Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bridge Name[]

I just removed text from the main page that suggests this bridge is the South 10th Street Bridge. I cannot find anything in the game that supports that assertion. The bridge is most likely the Liberty Bridge as it connects to a tunnel, the tunnel which the player walks through to enter The Pitt, aka the Liberty Tunnel. The 10th Street bridge drops you into SouthSide, which is a neighborhood on the shore of the Monongohela River. 10th St. bridge does not go into any tunnel and is South of the Liberty Bridge. Two more things in support of my point: 1) The bridge directly to the left (north) of this bridge is very clearly the Fort Pitt bridge, from the way that it connects onto the tip of the downtown area (That area is Pittsburgh's true downtown, despite the location of "Downtown" in "The Pitt".) Since I cant see game evidence of a destroyed bridge between Fort Pitt bridge and "The Pitt Bridge" (TPB), TPB has to be Liberty Bridge because there are no bridges between Fort Pitt and Liberty. 2) If you take your first step onto TPB and turn around and look back, you will see Mt. Washington above the tunnel, but more importantly, if you turn yourself northwest, you will see the silohuette of St. Mary of the Mount church atop Mt. Washington. This church is easily viewable from everywhere in Pittsburgh and is positioned with the proper perspective for someone standing on the Liberty Bridge. 14:38, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

You're close. Its actually a reconstruction of the Wabash bridge that was made to resemble the 10th street bridge(see the first terminal entry here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/The_Pitt_Downtown_terminal_entries). In our universe, The Wabash bridge was located very close to Liberty Bridge until it was demolished in 1948. Wickedjacob 07:31, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

South 10th Street Bridge[]

It's not even near to a reconstrcution of the Wabash bridge.The nearest in design is the South 10th Steet Bridge--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 20:07, July 29, 2012 (UTC)


After crossing the bridge and passing the first gate there's an area with a raider named Mex and two other Pitt raiders. Next to Mex is what looks like a safe, but when you try to activate it, you see that it's labeled "footlocker" and requires a key. It seems no one in the area has the key, and if you go on into downtown you won't be able to come back until the quest is over, at which point the footlocker has disappeared. Anyone been able to see what's inside? Jdw 20:49, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

Is it possible that the footlocker/safe is where the player's inventory is temporarily stored when first entering the pit? I seem to recall that a footlocker is what your equipment is in, when it's returned to you after fighting in the arena. 04:32, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, it is. If you try to open it or something after Mex takes your stuff, he comments about your gear being in there. I believe it's called the footlocker cuz it is tied directly to the footlocker later and it was something they just overlooked. Don't know for sure though. Reflect 08:50, 1 July 2009 (UTC)
Ever heard of sotrage linking?Items when sutff placed in one storage area becomes genrated in the other storage area,so in this case the footlocker near mex would be the one near faydra,same happens with ash piles thathave been left alone for too long. Mr.Wolf 11:32, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

Holy radiance[]

Have anyone ever encountered the bug when bridge becomes heavily irradiated after completing main Pitt quests? For me radiation peaked at 200 rads/sec at the middle of bridge with 61% radiation resistance. Dumbassador 11:42, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

I was fuckin' around with the TGM console commands i got 1239 rads per second,WTF?? Mr.Wolf 11:42, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
::::Holy spy! Something weird... It wasn't THAT hard for me and random guy at Bethesda forum who said he encountered it too. Dumbassador 11:47, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
Yea, that happened to me. With that happening, I got a crap load of Rad-Away and explored the area under the river. It seems that I went up to +411 rads. The Wildmen area was irradiated one save up to 134 rads. At the end of the bridge I found a max of +381 rads. There aren't any more rad hot spots left in the area. I have a theory that the "river rads" are misplaced, and placed innapropiately. AreYouGoingToEatThatNuke? 23:10, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Physics Glitch[]

I was walking along the bridge, and I stepped on a bear trap on the side, where they are usually set up. Only, this time, I got shot into the air, and landed on the silver cable that holds the other cables in place. I then used that to walk to the steps that lead to the sniper's perch. I'm not sure if this is listed or not, and I just felt like informing you guys. JimmyBassatti 21:46, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Jimmy?I have a fiend named Jimmy (Always finds me awesome background pictures). Anyway,That same thing happens in Meresti station and to me, rather frequently.So the glitch is probably more of the bear traps itself then the pitt bridge,in case your wondering. HuangLee 22:02, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Ok, I wasn't sure if this was location specific or not. Thanks for replying, though :D JimmyBassatti 22:07, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

I think everyones got a mate called Jimmy.

It would be a problem with the trap. Its given too much power or acts like mines or something


Escape From New York Reference?[]

Could the Pitt Bridge be a reference to Escape From New York? While I was playing it yesterday, I made this connection: The only way into both areas is from a bridge that is littered with cars and filled with mines. Could it be a reference?--KnightNapier 17:22, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

Why has this been ignored? I agree with Knight, it's blatantly an Escape from New York reference (you're character is sent in undercover to get something done, finds a dystopian society in a locked-down area, and makes his only escape through the car-laden minefield bridge). --LordSchmee (too lazy to log in as usual)


i think this water is way past drinkable :P eny one agreeThekiller of the west 20:12, September 12, 2010 (UTC)thekiller of the west

There's no water, it's liquid radiation lol --Kris User Hola 20:17, September 12, 2010 (UTC)

Duh! You can't even get in the water with out dieing by rad poisoning. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard

Well, the "water" does give 0 HP and 300+ rads/sec. --Frozen Jese (Talk) 13:16, August 11, 2012 (UTC)

Why is the bridge so cluttered?[]

If the Pitt Raiders are getting regular "shipments" of slaves from the Capital Waste via the train tunnel, why is the bridge covered in wrecked cars, mines and wild dogs? Preventing escape is kinda pointless if you can't reliably get the slaves in. Dr. Lobotomy 04:10, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Do you have any idea how hard it is to move a car without the use of a construction vehicle? Besides, if any slave gets past the main gate, they'll have to navigate through the maze of cars allowing the sniper longer time to pick them off. --Kastera (talk) 18:36, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
It's actually pretty easy to move a car even with primitive means if you have the man power, which slavers have in spade. Heck, give me one of those Autoaxes(and maybe a crate full of radX and rad-away, and a rad suit) and I'd cut down those cars into manageable pieces and chuck 'em off the bridge, problem solved. And in the same game we're told the early settlers of Megaton dragged planes to construct their town. Plus, If you want to secure the bridge and slow down escapees for snipers, there are far more effective means than randomly placed cars like things similar to those improvised chain link fence and steel grating installations the Pitt Raiders have set up all over their territory. It just struck me from the first time I entered the Pitt, why the Raiders would make things harder on themselves when they have to cross that bridge as well, in fact for most of them they have to cross that bridge multiple times unlike the slaves' one-way trip. Dr. Lobotomy 01:25, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

XBOX-360- Another way to CLIMB to the BRIDGE SNIPERS NEST[]

Works with every XBOX-360 I don't know about other m/c's There is an intact City Liner on the bridge..You can use this City Liner to raise yourself above the East curved suspension pipe. First equipe yourself with a FAT MAN and NUKE. Break the CITY LINER free of the AI and push it against the east suspension bridge pipe. Walk up the stepped rear of the LINER to the top and step down onto the pipe. Then walk North up the pipe and onto the Raiders lattice walkway. Carry on up the lattice walkway and onto the Raiders lattice snipers nest overlooking the bridge and river. Very good view from the top!. To do this refer to the often used method decribed in talk CITY LINER where you are able to break any intact City Liner free of the AI and push it where you will and use it to get on top of taller objects. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 17:27, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

To break the CITY LINER free of the A.I.[]

X-BOX-360- To break the CITY LINER free of the AI. Arm yourself with a FAT MAN .Save the game.Fire the NUKE at the rear of the Liner and blow yourself and the LINER to pieces. This reloads you to the save. Holding the FAT MAN the intact LINER can now be pushed where you will. The only thing to avoid are rocks and other seemingly solid obstacles.The ends can be pushed for maneuvering round boulders or fences and once straightened up the LINER can be pushed at running speed where you will. The LINER cannot be pushed unless you are equipped with FAT MAN. If underneath, the LINER can be hurled into the air.The liner may expode if pushed too hard into another intact nuclear engine.This can happen on the PITT bridge.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 17:27, July 29, 2012 (UTC) Just for a bit of fun having finished the Pitt I pushed the CITY LINER down to the Slavers gate, opened the gate, it will just fit through lengthways ,parked it inside the compound with MEX and closed the gate behind it. From the top of the Liner the view Downtown is nothing like the scene when you pass though to the other side of the downtown gate. --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 18:03, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

To use the CITY LINER as a WEAPON[]

The CITY LINER contains some serious nuclear energy. Break the liner free from the A.I. Equip yourself with FATMAN and shove the rear of the LINER hard against the vehicle parked immediately to the south .You may have to shove it hard several times. If you are lucky and catch it just right it will catapult over the top of the Suspension bridge tower to the south -south west and land on top of the building containing the three Wildman, detonating in a super explosion. If you are unlucky it will either vanish upwards or fall into the river. If in the river it can be detonated to appear visually like a depth charge by firing a nuke at the point where it fell in.Flaming pieces of the Liner will emerge from the river and fall round the area.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 16:18, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

xbox360 If the game want's you dead it want's you dead[]

It seems almost impossible to save the slaves excaping from Mex even by removing all the visible frag mines before they get to them.If the mines don't blow them up the slaves just explode..Seems a bit unfair. Has anyone else tried saving the slaves? I have found in the Wastland as a general rule that if the game wants you dead you are dead.Bit like life I suppose?--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 08:49, August 12, 2012 (UTC)

It's something called a script. The ground will blow up and the slaves will die regardless of if you help them or not. It's the same thing that happens with the Happy Trails caravan in Honest Hearts. --Kastera (talk) 00:18, August 13, 2012 (UTC)

We all have a script, it's just that we never get an such an overview.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 15:51, August 13, 2012 (UTC)
