Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What is made of saturnite?[]

Is just the cosmic knife and the satunite fist made of this stuff because i want the toaster to superheat some more stuff for me lol -Murfitizer

What is Saturnite?[]

This article claims it's a man-made ceramic. On the other hand, there is Saturnite_Alloy_Research_Facility where it is mined (you can visit the mine). Does the game contradict itself? --Damnfool 10:19, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

--ANSWER!-- Both are quite fine questions, DamnFool, and I'm a bit annoyed that exploring the facility revealed almost nothing new about the make-up of the Saturnite Alloy.

As to whether or not the game is contradicting itself, the answer is likely not. Alloys [1] are materials which are made through the combination of a primary material and one or more other materials. For example steel[2] is made from a blend of iron and carbon. The mine is probably where they gather one, some or all of the materials which are then blended together to make Saturnite.

Also, I believe that the article is in error about calling Saturnite a ceramic, as something which is ceramic is, by a definition, not a metal. Unfortunately, I don't recall the console entries describing Saturnite well enough to say for certain. --The Arcadian Rook(talk)(blog-Needs More Battle Cattle) → "Kowalski, I Need Options!" 19:57, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

A "ceramic alloy" could be an alloy in the same way that steel could be called a "carbon alloy" - not that anyone does that. On the wiki, it seems to be all over the place; in some locations it is (or was) called a "ceramic alloy", in some it's just called an "alloy", and in some it's called a "ceramic". I believe at least one location where it's called a "ceramic" in game is a note about the Cosmic knife in Dead Money, but I'm not sure. If it is true then the game is contradicting itself as it obviously can't be both an alloy (as implied by research facility) and a ceramic. --Damnfool 20:46, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone notice that both the saturnite fist and the saturnite artillery shells have a D-(number) after them? I'm thinking it could be a density scale, as the artillery shells are amazingly resilient, after all, they didn't warp from impact when they impact at the boom town Pancake29 15:20, August 21, 2011 (UTC)

Just because something is an alloy doesn't necessarily mean it is entirely metal. It just means, that a metal has been combined with another element, to make a 'metallic' object. On top of which, I believe that the cave network under the Saturnite research facility is isn't necessarily a mine, I think it is just a lower smelting area; though I'm not certain. Today, we are making ceramic nonomaterial composites, that are made of a multitude of elements, and are incredibly small on their own. It would be understandable if the same were true to fallout.

Also, the definition of what an alloy, or ceramic is could have changed over the hundred and twenty years since the divergence. So perhaps, to the scientists of fallout is an alloy, but maybe not to us.AryeonosWhat!? 07:07, October 1, 2011 (UTC)

Possibly a radioactive material?[]

I was walking around and noticed my Geiger counter go up, I looked down and noticed some saturnite material. It had the name and everything on it. It could be radioactive since the name of it is similar to how other radioactive materials are labeled (Uraniaum-238).
