Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

XP note[]

I drastically simplified the XP note. I suspect the original writer selected the Swift Learner perk, which is why he saw significantly increased XP rewards. The real award is always a *base* 5 XP, but due to the way the game rounds bonus XP, you often get weird "alternating XP" awards for incremental rewards.

Winthrop also offers something else besides the stimpaks or the rad aways...can't remember what, though. Turbine2k5 (What I am... - What I hear... - What I do...) 00:09, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

Strange Look?[]

Dose anyone else think that the scrap metal doesn't look right? I mean there is a gear in there! What! That doesn't make sense dose anyone agree? IAwnserFalloutQuestions 00:42, March 21, 2010 (UTC)

In reality, scrap metal can contain various items. For instance, if you ere to take scrap metal from an engine repair shop, there may be scrap camshaft of crankshaft sprockets. Makes sense to me. --Kingclyde 02:19, March 21, 2010 (UTC)

Prominent Scrap Metal Locations[]

I can't do it right now myself, but how about adding a Locations list for areas that contain, say, more than three pieces of scrap metal?Perhaps adding locations from the Main Quest and marked Side Quests, since those are "official" routes in which the player may like to clean up. I know some of the individual articles have location lists, but a centralized and complete one on this page sounds sensible to me.--Brian ranzoni 23:19, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

  • It's probably obvious to most people, but not all - I'm sure. The most prominent locations for scrap metal would be, as said below, outside the RobCo Facility, but also inside as it's got a ton of robots in there. Other locations would be anywhere that has mostly robots patrolling it. So, the Nuka-Cola Factory, National Guard Depot, and Fort Constantine are some good ones, to name a few. These are obviously not good locations to stumble into "right out of the vault", but it'll definitely get the job done for you if you level up the "natural" way a few levels first :)--Sigan 03:49, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

If you have the Mothership Zeta downloaded content, there is a large ammount of scrap that can be found on the ship, because of the vast ammount of robots. However be careful when hunting down the robots, the Guardian drones can be very harmful. I had about 30 scrap by the time I had left, and that was without really trying to get any.Thelonewanderer 10:56, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

The Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage) has a considerable amount of Scrap Metal. During my initial trip there I found a little over ten pieces of Scrap Metal just lying around. It does not respawn, but it is worth looking into for a quick boost of Caps/EXP. --OPM 11:35, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

The Vamp people have a lot there. AreYouGoingToEatThatNuke? 22:22, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Another place to get scrap metal[]

Just outside of the RobCo Factory, a merchant named Tinker Joe is hanging out with two Mr. Handy's (one is named Sergeant RL-3) and a Procteron. Upon checking his selection of wares, I noticed that he has 10 Scrap Metals for sale, along with 4 Conductors, a Paint Gun, and 3 Sensor Modules. The Mr. Gutsy (Sergeant RL-3) is actually a follower available for purchase that requires neutral karma.

Has anyone else ran into this character, and does he travel from location to location? If he is a static character, it might be a nice place to score more Scrap Metal on a hopefully regular basis. Cheezewhizz 03:00, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

He follows a route like the caravans, albeit a much smaller one, though he doesn't always have scrap metal, his inventory is semi-randomized like the trades you meet in the wastes, except he only carries a few select items.Cavesloth 05:12, 11 May 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

Sergeant RL-3 is a follower the Lone Wanderer can aquire from Tinker Joe, but only with Neutral Karma.

  • What does this statement have anything to do with the topic? Regardless of the worthiness of RL-3 and a piece of scrap metal, it's hardly a direct answer to the question.--Sigan 14:56, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

ALSO Where the "family" live there is a vendor that sells all sorts of goods, in a freezer by his stall there are about 10 scrap metal. You get this quest by visiting arefu

Fuck man, there's like 30 fucking ass scrap metal. I'm gonna Tear you a new asshole!--Master of cheeZ 04:25, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

another fairly abundant place is in the room with the robot in super-duper mart

Adding this, as it once appeared in the article:


  • A remarkable loot of Scrap Metal, (24 units) is sold by Karl at the Family's bazaar in Meresti Metro Station, or can be stolen from the broken supermarket refrigerator inside his shop, on the right when you get in. If you buy it, those will disappear from his inventory.
  • Tinker Joe usually has about 10 scrap metal for sale. He can be found at the RobCo Facility.
  • Most of the robots (of any type) will most likely drop Scrap Metal when defeated.
  • Travels to both RobCo Facility and Red Racer factory will resupply you with large amounts of Scrap Metal, since there are lots of Toolbox and Crates to loot.
  • Occasionally, Rivet City Supply will have up to 3 for sale. Moira at Craterside Supply will occasionally have one or two for sale.
  • If you have downloaded the Broken Steel add-on, You will have some fun collecting tons of Scrap Metal at the Adams Air Force Base, since it seems that there are dozens of units scattered around the place. More than 30 can be found in the hangars' shelves, while at least 20 or more are scattered inside the Mobile Base Crawler.
  • Numerous Robots naturally populate the Robot Repair Center, along with the destroyed wrecks of a number, as well as the triggerable emergency pulse system.
  • The Nuka-Cola Plant is also guarded by Robots, but the Nuka-Lurks might make that dangerous.

Question about glitch[]

Can the glitch used to get infinite scrap metal be used on any other things Casdin will take? 21:04, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

While it might, it probably benefit you unless it was a repeatable quest item. While having a negative value of these means you can trade them in infinite times, having a negative of other things like the alien power cells, means you can never fire your alien blaster again, because the game reads it as you having no ammo as far as I've experienced.

That said, I think you can trade in sensor modules, which now can be traded to Rothchild for caps and xp, so you might be able to glitch those too. Perhaps that means you could make as many bottlecap mines as you have the other parts for too... Interesting. 07:39, 13 May 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

However... if you get infinite Alien Power Cells, you can give infinite to Casdin and they will be added to his inventory. If you put a lot (of your infinite ammo) into his inventory, then you can wait long enough to get a chance to steal from him, you can effectively get an infinite amount of Alien Power Cells. That is if the glitch works with other items. I will test this out. --AwNNeR 5 22:04, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

Should the means for the scrap metal glitch be noted in this article? As I can't find it anywhere on this wiki. Amorality 12:21, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

the scrap metal glitch WAS on this page... why was it removed? it wasn't patched or anything

I managed to salvage and re-write it as it is too important to leave out. Amorality 23:51, 16 June 2009 (UTC)
was it patched? I started a new character today after DLing point lookout and I went to go and do the glitch and out of the 34 scrap metal I had he only took 32 (the same ammount I stole off him) so I still had 2 scrap metal. I've tried everything from giving him a lesser ammount to not using the stealth boy I found in the robco plant
is my problem my level? because I'm a lvl 4 and I already did the power of the atom quest

Lancer AR 00:14, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

Please note that this glitch does not work with Alien Power cells, I'm going to see if it works with the other items but I doubt it. --DeviateRogue 06:31, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

I have succesfully done it with power armour and tesla armour and this yeilds and unlimited amount of 5.56mm ammo and stims. with my mass amount of 5.56mm ammo i have made 20k of all other ammo at the ammo press. it took me around 10 minutes to get 200k 5.56mm ammo from casdin. to do this i only had two sets of the each power armour,i gave him both sets then stole both back, then gave it him again and stole, a single set back and got caught on the power armour.Tony hk 47 16:25, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

i have tested this glitch and it works, but i have tried it many times with power armour and i cant get it... how do u do the glitch whith power armour? and i think (im not sure) that the newest patch make it impossible to do this glitch. could someone delete there updates and explain to me how to do this exploit with power armour? thanks--Ghilliesniper99 22:08, September 25, 2009 (UTC) friday,september 25 2009

How do i do this glitch? Every time i try to steal from casdin for the last part, i immediatly get attacked, he never takes the scrap metal back, and its permantly broken. Re-doing it doesnt help at all. october 05, 2009, monday, 3:06 pm

moved glitch and locations here from article[]


  • It is possible to freeze your current amount of scrap metal through Protector Casdin (confirmed on 360 & PS3). This method can be done directly after leaving Vault 101. Saving after each step is highly suggested:
  1. First, an even number of scrap metal is needed. 16 is a recommended quantity.
  2. Give Casdin all scrap metal in your inventory. This batch is the X Value. Note! This value must be an even number (10, 12, 14 etc).
  3. Steal back the X Value scrap metal you gave Casdin.
  4. Give back all scrap metal except 2 for the best possible profit. This batch is the Y Value.
  5. Steal back the Y Value scrap metal from Casdin.
  6. Now, attempt to steal anything from Casdin. If you do not get caught, reload the save and try again until he does catch you. Casdin will then proceed to take back his scrap metal, but will steal back both the X Value and the Y Value. For example, if you gave him 16 scrap metal, stole them back and then gave him 14 scrap metal, it will say that he removes 14 scrap metal and then 16 scrap metal.
  • This will glitch your scrap metal value so that you have a Z Value which is negative. It will appear as if you have no scrap metal at all in the inventory, but when you speak with Casdin, Winthrop or Walter you will still have the option of giving them scrap metal.
  • Following the example above, if you first gave him 16 scrap metal, stole them back and then gave him 14, you will have 14 invisible scrap metal in your inventory that can be given away to Walter, Casdin and Winthrop. Most importantly, this amount of invisible scrap metal is permanent, meaning it can be given away infinite times, as long as you do not pick up any additional scrap metal (which will reset the negative value back to normal).
  • Used early in the game with Walter, this glitch can launch a level 2 character to max level very quickly, netting over a hundred thousand caps in the process, depending on if you ask for payment for the scrap metal.
  • This glitch may not work for some players. At the final step, stealing one of Casdin's other items, for some users it will just cause him to attack the player and not take back any of the items. There is currently no known way to get around this, but it is known that starting a new character and performing the glitch straight out of Vault 101 will work.

--Kingclyde 03:11, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Correction, for ya folks, the reason he attacks are because he does not trust you enough, with enough trust he will simply take it back, with to low trust kiss your arse goodbye (False, Having a "Trusted" relation ship with the Outcasts may make it easier to steal from him & can have an impact on if he will take loot back or just attack, but there is a decent chance that any character will experience the Casdin always attacks bug. Also it is believed having Very Good Karma may help your chances.)

how do you get XP from glitch[]

Im doing the glitch right now with Protector Casdin and I was wondering...how do you get XP from this glitch?

Give your infinite scrap metal to Walter for caps and experience or karma and experience. --AwNNeR 5 23:18, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Lol I just got to level 30 doing this and I got 23316 caps!!!. --Add1995 19:08, 30 December 2009 (UTC)

It would be a good idea to sleep in your bed for an hour first. That way you get 10% more exp!

Thoughts on Scrap Metal Glitch (SMG) for use with gaining XP and caps[]

As one of the two primary uses of the SMG is to give it to Walter for XP, larger quantities of scrap metal are needed for faster XP gain. Although the SMG gives the player "infinite" scrap metal, it is only accessible in increments up to the X amount you glitch yourself to have. This means that every time you sell "all the scrap metal [you] have" to Walter, you will only be rewarded with what you would have gotten for having X scrap metal. The key to gaining XP and caps faster is having a large X value.

-Rather than going to scout the wastes for scrap, start with only six scrap metal in hand. This saves time having to find them, since six should be easily found. Perform the SMG with the six giving you a permanent four. After that, trade your X ammount of infinite scrap metal in to him over and over(until he has the ammount in his inventory that you want to turn in to Walter, I recommend 100+). After he has the ammount you want him to, repeat the SMG to get that ammount of infinite scrap. Then go and turn it into Walter. If you have blown up megaton, it is also possible that it works with the goul in Underworld called Whinthrop that takes scrap for ammo and meds,however I have not yet tested it yet, please confirm if it works with him for you. Thelonewanderer 07:02, 22 August 2009 (UTC) - Also, for anyone wondering if this really is fast or not, I did it with 258 scrap and leveled up to 30 with 1,000,000 caps in around a half hour, maybe a little less. Including the time it took to get the infinite scrap it was still under an hour!

Again, the more scrap metal you give Protector Casdin once you have done the SMG the first time, the larger your X value will be, and the faster you will gain levels from Walter. Just try it with 100 scrap metal and see the difference.

  • I agree. I don't know why the "recommended" amount is 16. I used 128, it takes a little more time to set up, but then a lot less time to cash in :)--Sigan 19:09, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Did anyone try this glitch on PC game version 1.7? It doesn't seem to work for me. --Lje 10:45, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

This glitch may have been patched on xbox 360, as i have tried with numerous "fresh out of the vault" characters and casidin always attacks on the last stage of the SMG.

-go to your dashboard (xbox360) >> memory>>hdd> clear cache. your game is now unpatched. if asked, dont update. do whatever you need, save, reload the game, update. and its done. i was level 20 without starting the story, then went on anchorage, mothership zeta, the pitt reaching level 30 without starting the actual game story. dont forget dogmeat :)

The reason he attacks is because of two factors such as time and your karma level as i have tried my first time as a devil in karma in the evening. the second time i tried it to raise my 'x' value higher but was attacked at the same karma level but around midnight see if what i have said works ( the S.M.G was never patched on x360 but not sure if it was patched for pc )

  • I found that 102/100 scrap metal is the "sweet spot". Obviously the closer you are to 100 sneak the easier it is to get away with stealing the initial 102 scrap metal from Casdin. If you don't have 100 Sneak, just save, try stealing and if you get caught, reload and try again.

Also, I found that completing the "Outcast Collection Agent" quest keeps Casdin from turning aggressive on you when you purposely try to get caught stealing so he takes back the Scrap Metal. The easiest way to do this from the lower levels is to grab the Alien Blaster and Alien power cells first and turn in the APCs.

After a turning in a few dozen of the APCs you should be able to complete the side-quest, which turns all of the Outcasts in the area "friendly". If you have Mothership Zeta loaded, you will need Dogmeat to "fetch" the Blaster and APC ammo for you, since you won't be able to get to it anymore because of the "Tractor Beam". --Derragorn 02:49, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

I am a 360 gamer with the Game of the Year edition and the latest patch, and it did indeed work for me. I also have maxed out bad karma and was NOT friendly to the Outcasts, I had never spoken to an outcast member on this playthrough. My sneak was very low when I started the glitch (in the mid-30s) and I used a Stealth Boy to successfully loot the scrap metal both times from Casdin. I waited for it to wear off and intentionally got caught trying to pickpocket Casdin to get the glitch to activate. When I first tested this I only traded him 22 Scrap Metal, and then 20 Scrap Metal. Worked totally fine, not a problem. I then repeated it with 102/100 Scrap Metal, and it took about five minutes with Walter to get from Lv11 to Lv30, getting 500exp two or three times a second. AEtherchild 06:40, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

question about SMG[]


Yeah, what level does your sneak gotta be to steal back the Scrap metal? Because I did a 360 hard drive transfer and lost all my gamersaves.. so I'ma start afresh. What does my sneak have to be to steal back, say, 20 SM? Do I need a stealth boy?

And if thats the case (Casdin always attacks you) should I just delete all DLC and patches and redownload afterwards? 04:19, 25 August 2009 (UTC)Kyle

-Answer: I would reccomend using a stealth boy, but as for what stealth level to have: mine was very low when I did it, as I was only level 2 or 3, all you need to do is save just before you are about to pickpocket him and take the scrap in small ammounts (around 10 at a time). This helps because the way people catch you is by the weight of the item(s) you are attempting to steal. Also Casdin doens't always attack you, after a few times of getting caught he will; but again just auto save and you will be fine. *Also I got caught a few times while doing this and he started attacking me, what I did was ran away from the area and just walked around for a while and then came back later and he no longer attacked me. -Hope this helps! Thelonewanderer 02:11, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

EDIT: Yeah, i encountered the glitch in which casdin attacks you. Pissed me off.

-Answer: i tried doing this after i completed operation anchorage and he would keep attacking me. i reloaded my vault save and went straight there and it worked with no issue.

EDIT: O.K. So for everyone who wants to know what causes Casdin to attack... It may be random,This is what happened to me- -Having just read about the SMG i tried it on one of my 3 charecters. It worked with no problem. So i immediently tried it with my other charecter, this time casdin kept attacking me in the final step. So i tried it again with a new toon fresh from the fault & much to my dismey, Casdin would Catch me and Attack me. So it currently works for 1 of my toons, and doesnt for the other. Im gonna keep experimenting. See if I can find a solution. BTW- Easy way to finish "Outcast collection Agent Quest" so the dialog will read "So are we good? You trust me now?" is to jsut sell him 100 peices of scrap metal, if u got that much.

i have tried this with my character several times, sometimes he doens't ever notice even after i've stolen all his inventory. other times he attacks me. one time though, i tried runnin around like the other guy said for a minute, i hid behind the truck and he eventually became a non-enemy again, however , he never retrieved his stolen items from me, and he'll talk with me again now, but it won't let me pickpocket him, says "Protector Casdin has already caught you."

Quick way to get 16![]

Go to RobCo (Near Tenpenny Tower). Wait in the parking lot for tinker joe, then buy 10 of his scrap metal. Then go inside RobCo and get 6 more (an easy feat, as there's many all over the place)

Raul's Shack[]

About 4 scrap metals can be found here and Raul doesn't seem to mind you taking them.

Just went to Raul's Shack and didn't find a single piece of scrap metal. Anyone else?? 17:37, December 12, 2010 (UTC) 01:50, January 20, 2011 (UTC)That's because it's in Victor's shack, not Raul's. 01:50, January 20, 2011 (UTC)

Protectron Killing[]

Most Protectrons roaming the wasteland have at least one unit of scrap metal on them. Another good place to check for scrap metal is in the RobCo Facility. The RobCo Facility is visited while finishing the third chapter of the Wasteland Survival Guide. After you turn everything back on, it would be worthwhile of you to hack back into the computer (you have to be level 50 in Science) and only initiate the third option. The robots won't attack you and you can then kill the robots and search their persons for scrap metal.

Sunset Sarsparilla Headquarters[]

While playing today, I discovered that there is a bunch of scrap metal in the Sunset Sarsparilla Headquarters. All the security robots will attack you inside and when killed, will all have scrap metal or fission batteries when you search them. There is also scrap metal in random boxes around the plant. This place has many of the pieces needed to assemble the ED-E robot if your repair is 55 or science up to par.

Super Duper Mart[]

In the back of the store near the pharmacy supplies there is 4 scrap metals in various boxes 18:35, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

RobCo Facility and Unique Size[]

There is a lot of Scrap metal in the facility (on robots, in boxes, and other places) there are also 2 very tiny pieces of scrap in the Arlington Library

The Red Racer factory[]

I was looking for some scrap metal so in the DC area and i came across The red racer factory and i found about 10 scrap metal

and some nice loot from the surgeon.

If you're going to say you got some nice loot be specific and actually say what loot you found and please sign your posts. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 21:10, July 10, 2010 (UTC)


There may be some more scattered about, but there are 5 scrap metals to be found in Three Dog's Office.

JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 21:12, July 10, 2010 (UTC)

Meresti Trainyard[]

The scrap metal is in the section inhabited by the family in Karl 's shop . There are around 20 scrap metals in a cooler directly on the right once you walk in. There are 22 pieces in total in the place.

Robot Repair Center[]

In the Mechanist's Lair you will find tons and tons of scrap metal. It is located very close to Canterbury Commons. It is recommended to have a high science and either Seargent RL-3 or Fawkes. As they are the highest defensive partners and can survive the many robots. Bring Pulse weapons and also a Science of 50+. Deal with the robots, loot them for their metal, also check around. About 30-40 pieces of scrap metal laying around. Also check boxes.

Unlimited fixed location sources[]

  • Citadel, the sentry bot outside by the gate can be destroyed every few days prior to completing Take it Back! (if Broken Steel is installed all npc's at the gate disappear, if it isn't installed the game ends following that quest).
  • House of Wares (Point Lookout), the protectron here can be destroyed without Panada becoming hostile. It will respawn every few days.
Mictlantecuhtli 19:31, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Brotherhood of Steel safehouse (New Vegas)[]

You can find 3 pieces of scrap metal in the Brotherhood of Steel safehouse east of Raul's Shack (south of Nellis). They're on the set of shelves on the back wall of the bunker.

Southern Nevada Wind Farm[]

A total of five pieces of scrap metal at the Southern Nevada Wind Farm in the Wind Farm Maintenance Shack, east of Gibson Scrap Yard.

FNV vendors?[]

are there any good vendors for scrap metal? I only ever see 2 at a time. How do I get more lead for ammo?

Buy cheap ammo that you don't use (Maybe 9mm, 10mm, or 20 gauge) and break them down at a reloading bench.--With care and happiness, Supermutantslayer450' YOU. LOSE. 22:52, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

Nellis hangars and Cerulean Robotics[]

I spent hours of my time searching for good places to find scrap metal and I can now post the best 4 places.

1. Cerulean Robotics- Contains about 15 scrap metal and it's a very small building.

2. Nellis hangars- In the hangar with Loyal, in it there is about 20 scrap metal, some on shelves but mostly spread around in metal boxes(although you do have to steal them). Also if you're short on caps there's about 10-20 thousand caps worth of combat armor you can steal.

3. REPCONN Test Site- In the basement of the building(which can be accessed after starting the quest Come Fly With Me) 15-25 scrap metal can be found by searching all the rooms(some can also be found upstairs).

4. REPCONN Headquarters- Although this takes some time, if you kill all the robots and search around the building you'll find about 15 scrap metal there also.

--Mr Bangstry 02:47, January 6, 2011 (UTC)

Harper's Shack (New Vegas)[]

You can find 5 pieces of scrap metal on the shelves, tables and benches in Harper's Shack, south of the REPCONN Test Site.

2 or 5 Pieces for the Food Processor[]

This article indicates that 2 pieces of Scrap Metal are needed for the "Not Worth a Hill of Corn or Beans" quest. When reading the article for the quest, however, that article indicates that 5 pieces of Scrap Metal are needed.

Which one is it, 2 pieces or 5 pieces?

Adams ariport[]

I was working on the quest in broken steel and between the robots and all the random boxes and tool shelves i found 42 peices of metal

Old Lady Gibson at Gibson scrap yard sells alot of them at a time.


Will Dinner Plates work or do they have to be called Tin Plate? Great Mara 18:17, June 22, 2011 (UTC)

  1. You need tin plates. 16:27, July 2, 2011 (UTC)