Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Okay, I'd really love a source here. This is just one of those things that's so wacky I have a hard time taking it at face value.--WouldYouKindly 20:27, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

Watch the Jace Hall show they have him doing the voice over for the toaster, so believe it or not its real.Halomasterjk 05:02, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

Poor images[]

If it appears to be a regular toaster, use the standard toaster pic. But these horrible screenshots DO NOT meet The Vault standards for images. At all!--Kingclyde 02:30, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

I understand. But I posted a new one that is better than previous. It's only being used until new pictures can be found. PIP 02:33, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

Obligatory Joke[]

You know what they say... All toasters toast toast!

Ending slide (most likely)[]

The Toaster's ambitions of death rays and making toast were brought to and end, when the courier smashed him with a sledgehammer! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAQHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHSHAAHSDHAAHAHAHAAHAHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA! HA! HA! <COLLAPSES>

Actually, The other sink units throw him into the bath tub. ---

I like the part where you tell him the world already went up in atomic fire. Too bad telling him the turth or lying doesnt change his ending. And I like when he says, "aww well.. fuck! Ill burn the world again!"--Robandbig 12:54, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

Toaster's Voice[]

Dammit! This is the second time I guessed the wrong voice actor for someone/something in this game. If you've ever heard Obey the Cowgod by Green Jellÿ, you'd swear Toaster sounds just like the singer. I think his name is Bill Manspeaker, though I could be wrong. The band DID go through about six lead singers. -Malus X 21:02, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

He has a specific kind of hate[]

Apparently his hate doesn't extend to vacuum cleaners or pressure cookers. --Xclockwatcher 03:38, August 1, 2011 (UTC)

Lmao, good call xD SilencedSouls 06:29, November 20, 2011 (UTC)

Behind the Scenes[]

Are there any actual links for references, because I can hardly see a basis for either one aside from that they're all just toasters that can talk. User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 09:22, August 1, 2011 (UTC)

I agree, the only similarity is that they are toaster s that can talk. The only "real" reference is the one on the top concerning toaster repair. --Kastera (talk) 04:05, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

Cosmic knife superheated[]

In my experience, the toaster CANNOT create a cosmic knife superheated for the player. Please Verify this for me Nashorn1127 07:14, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

You're right Marksmanus 22:03, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Talkie Toaster[]

the Project sink Toaster may also be referring to both the book and TV British sitcom Red Dwarf which in a few episodes included that character Talkie Toaster. A toaster which a obsession with making toast in fact the phase "would you like some Toast" was the toasters catch phrase much to the dread of the crew of Red dwarf who would repeat over and again the various different types of toast that they did not wish to have. Even the toasters death is a reference to the fact that in Better than life the second Red Dwarf book kryten the ships robot "killed" talkie toaster by dropping him in a waste disposal system.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Red_Dwarf_characters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRq_SAuQDec

If Talkie Toaster was hellbent on dominating the world and talked in an ominous, almost yelling voice, there may be a reference there, but aside from them being toasters that talk, they have no similarities. --Kastera (talk) 18:49, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

I disagree they both share lines The most obvious being "Would you like some toast?" However I'm quite sure that it's not the only one. I would say you have more iffy references on other pages even if the toaster it's self isn't a solid reference the use of similar lines for the talking toaster is.

Reference to Ghostbusters II?[]

The whole homicidal toaster thing also reminds me of the scene in Ghostbusters 2 when they put the pink slime into the toaster and Venkman messes with the group by pretending to be attacked by "the ol' man eating toaster."

Might be a bit thin, but I thought I'd bring it up for thought. Glymfeather 05:14, August 17, 2011 (UTC)

Possible Battlestar Galactica reference? 22:13, September 16, 2011 (UTC)

Reference to EPA's character?[]

Brave Little Toaster? --dotz (talk) 11:24, December 5, 2012 (UTC)

The Brave Little Toaster[]

Could it be a reference to Disney's "The Brave Little Toaster?"
