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How to get PimpBoy.[]

Get the omertas to buy guns from Mick and Ralphs from freeside, Return to freeside and Talk to Mick about what the omerta's said. You can also use (Player.Additem Pimpboy 1) or (Player.additem 0011bacb 1) in the Command Console if you have done something to spoil this plan. You Can go back to Mick at anytime to switch between your Pip and Pimp Boy

Please note you will also have to enter player.equipitem 0011bacb in order to actually wear the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion.-- 20:21, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

"Behind the Scenes"[]

"If P-Diddy were in the wasteland, this would be his Pip-Boy." Unless this was a quote from an Obsidian Dev, this really isn't appropriate for the Behind the Scenes section. If it remains on the article at all, I think it should at least be moved to Trivia. Sparrow475 23:56, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

We don't use Trivia headers here at the Vault, it's Behind the scenes or nothing. I've removed it, I should probably ban the guy if he adds it again. Nitty Tok. 23:58, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

I think I removed that bit a while ago. YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 00:01, October 22, 2010 (UTC)



Play the game for more than 15 mins to find out.

I played the game for 6 hours --'

-Then play at least 20 hours.Rint 01:46, October 25, 2010 (UTC)

Anyone know's how to get it? i have the note from mick and ralph, but none of the omertas mention guns or anything. which part of gomorrah do i need to go?

Go To The How Little We Know Quest to start and finish it. oh and sign your posts. --Ullyses = Epic 21:47, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Not limited to Wild Wasteland?[]

I got the Pimpboy without having the Wild Wasteland perk. Not sure if it was a bug so I won't edit the article, but it's something to look into. 04:07, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

It is not a bug, standard reward for getting the Omertas to buy guns from Mick & Ralph's with or without Wild Wasteland.

Yeah, but when you have the Wild Wasteland Perk (which is, by the way, FREAKIN' AWESOME!!), it plays some disco music when you get it. - Texas Ranger 01:59, November 12, 2010 (UTC)
I didn't hear any disco music, even though I have the perk... :/ 01:31, November 1, 2011 (UTC)

I heard that it shines and i wonderd if that effected sneaking[]

does it effect sneaking ??

Nope. I have a sneak of 100%, went to the boomers, and without a stealth boy I was able to change their hats by combat helmets. It shines a lot, and when you check it with direct light, it shines WAY too much.

troike buys weapons ?[]

i heared that if u didnt side with the omeritas troike buys the weapons instead but i dunno were he is.... :(--Epic cookies 00:46, October 26, 2010 (UTC)


I got this unexpectedly and it appears sideways about 30 degrees, making it pretty much unusable.

I wouldn't say unusable, but inconvenient sure. It's kinda of irritating all the bugs this game actually has, granted a game like Fallout, bugs are to be expected but the sheer amount of obvious and stupid ones is lol. I digress though, I was curious if this has happened to male character models as well? It seems they only have equipping issues and the 30 degree glitch on female character models (like mine). Just wondering...appreciate any replies. 13ip0lar 01:07, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

It's happened to me on two characters. Both of them female. Never had the problem on male characters. 10:21, December 10, 2010 (UTC)

OKAY... there seem to be two glitches being talked about on this page and some folks don't get which is which. One is that on a female character the end of the pimp-boy clips into the forearm which looks quite obviously a like a visual glitch. The second one I really don't believe to be a glitch, the pimp-boy is held up to view the screen at an angle so that it looks exactly like a gangsta holding up his rolex, this makes it slightly more annoying to use than a vanilla pip-boy but the pimp-boy was quite obviously meant to be this way. Also if you need to know why there is such an obvious visual glitch you just need to remember this item is hard to find, difficult to reliably get and makes almost no difference to gameplay. As such it was probably a much lower priority when fixing bugs.


this really had to be added into the game? -facepalm- Gheart 02:38, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

its probs gonna get broken by any future patches or removed entirely

someone dos not like this kick butt and one of a kind pip boy plus its great for my rich guy hes got 10 luck and made a shit load of cash exactly something with 8 digits and i got every thing rare and worth alot i got kicked out of every casino sept Ultra luxe because i want a place to gamble because thats probably the last place i can gamble.

Trouble with Mick?[]

  • I had a lot of trouble/glitches to get Mick to open up, I found a forum post with the following instructions and it worked (possible bug, DO NOT loot any evidence about Troike from the safe, this seems to break things)
    • 1) Side with Cachino and ask him questions about the two men you need to talk to
    • 2) Talk to Troike about why he's there
    • 3) (Medical 30 skill check) pass this
    • 4) Go up stairs and talk to Sal ask about guns first, then about Troike and get him to free his contract.
    • 5) Tell Troike he's free to go and talk to him about gun shipments
    • 6) Blow up gun shipments
    • 7) Go to suites and steal the key from Clandin and unlock the safe ("Hard" lock without key) behind the dresser next to the Gomorrah Bed in his room
    • 8) Confront him about snuff films
    • 9) Make him leave or kill him.
    • 10) Tell lieutenant Cachino about guns and Clandin
    • 11) Meet bosses
    • 12) Kill bosses
    • 13) Go to Freeside and go to Mick & Ralph's
    • 14) Talk to the guy in the back of the shop about business
    • 15) Tell him he can sell to Omertas again.
    • 16) Quest reward of Pimp-boy 3 billion (You can talk to him and switch back and forth between old and pimp versions. Fun music plays when you put on the pimp version)
    • For the record, before I got the pimp-boy I couldn't access Mick or Ralph's menus which apparently is a common bug. After I got it I was able to buy/sell from them.

NOTE: Stages 6 through 12 would appear to be unnecessary in this method - after I told Troike he was free, and got the thermite etc - but before doing anything else - I went spoke to Mick and had the topic "the Omertas will start trading with you again", which rewarded me with the Pimp Boy. Therefore, it isn't necessary to have completed the quest AT ALL in order to get this. 01:58, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

All you need to do is talk to Troike about speaking on his behalf to end his contract with Big Sal and speaking with Big Sal about ending the contract which includes a Speech check. You don't even need to mention Mick and Ralph to Sal or tell Troike the contract was terminated. After that the speech option will appear in Ralph's dialogue tree about the Omerta's buying from him again to get the pimp boy.

The house always wins IV[]

Does this really have to be the way to get the pimp boy, or can you do the NCR/Casaer's Legion Version of this quest? (if that made any sense)

Forgot to sign, sorry Jack Teh Ripper 16:56, November 2, 2010 (UTC)Jack Teh Ripper

I got it doing the Caesar version, but I got the quest from Yes Man. I'm not really doing the Yes Man ending, but I was talking to him anyway to get map markers for the different factions.

Here's what I did -

1. Ask Yes Man about the Omertas 2. Talk to Mick. Ask "How's business?" 3. Talk to the receptionist at Gomorrah about "calling in the marker" or whatever. She drops Cachino's name. 4. Ask the floor manager where Cachino is. He'll tell you to fuck off. 5. Find Cachino in the Brimstone section of Gomorrah and go through his dialog. 6. Pickpocket his journal and talk to him about it. Tell him you're going to hang on to it. 7. Talk to the thug guarding the locked door and show him the journal. He'll let you go upstairs. 8. Find Big Sal and show him the journal. 9. Complete the quest as per Big Sal's instructions, helping Troike and Clanden with their problems. 10. Pass a (50) speech check to convince Big Sal to buy guns from Mick. 11. Return to Mick 12. Traverse the wastes in style.


Yeah, just confirming the Pimp-Boy clips through the arm of female models on the PC version too. It's worse in first person, when it's at that crazy angle. Ah well, glitches gonna glitch.

Possible DLC[]

Here's an idea for more PimpBoy stuff! How about official PimpBoy chrome grills? PimpBoy big-ass clock necklaces? PimpBoy child support? Hehehe, I'm horrible. -Malus X 02:27, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

I love you, man. That's a capital fuckin' idea. If they actually did that I would JIZZ IN MY PANTS. And make a character based on Louis from Left 4 Dead and use the Pimp-Boy as a costume to wear around The Strip when I'm bored. PILLS HERE!!!!! TJbrena 16:56, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

or things like customization, maybe? Kind of like how Army of two the 40th day let you go online and customize mask, maybe they could do the same thing for the Pip-boys?--Icommandoxx 03:50, March 6, 2011 (UTC)icommandoxx


Any idea what vault dwellers would wear these? I'd imagine a vault who's experiment was to give people immense wealth. I wonder how that worked out for them. 21:46, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Either really really well, or really really badly.--Blahmarrow 20:50, January 16, 2011 (UTC)

I just found this and...[]

...I LOVE IT! This should add a permanent +1 to Charisma. Oh, and to everybody who says the 30 degree angle is a glitch? Completely wrong. It's so heavy, you have to hold it a little funny, that and it's just "gangstalicious". --Chris616263 03:19, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

Pimp Boy Gear[]

Haha, we definitely need some more Pimp Boy gear. I mean, where's all the pre-war bling?

i got a theory caesers legion melt it down for coins!

Greater distance of light?[]

The article claims that "the Pimp-Boy has a noticeable greater distance of light created when the Pip-Boy light is turned on". The placebo effect of that comment made me think the Pimp Boy indeed shined brighter at first, but I did some testing with switching back and forth between Pip Boy and Pimp Boy and I don't believe there's any difference whatsoever. 18:21, February 1, 2011 (UTC)

Pimp Boy Facts: Quick and Easy[]

So I actually have the guide for the game, which is really confusing to read and doesn't even explain how to get this item properly anyways. So I ran to the internet to search for information... which didn't prove to be any more helpful whatsoever, So for everyone looking, here are the facts, and the quickest way to get the Pimp boy 3 Billion:

~Receive the quest "How Little we Know" either by learning about the Omertas through Yes Man or by completing the Quest given by the prostitute in the Gomorrah Courtyard. ~I chose the Yes Man route.

~After getting the quest, talk to the receptionist at the Gomorrah, and choose the option to "Call in an outstanding balance" or complete the speech challenge she offers after saying "loose lips sink ships" once you do either she tells you to ask Cachino about the Omertas dealings.

~Once she tells you this, Cachino Immediately starts looking for you, you could stand still right there for about 5 minutes and he would walk up to you and ask why youre looking for him, however its easier (and faster) to simply walk into the back room, where 3 strippers are dancing on a T-shaped stage.

~Cachino is very agitated and doesnt appreciate you poking around too much, and doesnt offer very much information. At this point you have to find a way to make him talk, you do this by acquiring his journal, You could spend 10 minutes running around the Gomorrah suites area finding his room, lockpicking the door, and nabbing it from his desk, BUT its much easier to just wait for him to sit back down and pickpocket it off him on the spot, takes about 5 seconds.

~Once you have his journal he spills his guts about everything and gives you free roam of the entire casino, he gives you keys to all areas and tells the guards to leave you be. I cant remember but if your speech or barter is high you can sell his journal back to him for 300 caps, AND still use an additional challenge for another 100 caps before you actually give him his journal back, I was able to anyways.

~Cachino asks you to check out Troike and Clanden, see how they fit into the plan, this is actually the easiest part!

~Go talk to Troike in the Zebra lounge about the weapon shipments and offer to sever his contract with Big Sal

~Tell Big Sal that Troike is more trouble then hes worth (Speech Challenge) or simply purchase his contract for 300caps, which you could have made off Cachino if you had the right skills.

~Go back to Troike and tell him hes free, then discuss how you are going to destroy the weapon shipments. You have 2 options at this point, You can either destroy them yourself, which you need 100 lockpicking to do, or make him do it himself by threatening to tell the Omertas what hes up to. which only requires 70 speech.

~Im not sure what happens if you destroy the weapons yourself, But if you do what I did, and make him destroy the weapons himself, he asks you to leave the Gomorrah and give him some time to do the deed.

~Guess what? if youve made it this far youre done! as soon as you leave the Gomorrah to give Troike the time he needs to destroy the weapons, you dont even have to go back in and complete the quest! I was able to head straight to Mick and Ralph's shop and tell them they could buy from the Omertas again!


Getting the Pimp Boy seems to revolve around Freeing Troike from the Omertas, So im fairly certain however you go about doing it, as long as you sever Troikes contract, you can instantly get the pimp boy. I believe it works like this *BECAUSE* The reason the Omertas stopped buying from Mick and Ralph is because Troike started supplying them instead, so... you remove Troike, and the Omertas need a new supply. This is just my theory however, not able to prove anything.

The 30 degree angle is INDEED A GLITCH, take off all you clothes and then bring up the pip boy screen, youll notice that your characters arm is meshed into the pip boy model and looks absolutely terrible, its obvious that it was not intended to look like that, if you still dont think its a glitch, you need mental help.

The pimp boy does not affect sneaking, or make the flashlight stronger, etc

The wild wasteland trait is not needed to obtain this item, having the trait DOES however, make the pimp boy make funny sounds whenever it is equipped


~during the quest to obtain the item, you dont have to actually "tell anyone" to start buying from Mick and Ralph again, you're just sort of able to do it after you free Troike... that fact confused me a lot because before I did it myself I kept thinking there was someone I had to tell.

~Siding with Big Sal decreases your rep with strip, I chose to do it this way because everyone comes out a winner if you decide to go on and complete the quest

Hope this info helps all you bling seekers out there :D I dont have a Sig or username, just figured since I could post that I would, hope whoever manages this thing leaves this post up! its a lot better then anything else on the net I can assure you!

XBOX live Gamertag: Kinkybobo

Not getting it.[]

When siding with Cachino, I show Troike the blacmail tape. He gives me the thermite and I destroy the guns, he runs away. Me and Cachino kill the bosses. Mick is annoyed that the Omertas are gone, and doesn't offer me the item. How do I get it, going pro NCR/House/Yes man? Someone said freeing Troike does it, but after picking up the blackmail tape, I cannot talk to Big Sal about his contract.--Jolipinator 19:02, March 19, 2011 (UTC)

Im the same boat. I downloaded a mod which put EVERY note from Fallout 3 and New Vegas into a crate by Goodsprings. Rather then going threw hundreds of notes and picking and choosing, I just took them all at the beginning of my game. (including the blackmail tape) Some quest have been super easy now but getting pimp-boy is impossible for me. Even when I try to side with Big Sal and help Troike any way possible, the dialog option isnt availible at Mick and Ralphes. Although my guy always where the mysterious stranger outfit which hides all the pip boy except the screen.--Robandbig 06:56, September 14, 2011 (UTC)

Quest glitch[]

I got the quest through NCR and did it and i asked for this and mick gave me the quest to buy the guns from him to the omertas... again and troike is nowhere to be seen and the bosses and clanden are dead o_o help pl0x? 14:49, March 24, 2011 (UTC)

Console command[]

If you have missed the window of opportunity to get this item, you can still acquire it through the console command if you are playing on PC: 1) ~ 2) player.additem 11bacb 1 3) player.equipitem 11bacb 1

If you want to remove it, simply type player.removeitem 11bacb 1

The original pip-boy's id is 15038 if you need to add or remove it. Cheers. -- 21:58, April 13, 2011 (UTC)

I finished How Little We Know in Cachinos favour, then told Mick that the Omertas would buy guns again. But, in a different playthrough, i ended the quest in cahinos favour again but i couldnt tell Mick that they would buys guns from them again. The only difference is that i destroyed the guns instead of Troike to destroying them. Can someone help?

Barter skill 45[]

Someone asked in the Locations section on the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion page to confirm that the Barter check (45) also works when releasing Troike from his contract with Big Sal. I can confirm it works. Have done that several times without problem and still received the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion. So I removed the request to confirm. --Kilroy1975 13:44, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Don't Ask How's Business (Possibly)[]

Finally got it after a lot of confusing walkthroughs for the Yes Man way. Not to go into step by steps, I freed Troika by talking medical to him and then asking him about getting him released. From there, I talked to Big Sal (NOT THE SAFE/BLACKMAIL.) After I told Troika was free, I blew up the shipment and finished the quest. When talking to Mick, I kept trying How's Business as mentioned and he'd say things were bad since the Omertas weren't buying and the Van Graff's were dead (killed them with Cass). After a few tries thinking I messed up earlier, I saw an option for Mick below How's Business that said something to the effect of "Good news, the Omertas are willing to buy again".

I'm not positive, but I think the Van Graff's being dead might have locked things up in the How's Business route.

Oh, and feel free to milk this mission for all the xp. There's 600+xp to be had if you go through a lot of the side stuff like finding the hooker, id-ing her and speech checks with practically everyone.

NPC Version[]

Why Is There A Code For A Npc Version When Only The Courier Can Wear It? --Ullyses = Epic 21:51, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Likely because it was made from adjusted Pip-Boy assets. - 09:37, August 29, 2012 (UTC)

Why bother?[]

Why would you go through all the trouble to get this thing, if it adds no bonus over the other? It has nothing the other doesn't, it's just a different mesh, which you rarely see(because I don't get what people see in playing the game predominantly in the 3rd person perspective). I do like to pick the hat my character wears out of personal preference, but only when it's worth wearing. Most hats provide a +1 Perception, which still pales in comparison to the 4 DT of Reinforced Mk 2 Combat Helmets. If it were something I happened across while playing, I certainly would pick it up and "wear" it, like a pair of shades. If I have to meet certain requirements just to get it, shouldn't I be rewarded for my effort in the form of some indefinite, positive effect for the duration I have the Pip-Boy 3 Billion, like a couple extra action points, in light of the "Math Wrath" Perk? Might be just a few people, but does anyone else feel this way? 11:16, July 23, 2012 (UTC)

As soon as I walk into Mick and Ralph's after completing the quest, they open fire on me. I don't know what's wrong, and it's keeping me up at night.

-- 02:24, June 10, 2013 (UTC) Vault-Boy


I wish they would let you buy new pip boys and customize it, I mean in the beginning of fallout 3 they at least hinted that there were more advanced models when that guy said that "the pip boy 3000 might not be the newest model but it was the most reliable".....(NOT EXACT WORDS)

Glove Disappears?[]

It happened on me when I switched to the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion and then back to the standard model. The PIP-Boy glove disappeared on all worn armor. Shorr (talk) 20:17, March 29, 2014 (UTC)


Regardless of if individuals think the clipping bug is notable the rules clearly state "Clipping issues (i.e. items poking through one another) are not notable." If those individuals think that this really needs to be on the page, then we need to change this rule, instead of just breaking it. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 15:29, July 29, 2014 (UTC)

Got Pimp-boy without doing Omertas quest.[]

I got the Pimp-boy on my first play through without ever doing How Little We Know (I know for a fact because I just did this quest for the first time ever tonight, years later on my second go at the game). I believe just getting Idolized in Freeside did it, or it could have been using my favor with the King to agree to a truce with the NCR. I don't know, my first character play through I did some odd stuff like never picking up the Chip from Benny's dead body and never setting foot in the Lucky 38. I know for a fact I didn't do anything dealing with the Omertas aside from rescuing Joana. Hell, the only casino quest I did besides blowing away Benny on the floor of the tops, out of revenge for myself, was blowing away Gunderson at the bar of the Ultraluxe, out of revenge for Phil. So pissed I never got to the end with that character, and the save is gone.--Rumblepen (talk) 05:23, October 24, 2014 (UTC)

The Picture[]

Is there any way to change the picture on there I tried to change it by going to the png itself but it doesn't seem like I can change it. I only say so because it doesn't do the real thing justice. That picture just looks ugly. 16:09, January 21, 2015 (UTC)Chris Bordelon

Changed the picture with an actual ingame screenshot. Plus added a screenshot to demonstrate the bug that occurs on female characters (odd angle). Litheen (talk) 13:47, February 25, 2015 (UTC)Litheen

I'm changing the infobox image back to the GECK one. For items, GECK renders are prefered. They don't have the distracting surroundings and you also still have the arrow cursor visible. The female Pip-Boy bug image has that as well, so that needs a better screenshot, and added to the bug/gallery section. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 14:27, February 25, 2015 (UTC)