Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Anyone else find that Sydney seems to limp after going to rivet city and then underworld?

Sexy Sleepwear?[]

Any way to get her to wear it? Specifically while or before she becomes a follower. (PS3/xbox) - anon


I am confirming glitch, Sydney have dissapeard. J.i.gorkij 14:52, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

After not being able to find Sydney in underworld after we parted ways in rivet city, and having read this site, I went to anacosta station and found her still alive, but being attacked by raiders on her way to Underworld. I saved her and escorted her to Underworld.

I found her at The Ninth Circle in Underworld, but she was being attacked by the ghouls there. I had taken the armor that Mr. Crowley wanted, causing him and the others in the Ninth Cirlce to attack me when I first walked in, attacking Sydney as well. Not sure if this is normal behavior (for having unlocked the doors and returning to get the armor after turning in the keys to Crowley) or glitched. Revelation-23 00:29, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
Odd, Crowley goes hostile, but the others shouldn't unless you fought back. It's best to lead him away first. Personally, I gave him the keys, followed him outside, and then killed him. I'd planned on following him to the Fort but he was taking a really crappy route and I lost patience. --DarkJeff 15:52, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

It says that if you find the declaration and do the quest before talking to Sydney then she disappears.. that's what it did to me and does that mean i can't get her weapon? or does she travel somewhere so I can get it?-Lex

It is the same as if you will refuse her offer, she can be found in Underworld or alive/dead near rivet city or just roaming in the wasteland (anywhere).RileyK361 16:41, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

I think I underestimated the glitch I found on Sydney; I have recently witnessed other NPCs that carry 10mm Submachine Guns experiencing the same 'floating model' glitch that I attributed to Sydney. Nymphonomicon 21:04, 24 January 2009

Infinite SMG exploit[]

(PC version) Talking to Sydney to get more SMGs can be done at any time. I spoke to her prior to her leaving Rivet City, getting the Ultra. I then followed her to the Underworld and spoke to her again, getting another one. I went off and got a few levels and came back to buy ammo off her, and got another SMG. I went off and got the T-51b armor, came back, and got another SMG. The exploit/glitch does not close. The dialog choices ("gun -> father -> didn't abandon", I think?) don't close regardless of her location or if you close the conversation.

I'm not sure if you can get it from her during her trip from Rivet City to the Underworld though, since I was focused on escorting her, not having cleared the way from Rivet City to the Museum of History prior. (I had gone to the Museum initially from GNR.)

--DarkJeff 15:51, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

This exploit is explained further down this page in greater detail and as such, this section should be removed.

--GunClap 20:53, October 30, 2009 (UTC)


Seriously? Her last name is Moonbeam? Does this mean her dad was Mr. Moonbeam? WTH? Isn't it just a pet name/nickname from her dad? --DarkJeff 15:46, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

I'd assume it was a nickname and not her actual name myself. However, the note is "A Note from Little Moonbeam's Father", while the note itself doesn't say directly what even her first name is. I assume that Moonbeam is just a guess at her last name. Reading the credits though, she isn't listed for some reason, so I guess ascertaining from that would be impossible. Personally, I would just call her Sydney, and treat Moonbeam as her pet name. --HoZKiNZ 18:53, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
Probably just a pet name the programmer gave her. Maybe the note from the father was a generic note, just meant to add atmosphere to the game, then they decided to link it to Sydney for a reward during game development. Or maybe there is/was another character called Sidney, or something similar so it was added to avoid confusion.
Considering the Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema located nearby it's not a stretch to think they are at least descended from the original owners.
oh ffs man, as if moonbeam cinema was named after someone.
If you actually pay attention to Sydney when she talks about her father she says he called her "his little moonbeam" What father calls his kid his little [lastname here]. Its a nick name and is obviously a nickname to anyone actually listens to the conversations instead of skipping through them.--LordVukodlak 06:17, November 6, 2009 (UTC) <--- Pwnt Y'all

Sydney Random Encounter[]

According to my experience it is possible to meet her later in the wastes, if you didn't take her with you in the "Tetrieving Independence" Quest. I told her that i am not interested in her help and she went off on her own. I completed the quest and continued playing and brought the declaration to Abraham Washington in Rivet City. A long time later i met her (sorry not a clue anymore where it was but i think it was random) in the wastes together with another woman (the other woman seemed to be a mercenary too, wielding a Mini-Gun and wearing Combat armor). She approached me and said something like: "Taking what was rightfully mine and not even sharing. You'll pay for that". And the those two went hostile. I had to kill the two of them and could then loot the "Ultra"-SMG from her dead body. --Rixxen 11:09, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

You are perfectly right. It is a "unique" random encounter (not documented on the wiki encounters page). If you trick Sydney on the reward in any way it is possible you meet her later in the game and she comes with a friend (Emaline). It can happen in any of the random encounters places, or it is possible it don't happen. Just like Amata's fate, the encounter is triggered only under special circumstances, is totally random and of course happens only once. It is another way to get her ultra SMGCroquignol 08:18, 31 January 2009 (UTC)

Does anyone know where they randomly encountered her?

No Sydney At All?[]

When doing Stealing Independence, I didn't enter the Rotunda (I came in via the 'wrong' door, so it was the other side of the building and I just didn't explore that much before finding my way downstairs). Having acquired the Declaration, I then looked at the Wiki to see if there was anything major I missed... turns out there was. :p So I went back to the Rotunda, and the mines were there are normal, and the 'Defend the Rotunda' quest started where you have to kill the Super Mutants, but there was no Sydney. I completed the quest, and looked around everywhere, but there was still no Sydney. Odd...

  • Yeah, something like that happened to me too - I completed "Stealing Independence" without entering the rotunda and without meeting Sydney at all. Now I want her unique SMG, but she's nowhere to be found - not at the rotunda, not at Rivet City, not at Underworld, not anywhere.
  • This also happened to me so I used the console to spawn her at the Rotunda (player.placeatme 3a22), join up with her, then I had to go back down the elevator, spawn another Declaration of Independence in the safe (click the safe in console mode, then do 'addItem 3a7f'), remove the one I had (player.removeItem 3a7f), and finally take it from the safe for the second time. This seemed to make everything normal again.

Moved from article as all of these are glitches, speculation or what not that does not belong in article[]

Unlimited SMGs glitch[]

There is a game exploit to be able to keep acquiring as many 10mm Ultra SMGs from Sydney in perfect condition as much as desired. This can be useful if the player can not find any other SMGs to repair Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG with by simply acquiring a brand new one (and repairing the newer ones with the older ones). Also, if you are low on caps, you can use this exploit to acquire tons of SMGs from Sydney which have a large value.

The process of acquiring more Ultra SMGs from Sydney is through a dialogue choice that is hidden at first, but unlocked by activating a previous dialogue choice. The order of choices to pick is listed below in order.

  • 1) Since we're done now, why don't you tell me about yourself?
  • 2) Nice gun. I've never seen one like that.
  • 3) That's all for now, I guess.
  • 4) So, whatever happened to your father?
  • 5) Sydney, I found a note from your father. He didn't abandon you.

Upon completing this dialogue, you will receive another free 10mm Ultra SMG.

  • For example: Each of her gun will net you 250 bottlecaps when you sell it to a merchant. If you collect up to 50 of her guns, you'll get 12,500 caps. Save up to 400 of her guns, you'll get 1,000,000 caps. This is much better than the Paradise Falls glitch exploit which would require you to run from one game cell to another. It is recommended that you store the guns in your Megaton/Tenpenny house.
  • Note that switching from one instance of Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG to another in your inventory has been noted to cause the game to crash for some people on the Xbox 360 version.

Your math is a little off it would be 100,000 not 1,000,000 Falloutmasta 22:20, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

If i'm not mistaken i believe you can sell the SMG back to Sydney for 350 caps. It may varry depending on the store though. Jedted 07:38, March 26, 2010 (UTC)

Equip Sydney[]

It is possible to 2 ways:

  • 1) Reverse-pickpocket Sydney just after the Rotunda fight, but before the next conversation. Give her armor and weapons, then have her join your party. She will use Power armor. Note that Sydney will not equip any of the items you have placed into her inventory until you give her a Stimpak using her conversation menu.
  • 2) Or to equip Sydney with armor through console commands, one must type the following:
  • prid 00003a77 <-- to select Sydney.
  • additem (armor item code) 1" <-- this step may be done several times for different parts.
  • inv <-- to check her inventory
  • If you do not know the armor codes, select a character (yourself or companion NPC) who does have the desired armor you wish to put on her and check their inventory through the console commands:
  • prid (character ID) <-- to select character.
  • inv <-- to show items character has with their ID code numbers.

Glitch / Exploit[]

This is not a bug; If you complete the quest without her, she will not be in the National Archives after a certain period of time,, but you may encounter her one day in a random mini encounter, in the Capitol Wasteland. Since you claimed her side of the reward from Abraham Washington, she will be immediately hostile to you.

On the PC version, you can use the console to reset Sydney so she appears in the rotunda after the fight in the rotunda. These commands were taken from the fix for the Big Town robot quest bug here.

* PRID 3a77

  • kill
  • resurrect
  • disable
  • enable

You can then talk to her and continue the quest. If you've already picked up the Declaration of Independence, you'll need to use more console commands to remove and then add the quest item to your inventory to trigger completion of the next step of the quest.

* player.removeitem 3a7f 1

  • player.additem 3a7f 1

After that, you should be able to complete the rest of the quest normally unless you got the forged declaration of independence, in that case you can't complete the entire quest anymore.

  • After dealing with super mutants in National Archives and then refusing her proposal to cooperate she will leave the area and usually is nowhere to be found (not every time).

It is also possible by refusing her proposal to bug the Stealing Independence quest. -Note- You can meet her in the wasteland in a random encounter, but she will not cooperate in the natural way, but may become hostile instead. To reset, use the console.

  • Sometimes, she does not have her key.
  • When Sydney is following you as a companion, outside of combat, she will frequently go into an unarmed stance with her Ultra SMG still equipped. The gun's model will float a small distance from Sydney's gunhand.


Sydney will sometimes be found dead in Anacostia Crossing Station during her post-quest journey from Rivet City to Underworld, apparently killed by a Raider. Though the task is painfully dull, it is advised that you escort her (if you find her alive in Anacostia Crossing Station) if you want to have a sure opportunity to buy ammo from her later. (She takes 10 minutes to walk from the bridge of Rivet City to the museum. Don't get too close to her on her travel as she will stop and try to engage you in conversation, thus making the journey longer.) WARNING: make sure that you give Sydney a few stimpacks before you complete the quest. Her health needs to be high. If you choose to escort her and she is crippled, the trip will at least double in length. Stimpacks cannot be given after completing the quest!

The alternative to holding her hand through the tunnels (she walks so slowly) is to clear them in advance. Starting at Anacostia Crossing Station make your way up the Red Line north to the Museum station exit. Turn your light and your radio on to draw all the creeps out of the corners, bust heads all the way through and there will be nothing left for Sydney to encounter. If you haven't already, you can still clear the lines directly after handing in the quest, head to Anacostia Crossing Station (she should already be there), rush in ahead of her, fight your way down the line, come out at the museum exit and then shoot up any mutants that spawned in the mall bunker-zone and you're set.

A simpler method is to clear the path first, then simply wait an hour or two once you know she's in the area to speed her along.

An alternate to doing any work in order to ensure Sydney's protection is to do the following:

  • 1. Sydney should have followed you door-by-door until both of you have reached the outside of Rivet City after completion of the declaration quest.
  • 2. If you indeed see her outside of Rivet City on the ship, save your game.
  • 3. Now, wait around 3-5 days.
  • 4. Fast travel to Museum of History and enter The Underworld.
  • 5. Go to the left, up the stairs to The Ninth Circle bar.
  • 6. If you see Sydney, congratulations. She will be walking around the bar or sitting in one of the seats.
  • 7. If you don't see Sydney, rest for a few more days. If you do not see her, reload the save created at step 2 and repeat steps 3-5.

This strategy enables you to try over and over until Sydney makes it to the bar. Certainly not as effective and definite as clearing her path, but it is quicker.

  • Or, you could simply get Charon to escort her. Equip him with a strong weapon and armor, and fire him. He will be going to the Underworld and to the exact location Sydney is going, so, he will escort Sydney there. I equipped Charon with a fully loaded Vengeance and the T-51b Power Armor set.Kingclyde 17:19, 12 May 2009 (UTC)kingclyde


Alternatively, if you are playing the game on PC, you can use console commands to greatly speed up Sydney's after-quest journey, as well as reduce the risk involved without holding her hand or clearing anything. Just fasttravel to the Museum of History and open the console with tilda (~) and type these commands:

Prid 3a77

Moveto Player

This will move Sydney to your location infront of the Museum, which is her destination. 13:16, 24 August 2009 (UTC) Lethals Lethals 05:18, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Getting stuck at Rivet City[]

I'm new at wiki stuff so I didn't want to directly edit the primary aricle, but I thought this might be of note. Perhaps someone experienced with wikis can decide if this is relevant enough to be in the main article. I've found on her way from Rivet City to Underworld, Sydney can sometimes fall off one of the edges of the Rivet City exterior and get stuck on a ledge with no way off. To correct this, I went to Underworld myself then used the console command "prid 3a77" followed by "moveto player".

Easier Sydney escort[]

Is it possible to escort Sydney in a much easier way? I tried this technique with Fawkes. I fired him inside the Citadel, and waited an hour, which caused him to move to the Courtyard. I followed him out there then waited another hour, so he exited the Citadel. Outside the Citadel, I then waited another hour and sure enough he had moved to Underworld. So theoretically, if you jump ahead of Sydney to Anacostia, wait an hour, then enter the station and move ahead (taking out all threats along the way) until you're near the exit then wait an hour. Sydney should then spawn outside the exit. Head outside and take down all Muties between her and Underworld and then wait yet another hour. That should make the job a lot easier than just trudging along behind her and assisting in battle. I haven't done the Stealing Independence quest yet, so I could confirm this in the next couple of hours. --Vault01 12:30, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Confirmed. It doesn't work. It actually causes her to become "lost". I had moved right ahead, and cleared out Museum station of all Raiders, and she didn't appear, so I waited 5 days just outside the Ninth Circle and still no Sydney. Searched all over and couldn't find her corpse either. --Vault01 14:16, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

Sydney Stuck inr Museum station![]

Not sure if I have caused this somehow, but Sydney is just standing beside a train in Museum station, not walking through to the Mall or anything. It seems she doesn't want to walk past a specific piece of scenery.

I have star paladin Cross with me, I've tried pushing her through, but when we're a little way past, she turns back to stand on the spot!

I even left her, cleared the Mall of Mutants (Again!), returned to find her still there! This sucks!

FIX: I just had that same problem-I fixed it by getting a low powered weapon and shooting her, and she starts shooting at me and running away. I let her shoot and once shes gone about 25 steps in the right direction, I holster my weapon, diffusing the situation. She starts walking again, voila!--Bigwavedave619 15:23, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Workaround: I had the same issue but instead of shooting her and having her going ape crazy on you. It seems the NPC walkway is cutting right into the train because the path is curved. I had to push her around the train and after that things seem to work. Pushing her slowly works best and getting her by a wall also works while pushing her. K2Chris1983 (XBOX 360)

Confirmed on 360. Sydney does get stuck in the Metro by a train car. This has happened to me in four games. I just push her until she gets moving again.

Had this problem too, only none of the above worked for me - she had only a single bar of HP after Stealing Independence (thought I'd done well to minimise stimpack expenditure), so hitting her with anything would kill her; and nudging her worked only to get her to walk (or limp, as it were) a couple of paces before stopping again. She seemed to like her new spot, because no matter how much I pushed her she'd hobble straight back over. Eventually I figured out that if if you wait an hour, she'll start moving again. Had to repeat it a few times because she kept stopping, and on one or two occasions I had to take to nudging her again because waiting didn't work. After passing the two cars and crossing the railway, however, she was fine. Then she got killed by super mutants as soon as she got out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Resetting Stealing Independance AND Re-doing 'Defend the Rotunda'[]

When doing the side-quest 'Stealing Independance', one has a choice of refusing Sydney's help, and there-by causing her to dissapear from the game until a random encounter where she is hostile. If her help is refused, you can no longer gain her Unique 10mm submachine gun, or use her as a ammo vendor in Underworld.

You could always use console commands to get the submachine gun, but you cannot get Sydney as a vendor in a similar fashion. This is a fix for those players who refused her help, not knowing the repercussions, and did not have a reasonable save point to start over from.

First, start by fast travelling to the National Archives. You will want to remain outside the Archives.

Next, activate console (~) and type in "resetquest 0x00014ea2" and press enter. This will erase your progress, or completion, of the quest "Stealing Independence".

Now that your quest is reset, type this series of commands to reset Sydney:

Prid 3a77

Now enter the Archives. Sydney should be in the Rotunda, but there is still a problem; the mini-quest "Defend the Rotunda" will not activate because the mutants are already dead. Sydney will just tell you to wait for the Muties, not giving you the option to join her in her search. Bear with me, as this is tedious. You will need to shoot each of the mutant corpses from the previous time doing the quest. Get a body part from each of them, and place them so they can all be seen on your screen at once, but are still as far as possible away from eachother as they can be. Now activate console (~) and type "ressurect" and click a body part, and then press enter. Repeat for each of the body parts. You will need to kill around 5-6 mutants*** in the Rotunda with the aid of Sydney, and she will compliment you on your abilities and you will then be able to join her, and begin "Stealing Independence".

      • It is unconfirmed whether you need to kill 5-6 DIFFERENT MUTANTS (not the same ID in console) or you can just res and kill the same mutant 5-6 times. Worth checking out. Lethals 05:38, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
I tested resurrecting the same Super Mutant repeatedly and after killing it 5 times, Sydney confirmed that the Super Mutants attacking the Rotunda had been dealt with! Thanks for the instructions on resetting Sydney. Bushwhacker2k (talk) 14:52, 18 October 2021 (UTC)

Follower and Smg?[]

Is it possible to keep her as a follower and still get her SMG? Falloutmasta 22:21, December 30, 2009 (UTC)

I found Sydney[]

I found Sydney in the corner of the Museum of history entrance to the right as soon as i came in and she is stuck behind a light. i can still take her weapon but i cant buy ammo from her and i have found no way of moving her as she does not move herself, can anyone suggest any way of moving her out of that spot on 360.

i found a way of moving her from there. if you send your followers outside and then shoot her once she will most likly move from that spot and then put your weapon away and she will continue into underworld.

i ve lost a good friend[]

i ve lost sydney.

she is no in underworld anywhere.

where is the place she is most likely to be in.

please leave a message

thanks She is most likely lying dead somewhere as the message" follower Sydney had died" does not appearand she is very easy to kill".--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 05:56, August 26, 2012 (UTC)

Vendor Information[]

Wouldn't it be prudent to include what she sells if she's left alive? I am well beyond this point in my game, and she died when a car exploded. Mictlantecuhtli 11:26, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG - glitch[]

I met Sydney in a metro station (Anacostia Crossing Station) and gave her her father's note to get the Sydney's 10mm Ultra SMG. Then she immediately ran into some enemies and was killed by them. When I searched her body I got another 10mm Ultra SMG!!!


Sydney's strange gun

If you give Sydney her father's note right after you meet Abraham Washington for your rewards, get the SMG from her, and then follow her out of Rivet City, you'll notice she is still carrying the SMG on her hip -- but at a very odd angle. Wunengzi 15:00, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Does she ever sleep/heal in her sleep?[]

Sindey is still alive in my game and is in Underworld right now. But she's crippled to the max. Both her legs and arms are crippled, her Torso is nearly crippled and her head isn't in good shape either. Of course she's also very low on health and it's just annoying to see her trying to "walk" around when she's so crippled up.

Doesn't she ever sleep and heal in her sleep? 15:16, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

Nope, she will stay crippled forever, unless...... you pickpocket her and give her a stimpck, hurt her until she has low health, she will may use the stimpak, but she will be hostile, so get out of underworld for a few days then come back and she MAY be better. Sparky talk 15:21, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

If you're on the PC, open the console and click her, then type resethealth which will set her HP and limbs back to full health. --Kris mailbox 16:58, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

Skipped Sydney in Stealing Independence, ever see her again?[]

I entered the Archives from the lower entrance, and went straight into the basement without ever meeting Sydney. Completed the mission, and on the way out, went through the rest of the upper level and triggered the defend quest, but with no Sydney. Will I ever see her in the game?

If you do, she'll be trying to kill you. It doesn't always happen, but she might show up in a random encounter accompanied by a minigun-wielding friend (Emaline) and accuse you of stealing from her, and then open fire. See "Sydney Random Encounter" in Archive #1. Wunengzi 14:26, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Sticky Sydney[]

She doesn't just get stuck on metro cars if you're playing on the PC. After completing the quest with her -- actually about a week after -- I ran into her just standing in the entrance hall of Anacostia Crossing Station, on the Rivet City side. When I talked with her, she began walking again. She made it to the Museum of History all right, since nothing down there was alive but us, but when she went through the doors into the Museum lobby she paused again after taking a few steps, and had to be nudged before she walked through the doors into Underground. Wunengzi 14:20, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Sydney's voice[]

Has anyone else noticed that when you give her he tape from her father and she says "Oh my god, thats his voice..... it's really him." that she kind of sounds like Moira Brown.

Same voice actor.

Sydney won't follow me back to Capital Wasteland![]

I had Sydney as my follower. When i got on the boat to Point Lookout she followed me on and when we arrived she was there. But after i finished The Local Flavor quest and i wanted to go back to Capital Wasteland, she got on the boat with me but when i arrived there she weren't there! When i went back to Point Lookout, there she was on the boat next to me!

Because i hadn't finish the Stealing Independence quest, and I wanted to do the Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG glitch.So it would really help if someone could help me to get Sydney back to Capital Wasteland!

This is because the boat in the Capital Wasteland and the boat at Point Lookout are different models. For example, I could drop a weapon at the Capital Wasteland boat, travel to Point Lookout and upon arriving, notice it isn't there but when I return, its exactly where I left it. -- Mikhail Alexander 11:52, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

Sydney Missing from Underworld[]

Finished "Stealing independence" fine - joined up with Sydney - found all the stuff and brought it back to Rivet city. Then I did "Reilly's Rangers" and got the holotape. But I can't find any sign of Sydney where she's supposed to be at Ninth Circle- or ANYWHERE in Underworld ... Is she likely to be anywhere else? Still at Rivet City perhaps?


I Keep Giving Her Stimpack & It Does Not Work.

When Her Health Is Real Low It Works It Goes Half Way Up.

XBOX 360

I don'know what update you are using but xbox as long as you feed her enough Stims her health willrsie to full.She is no good as a follower even with her 10mm as she is far to easy to killand therefore costs a fortune instims and saves--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 06:00, August 26, 2012 (UTC).

Escorting Sydney back from Rivet City to the Underworld afer completing Getting Independence.[]

xbox. She can cope with a few raiders ifyouare with her but not Talon mercs or Mutants with Gatlings so you will have to go ahead and kill these for her and then keep feeding her stims.She will get stuck in the train tunnel where the train blocks the track and to get round it.If you leave her there staring at the train any raider can kill her since for some reason she wont enegage them in a fight.To avoid this leave her there and walk along the LHS of the crashed train and then cross over the track to the RHS before the Museum station.Make sure you kill all the raiders you see on the way andmutants that may spawn near the Museum steps or she may get killed while you wait for her. Having done this wait at the 9th circle for 24 hours and she will show up sitting at a table telling you she is now a gun dealer. You can then engage her in normal conversation as long as you have the holoto tape from her fathers bed in the Statesman Hotel. His skeleton is on the bed with the holotape. Hidden under the bed is a 7.62 Assualt rifle from the gunfight that kills him and two ammo clips on the table Once Sydney is in the underground you can go on getting free SMG's and 50 Rdns of ammo from her any time you care to visit using the dialogue glitch about her gun,her father and the holotape. Works for all add-ons and patches.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 04:18, August 27, 2012 (UTC)

Is it normal for her to just stand there in the subway tunnels?[]

I went with the method of clearing the way ahead of her for her trip to Underworld. Turns out all I had to do was kill some Talon mercs outside the Anastasia station entrance, the rest I'd cleared before. I ran back to see where she was and found her standing next to a train car in the Museum station tunnels, and she won't move. I pushed her by walking into her and got her to move a few metres in the right direction, but now she's still just standing there. Is this another bug, or is this normal for her (I read somewhere that she walks really slow). Obax42 (talk) 05:16, March 15, 2016 (UTC)

Pushing her eventually got her going, but holy... Also, I didn't even think to clear out the Supermutants in the Mall, so now I'm starting over. Why am I so nice to people who don't even exist....?Obax42 (talk) 05:21, March 15, 2016 (UTC)

Relic Hunter? .. like ... the show?[]

I vaguely remember this page saying that Sydney was based on Sydney Fox from the show Relic Hunter. Was that one of those things from the old Wiki that just didn't get carried over? Was it debunked? Noobyorkcity (talk) 03:12, 15 February 2023 (UTC)

Update: Ahah! I'm not crazy! https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Sydney#Behind_the_scenes Noobyorkcity (talk) 03:40, 15 February 2023 (UTC)

Yep, that's correct. It was removed at some point under the previous administration, but the similarities between the two are very obvious. I restored and rewrote it a bit just now, feel free to expand if you'd like. Savior DJ (talk) 11:05, 15 February 2023 (UTC)