Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


To avoid confusion with Treasure hunt (a FONV paper note), this page could be renamed 'Treasure hunt (Fallout 4)' or 'Treasure hunt (quest)'. --YoDsanklai (talk, blogs) 15:55, January 16, 2016 (UTC)


A table for a better overview (please edit if I made a mistake). The name isn't shown in the Pip-Boy, but the objective. There is also RETreasureHuntSC06_DN070 which seems to be a similar structured quest, and one of the ways to start Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain, not sure where to document that quest. --Alfwyn (talk) 12:52, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

formid edid name objective document
0002BDE6 RETreasureHuntSC01 Treasure Hunt: Raider hunting for Caps Search for caps in <Alias=Dungeon> Raider's note
0002BDE9 RETreasureHuntSC02 Treasure Hunt: Junkie hunting for Chems Look for the stash of chems in <Alias=Dungeon> Junkie's note
0002BEED RETreasureHuntSC03 Treasure Hunt: Gunner hunting for Gun Find the <Alias=Weapon> in <Alias=Dungeon> Gunner's note
0002BEF6 RETreasureHuntSC04 TEMPLATE - Duplicate for new Treasure Hunt events. Search for scrap in <Alias=Dungeon> Scavenger's note
0002BEF9 RETreasureHuntSC05 TEMPLATE - Duplicate for new Treasure Hunt events. Search for tech in <Alias=Dungeon>. Settler's note
0011132D RETreasureHuntSC06_DN070 Treasure Hunt: Treasures of Jamaica Plain Look for the gun in <Alias=Dungeon> Jamaica Plain flyer
Hadrian's invitation
Ken's invitation
Sal's holotape
Since it procs a Pip-Boy entry I'm moving the quest to 'Miscellaneous'. --YoDsanklai (talk, blogs) 14:02, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

More discussion about this quest[]

Other views about this quest have been expressed on the following talk page: Talk:Fallout_4_quests#Quest:_Search_for_.5Bsomething.5D_in_.5Blocation.5D --YoDsanklai (talk, blogs) 14:02, January 17, 2016 (UTC)
