, I was wearing the Chinese Stealth Suit and sneaking, so only automatically triggered events caused any speech from NPCs. I encountered Wilkins up near the bays of computers on the way to the Overseer's office, and of course he was hostile, but did not get a chance to attack as my sneak meter never jumped above "Caution." Later, I went down to the Reactor Area and found Wilkins hanging out in the BB Gun area, but I just ignored him. After moving the quest along to the point where Amata was named Overseer (I used the speech check option to get it there) I wanted to take a last tour of the vault before it closed, and figured I'd see if Wilkins was still hostile to me after getting a new boss. When I walked up to him without sneaking, he quickly opened fire and I decided the vault didn't need that sort of person, so I shot him and looted the body. I clicked "X" to loot all, and when the loot pane closed, another immediately opened for Officer Taylor. I thought this was rather odd, as he was, as far as I knew, still alive and hanging out in the Atrium near the entrance to the vault. I decided to hit "loot all," after which the Xbox 360 hung with the pane still on the screen and the "looting sound" only half-played. Has anyone else seen this bug on the 360? --Sinistrahd 14:07, September 19, 2009 (UTC)

Butch in Rivet City[]

I've run into Butch after traveling to Rivet City during Broken Steel and when I talked to him there was the option of starting a gang and having him as a follower, but when I tried this my karma was very good and he refused. So I guess if you're evil he'll follow you. Though I chose to save his mom at the beginning of the game and he was friendly to my character from then on. So I think that's where the option becomes available later on. I didn't see this posted anywhere so I thought I'd share it.

  • Okay im not really sure where you got that idea but you have to have nuetral Karma for him to join. Bad karma will just make him claim that you may be badass but your physcho.

Just speculation.

  • Butch is a follower that requires Neutral Karma. He will always be in the bar in Rivet City ONLY if you sabotage the Vault.

Amata Sexy Sleepwear[]

When you sabotage the vault and the enclave encounter occurs, what is Amata wearing? In the various videos I've seen, it's blue sexy sleepwear, but no one bothered to search her. Is she wearing a unique outfit, or is it just a glitch? I really don't want to try it myself. -- 06:23, October 12, 2009 (UTC)

(PS3) Kind of a bug on this. I used the "back" entrance to the overseer's office and caught him in the hallway. Passed the speech check to open the vault and turn Amata into the new overseer. While running toward the atrium, I came across the hostile guard (Wilkins) and Alphonse Almodovar at the same time. I kept running toward the atrium, but my followers went hostile toward Wilkins. Either Alphonse is scripted to protect Wilkins, or he got caught in the crossfire. Either way, both were dead (Alphonse and Wilkins). Amata proceeded as if he were still alive.Pinkynperky04 03:20, November 16, 2009 (UTC)

Signal Lost in Point Lookout[]

(xbox 360) Excellent. Went to point lookout, finished the storyline, returned near vault 101 (going to the location) and there is no radio signal. Now I cannot begin the quest, gain experience, the achievement, the unique suit, the bottle caps on the framed quote, butch as a follower and neither his toothpick. How marvelous!!! -- 15:43, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Same here... cept I have 19 of 20 bobbleheads, and medicine is still sitting inside vault 101... which means if I want that trophy, I'll have to start a whole new game. FANTASTICLE!!!!

NPC's looking down?[]

Any idea why when I go to the 2nd level, the NPC's are all looking down at the floor when they talk to me? Seems like some sort of bug...

Keeping the Vault's door open with trick?[]

For example, blowing it off with the Fatman or leaving something in there so that it can't close? Or some kind of bug that you can get in, some no clip or something?


Has anyone noticed that the password to the vaults jail is Stockholm? As in the guard above Megaton?

I believe this is actually a reference to Stockholm syndrome. When a person has been prisoner to someone for a long time (i say a long time because it varies. 4 months, a year, its conditional) there is a slight chance that they will grow fond of their captor. In this case it's using jail to brainwash people into following security rules.Pancaxe 15:05, March 30, 2010 (UTC)

does anyone know were amanta is in vault 101

amata is not in vault 101 in my game.

I had that problem too. I left without talking to her/finishing the quest, spent the night in Megaton and came back. I then found her in the clinic where she is supposed to be so she could banish me from the Vault properly. 20:01, May 1, 2010 (UTC)JC360


Okay, I did Operation: Anchorage AND finished the main quest line, and I just finished the quest.. Exclaiimer


It really bothers me the fact that we're never gonna be able to visit the location that have a significant value to the game story. If you decide to close the vault, you'll be banished. If you decide to open the vault, you're still going to be banished as well. The only way for you to be able to come back again is destroying the vault and fucking everything up, like losing your relationship with Amata and the rest of the vault dwellers. Imagine yourself, walking by vault 101 knowing that you won't be able to neither interact with any of those NPC's again nor reminding how the vault was, even just for curiosity. I don't know, i really think that they could've done another ending for this quest, like finishing with a completely funcional and restored vault with dwellers allowing you to come and go as you please.

I opted by opening the vault without using violence against the Overseer, but still being banished after all. 23:50, August 29, 2010 (UTC) S Landa. Brazil 23:50, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

this is not true if you sabbatage the vault you can go back in but all vault dwellers will be gone or if you kill both the overseer and amata undetected it stays open and the dwellers arent hostile to you

can't get the signal to start the quest[]

Resetting the quest gives me the folowing output and the signal is not received!

setstage 14ea3 0

set Begin1 >> 1

set mode >> 1

GetDead >> 0.00

GetDead >> 1.00

GetDead >> 1.00

GetDead >> 1.00

GetDead >> 0.00

GetDead >> 0.00

GetDead >> 0.00

GetDead >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

GetInCell >> 0.00

I can't get the signal to start the quest. Please anybody! I blew up Megaton so I don't know where to go. Please tell me the specific place where you got the signal so I can please get it!!!!

I used `setstage 14ea3 10` that skipped the radio signal but it gave me the quest and i was able to continue the quest normally from there. 06/09/15

I don't know what to do...[]

I want to get the people access to the wasteland but it's dangerous, will I get bad karma for convincing the overseer to get people out for supplies??

Officer Gomez[]

When you first meet him, you can have him lead you to Amata. What happens next is him telling you to stay back while the trouble with the old man and the tunnel snake unfolds. When that's over, and after the automatic conversation with the old man, Gomez just gives up on you and trails off. You need to initiate conversation with him again.

I mean, seriously, how the hell does Bethesda manage this? They clearly accounted for this to happen judging by Officer Gomez's reaction to the altercation ahead. Yet, they've STILL managed to let it break the script.

they dont you werent listening enough there is a line where the officer who first finds you says to gomez its ok hes here to help its doesnt count as a subtile and is only in games with add ons or patches

Why did bethesda have to have this quest end by either getting locked out of vault 101 forever or killing everyone in the vault just to stay.

Things not mentioned on the front page[]

Since someone keeps undoing my edit, I have to mention them here:

1 If you choose to help Amata to open the Vault and convince her father to step down, you will gain karma. This is not mentioned on the front page. But other methods have info on karma gained or lost.

2 Bug section: Butch will end up appear at the Muddy Rudder in Rivet City if you choose to close the Vault, but you cannot recruit him as he will not engage any conversation with you. This is a bug that should be mentioned in the bug section. Again, it gets completely ignored.

Hope this helps.

Door Won't Open[]

For some reason the big door to Vault 101 won't open even after the mission started and I've listened to the distress signal. Anyone know why it won't open? 03:24, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

It could be a bug, but, just to make sure, how are you trying to open the door? Are you using the console next to it? Paladin117>>iff bored; 03:30, December 20, 2013 (UTC)

Starting the Quest[]

GOTY Version. The quest -Trouble on the Homefront- starts immediately after Dr Madison Li speaks to Elder Lyons through the Citadel intercom. The gates rise open and as the wanderer walks though the quest `The Waters of Life` completes and the new quest `Picking up the Trail` commences which is the trigger for the Homefront Quest. Fast travel to 101 where you will immediately pick up the Vault Tec emergency signal. Listen to the recording for the password and gain access to the vault.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 22:25, March 28, 2014 (UTC)

Starting quest on game console[]

I never looked at my radio long enough to discover that there was a distress call from Vault 101. I'm playing on Xbox 360 and can't get into the Vault now.What do I do? :::: What date is this query?The trigger for this quest occurs as you pass through the Citadel gate with Dr Li after escaping from the Taft Tunnel. . The quest triggers during the switch over from Completing the `Waters of Life` to `Picking up the trail` which occurs as the wanderer walks between the outer and inner gates of the Citadel.At this point, and before you enter the inner gate, you can fast travel to vault 101,pick up the Vault Tec relay signal and the Amata pass word, complete the Homefront quest, return to the Citadel and find Lyons, Sarah and Li still waiting for you inside. If you have missed this quest then you have no choice but to go back to an earlier save. I too missed this quest several times back in 2009 and 2010.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 22:19, June 9, 2014 (UTC).

It was from today, June 9, 2014. I realized this after I beat Fallout 3 and did plenty of side quests and add ons. Dang shame. Well, I can redo everything I did 30 hours on the game ago, or I can stay where I'm at.

I have one xbox360 set just for Fallout 3 spending around 75 hours to max out my 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S. to 10/10 ,my 13 Skills maxed to 100/100 and then start the main quest line leaving vault 106 to the very last to study.I have yet to play a game without finding still more strange things that happen that I never saw before. Like the time I picked up a mouthy, friendly, female raider, outside Ever Green Mills, wearing Bombshell armour from the Pitt, who walked with me back to Magaton and spent game months stitting at my table outside MYHOUSE bad mouthing me every time I walked past before finally getting up vanishing through the gate. Good to hear someone still playing the game.All the best. Enjoy.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 08:22, June 10, 2014 (UTC)

How was that supposed to help me (I'm the OP BTW)? That isn't telling me anything. August 3, 2014

Period of Vault 101 Homefront Signal[]

xbox360 GOTY VERSION. From the moment the Wanderer enters the Citadel gates for the first time the quest` The waters of life` ends`and the quest `Picking up the Trail` starts.This occurs between the inner and outer gate.(Confirmed) At the same time the Automated -weak- Vault Tec signal from 101 triggers and only be heard for less than 2 game squares around Vault 101.This means that if the wanderer enters the Citadel and continues with the main Quests the signal may never be heard since all the travels for the quests are outside the signal area. Presumably then most players with GOTY and unaware of Trouble on the Homefront never pick up the Signal?

Length of signal. Travel to Point Look Out and the signal will vanish while travel to the Pitt and it will still be present upon return.

What is the trigger that ends the signal? It is known that the signal will last well over 2 game months if much of the time is spent on fast travel round the Capital Wasteland or spent waiting.(tested).

In the absence of a known trigger method for shutdown of the Vault Tec Automated emergency signal the commenton the main page "after a while " checks out as still valid after all these years. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 12:59, June 14, 2014 (UTC)

Confirmed workaround - PS3 GOTY Edition - travel to the Pitt, travel back to Megaton, check your radio for signal "Vault 101 Emergency Signal" (scroll down on signal list), click on it, nothing should play. Leave it selected and fast travel to Vault 101 you should get the password pop up notification for "Vault 101 Door Password", which starts the quest Trouble on the Homefront. Thanks for the tips on travelling to the Pitt, I think the DLC areas may have unintentionally caused this problem because IIRC it takes a month of game time to travel to Point Lookout for example, just a guess. Hope this helps anyone stuck with this - thought I was going to miss out on getting the Medicine Bobblehead... :P

Vault 101 Emergency Frequency (List)[]

This is just a quick warning that might help people avoid a simple mistake. If you've read other help posts, you know that you cannot accomplish Trouble on the Homefront if you do not pick up and listen to the Vault 101 Emergency Frequency which tells you the new door code for Vault 101. You should also know that this frequency is only available for a limited amount of time (a few days?) from the completion of Water of Life and the Picking Up the Trail. One last thing that I haven't seen posted anywhere else, maybe because it's so obvious people might miss it. If you've found a lot of stations, like the random radio stations associated with towers you see around the wasteland, the list may be so long you have to scroll down your list of inactive radio stations to find Amata's emergency signal. The list stays in alphabetical order regardless of whether you are in range of the station. It just so happens that the 3 main stations (Agatha's, Enclave, and Galaxy) all come first alphabetically. You may be in range of Amata's signal and not realize it because you have to scroll down since it comes last alphabetically ("Vault 101...). So before you load an old save, just scroll down on your radio list.

Trouble on the homefront how to?[]

Im not exactly sure how to do this since it is the first time i have ever used this but I have already completed the main questline, and i was wondering how to gain access to the Trouble on the Homefront sidequest? how can i do it? please help!
