Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Glitch Log[]

I thought we should start a "glitch log". I'll list recurring glitches, and you sign your name under any that have happened to you. Add some, if they aren't there.

Items Repaired to 100% after a while[]

Coodude26 22:50, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Confirmed on Xbox 360. I left a Power Helmet and a Power Armor on the floor of the house. A couple in-game days later, the helmet had repaired itself to 100%, while the armor had not. The armor is still on the floor and has thus far not repaired itself. If this were meant to happen I would think it would have happened top both items, since they were both placed there at roughly the same moment. -- 22:28, October 8, 2009 (UTC)

Items dropped as multiples ["Beer(7)"] Revert to One[]

Coodude26 22:50, 6 February 2009 (UTC) +++++++++++++Rifles, base ball bats, etc. will revert to one item on the floor if they are all dropped but if you look at that item you will see that it is made up of the number you dropped. If you drop 17 Chinese Assualt rifles, you may only see one rifle on the floor but try picking it up and you will see the quantity 17 listed and of course it has the weight of 17 rifles.so THIS IS NOT A GLITCH.just saving space.--ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:44, 1 July 2009 (UTC).

This happens anywhere in the Capital Wasteland, it's not a glitch. Like when you're moving large amounts of objects (More than 6 I think) a little bar will come up which you can scroll to determine how many you want to move, the same with dropping items. If I dropped 20 hats all in one go there would be one model with the number 20 contained in brackets, if I dropped them all individually there would be hats everywhere and I shall have a party. ThePog 13:12, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Locker Items Disappearing[]

Megaton House Locker "Tea-leaf ". Is it possible to relate these thefts of our treasured items from our personal lockers to something we have done and been seen doing in the Wasteland. If for instance you hit Moriaty and then run into your house you will be invaded by Megaton Settlers.Is it posible that if you are seen killing some Brother Hood of Steel member for his armour that you will be followed back to your house and while you are away some or all of your gear gets stolen ? Remember the guy who wrote that when he arrived back at his house he was just in time to see a BoS leaving it. I think we need to try and relate the thefts back to OUR actions before we go off half cocked and start talking bugs or glitches.Can we build a list of our actions that may trigger these thefts.In every case I have killed the BoS to get armour for Charon.Is this a clue? It has occured after only one house theme was added after buying house items from Moira. Is it that gooky girl Moira ?--ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:11, 1 July 2009 (UTC) + + I`d better add that "Tea Leaf" is London (UK) cockney rhyming slang for THIEF and that to be a Cockney you must be born within the sound of St Mary le Bow church bells in London._ ie in CHEAP SIDE as mentioned as a derogatory term in the book and film " Pride and Predjudice " by Jane Austen._Even our King avoided going near cheapside until the blitz of London 1941/2 when his wife the Queen told the King if they didn`t visit they would never be able to look the people in the eye again. On several occasions they got booed by crowds of "bombed out" people and some parts of London more resembled the Wasteland. Note:_if you don`t like this digression feel free to delete it.."ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:24, 1 July 2009 (UTC)____________________________________________________

More THEFTS from MEGATON, "just like the banks all over again" ![]

Did the Pittsburgh for Werner, and left my Firelance and Alien Blaser in my bedside locker- XBOX360 No1 & 2 - When I got back from that Hell hole of a Mid-Victorian Steel works, all my gear was once again missing.Level 21 Luck 10.Anybody else having this trouble.--ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 08:11, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I opened a discussion under Megaton settler about the possibility of thieves... MotrinXtraFort 10:02, January 8, 2010 (UTC)


IN the game "Oblivion" (which is created by the same people who have created fallout 3) is it possible to have free houses. Like for example ha chest who doesnt change equipment. I wonder if it is any free houses in Fallout 3. Keep you eyes opening people, and report back what you find it out. Pardon my english, are from Norway.

In Rivet City I have found several oportunities. The Rivet City common room, for example has an unowned bed and footlocker that you can use for use for NO KARMA LOSS. Another is the free room at the Weatherly Hotel, again, also in Rivet City (note: this requires a lockpick skill of 100).

There are four intact, usable houses in [Minefield].

Different Lighting?[]

This is my second profile, and when I went to choose the Scientist theme for it, I noticed that the house had much more "pale" lighting then my other character's house. This one is like the Vault-theme's lighting, not the usual bright one on my other character. What's going on here? --Clean Up 01:01, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

  • Different themes give different lighting effects. Coodude26 22:50, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

I like the lighting effects but how come they keep going back to default instead of the new lighting??>

I know! My scientist theme lighting changed back to normal the second time i entered--Radraider 02:33, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Fixed Armor[]

I've just noticed that all the armor and weapons I've left lying around the house (not in containers, but one tables) have been fixed to 100%. I had a set of Brotherhood Outcast armor and a Lazer Rifle that I had left on a Table; the outcast armor was in poor condition as I had found it on a fallen outcast Brotherhood member, and the Lazer rifle was in fairly good condition (I had done some repairs on it) but no where near perfect. I just went to my house and found both items to now be in perfect condition. Has anyone else noticed this? --Clean Up 20:35, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Four months had passed since this subject was brought up, and I have personally attempted this at the time of writing this post. I bought the XBox 360 version of the game last Friday, and have attempted to replicate it, but to no avail (i.e. Slept at different spots for two in-game weeks while my multiple items were lying around on the floor. Even tried buying a bench and a theme).Dibol 03:27, 9 April 2009 (UTC)

Could it have something to do with the container item reset after 150 hours of gameplay discussed in the main Article (third line of the Notes) MotrinXtraFort 10:09, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

Van Buren (?)[]

The PC Town, the PC Shack in Hoover Dam - Van Buren.--dotz 21:28, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

Uh...what!? ThePog 13:15, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Wadsworth stuck[]

Has anyone else had trouble with Wadsworth getting himself stuck in the upstairs bedroom? First time I walked into the Shack, he suddenly appeared in the bedroom when I used the bed. Now he's apparently stuck and mostly I have to wiggle around him to get a clear shot at the bed to use it. Ponk 04:16, 25 November 2008 (UTC)

OK, after half the friggin' game, he suddenly shifted to halfway down the stairs. Improvement, I guess. Ponk 02:15, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
I have that problem as well. But I'm more annoyed by my followers getting in my way when I'm trying to leave.—ErzengelLichtes (Contribs) 02:05, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Wadsworth can be a real blockade especially if you only use him for free Purified Water, like me. A possible fix that works for me is to lock him in the spare room. This takes a little bit of patience and about a minute of pushing, but focus your aim (scope: RMB on pc) with a NON-scoped weapon to help with accuracy and to make you move slower(a pistol of some description leaves good viewing room), then simply walk into him and 'push' him (you can even push him up the stairs) into the spare room upstairs and close the door (He's round, so think of the dynamics when you push him. Push him on the right side, he moves out of the way to the left etc). For the most part, no matter how long you spend away from your home, he'll remain 'locked' in the spare room. Simply open the door, get your water and shut it again. This was done on the PC version so if someone else can check the console versions for me, that would be much appreciated. --GunClap 02:52, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

For the first question, it happened to me too on PS3 (bedroom then stairs), but Wadsworth unstucked himself after awhile and returned to normal. Second, on PS3, I tried to lock him in the room, only to find awhile after the door opened with a free Wadsworth wondering around again. Anhoying little bugger. MotrinXtraFort 10:19, January 8, 2010 (UTC)


THIS HAS NOW HAPPENED TWICE at over 100 hrs! into the game while enjoying the Enclave colonise the Wasteland .Shot many spybots who are now on the side of the Enclave soldiers and Deathclaws at Enclave road blocks. If you kill the spybot,and the Deathclaw and the Tesla armoured Enclave Soldier is not told by the Spybot to take action or doesn`t see you the Tesla armoured Enclave soldier then becomes friendly and will leave the road block and visit other Enclave road blocks in the area.As long as you are not seen by other Enclave units he will remain friendly. So I walked along with him to see what else he might do .This usually takes days as he follows the caravan routes. Eventually I go back to my nice pad at Megaton where I am feeling quite at home with by gear stashed neatly into the lockers, my Firelance. my Alien Blaster, assault rifles, Scoped .44 Magnums and ammo for later, clothes, best suits ,and dogmeat on the rug looking comfortable .I then dress up in drag to admire myself and after a while I go out again for a week in the Wasteland with Charon well kitted up in shining 100% new BoS armour, killing ,looting and trading, making lots of dosh,and once again looking forward to putting my feat up in my nice pad for a nice long well earnt rest,having a nice cold Nuka Cola and trying out my sexy underwear. I got home, tired out...and....The house had emptied itself. ALL my lockers full of stash,guns ammo food chems,clothes, 30,000 caps, all missing..Someone even stole my dog. I have put a contract out on the Software engineers at Bethesda and between the Talon company, my Sniper rifle and Charon there are going to be a few Sleepless nights coming soon...Also hired 47 from Iedos just in case. Bethesda..you left me well and truly stuffed!!!! XBOX360 One guy just said it was my gnomes wot took `em......Just to make sure I took them all outside, lined them up and Duke Nukem`ed .(I just loved that guy) .....Warning:Nothwithstanding the bill of human rights,I hereby give due warning that all looters, vagabonds, and thieves, will be in clear and present danger of loosing limbs and life if any futher attempt is made upon my property. My safe is now mined with 20 Frag Mines carefully concealed under old clothes and any attempt to approach will be met with lethal force: Duly signed and witnessed. ..I am now told that if you kill BoS which I have to rebuild Charons armour others who see you might follow you home to MEGATON and take all your stuff .One guy reported that he got home in time to see a BoS leaving his house.! --ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 07:06, 30 June 2009 (UTC)................. About the bugs section, has anyone experienced those issues? I've kept items in my lockers and desks for a considerable time and have yet to see them disappear.--MercZ 00:17, 30 November 2008 (UTC): You havn`t met Slow White and the seven gnomes yet !

I'm on the PC version and I keep stuff I want to keep in the lockers beside the door and stuff I'm going to sell in the lockers beside my bed. I have not yet seen anything disappear from those. I haven't tried the fridge or any others. Maybe it's an optimization on the console platforms, or perhaps if you switch themes? —

Megaton House Locker "Tea-leaf "[]

Is it possible to relate these thefts of our treasured items from our personal lockers to something we have done and been seen doing in the Wasteland. If for instance you hit Moriaty and then run into your house you will be invaded by Megaton Settlers.Is it posible that if you are seen killing some Brother Hood of Steel member for his armour that you will be followed back to your house and while you are away some or all of your gear gets stolen ? Remember the guy who wrote that when he arrived back at his house he was just in time to see a BoS leaving it. I think we need to try and relate the thefts back to OUR actions before we go off half cocked and start talking bugs or glitches.Can we build a list of our actions that may trigger these thefts.In every case I have killed the BoS to get armour for Charon.Is this a clue? It has occured after only one house theme was added after buying house items from Moira. Is it that gooky girl Moira ?--ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:11, 1 July 2009 (UTC)I` better add that "Tea Leaf" is London (UK) cockney rhyming slang for THIEF and that to be a Cockney you must be born within the sound of St Mary le Bow church bells in London._ ie in CHEAP SIDE as mentioned as a derogatory term in the book and film " Pride and Predjudice " by Jane Austen._Even our King avoided going near cheapside until the blitz of London 1941/2 when his wife the Queen told the King if they didn`t visit they would never be able to look the people in the eye again. " _if you don`t like this digression feel free to delete it.."ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:24, 1 July 2009 (UTC)____________________________________________________

ErzengelLichtes (Contribs) 02:05, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

It never occurred to me (PC version). Only the movable objects (like wooden boxes, sculls etc. - i have Wasteland Explorer theme) are moved back to their default position after some time (Mr. Handy is doing his cleaning routine?) RDGST 03:02, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
As the one who made the entry, I should note that it happened to me personally on the 360 version, in which the lockers opposite from the front door emptied themselves mysteriously. Luckily, I was able to go to an earlier save and take everything out from that set of lockers and move them into the set right next to the door. That was the only incident that actually happened to me. All the other notes are going by stuff I read on the GameFAQ's and Official Bethesda Forums, most notably the Fridge note. I was unable to determine which platform these other events occurred on. 12:23, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
I'm on the 360 and have lost items from all the containers including the lockers by the workbench. I was quite upset since I kept all the unique items there. I have read about this on other forums and some suggest it may be an ownership problem while others theorized it was theft by the megaton citizens. Fingers crossed for a fix. 05:08, 4 December 2008 (UTC)????? DID YOU KILL BoS soldiers.?????
I have about 120 hours into the 360 version with 2 different chars. So far I have yet to loose anything in any of my storage areas. I use the locker by the door for everything in the MISC category so I can use the workbench easily. Weapons are kept in the locker on the opposite side. Anything under the Aid category I keep in the fridge. All Apparel I keep in the filing cabinet by the bed and I keep special items like the house deeds (stuff like the Nuka Cola machine, infirmary, etc) in the desk. 18:26, 10 December 2008 (UTC)???Bold textHave you killed any BoS yet this could gove us all a clue ??????--ThousandHoursFalloutThreeUK 06:32, 28 June 2009 (UTC)
same here no problems with my PS3 version. i keep it all tidy: meds/chems in the draw by my bed food in fridge weapons in one locker, items used for schematics in the other and in the draw upstairs i put my clothes until i get the vault theme and but all my Vault related costumes in there. Onikage01 09:18, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

140+ hours into the 360 version, i visit my house quite often, i killed the robot butler early on, i have all the stuff for the house except a theme, i haven't had any items disappear from any of the storage containers in my megaton house. So far so good for me at least. There is a bugged unmarked quest called the lost initiate where the npcs Pek and Hoss can show up at your house and screw up your storage containers, maybe thats what's happening to some peeps? --Thq95 10:43, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

After 100+ hours on the 360 version,the only thing that's missing from the locker by the workbench is Ol'Painless that i stole from Dave. Everything else from all of my food in the fridge to all of the unique weapons i keep in the locker by the workbench are still there.

I can confirm that items go missing, even from the locker closest to the door. On the PS3 version (Having played just over ten hours) having looted the Sewer near Grayditch, I had more than thirty teddy-bears stored in that locker. I went back to the locker to do a bit of spring cleaning and found that stack had been reduced to one, and other things like the Sheet Music Book from Springvale School were gone. I don't currently know how many items have gone missing, I wasn't exactly keeping track. But it's still annoying. 22:37, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

It seems like even the locker next to the door isn't safe. I shot Wadsworth once to show his comments and to show off some weapons for a friend, and Charon grabbed my Alien Blaster and appropriate ammo from the door locket and killed Wadsworth. He also had some weapons and apparel that I believe were in the fridge, but I might have given him those for selling and then forgotten about it. Certainly glad I saved before it happened, though.--Mehbah 17:22, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

I've played the game for 30+ hours and never lost anything. However, I just checked IsOwner on BOTH lockers on the main floor (including the one near the front door) and I didn't own either of them. Scary. I SetOwnership on both just to be safe. -- 12:06, 11 April 2009 (UTC) (Kaleb.G)


This relates to above... I played one char. for about 50-60 hours before restarting. On the second one, I played until 49 hours when I reverted back to about 36 hours to stop Walter and Lucy West from dying. I have currently gotten back to about 60 hours.

Personally, I've never had any trouble with any of the six containers in the house (Filing Cabinet, Desk, Locker 1, Locker 2, Refrigerator, Nuka-Cola Machine). However, I have noticed that the house will 'reset'. This can cause problems. If you have any item set down in a stack, you'll lose all but one of them (lost some pre-war books, sugar bombs, mentats, and buffout). On the other hand, otherwise unrepairable items I had lying around (Armored Vault Suit, Alien Blaster, etc.) were at full condition after this.

As for ownership of the lockers. I'm not sure WHY that would be a problem, in my experience, the only containers that change their contents without your intervention are ones that were empty when you first found them (they will sometimes have something in them next time).

Near the beginning of my game, I put a couple of worthless, heavy items in a trash can I had emptied in the Farragut metro, when I came back looking for a skill book in an adjoining station, 53 hours of gameplay later, those items were still there. I'd like to know more about how containers work in this game.Fiddlesoup 19:57, 11 December 2008 (UTC) Youy not the only looter in the Wasteland...If you put fresh gear into a wasteland locker it will get looted. This especially applies to areas where Raiders re-spawn after killing.

I had some items in the locker by the door (360 version) and they all went. I added some more items to the same locker and they all disappeared IMMEDIATELY, the locker was empty as soon as I closed the inventory screen. (padaxes)

Name Change[]

Why is this article called "Megaton Shack"? In the game it's called "My Megaton House", and I see no references in the game to call it "Shack"? Mirar 13:07, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

I suggest moving this article to 'My Megaton House'. Exty 14:35, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Yes, move it. But then some other articles may need to be edited to reflect changes. RDGST 15:50, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
Just use a redirect after it's moved and the current articles will point to the new one.  :) --Banz 19:53, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
I mean the articles that refer to "Megaton Shack" in the text. As there's not "Megaton Shack" this phrase should be changed to proper name. Not only links. RDGST 03:16, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
Hm... Well this might be a good place to start: Special:WhatLinksHere/Megaton_Shack --Banz 07:36, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
OK links are corrected, now please someone remove "Megaton Shack" references in this article and reedit the text. Add info on Megaton's "Empty House" becomes "My Megaton House". If I got some time later maybe I'll do it. RDGST 15:37, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
Removed Shack references and tidied up the text. Porter21 15:43, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

Where Are the themes?[]

do you buy the decors from Moria or that women at Tenpenny Tower? Onikage01 23:05, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

I could only find/buy the Pre-War theme, so I'd also be interested where I can find the others. SnowWolf75 05:34, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Moira has all of them in Craterside Supply in Megaton. I think they're in the Misc. section of her store, if I remember correctly. --Mymindislost 05:39, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
In Tenpenny, Susan would sell the themes too, but she only had the Pre-War. Is something done along the way to unlock the other themes? SnowWolf75 05:48, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
They both have ALL the themes, you just have to let them know what theme you want first by asking them about the particular theme you want. Say you want the Science theme, ask Moira/Whatsherface about the Science theme, listen to their explanation then answer that with "That sounds good". They'll put the Science theme into their stock and should even automatically put you into shop mode. -- 19:41, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Bold text

Dude, if you're able to go all the way into the world of Lord of the Rings then you can buy whatever the hell you like from Moria, in the meantime you'll have to put up with crazy ol' Moira! Much love, ThePog 13:22, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Objects reset after 72 hours away.[]

I've noticed that objects put in your house by a theme, i.e. all the foods stuffs on the book case when you have the pre-war theme will respawn after 72 hours or so. This is not an issue with items that came with house when you first get it. Also any object moved but not taken into your inventory will also move to its original position after 72 hours. This bummed up my house for a bit as one day I returned home only to have the guns I'd placed on the small bookcase by the stairs explode across the room. A pistol or ammo box of some kind even hit me causing minor damage and blood on the screen, a bit like when a skeleton kicks the hell out of you as you walk over it. Its a pain as I quite liked the extra bits you got with the pre-war theme (the little extra tables) but cant help wanting to arrange my 'finds' around my house. As this can take a while (ever tried standing a rifle against a wall without knocking the other three you just fought to get into position over?) I was especially annoyed. Personally I blamed wadsworth and killed him (again). Then reloaded and sold my theme. You get loads of fancy gubbins in FO3 but nowhere to put them on display if your not using them. I saw a few mods for Morrowind and oblivion that put mannequins in your house and am surprised that Beth' didnt give us at least a gun rack.--Mr Kovacs 02:16, 30 January 2009 (UTC)

This wasn't true on my PS3. I killed Wadsworth because he was an annoying idiot, and then I left out and waited a week to see if my set out items were gone, but nothing happened. 24 x 7 = 168 hours. I guess it vary from person to person. All glitches happened to me have only been on the + side, so I'm not complaining. Maybe I'll do an experiment by travelling to Point Lookout to it and back again and then go back to my house and see what's been going on there for 2 months :D

-- Viruz1

Glitched lockers[]

I've found that if you did the Reilly's rangers quest, you can use their lockers to store things quite well instead. I've had weapons and apparel in there for a couple of months now.

Items that disappear in My Megaton House[]

That never happened to me but you guys are starting to scare me....I've been in Point Lookout for about 3 ingame months and 78 hours of real playtime....Let me check if anything disappeared in my house...

I just returned to my Megaton House from finishing the main quests of Broken Steel and found the locker next to my door completely emptied, the refrigerator 99 percent raided, and the desk and file cabinets in my bedroom missing all kinds of stuff. The weirdest part was the tiny village of chess piece garden gnomes I was building on my desk were suddenly normal sized. I killed BoS soldiers with no abandon when I was in the glitched part of the air force base where they respawned, so I could assume this might have been the reason, but I have killed them pretty constantly since leaving Vault 101, so who knows.--MessyDwarf 17:25, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

I hid all my important stuff in the safe at the Gibson House at Minefield[]

and then mined the upstairs passage and hall way and then left my German Shepherd, Dog Meat on guard ..I`ll teach the B`******s to steal my stuff at Megaton ratflmho....

Dogmeat is a Blue Heeler. ThePog 13:28, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Im getting the GOTY eddition in a week and I have the perfect place to hide my stuff! And it isnt under my bed if thats what your thinking!--Radraider 02:38, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Glitch, Bug, Whatever It Is...[]

I had it on the main page as maybe a bug someone could confirm for me, but one of the dick admins went ahead and reversed the article. So, once a-fucking-gain, I'll explain it. If you get Dogmeat as a companion, leave him in the house like I do as a "guard" or just to have him around but not out and about with you just in case of a Deathclaw attack, and then get Fawkes as a follower, and take him to your house, he will sometimes shoot Dogmeat BEFORE the game loads up the area and will not acknowledge his death. He'll just completely vanish from the house. This also caused Fawkes' Gatling Laser's shooting sound to just loop over and over in random areas until he actually shoots something in the area. Not sure if anyone else had this problem, or anything, but just so it's known. Breetastic 01:25, September 5, 2009 (UTC)

Ive had fawks shoot randome people too. If you ask me I think he was jelius of dogmeat. LOL--Radraider 02:40, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Really? I've always assumes that Fawkes shoots random people because he's jealous of them. Mind your spelling please! ThePog 13:30, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

I don't feel like my items are safe anymore...[]

So I've played three characters on this game. Completed the game (for the most part) on two and about halfway with the third. The first two characters, I stored crafting items, armor, weapons, and ammo in the lockers furthest from the door on the first floor. Nothing ever disappeared from them on these characters, and I had been using them the entirety of the game. On my third character, I changed it up a little bit. I put crafting items in the lockers closest to the door and the workbench. I put weapons, ammo, and apparel in the lockers across from the ones closest to the door and workbench, and I stored extra food items in the fridge, only carrying with me enough food to fully restore my health once. I walked into my house today to acess my fridge and get some more food after a fight, and what do I find? My food has disappeared and the fridge's stock has been reset to the default items that were in it when I bought the house. I came to this article, and to my horror discovered that no container in the house seems to be safe, nor does leaving them all in a pile in the house outside of a container. Food can be replaced. Unique weapons and apparel cannot. The only place in the house that I haven't read a glitch horror story about is the pristine nuka-cola vending machine. I'm thinking about transferring all my items to the vending machine. Has anyone here ever had these disappearances happen in that container? -- 18:52, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

I've never had items disappear from the lockers closest to the door in about 80 hours of game time, so I don't know what to tell you. I've never used any other container in my house. --ArmeniusLOD 19:02, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
Right after making this post I realized all my crafting items had disappeared from the lockers closest to the door. I've loaded a save before all my food items and crafting items disappeared. I'll lose some pretty significant game progress, but I can do all that stuff again later. I'm evactuating my items to the vending machine, and I'm going to create an emergency save file everytime I enter my house and the items are still there, so in case they disappear again I will be able to recover them. -- 19:05, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

About haw many people have had this glitch? Im getting the DLCs the 13th and i dont want to lose my stuff so I may have to spend a few bucks on a soda macine.--Radraider 19:48, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

I wonder if this only happens to those who have a theme in their house? I have never purchased a theme for my house if that makes a difference. --ArmeniusLOD 19:36, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

I hope so! lucky i havnt bought one yet.--Radraider 19:48, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

I use the vault theme. It seems to happen when the house resets to respawn items that came with the house/theme that you may have taken. I always take the sugar bombs and the scrap metal that spawns when it does this. I have logged 160 hours total on characters that have used the megaton house, and this if the first time this has happened to me. Note that I do not have the DLC. I just refuse to pay for it. Thus, the DLC cannot be the culprit. The only download I have ever made on this game is the official patch. It may also be usefull to know that I am playing on the 360. One thing's for sure: this is a horrifying bug that makes me feel constatly uneasy that my important stuff might just up and disappear. It's not a good feeling and is, to me, an almost game-breaking problem. -- 19:52, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

After some time of storing my items in the Nuka Cola Machine, they have not disappeared. It's hard to say this is a safe container though, since this bug seems to be hard to pin down with no clear trigger. -- 22:32, October 8, 2009 (UTC)

Most annoying thing evah... When I placed my T-51b suit and helmet on the wooden shelf by the stairs then went out exploring when I came back after 3 days or so MY T-51b HELMET WAS GONE!!!! Anyone had this problem

I gotta f'in move my shit out of there. I have to much stuf to lose it all! RaiderHunter79 09:03, October 18, 2009 (UTC)Raiderhunter79RaiderHunter79 09:03, October 18, 2009 (UTC)

Dont worry about the shelf the wooden one..My helmet WAS STOLEN by CROWLEY found him in underworld shooting sydney saying I stole what was rightfully his....

Well I finished all the add-ons without a home theme and everything was rite wher i left it. I play on PS3 with the GoTY eddition.--Radraider 20:00, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

Well I paly on PS3 too.With no add-ons.--Deathclaw22 15:02, November 14, 2009 (UTC)deathclaw22

Ive got 195 hours down on my first and only character. (360 Console) I had never heard of this glitch until yesterday. I jumped on the riverboat to head to lookout point and collect some more stuff for my lockers, file cabinet, and desk in my Megaton house. As soon as the boat arrived I saw a message that said my dog was waiting for me at Vault 101. Looking back on it I should have gone back to my house to check on things right then but I didn't. By the time I did go home I didn't have any saves left from before that point. I lost everything! Every single container in my house is either empty or respawned the things that were originally in it. I have never bought a theme for my house either! So that's not what's causing it. I want to start over now but have no idea where a safe place is to store my stuff? If you have all your stuff in the containers in your house, trust me, none of it is safe. 14:36, March 30, 2010 (UTC)

Dogmeat transformed?[]

After leaving dogmeat in my house, I went to the citadel and got the deathclaw control scrambler. The next time I went home, Dogmeat was not there, however in his place was a friendly deathclaw! It killed my robot and then left my house and murdered the whole town! 01:09, October 21, 2009 (UTC)

Mini Gnomes![]


1st Gnome


2nd Gnome


1st Gnome


2nd Gnome

I have only had this happen once, but it is amusing as it is annoying. I had been collecting intact garden gnomes (trivial fun for me cause they're not common) and had been standing them on the left side of the bobblehead stand between the stand and my workbench. After accumulating 4 and putting them very close together in this corner, I came back to the house one day to find that for some unknown reason, one had SHRUNK! No idea why, but it just scaled down. It wasn't like that before and it's not the mini gnome you can pick up in the point lookout bank (bottom left hand safe deposit slot). Dunno why, but I've kept it there. If anyone can recreate this situation, I'd love to know. I have Pre-War Theme for the house and I now have a fifth gnome, but none of them have shrunk like this one. This was done on the PC version with all 5 DLCs installed but no other mods.

Update: I've done it again! It seems when you force a lot of objects into the space I described above, something will shrink. Take a look!

--GunClap 13:56, November 7, 2009 (UTC)


Just leave some food on the table outside your Megaton house and either J`UCY WEST or JERICHO will call and sit at your table, help themselves and eat your food. Tins of Pork N`Beans , fresh carrots and apples from Rivet City, Squirrel on a stick, they can`t get enough. ...The Megaton settlers however will just pass it by but not Lucy, or Jericho, Oh ! No! , they will sit down in your chair and gobble it up..-- 18:29, November 28, 2009 (UTC).

Can I just say I cracked up when you wrote Juicy West or however you're meant to pronounce it!

Disappearing items in Megaton House.[]

I'm new to using wikis. I posted this a few days ago as an edit, only to have it promptly deleted by admin. Apparently it needs to be verified. My bad.

Once after entering my megaton house, I watched as what can only be described as an invisible force-field project itself slowly but visibly outward from the wall containing the entance / exit door. It spanned the entire first floor of the house, and creeped forward, knocking items off of my work bench and pre-war theme table, as well as pushing objects across the floor. I grabbed several items while they were being pushed forward, and then set them down 'behind' the force-field where they then remained undisturbed.

Objects that I didn't grab were eventually crushed up against the opposite side of the first floor (pinned against the wall, the lockers, or inside part of the kitchen). These items either vibrated or spun wildly in place, and then just blinked out and disappeared. I lost many weapons and skill books that I had scattered about as decoration. It was extraordinarily frustrating.

Ironically, all the talk about items disappearing from lockers was part of what prompted me to leave things out in the open.

If anyone else experiences this, I would appreciate hearing about it. It doesn't seem to match the 'disappearing locker items' glitch (everything in the lockers remained undisturbed). And it doesn't seem to match the 'resetting room' glitch (everything in the kitchen and upper floor was undisturbed). 06:43, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

I forgot to mention that the glitch above was on the 360. Unfortunately, several weeks later I returned to find that my house had also reset its' pre-war theme. The new house-package items pushed my current, 'wanted' items out of the way (knocking them off of kitchen shelves and the bedroom desk) onto the floor. My fridge, which contained an extensive collection of every type of food in existence (Rivet City fresh fruit and vegetable, Nuka-Lurker meat, human meat and mutilated gore parts, Quantum Pies, Lamplight fungus, literally everything), was also completely emptied. Aside from the mysterious, 'invisible wave' glitch I already mentioned, this is the first widely reported glitch I've experienced in 240 hours of play (again, on the 360). I agree with '1000hours' comment above. Always living in fear of losing everything has ruined the fun of the game. Probably more so for players who make housing a large part of the playing experience.

You would think that if programmers could keep creating new DLC to sell, they could stop and fix what seems to be a seriously wide-spread problem. But there's no money in that, is there?

Other manufacturers are legally obligated to fix faulty products sold. Why are game developers allowed to rip people off?

"manufacturers are legally obligated to fix faulty products" Only if the problem is wide-spread, and like you said you know of no-one else who had this problem. - RASICTalk 22:34, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
I was referring to the wide-spread problem of lockers and houses resetting. How many more complaints from players does it require, for you personally to believe something should be done?

Sadly, this has happened to me before too. Except for the force-field wave thing. That didn't happen. Instead I went about roughly 3-4 months without playing Fo3 (I was busy playing other games assasain's creed, halo 3, etc.) and I popped the disc back in after this time period, loaded my game, which was saved INSIDE my Megaton House. I look around, all of my decorations were gone. (My brain chunk, giddy up buttercup toys, pint sized slasher mask, all my drugs I had layed out, and whatever else I had laid out) No doubt, this really pissed me off, the only things that hadn't disappeared was a few drugs I had on my workbench with a few skill books and everything IN my footlockers, fridge, and desk. So to avoid this problem, I suggest playing Fallout 3 at least ounce a month. Shadow 22:50, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Patched at all?[]

So I've been playing for a long time on this save file (360 hours on this one, about 210 more on all my others put together) and, touch wood, I haven't had any disappearing items. But, I'm worried that my stuff will reset. So I wonder if it's been patched, if not, what would be the next best place to move my stuff into? (Mechanist's Forge looks good) I am on PS3 with all DLC, and back up my saves regularly. AR700SAW 18:56, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Safe Storage[]

Are any of the containers in the megaton house besides the cola machine safe?M0T0RIDER3737 03:04, September 15, 2010 (UTC) --

Not sure what you mean by safe, as Cells don't reset ingame like they do in Oblivion any container can be considered "Safe". -bleep196- 03:00, September 15, 2010 (UTC)
I mean safe as in able to put items in with out the container resetting, i only know so far that the cola machine doesnt and i was wondering if any others are considered safeM0T0RIDER3737 03:04, September 15, 2010 (UTC) --
Those reports in the bugs section are just random glitches that only happen to a very few people. All the containers in the Megaton house are safe for storage. I’ve played this game many times, I have one game that has over 400 hours of play time on it, my current game I’m at about 150 hours and I’ve never had one single item go missing from my house. For that matter, most containers in the game are safe. I’ve put stuff in trash cans in down town DC and come back weeks later and it was still there.
About the only thing you might notice when the house resets is in the kitchen. Most noticeably is those two wooden crates on the lower shelves. If you take them off and put something in their place they will occasionally be placed back on the shelf even if you have something else there. This can also happen with some of the items that come in the various themes being put back where they were originally. ReapTheChaos 10:00, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

I dont know where the idea comes from that the bugs are random glitches that only happen to a few people.Who did you ask? This info is not correct.GAME CONSOLE NUMBER 3 NOW and disk 4. I have lost items in every console and with different disks at between 140 hrs and 400 hrs .This time with the new black console . At 140 HRS into the game the display case opposite the Bobble Head disply held 1 FIRELANCE with 1672 Alien power Cells .1 Alien Blaster from crash site with 24 Alien power cells.-1 Alien Blaster from AARB with 55 Alien power cells. 1 Captain's Sidearm with 3577 Aliem Power Modules....AT 150 hrs all the Blasters were OK but the Alien Cells were all reset to (1) The Front locker held over 1,200 guns of various types weight around 5.3 Tonnes .Value around 170,000 caps.At 150 hrs after returning from the PITT the locker was empty This persistent loss with various consols and various disks indicate that this is not a random glitch --1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 23:17, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

Again, as I said in my post two years ago, it doesn't happen to everyone and those that it does happen to, it doesn't happen every playthrough, so it is just a random thing. If it's happening to you on every game you play then I would suggest it's something you're doing. I know you probably don't want to hear that but it's the only logical explanation. ReapTheChaos (talk) 01:09, November 29, 2012 (UTC)
It doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it is a random thing. You can't be sure about everything just because it doesn't happen to you. Instead of using a so-called logical explanation to deny it as a random thing, it is always better to warn gamers of the possible bug of the lockers, because if it happens to 1 gamer, it can happen to others as well. I am grateful to those that pointed out the lockers MAY not be safe for storage as things may go missing, thus I never use the lockers. They were helpful pointing out the problem.
In a vaguely remembered early discussion right after FO3 was released (on this talk page so probably archived) it was mentioned people were wondering what containers in the house were safe and yes, there were problems. Later, when the GECK? was released for the PC, guru's went into the files and found there were issues with the "owned" flag on some containers in the house. It was isolated to the locker nearest the kitchen (the owned flag was NOT set correctly) and the desk-file cabinet upstairs which had a different issue but I can't remember what. The guru's (at the time) recommendation was to avoid using all but the locker near the door (which did have the owned property set) and the Nuka-machine. Since some container types reset over time (i.e. if you do not enter a cell within x? number of game days), and many people are back at the house more often than the reset period, it appeared random. I never heard whether this issue was really fixed. I have successfully stored in all containers in the house but I visit it frequently. The only thing I've noticed is the upstairs desk and file cabinet and refrigerator "add" items of that container type item list but do not take away what was placed there. But, as was mentioned, I am a subject test of 1. By and large, I never use the containers in the house for long term storage. I only use First Aid & Ammo boxes of which there are many convenient ones throughout FO3 (Abandoned Car Fort x5 ammo boxes close together, VAPL-58 Power Station x2 First Aid boxes plus a workbench). I know this is not a great solution and for many a PIA (Pain in the Arse) but I really doubt Bethesda et. al. will be fixing anymore bugs in this game. Hope this was a little enlightening and helpful. (Philbert) 18:19, January 14, 2014 (UTC)


There's an empty reference section... is there some obscure reference to something?--OmnipotentPotato 10:47, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

No; it means there used to be a reference, but them it got removed. So should the references section. Kastera (talk) 18:00, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

The Empty Storage Containers Glitch[]

Noticed back in the wiped version of this page someone saying they'd discovered all their containers empty when they got back from the Pitt, and since I experienced something similar, I'm wondering if we might be able to track down a specific trigger for at least some of the instances of this bug. With me, it was getting back, putting half my new stuff away, doing a bunch of moving around of items, going out to see our friend Wolfgang the repairman, walked back in and did a lot of swearing. Anyone else have this glitch associated with the end of The Pitt, or any other DLC for that matter? Aristatide (talk) 23:19, April 11, 2013 (UTC)
