Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Full Auto?[]

I'm only seeing semi-automatic fire in videos. User:Great_MaraMessage 21:04, September 20, 2011 (UTC)

It's full auto. Paragost 02:49, September 21, 2011 (UTC)


In the notes section of the page, why would this be possibly referencing the 13 original colonies of the United States? Couldn't it just as easily be referencing the 13 Commonwealths of the United States at the time of the Great War?

Addendum: Umm... my point wasn't really to change the note from 13 colonies to 13 commonwealths. My point was more that there's really no evidence or logical train of thought that leads to this conclusion. It's akin to saying the Missile Launcher only fires one missile at a time as a reference to "one nation, under God".

Either way, I'm pretty sure "reimbursed" is not the word they're looking for. Tyrasis 08:00, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

The Old World flag has thirteen stars arranged in a circle, and the rocket magazine is a cylinder containing thirteen rockets, so looking down the magazine would show the rockets arranged in a similar circle. Thirteen rockets is a fairly arbitrary number otherwise, and given the weapon is designed around the theme of Old World patriotism, this would seem to be less of a leap in logic than you say. However, you are right that there's no proof of this, until we hear some sort of official confirmation.

Not necessarily. It could be configured in a 1-3-5-3-1 diamond or square configuration. The firing end of Red Glare itself is one large opening, and I don't recall seeing any openings on either end of the canister.

Explosive Perks[]

Has anyone tested if this weapon is affected by all the explosives related perks? If so, i think the stats with the perks need to be updated.

It is affected by Demolition Expert. Tested it. Works great. --Radnus 19:56, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

Splash Damage (perk)[]

Is this weapon affected by this perk? Not sure if I should take it if it does, but I'm just being curious. --Radnus 19:55, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

No damage?[]

I've been using this weapon for some time now, trying it out and I have to say I'm disappointed. Sometimes it deals little or no damage at all, even though you hit with five or ten rockets right at the enemies feet. Is this a bug? (PS3) --MurderingMcMurphy 13:26, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

Must be a bug just for you, this thing tears em apart for me. Jazzlizard 16:33, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

No you're right, the PS3 version doesn't work at all. You can use a VATS attack using the Red Glare and deal absolutely no damage whatsoever. The Grenade Machinegun seems to suffer from the same bug which has irritated me a lot. Our name is Legion 22:31, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

I can confirm this on Xbox as well, with explosives in the 90's or 100 my Red Glare sometimes does literally no damage, even against little things like Geckos or bark scorpions. Even in VATS it only does between 15-30 dmg when im standing right next to them, major disappointment. its essentially useless to me.

I'm on PC and I just noticed my Red Glare doing no damage, and ended up here. It seemed that it has started to deal damage to humans only, and nothing against animals. Can any of you confirm this? I took some damage when I fired it at a cazador at point blank range. Cazador, however, seemed unscathed. Also, I fired several rounds at a tame bighorner calf, and again no damage, it didn't even turn hostile or anything. My third target was a Khan member, who DID die after two shots. This weapon seemed to work just fine against Marked Men in The Divide.

Another PC user that sees very little damage outside of The Divide. I unloaded two magazines of rockets at a Decanus assassin at about 30 yards. Rockets worth 650 caps (not even considering the repair cost of a weapon worth 46k caps) and he limps away over a rise. I went to Bardon and saw he has 124k worth of ammo for it, a nearly useless money pit. The animation looks good though. GRPeng 06:12, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

This has also happened to me, when I got back from Old World Blues. I saw two mole rats and decided to use Red Glare. When I shot once, nothing happened, even when they were next to me. I used maybe 3-4 magizines, and then just got tried of this and took out a shotgun. MasterofMercs 16:07, October 27, 2011 (UTC)

Wow, Bethesda or Obsidian blows my mind sometimes with their ineptitude. So many bugs in this game that could have been so great. I came to the talk page for the same reason. I looked in the "bugs" section to see if something was mentioned regarding the splash dmg of the rockets or the weapon itself, but nothing. It seems like I have to hit a target dead on to do any damage. I just encountered a group of 3 deathclaws bunched together and unloaded probably 30 rockets or more before I finally killed them. My DPS with this weapon and perks etc. is 535! Missiles and the missile launcher work fine. I can fire the Red Glare at the ground below me and take little dmg, but the missile launcher will tear me up if I do that. I think it has something to do with splash dmg personally.--Ign0tus 06:23, March 13, 2012 (UTC)

I agree that it doesn't seem to produce much if any damage when fired. I used a TON of them at the final Marked Men battle and barely gotten any kills. I think Ulysses and his plasma grenades took out most of them. Kschang 01:44, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

If everyone seems to be getting this, shouldn't it be added to the bugs section of the Wiki? --Jak29 00:33, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

YES. As a weapon, it's bloody awful. You could do more damage throwing rocks. -- 08:58, April 15, 2012 (UTC)

Actually, its because the rockets dmg is somewhat low compared to other weapons so a medium to high DT renders the weapon somewhat useless.

I don't think it's that. (Unless the stats are bugged) My rockets say they do 74 DMG and 464 DPS, I fired 3 at a novac settler and he still survived, albeit with 2 HP left. No, this weapon's just a weak disappointment... That Jakob Guy (talk) 01:54, October 27, 2012 (UTC)That Jakob Guy
I just pulled out the Red Glare for the first time today. I was excited to play with it. Then I walked up to a bloatfly and unloaded on it. Nothing. Got closer. Nothing. Made sure I was actually hitting it square in the face. Nothing. Got so close that is turned hostile and my followers put it down. Thinking "Well, that was odd." I wandered off to find another victim. Golden Geckos. I fired at them, and again, nothing. My followers had to put them down yet again. This time I told my followers to wait when I detected an enemy on my compass. It was a coyote. I began firing rockets at it. Once again, nothing. It sat there and didn't even turn hostile; this weapon refuses to do any damage to non-human targets. It kills NPC characters just fine, but anything that's not a human it just won't kill. Being heavily disturbed by this, I went about searching for an answer and ended up here. I have looked high and low for a fix for this, but it seems some people don't even have this problem at all. No fix appears to exist, official, modded, or otherwise. Not even a console command that I can use. Hell, it's not even on the bugs section of this weapon. After reading into the problem further, I found that the Grenade Machine gun suffers from this same issue. I tested it, and sure enough, it does. I am here begging for help. I REALLY want to use this weapon, the same goes for the grenade machine gun, but it's so broken. Is there ANY fix out there? ANYTHING at all that can help me? Please. I'm desperate. Playing on PC, BTW. Orra (talk) 23:47, December 3, 2012 (UTC)
Have to agree with others, it's bugged. Playing on PS3 I came back to Mojave and had it equipped when I was jumped by the coyotes that live at the Canyon Wreckage crossover. A few of them blew apart on the first rocket but some were completely immune. Firing in VATS at a mother it showed her drop to zero health but after VATS she was untouched. Firing outside VATS aimed or hip made no difference. Some things seem to be immune to this weapon which ruins it's usefulness. 04:25, July 8, 2016 (UTC)

Speed of the rocket[]

5,550 feet per second is 1,850 yards/second not 86. Can this be reconfirmed in the GECK? --Eltomo85Talk 09:40, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

"The Red Glare's rockets have a speed of 5550 feet per second, about 86 yards per second, or about 177 miles per hour — over three and a half times as fast as a standard missile, and slightly faster than a high-velocity missile. The Alpha Strike modification triples this speed."
I ripped this out of the article, because it contains lots of faulty maths and uncited numbers. Can someone tell me where these numbers came from, or how they're relevant? MadeMan2 "Say 'ello to my little friend!"

Someone should put in a screenshot of it with all attachments.

behind the scenes[]

Where did all this references to usa anthem come from. This is a sci-fi game set in fictional world. I thought this wiki's policy was unless otherwise stated by a developer it's not a reference to anything —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

The policy is to put references that have been confirmed by developers or are so blatantly obvious there's no possibility of being wrong. Where else has the phrase "Red glare" appeared other than the Star Spangled Banner? --Kastera (talk) 18:56, December 30, 2012 (UTC)


Haha, I hate that. I absolutely hate it >_> --Skire (talk) 23:11, March 10, 2013 (UTC)

Higher Fire Rate than Listed?[]

I noticed the DPS of the Red Glare in the Pip Boy when applying the Auto Launcher mod increased dramatically. I would usually chalk this up to "Pip Boy being Pip Boy" but I tested how long it would take to empty out a Red Glare modified and unmodified. Tested recording at 30 FPS.

Red Glare without Auto Launcher: 2.75 - 2.8 seconds.

Red Glare with Auto Launcher: 2.25 - 2.3 seconds.

Unless I'm missing something that's quite a difference.

Satchel Charges[]

So I used a console command to give myself a thousand or so High explosive Rockets for the Red glare, however, when I change over to using them, it fires satchel charges the same way the you throw them, so I end up blowing myself up. Any ideas?


The reload sound listed here sounds absolutely nothing like it does ingame. -- 09:28, June 9, 2015 (UTC)


When I equip Red Glare, my DT jumps into the 70's, presumably this is a bug, but I don't see it mentioned here. Also, I picked up the mods for this weapon back in Hope silo, but I don't see the option to use them?

You have the Hit the Deck perk. And you're sure they're for the Red Glare and not the 10mm SMMG? Great Mara (talk) 23:21, August 17, 2015 (UTC)