Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hey i am NukeSpammer! I've been using wiki's for a while now and ever since discovering the Fallout series (well, Fallout 3 in particular) in 2006/7ish i have used this wiki. I have used other wiki's too including Wikipedia (where i am known as S-m-r-t), Doctor Who wiki (under the name Torchwood5), Wookieepedia (also under Torchwood5 since it carries over and i couldn't be bothered being more original) and lastly in UESPwiki (The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Wiki) (under the name Wolf Wanna-Be (because i love Werewolves!))

I live in the UK and have pre-ordered Fallout 3 so i should be receiving it tomorrow morning, hopefully.

I have added to tables to numerous pages mainly the small guns in Fallout 3, although i haven't filled them in completely because I, obviously, don't own the game yet!

For fallout i'm a bit of a small guns, medicine and big guns player on a first time but after the first go, when i really get to know the game and its feel, i lean towards an energy weapons character.
