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Fallout Wiki

possible glitch?[]

decided to destroy the book, when i returned to the capital wasteland to head for dunbar i notices that the map markers pointed to springvale school?

same problem pointed to springvale

Me three --TheREALBloodscar 07:48, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

I had the same problem. I went to the one near springvale just to check it out and of course nothing was there. But also a second marker was on my hud pointing northeast, but it wasn't on my map. possibly because the game is trying to mark obadiah in point lookout but it glitches and shows it in the capital wasteland?

This is a well-known glitch when one of the map markers points to something "off-the-map" (which in this case, is Blackmanor Mansion off in Point Outlook). The marker can't point there, so instead, it just points to the center of the map (i.e. 0,0) which in this case, happens to be Springvale School. Same thing happens in New Vegas. it's an engine limitation. Don't worry about it. -- Kschang (talk) 06:03, October 4, 2012 (UTC)
Note that 0,0 in this case applies to the hash marks on the World Map (in your Pip Boy), and not the cell coordinates. This is because cell 0,0 is not at the center point of the map image. Digital Utopia (talk) 11:25, July 1, 2014 (UTC)


How many of them come after you as you remove the book? i am playing on very hard. shot 4 of them down, but was running low on ammo and stimpaks, so I used a stealthboy and ran away.

I just played it on Hard, and there were five in total; first a Tracker and a Scrapper at the bottom chamber, then a Creeper a Tracker and a Scrapper higher up, near a crossing. I also noticed that if they can't find you right away, they split up, so that the Scrapper goes alone to the short dead end (easier to take out). I was at Level 14.


I don't have the option to give it to her, if I go to the camp, there are smugglers there, and no dead body or tape. My only option is to give it to 'John Mcain'. Fat Man Spoon 13:34, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Jedidiah? You must have hit a spawning glitch. Y'know, like with the scientist at Broadcast Tower KB5. I think you don't even need the note. If you want, just take it to the Dunwich Building. Nitpicker of the Wastes 14:02, 27 June 2009 (UTC)
I got the same bug, smuggler in the camp, but she is not here. So, with the console, i move my char to her, and find her body right in front of the house, dead. I resurected her, and she walk,... sorry, flight to the tent, where she just wait, talking about her religious beliefs. Maybe we are supposed to follow her to the camp at the first meeting with her ? I didn't, i was too busy atm. 01:59, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

I stalk her after meeting her and a Tracker jump on her, she last a while, but eventually die. You guys may need to use player.moveto ref_id to find her body. It seems because she will die after the player obtain the book, Bethesda didn't brother to keep her alive (aka set essential) before the player get the book. scarvet00:31, 1 July 2009


I have the same problem - I can't find her. I looked by the Manor, her tent(inside and out), and the ritual site. I can't find her dead body anywhere. I'm on the 360 so I can't do any cheats/glitches. I know I can just go to the Dunwich building but like I want to find her body for the loot. I already found the tent before finding the book so when I got the book I just teleported there. The smugglers were there and I killed them but no Marcella. I know the game is glitchy but uh some really strange thing happened. One of the smugglers bodies is on the ground but the uh head..is floating above it and only the inside of the head can be seen (brain, etc.) Any other places that Marcella's body could turn up? Thanks! 17:59, 30 June 2009 (UTC)jessi

Possible reference:[]

When I first read the name of the quest I thought of an old RPG game called "The Dark Heart of Uukrul" (really good, btw). Don't know if it's worthy to mention in the main article. Djiraan 17:16, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

This quest and everything about Dunwich building is related to Lovecraft works. I don't know the games you're talking about, but it may also be related to Lovecraft books. 01:56, 29 June 2009 (UTC)
I think "Dark Heart..." is a common enough usage to rule out a specific reference. Unless there is a more direct reference, like characters/places/objects that share a unique name etc. I would say no.
I looked at a walkthrough for Uukrul, and it does not appear that there is any similarity beyond the name, which as you note, is a common phrase. This isn't worth mentioning in the article. ShadowRanger 19:36, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Thing is cursed?[]

I decided to put the Krivbeknih as a display in my house....After that I returned to Point Lookout to finish Meeting of the Minds Quest....When I returned to my megaton house, I saw Wadsworth dead!!!! Is it possible that the book is cursed?!?!?! Can anyone confirm this!?!?!?!?!

He was so sick of living with a goth kid he shut him self off. :\--Atlas Lied! 09:43, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
Uh de,evil book + On house +People nearby = death and destruction. Mr.Wolf 09:45, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

I'm going with Atlas on this one. Fat Man Spoon 16:34, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

I put it under The Wasteland Survival Guide and Wadsworth was on a loop saying, "You have offended my honor and now you must die" shooting his flamethrower at my refrigerator. No joke. AlbinoTitan 01:51, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

LIE!! The Krivbeknih is impossible to remove from the inventory, as it is a quest item. Ergo, if it is cursed, it wouldn't be able to do anything BECAUSE IT CAN'T BE DROPPED!


--Ih8pkmn 00:45, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

The book can be dropped. If you give the book to Obadiah the quest is complete. You can then kill him and loot the book. It is now a normal item and can be dropped.

DonutHands 21:20, March 18, 2010 (UTC)


Since I picked up the book, there's this rustling as I move, anyone else got this? And oh god, not the Dunwich Building again :( --Notoriousdoc 00:37, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

This happened to me during The Metting of The Minds. It's like you keep pressing the A/X button. The Unknown User 04:50, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

Giving the book to Obadiah[]

I gave the book to obadiah and followed him down to the basement where he started praying. i kept talking to him to see if anything would happen. after a while he got up and made a remark(not in a normal conversation, but as a passing remark that you will hear from someone) about the ug-something rising again. of course i have no idea what the thing he is talking about is or where to find it. i went back upstairs and nothing attacked me.

anyone else seen/heard this from obadiah?

I finished the quest yesterday by taking the book to the dunwich building and while reading a recording in one of the terminals i saw the ghouls had mentioned "ug-qualtoth" which i believe is the same thing that obadiah says. this still doesnt answer the question why obadiah is talking about the same things ghouls are raving about...

Holotape crash[]

In some instances, after picking up the holotape "Marcella's Last Words" from Marcella's tent, trying to playback this audio file will cause the game to crash.

I'm removing this from the page, as it doesn't specify platform, and the crash seems rather generic. There seems to be no justification for blaming the crash on the note vs. assuming it is a random crash (relatively common, particularly on the PC). If others are hitting this, respond here and it might be worth putting back. ShadowRanger 01:07, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Crashes for me every time I try to use it (both by picking it up, getting it from the PC in her tent, and getting both). PC version. -- 09:40, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Also crashes for me on pc. I can pick up but attempting to listen kills it ctd

Crashes for me too. Every single time. Even between computer formattings, and on two different OS'es..

Crashes for me too, but I have burned book without listening for holotape and quest had been finished. Kelebmel 10:13, March 25, 2011 (UTC)

One in the same?[]

Is it possible that this side-quest is a continuation of the "unmarked quest" involving Jaime's personal journal? The book that Jaime talks about could very well be the Krivbeknih. Should this possible connection be mentioned in the main article? BrenMan 94 19:53, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

Uhm, Since you take the journal to the dunwich building to destroy it, and it mmatches the description, I'm thinking it's the same book.....duh....--Demos99 03:18, October 14, 2009 (UTC)

Sell the kribluhbluhbluh[]

If you sell it to a merchant, what happens? 01:11, November 4, 2009 (UTC)

You get chips.

I find it ironic: The woman who wants the book to be destroyed is a missionary preaching her christians beliefs. The book of "Obadiah" is in the Old Testament. Obadiah wrote the book from what god told him in a vision. About how A town would be completely destroyed without a single survivor because they did not help Israel when they were attacked. They use the name "Obadiah" for the man who wants the book back. Some kind of corellation here You mention earlier: "Possible Glitch?" It is also ironic that when you decided to keep the book and put it in your house, you saw the marker on springdale school. Perhaps they are telling you to do your homework.

The whole thing is a reference to the bible.[]

I find it ironic: The woman who wants the book to be destroyed is a missionary preaching her christians beliefs. The book of "Obadiah" is in the Old Testament. Obadiah wrote the book from what god told him in a vision. About how A town would be completely destroyed without a single survivor because they did not help Israel when they were attacked. They use the name "Obadiah" for the man who wants the book back. Also some people believe that The Book of Obadiah was make believe; that the book was edited so much by one of the prophets that it should not be included in the bible.

Does anyone know...[]

How the Krivbeknih got to Point Lookout if Ghoulfied Jamie had the book in the Dunwich building? 00:01, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

"So I recieved the glitch that the map marker shows up next to the Springvale school and investigated it pretty throughly. If you place a map marker on that spot, your pip boy takes you through a maze of Metro stations and manholes, leading through to the Capital Building via Sewerd Square Northwest. Once you enter the Capital building it takes you immediately to the right and to a door labeled "Presidential Metro Station" but it says it cannot be opened while the powere is out, or need a key. I'm still investigating this door when I decided to look the quest up on here.

Now that I know where to take the book, I'm still wondering why the Presidential Metro Station is going to come out just west of Megaton! I've got to find out how to open that door... 8-("

I tried to save Marcella but it seems impossible.

I reverse pick pocketed some Enclave Hellfire Armor to her and made sure she equipped it, then laid frag mines all around her camp.

When I returned the smugglers were still present, but proceeded to trip my mines. Marcella was dead inside her tent wearing her normal clothes. 18:04, June 29, 2010 (UTC) Ruan

Obadiah "hinting"[]

"You can question him about her death - but he'll deny any involvement unless pressed, when he'll hint he 'arranged' it. He shows no remorse, and instead insists there's now no reason to hold onto the book. "

I had two options I could say to him mentioning her after getting the book and discovering her body. Neither made him hint that he was connected in any way. Yeryry 01:33, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

I concur, I beleive his 'indescretion' is when you call him 'callous' for insulting Marcella as poor despite being brutally murdered dead, not in setting it up. He cannot be pressed for more information. 22:48, October 2, 2014 (UTC)

Should be in bug section[]

If you destroy the book at Dunwich building and then return to Blackhall Manor, Obadiah will act just the same as if you'd given the book to him, asking you to leave and praying at the basement. This should be in the bugs section, not the notes.

Another Game Crash[]

My game crashes when I swing my Chinese Shock Sword (It has some General's name, but I forgot it) at the goo pools that produce bubbles. I'm crouched with Chinese Stealth Armor and level thirty. Not sure if things like this are THAT specific, but it helps to have all of the information.Foxi Hooves (talk) 19:53, March 1, 2013 (UTC)
