Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I updated the page by removing useless facts, first person writing, and added new sub headings so the article doesn't suck anymore. --Clean Up 22:51, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

"Every major player in this quest" is not, in the remote possibility, an android[]

Just a little something to shatter the dreams of whoever is spreading that falsity around; Victoria Watts has Android Components on her because it's part of the plot, i.e. she will give them to you so you can show them to Zimmer and say the android he is looking for is dead. After she gives you the parts and you kill Victoria Watts she (gasp!) wont have Android Components on her. The same goes for Pinkerton, who you can coax into giving you the parts, which he then explains that when he operated on Harkness he removed some parts from him. After he gives them to you he also (gasp!) wont have android parts on him. Zimmer has android parts on him because he (gasp!) works with androids and brought along spare parts for Harkness. Armitage having Android Components is an obvious answer, isn't it?

Another thing to consider. You can eat (with the Cannibal perk) every NPC involved in this quest line EXCEPT Armitage (Harkness is always marked Essential, even after everything is said and done, so we can't be sure for Harkness). Want to know why? Because you cant eat an android.

                                                                 Cool Man

I'm removing all claims to the appropriate articles on this matter. Someone obviously didn't think this one through. What's next, we find a Raider has picked up an NPC's unique weapon and we come to conclude it's the NPC in disguise? Sheesh. 06:03, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

God you're such a geek. It's fun to leave a little room for speculation and interpretation; I just attended Angela and Diego's wedding and he didn't even show up but they still got married- it's a flawed game; perhaps that's why you can eat Zimmer. On the other hand, Zimmer says that Armitage is a run-of-the-mill android; perhaps, if Zimmer is synthetic, he's a more advanced form of synthetic like Harkness- OR MAYBE NOT. It's just fun to speculate. This game is fiction and fiction is open to the interpretation of its readers or consumers. Hermeneutics is what it's called; read Paul Ricouer (or don't 'cos he's boring). Why can't we all have a little fun without some wet fart coming along and whining like a bitch.-- 21:42, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
I hate having to keep reminding people that this is a WIKI and only verifiable facts should be added to the articles. The discussion pages or, if it is allowed, a separate section on the page are where speculation belongs. --MadDawg2552 21:53, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
What is a 'fact'? This is a computer game- it's fiction, it isn't real. You can't appeal to higher empiracism in a case like this; the player creates his or her own reality and relationship with the media; I'm not taking a positivist position one way or another but I am saying that if there is a possibility it may be true and so it can be mentioned as a possible interpretation. You boys need to lighten up.-- 09:51, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Oh, OK. Then, in that case, I believe that the vault 101 dweller was put into a simulation in Vault 101, similar to the one in Vault 112, to study his/her reaction to being forced to enter the wasteland. In that interpretation, everything the player experiences is false. It's a possibility, right? According to you, that means I should add that to all the pages. --MadDawg2552 15:04, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
All "human" NPCs in the game, and the player, are androids. PlasmaFox 12:47, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

OK; I'm taking this all very seriously and I regret ever raising the subject. This is the first video game I've played in ages and I'm a little over-protective of my hegemony over it. I'm going away now.-- 21:58, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

Alternate ending[]

I just finished this quest by talking to the android and having him remove Zimmer from the ship by making up various petty crimes with which to charge him. This peaceful solution might need to be added? Didn't follow the android so didn't witness any cutscene. I have speech skill of 100 but can't remember if this was required for this option.

--- I also used the "peaceful solution" speech option. I then waited near Harkness to see what happens - He stayed put, so I went to look for Zimmer in the the Sci. Lab - and "POOFF" he was gone... guess it's "peaceful solution" to the end... :) -- Novice, Nov. 28 07:23 GMT.

Killing Zimmer[]

It is possible to kill Zimmer and Armitage in the Playstation 3 version too. And from what I read in an earlier version of this article, it's possible on the computer too. I will therefore remove the "On the xbox 360 version it's actually possible to kill Dr. Zimmer and Armitage after recieving the rewards" sentance since it's obviously possible in both PS3, xbox and PC versions. Tranceswe 00:45, 8 November 2008 (UTC)

Zimmer is coming up unkillable to me - can only knock him unconciouss. PC version with latest patch. 00:25, 9 January 2009 (UTC) Edit to that: Ah, seems it is because I didn't have permission to kill him. Rivet city is good, that you can't kill people without their permission! 17:56, 9 January 2009 (UTC)


When i talk to Pinkerton i get no dialogue options about the android, does anyone know why? I started the quest by talking to Dr. Zimmer if thats any help thx! NukeSpammer 07:40, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

--Unfortunately experiencing the same problem!

--Sort of- Pinkerton *had* the dialog options, but I was finishing the Wasteland Survival quests. When I went back the android requests were gone. --Toecheese 13:27, November 10, 2009 (UTC)

-- When I visited Tenpenny tower, I talk to Daring Dashwood (I had already got at least 2 or 3 copies from the too audio msgs about the android - one in which he asks for help and one in which someone else talking about him). Dashwood talled me about the railroad (by now I had a dialog option about it) and also had a dialog option with the Tenpenny doctor to ask about skin grafting (or some-such) - it was a speech test which upon successful resolution sent me looking for Pinkerton. (only then I got to Rivet city and to Pinkerton and had the option to ask him about the android).

Regardless - he has all the info on his computer (near the skeleton lying on the medical bed) -- Novice Nov 28.

Note that with Pinkerton's dialog, you need someone to flag it for you. The same applies for Rivet City's history. --DarkJeff 17:41, 17 December 2008 (UTC)


Im trying to see how much karma you gain if you tell harkness he is an android. (using console player.getav karma) On time I had karma 965 and it raised to 1000, another time i had 960 karma and again was raised to 1000.... I wonder if i have 0 karma will it be raised to 1000 ? :)

Anyway, looks like if you talk to zimmer and tell him who is the android, you always get -200. If you speak with the android and get the ok to kill him, you dont lose any karma... Conradesc 18:30, 4 November 2008 (UTC)

doh, 1000 is max karma :)Conradesc 18:30, 4 November 2008 (UTC)

Victoria Watts[]

You can kill her plenty before the end of the quest, you don't even have to talk to her. Your character will say "good riddance" and you won't get any negative karma for doing so. As far as loot goes, I never got any android parts; Conclusion: she's not an android? (PS3)

Further more, she only approaches you if you talk about the android with someone other than Zimmer. If you keep a low profile and do your detective work with lockpicks and stealth, she will never bother you. She'll be standing around nearby your vicinity though.

After the triple-cross ending[]

Get authorization to kill Zimmer, inform on Harkness, then kill Zimmer, and afterward Danvers will claim to assume command. I guess this is triggered by telling Zimmer rather than him capturing Harkness. I haven't heard Three Dog mentioning Harkness getting taken away; does he still report that if you do it this way?

Strange Brew[]

My experience with this quest: I go through the steps positive, tell Harkness (gently) that he's an android, he gives me the plasma gun, he runs off (I now know he probably went to kill Zimmer), he comes back, I talk to him peacefully, he runs into the ammunition room leaving the door open, I pass in front of the room, the turret starts shooting at me, all of a sudden Harkness and Private (whatever) the robot start shooting at me, I move into the ammunition room, I take out the turret easily with the plasma gun, I take out Mr. Robot, I kill Harkness three or four times (really just unconscious), then he wakes and I notice he is 'green' (not hostile anymore), so I don't shoot. Now we're buddies again. What the hell happened? BTW, I tried this several ways. One was worse; because I didn't get Harkness and Mr. Robot into the room and shut the door, all the fellow guards came running and shooting. The only way that avoided turmoil was using Stealth Boy as Harkness ran into the ammunition room. Thane Hermansson 23:42, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

If I remember correctly, I think I tried it a couple of times without passing in front of the turret, and Harkness still came out of the room hostile. Thane Hermansson 23:49, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

The turret is always hostile to you; If you go w/in range of it, it attacks you, making the entire faction (Rivet City) hostile to you. Essential characters (knocked out, not killed) appear to "forget" their hostility to you very quickly, probably to prevent situations where you can't kill someone continually attacking you. 03:53, 24 March 2009 (UTC)

Hostie Essentials have to turn un-hostile or you will not be able to talk with them therefor making it have the same basic effect as rhem being dead (as mission comltion is concerned) JASPER42


I had finished talking with Pinkerton about Harkness. I was swimming back out of the Broken Bow and I saw Victoria Watts floating underwater right next to a door! 22:36, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

I think she approaches you to talk if you speak to someone other than her about androids. So she was probably trying to follow you and drowned. Jdw 07:31, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

Holotapes and clues[]

Even though I discovered the new identity of the andriod and his location, I still had a objective "Find more about the escaped andriod" unchecked. Please list all the holotapes (please also the name of the holotape is possible) and clues, regarding the fugitive andriod, you found.


Doc Church Clinic - Holotape found near the terminal in his back room (this is probably the first holotape you will probably find and triggers the mission) "A request for help"

Moria Brown - Ask her about the Android


Ask Red (after you rescue her) about the andriod and you will get a holotape

Rivet City:

Saint Monica´s Church - Behind Father Clifford´s podium. "Rogue Android"

Doctor Preston - Ask him about the andriod you will get a holotape.

Seagrave Holmes - Ask him about androids and pass a speech check (I think the tapes are in the order you find them)

Pinkerton (Ship´s Bow) - Before and After surgery images, several notes and holotapes.

Sister - If you break into Sister's room, a holotape referring you to Pinkerton is on his desk. (This MUST be the first holotape you get for it to actually be there).


Laboratory - "Androids are real. No Really!" Holotape on the desk in the Smithy beside a power armor (1st floor near A-Ring corridor)

Is it possible to get the holotape from the citadel just before Take it back? Or does that just start it?

-The mission starts when you find any audio holotape regarding the andriod, the citadel holotape is just one from the collection and it can start the mission if you did not trigger the mission before.


If you finished the quest by giving the Android Component that Victoria Watts gave you to Dr. Zimmer, where do he and Armitage head to. 01:07, 22 December 2008 (UTC)

I think they just vanish from the world. JASPER42

Retriggering replicated man quest[]

If you bump into another andriod holotapes or clues, be sure not to read/listen them or the mission will be reactivated. I have already finished the mission, when I found another holotape and listened it, the replicated man mission has reactivated.

Logan's Run[]

Is this not also a reference to Logan's Run? I would add it to the list of sci-fi references myself, but I'm not sure about the criteria (I'm used to editing Wikipedia, with no original research allowed).

-- no it's not, and it's hardly a reference to most the other stuff mentioned.

Certainly the note on Neuromancer is tenuous; the character in the book is called armitrage not armitage, and there's no android in that book, nor does the plot bear any resemblance. 23:50, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

You're incorrect - Armitage is the spelling used in Neuromancer. Armitage had a former identity before being 'reprogrammed' with a new personality/identity. 01:18, 20 April 2009 (UTC) the chacter in the super nintendo game shadowrun has the name Armitage (its jake armitage accually :) ) 16:52, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

the programmed man[]

ya theres a book called the programmed man about a robot, its nothing noteworthy but the illlustrated man really gots nothing to do with robots,

Sister's Holotape is NOT Required[]

I put a list of steps on the main page for starting the mission and getting info on Pinkerton. Somebody modified it, saying that you MUST get Sister's holotape. I took that out because I never got it. I followed exactly the steps I listed. Has anyone else experienced having to have Sister's tape?

Herbert Dashwood, tulip and Manya[]

Does anyone have proof they are part of the Railroad? If not that is going to be removed from the article--Kingclyde 20:57, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

If you confront Herbert about the tape, he tells you, and I think Manya to. I don't think tulip says a word about it. Fat Man Spoon 21:15, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Holotapes disappear after completing the quest ?[]


First, I'm sorry for my crappy english.

I'm not sure about this but it seems that the holotapes related to the quest disappear after the quest completion.

But the notes about this quest (like Pinkerton computer logs) are still here, in my Pip-Boy...

Any explanation ?

(I have collected holotapes from Rivet City's Doctor, from Sister's room and from Saint Monica's Church. I have started the quest by talking to Zimmer, without any holotape founded before. Then I have obtained the android part from Victoria Watts, I have founded Pinkerton and looked on his computer. Finally, I have explained the truth to Harkness to get his rifle, and then to Zimmer to get the Commonwealth perk.)


you dont lose notes ever. no matter what. once u pick it up its there for good.  zambam
All my holotapes got broken after finishing this quest (revealing to Harkness hes an android, then giving Zimmer the part telling the android died. The holotapes show empty timers and wont play. - Redmess 22:10, October 31, 2009 (UTC)
On second inspection only the tapes from this quest were broken, others remained functioning. - Redmess 00:05, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

Star Paladin Cross instead of Victoria Watts[]

Has anyone else had Star Paladin Cross can approach you with Victoria Watts dialog and give you the Android Component? She approached me as I was getting ready to enter the Jefferson Memorial. I'd be happy to share a savegame from a bit before then. I didn't know at the time that it was unusual so I don't have a save where she is present, just before and after on different maps. I used console codes to get the Power Armor perk among other things. Morris Darkstar 22:36, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

Couple of questions[]

"Because this quest can result in the acquisition of one of the most powerful general purpose weapons in the game (other than the Alien Blaster, which you should get before this)"

I don't get that, how/why should you get the Alien Blaster before this?

"2. In the clinic, get a holotape from the doctor, (That voice sounds oh so familiar, doesn't it? Hmm... lisp, exaggerated words... yup! It's Moira Brown from the Craterside Supply? You have the option of talking to her later.) "

The holotape I got from him didn't have her voice on at all. ( This -is- Dr. Preston right? )

What the...?[]

I bought "Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition" the other day, and what was strange is that I never started the quest, and never had been to Rivet City, but somehow I had the quest in my Pip-Boy. I noticed this when I was able to ask the various NPCs about the android. Then out of no where Victoria appeared in Big Town.

Has this happened to anyone else?

From Victoria's page I understand she starts running towards your current position as soon as you trigger a certain part of this quest. It sounds like you are somehow triggering the quest. Have you been using console commands, or any mods? - Redmess 12:44, November 10, 2009 (UTC)
I think i triggered it from megaton, aslong as you can ask people about it she will come to you.JASPER42

Bugs with clue searching[]

There are two bugs on the quest The Replicated Man which are triggered when you receive the quest from Zimmer. You may not be able to complete the following two objectives:

Search for clues about Zimmer's missing android.

[Optional] Discover what Dr. Preston knows about the android.

If you've already gathered 4 clues prior to talking to Zimmer, neither quest objective can be completed, because all clues are removed from the game as soon as you gather 4 of them

Even if you've collected less than 4 clues, but used Dr. Preston to gather one of them, you obviously cannot complete the second objective, cause you've already talked to him before on the android topic.

These bugs will not prevent you from completing the quest, but the quest objectives will stay open and this may leave the player confused. The quest journal tells you to talk to Dr. Preston, but when the player does so, no android topics will be present. Same with any other doctors/techies. All android conversation topics and all android notes are disabled and gone from the game when 4 clues have been gathered.

To fix, two scripts need to be edited in the construction set:

Quest MS08->Quest Stage 10 script->wrap a condition around the script like this:

if GetStage MS08 < 20
SetObjectiveDisplayed MS08 10 1

Dialogue->Zimmer ID->MS08AndroidInstructions topic->wrap a condition around the script in both Zimmer replies like this:

if GetStage MS08 < 20 && MS08.MedicalClue1 != 7 && MS08.MedicalClue2 != 7 && MS08.MedicalClue3 != 7 
SetObjectiveDisplayed MS08 11 1

WRFan 22:24, November 15, 2009 (UTC)


soz may have nothing to do wid this really but on my way back from pinkerton the wastleland captive [you all know the little sm thing nearby] was just walking along.........? umm maybe harkness has the ability to mentally kill sm from thinking about them lol-- 22:26, November 19, 2009 (UTC)

When you say that the bugs leave the optional objectives open...[]

Does this mean I should reload before River City and NOT talk to the doctor before talking to Zimmer? I guess my question is, when I complete the entire quest, will it stay "open" anyway and NOT mark itself as complete, cluttering up my quest page for the rest of the game?

I don't care about the optional objectives since they seem to be buggy, but I do NOT want to leave an entire quest open for the rest of the game. 14:54, November 23, 2009 (UTC)--The Stryker

Bugs when resetting the quest with console commands[]

So, when I completed this quest, I forgot to ask Harkness for permission to kill Zimmer, keeping me from getting both rewards AND stopping Zimmer from wiping Harkness' memory. I reset the quest using console commands (~resetquest 00014e9b) and went through it again, starting with talking to Zimmer to receive the quest, and now there are some bugs. Victoria Watts keeps following me across the wasteland and accosting me, but instead of giving me the android component and the objective to lie to Zimmer, she repeatedly asks "Is there anything else?" as though I were addressing her. Furthermore, resetting the quest didn't reset Harkness' dialogue options, and he's using the dialogue tree for after the quest is finished. I've tried killing and resurrecting the characters in question, but Watts just keeps pestering me anyways, and Harkness and Zimmer are still set as essential. I also tried resetting the quest's stages, but that doesn't change either Watts' or Harkness' behavior. How do I get everyone to act as though the first runthrough of the quest never happened?-- 04:31, December 19, 2009 (UTC)Bryce

There are two quest objects -- "MS08" (id 14e9b) and "MS08Fin" (id 63bf3). The second one contains some relevant variables, so in order to properly reset the quest you need to resetquest both ids.

cant tell harkness hes a droid[]

I finished the quest by giving zimmer the component from vicky and later on she tells you about pinkerton.

So i went to him and he gave me all the crap about harkness and the surgery.

Then when i go to harkness i cant tell him that he is an android...

Once you give the component to Zimmer the quest is basically done, however not in a way that gives you the most rewards. Read the main article, it's explained in there.

I had the same problem with the side quest not being solvable. I had collected enough clues from other people already and Dr. Preston had nothing to say about face grafts etc. I eventually reloaded an older saved game, went to Zimmer, and from him straight to Dr. Preston. It worked!


Hello, all. I started the quest by finding a holotape, not sure which is was. Afterwards I was approached by Victoria Watts and given a talking to. Immediately after that I traveled to Rivet City and talked to Mr. Zimmer, "pretending" I was going to find his android. I then received BOTH objectives "find out what pinkerton knows" and "find all the clues". Having visited Pinkerton prior to finding all the clues in a previous playthrough (and wasting a trip), I opted to save time and get the clues first. I managed to get 3 of the 4 mandatory holotapes, the only one remaining being the "a free man... a new man" clue, it should be the one that mentions Pinkerton's involvement. However, after the third clue I got side-tracked for a good deal of time, and only recently came back to finish the quest. Having resumed the investigation, all of a sudden no one knows anything about an android or is in posession of that final holotape, leaving me unable to involve Pinkerton, and unable to receive either of the rewards. I had planned on getting the Plasma Rifle, informing Zimmer and getting the Wired Reflexes perk, then killing Zimmer and Armitage. Now I can only get the pity caps from Zimmer by giving him the fake evidence of the androids demise. Anyone else had their quest doomed in this way, or found a way around it? Thanks. 01:31, February 8, 2010 (UTC)

NPCs have no android dialouge or holotapes[]

this is my first play through and i found the tape in rivet city in the church which started the quest , talked to zimmer, talked to dr preston, talked to moria, and then nothing, i tried to talk to the preist in rivet but it didnt give a second tape, tried to talk to Manya Vargas but no dialouge about androids only about megatons history and such, and there is no holotape in her "house", also Seagrave Holmes has no android dialouge either, i have only 3 clues , the last one being from moria and it saying the teir 3 medical response [We now have a Lipoplasticator and Micro Dermal Graftilizer. We just need to find someone with the skills and willingness to perform the surgery. If anyone knows of a discreet and trustworthy surgeon who knows how to keep his mouth shut, send him our way. Also, we need to find a Circuit Neuralizer to reroute the signals in the android’s memory. Do you know any trustworthy techies?] , i cant seem to find the 4th clues "A free man..." any one know what to do about this or why this might be happening? my email is kenneymabie@gmail.com if if i dont see your response here please email me , so i can see it thanks in advance, peace, kenney

p.s. i am also playing on a 360 16:50, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Where did Harkness go?[]

I told Harkness about him being an android and then told him Zimmer is waiting for him. After that I decided not to pass a speech check and let him decide for himself. According to the article, he should stay in Rivet City, continuing with his duties. However, as soon as I quit dialogue with him, he said something about being late for a council meeting, and started running. I followed him. After he went through the stairwell door leading outside, he vanished. Now I can't find him anywhere. What's more, a previously crossed-out dialogue option with Bannon, the one involving the council, had a new option. Bannon now mentions himself, Doctor Li and Commander Danvers as being part of the council. So my hunch is that choosing this option does mean that Harkness disappears, and therefore that this article is incorrect at this specific point. 22:22, March 17, 2010 (UTC)

Harkness turning hostile?[]

(PS3) So I was running an evil character in my second playthrough. After talking to Pinkerton and Watts (killing them both). I go to Zimmer and tell him about Harkness. So I follow Zimmer where he confronts Harkness. I'm about 20 feet away from both listening to them argue. While this was happening, I had my Laser Pistol out, but I didn't use it. After Zimmer tried to reset Harkness to his android persona. Harkness becomes hostile and starts shooting at Zimmer and I, causing Rivet City security to attack me aswell. I re-loaded the auto and that second time it worked fine. Has anyone experienced this? 16:44, July 12, 2010 (UTC)


I found a way to get 2 rewards first i helped Harknes and then I said that i would kill Dr. Zimmer, i walked over to Zimmer and said the androids identity then got the perk and shot Zimmer.

So i got the plasma riffel, and the wierd reflex perk.

PS. sorry about the spelling i am Danish. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

That's pretty much my standard method of completing this quest, been doing it that way ever since I realized what the quest was all about. Kris (talk) 20:55, July 30, 2010 (UTC)
To quickly start and finish the quest, talk to Doc Church, Moira, and Manya. Victoria Watts will encounter you soon, during that point ignore her and go to Rivet City. Talk to the doctor there (forgot his name) then talk to Zimmer. Go to Pinkerton, and then you can acquire one or both rewards using the methods in the normal article.
NubblePie 18:09, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
Don't ignore Vicky Watts, talk to her, exit conversation as quickly as you can, then kill her for easy XP without any karma change or hostility from nearby NPCs. Also, it's not necessary to kill Zimmer after getting his reward; only do it if you want to keep Harkness around. Kris mailbox 18:49, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

Your Victoria encounter really can be anywhere.[]

Aqua victoria

Glug, glug, you're dead.

Just has a very weird experience. I was getting into the ship's bow by swimming underwater when who should pop up but.... Victoria Watts, in all her glory, right in my path. Of course I couldn't talk to her, since we were under water, and I couldn't seem to get around her, so in very short order I drowned. She just floated there waving her hands around, apparently immune to damage. Wunengzi 03:35, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

Thats Hysterical and weird at the same time...probably an error in her script. -bleep196- 03:37, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
It was actually creepy as hell, since she was waving her raised hands in the water as if putting a curse on me, and I was frozen.... the game probably assuming I was going to say something to her. Wunengzi 03:40, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah then it's definetly a game script error. -bleep196- 03:41, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
Victorias progress

There she goes again....

So, I went back and replayed from my last save, and she did it again.... thankfully this time when I exited the carrier via the bridge at the bow. As I walked across the bridge, I heard a huge splash and some other water noises, and assumed Mirelurks. It wasn't..... Wunengzi 05:09, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
One time I encountered her a very long way from home. Unless I'm thinking of someone else. --Kris mailbox 11:02, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
She came all the way from Rivet City to just outside Tenpenny Tower to harass me (which has clues to this quest).

Easy to break this quest[]

What I mean it's easy to finish this quest without really doing anything or getting all the components. Really needs to be more linear or else the player can miss a good story.

When I first got this quest it was because I robbed Manya's house in Megaton and so found a holotape. Then I received dialogue options in Megaton with Manya and Doc Church. I also received them in Underworld. I then went to Rivet City and encountered Victoria Watts. She was actually running around on the deck like a mad thing until the bridge came across for me. You can't ignore her conversation it just starts as soon as she runs up to you. I took the part thinking it was a way to further the quest. I met Zimmer almost immediately when I went to talk to Dr. Li about dad. So I gave him the part and the quest ended.

I was really annoyed when I found out there was much more to the quest with Harkness and even Sister. In my game I didn't know Harkness was the Android so he was still in Rivet City and Commander Davers was also there but would say that Harkness was gone. This is one of those quests where you basically have to know before hand what you are doing or else you will miss some of its elements and possible rewards.--ShadowSentinel 16:16, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Am I hallucinating[]

I have not met Dr.Zimmer, nor been anywhere except Megaton, Bigtown and the German Police Department. Yet when I talk to Red, there was a dialogue about this mission, out of the blue. When I initiated the conversation, I got the mission whatsoever. Is this a bug???
