Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Breath limit[]

The last sentence of the Notes section is "There is no breath limit in Fallout 76, in or out of power armor." Are you sure? I have been underwater long enough twice to start making gulping/gurgling sounds, which stopped when I breached the surface. Once was in PA, the other in a hazmat suit. I did not stay under any longer to find out if I'd actually die. ... Actually, I just remembered the Aquaboy/Aquagirl perk, which lets you breath underwater. --AnudderArcher (talk) 02:15, April 6, 2019 (UTC)

You are right. I expected to see a "need to breath" bar like in other Bethesda games. Fallout 76 only gives the gurgling sounds and the health bar going down. In a hazmat suit, that happened to me after between 25 and 30 seconds with a level 42 character, with endurance of 3. I did stay under for 5 minutes in power armor just to make sure. Lost 50% health to rads but never ran out of breath. I'll change it. --Lakewalker (talk) 03:15, April 6, 2019 (UTC)

Yes, my power armor near-drowning occurred in a pool with no way to climb out. I probably spent 10-15 minutes trying, before dumping enough weight to fast travel. --AnudderArcher (talk) 12:56, April 6, 2019 (UTC)

New reformatting[]

To CamelChip579208 - I put a lot of thought into how and why players use the wiki when I formatted the page first by level and then by armor type. Players are not interested in how Raider or T-51b power armor progresses through the levels. They want to know what armors are available to them at their current level. The tables were set up to let them easily compare their options. They cannot do that with the current formatting. Please revert these edits. --Lakewalker (talk) 15:31, April 27, 2019 (UTC)

Thank you for your input. I would like to recognize your invaluable contributions to the wiki, including the magnificent work with the power armor pages. However, the page reformat was for the sake of consistency, specifically with the Power armor (Fallout 4) page. I do recognize your wanting to compare armors, and as such have added a "level availability" table and section that hopes to satisfy your original intentions. Thanks! CamelChip (talk) 17:52, April 27, 2019 (UTC)
Thank you. That serves my original intent. Bethesda frequently makes sweeping changes as they did with power armor in Fallout 76. Beware of trying to match page formats of previous games; it can result in trying to shoehorn data into a format not suited for it. --Lakewalker (talk) 20:24, April 27, 2019 (UTC)


I don't think the "does not work" and "redundant" perks should be combined. Things that do not work and things that are redundant are not the same. For example, the Sneak perk doesn't work in Power Armor, but since we don't specify that it doesn't work, someone could read it as redundant. That would mislead them into believing that Power Armor comes with some sort of sneak boost.

intrepid359FO76NW Overseer6/30/24 [5:57pm]


The link from the drop down at the top is wrong it says Fallout 76 power armor instead. Just thought you want to know. Darrowdeo (talk) 16:24, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

Thanks homie. I fixed it. Good eye! -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 11:39, 20 August 2021 (UTC)