Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hello, I've just started with working on wiki, so I must excuse myself for my mistakes in writing. I still have problem with english. I am from Czech Republic...

My vision of Fallout MMO[]

This is how I see future of Fallout series. Feel free to read that, if you want to. Or you can open discussion on my talk page.


The game covers the whole area of former United States.

Isn't whole America to large area to cover with game?[]

Yes and no. Because Fallout MMO uses the same system as his predecessors - map from above with highlighted visitable locations (Mostly found only when is player in sight.)

Starting locations?[]

Newly opened Vaults or small settlements.

Playable races?[]

Indeed human man or woman, but there are few starting locations (Vaults), which were doing experiments with FEV virus, so Super Mutant race is also available and as last, there is chance to be Ghoul. Every race have her special abilities (Such as Ghoul and Super Mutant mutation).

Combat system?[]

Classic, turn-based. In PvP, every player have Action Points based on his Agility and Perks. In addition, there is time limit for each player per turn to avoid ragging.

Player view?[]

Certainly isometric view from above.

Will there be a random encounters on map?[]

Yes, for sure! Durinq your travel you can be ambushed by NPC animals or humans or you can have fortune to meet player who have just been passing by.

What about locations to visit?[]

There will be many locations you can visit. Small settlements, farms, big cities with markets or raider's camps, BoS bunkers, Enclave bases.

What about locations from previous games? Can I go to the Vault 13 to say hello?[]

Yes, but there is some restrictions. Because Vault 13 is located in small cave, you cannot just find it by yourself. First, you must get location from someone, who knows. And even than, it's not certain if residents let you in. Maybe you will have just chance to see Vault doors, closed.

And what other places?[]

Yes, you have opportunity to visit old places. For example New Reno, which still shine to the Wastelands. Or Pentagon...

Will there be something like guilds?[]

Can you imagine MMO without that? Yes, players have opportunity to take part in guilds (and trust me, average Super Mutant is job for minimal wo or three players). We call them Factions. There are some prearranged factions like Brotherhood of Steel (with many branches over whole country). To joining BoS you must form faction with players and after that you must list as sub-faction to duty for BoS. BoS is runned by admins, but some player sub-factions will have chance (after hard work for BoS) to set up their own bunker.

You've just said something about own bunkers, so there's is opportunity for Fractions to have own property?[]

Yes and it can be more than just bunkers. You can (by paying game money) set up few tents in wastes and as your influence grow (and purse grows thin), transform them in city. Or raider camp, which will terrorize whole area around?

Can there be alliances?[]

Sure. Factions can pledge an alliance or declare war to another faction/alliance. Working together can have many forms, from information exchange to build city together (one faction as farmers, second as their guards, like settlement guarded by BoS).

Why BoS need farmer settlement?[]

BoS need weapons, ammo, armor. And need resources, food, water, even recruits (NPC). That's all, what settlement thanks to BoS protection can give.

What features will that cities have?[]

You can improve architecture - starting with tents, end with real buildings. Build a wall around. Get more guards. Interesting is for example your doctor. For fee you can buy your doctor and after that, you can improve him with your money. On start, he will be selling few healing powders, but after investments in his laboratory, he can even make SuperStimpak or drugs. And he will sell it to you just for fragment of price. Or you can set up a farm in your settlement and invest in roving traders. They will immediately start trading and making you profit. Or player can arrived to your city and bought medicaments from your doctor, fresh water from trader or armor/ammo/weapons from local craftsman.

You mentioned money? What about more informations?[]

Post-apocalyptic United States uses bottlecaps as money. You can obtain them from loot, by selling looted items (for average price to traders or in special institution to other players), by doing tasks or by trading (by yourself or by traders from your city).

What about traveling - what if someone wants to go for example from Washington to San Francisco?[]

Yes, this journey (by foot) can take years. But players have chance to use travel services. Wasteland are waking up, trying to live again. Airships fly over deserts, brahmin carts travelling between cities and people are rumoring about working trains...

(Still working on it.)
