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targeting the legs[]

Using the missile launcher, I've been using the tactic of targeting the enemy's legs in V.A.T.S, so that in the event of a missed shot, there is still a good chance of splash damage injuring/killing/sending flying the opponent. 17:41, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

That's a good tactic, I use it too unless there's a wall close behind them that will cause splash damage from a head shot. Kris (talk) 01:16, July 13, 2010 (UTC)


There are few things as amusing as firing a missile in VATS. Especially when he's running perpendicular to you, and you can see your missile curve to follow and smack him, blowing off whichever body part was targeted. --DarkJeff 16:45, 12 December 2008 (UTC)

Poor level damage scaling?[]

I am honestly thinking they forgot a zero when entering in the damage table. Example: Lv.20, 100 Big Guns, 100% condition Missile Launcher, no Demolition Expert - Talon mercs take missile to the head and walk away (75% limb health in VATS). Yet 100 Energy Weapons, Laser Rifle can bring down a Vertibird. I've been unable to get one smoking with a Missile Launcher (4 shots before out of range). Tested on various enemies on Hard and Normal difficulty.

Talon Company Mercs only take 60% damage when you headshot them with the Lincoln, they're as tough as super mutant brutes, if not tougher. Also, don't forget that Damage Resistance comes in types, some things can't resist energy weapons damage. Also2.0: Demo Expert doesn't affect the Missile Launcher (which pains me to no end, dunno about you folks). Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 05:58, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
Pyromaniac not affecting the Burnmaster either... go figure. I hypothesized the missile's damage was a bug in the same way. --ChaIsADumpStat 08:12, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Can anyone comment to its relative effectiveness for themselves, is there an "ATTENTION: HOLD LIKE THIS" message I'm missing? Perhaps I am caught up in the "RPGs being the bane of Helicopters" misconception. Given the scarcity of the weapon/ammo and its slow reload cycle, I expected more. Is there some sort of scaling weapons do with regards to level and damage? Or because of fixed damage is this only useful at lower levels? --ChaIsADumpStat 05:35, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

The Missile Launcher being a one shot deal, with a huge AP cost (55), has its drawbacks. However it doesn't dish out small damage, you're just comparing it to perhaps the 4th strongest opponent in the game, that's all. It kills all but the toughest opponents in one shot. I have a personal preference however, being a bit of a Rambo fanatic. With 3 ranks of Demolition Expert, cheap, basic, lovable frag grenades do nearly the same dmg (162 vs 170) for only 24 AP, and they never fly ten miles past the target ;) Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 05:58, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

My personal favorite thing to do with missile launchers is giving them to Star Paladin Cross, or Jericho (or both!) they max out big guns skill, so they rarely miss. You just can't "feel" the backup more than when two missiles immediately hit everything that crosses your path :) Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 06:16, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Ha, I'll try that. I've mostly been playing a solo, crit-happy fiend; 10 Luck, Finesse, Improved Criticals, and all VATS accuracy perks - no companions since they usually disturb sneaking. Most of the time, RL3 just gets in the way - so relegated to pack mule status for his carrying capacity. If the ML's strength is in the hands of a (humanoid) NPC, I'll try that. I guess I can't complain about the sensibility of it - in Fallout 2 Deathclaws were routinely taken down with a BB in the eyes. Or the groin. Might as well have missiles that don't kill on a headshot. I was so immersed in the gritty realism too. Real is brown.(external link to VGCats) --ChaIsADumpStat 08:12, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
Heh, you know what I think the problem is? LOOKS. Talon company merc combat armor, just like regular combat armor, doesn't even have sleeves. It actually LOOKS weak, I mean seriously, it looks like you could just stab one of those jerks in the arm with a stick and have him bleed out from it... Instead they have almost exactly the same DR level (if not more, omg!) as troops in power armor. Actually you know what, they might in fact be tougher, I have vivid memories of blowing up two enclave/outcast soldiers at a time with a single missile/buffed-frag. Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 15:12, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
I'm playing with Mart's Increased Spawns mod and I attacked the Fort Bannister bunker with the Missile Launcher and having Fawkes for support. Nothing but tight corridors packed with Talon Company Mercs, and a single missile sent a lot of bodies flying. When melee enemies tried to rush me, I just ran backwards while casually reloading and then fired a missile at the wall or ground behind them so the blast radius catches them but not me. They also went flying towards me with a single missile. I'm playing on Normal difficulty with a maxed out character though.--Ehplee 21:44, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

Strategy in this article[]

It seems that there is an awful large amount of strategy in this article. It should be removed as per policy but what do you guys think? --Kingclyde 07:54, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

My two cents: yes, sir, you are correct. I don't believe strategy belongs on a weapon page any more than it does on a quest page.--Gothemasticator 08:08, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

Strategy moved from article[]


  • Note also that the Missile Launcher will "lock-on" on certain metallic objects, most notably turrets and the heads of many robot types, giving an increased chance to hit even at long range.
  • With maxed Big Guns skill, on normal difficulty, this weapon will 1-shot-kill all but the toughest opponents. (this is definitely not the case at higher difficulty levels and with more advanced opponents from the various DLC packs)
  • In real-time, aiming at the ground where the opponent is standing will better ensure damage than aiming for the body which can lead to the missile flying past.
  • The munition's ability to home-in is perhaps why it is a Missile Launcher as opposed to a simpler unguided Rocket Launcher. If used in V.A.T.S. (with sufficient skill) against a fast moving target, the missile quite obviously curves and tracks the targeted body part. Hence the projectiles are clearly guided missiles and aren't just named as such.
  • If the target is above your current elevation, the missile launcher might not be a good idea. The missile may miss altogether, and shoot into the sky, rendering its splash damage useless. If an enemy is around the same elevation as you, fire at the legs, as stated above. If the enemy is below you, a V.A.T.S. shot for the head is a chance you can take, for if the missile misses, the missile will explode right behind the target, dealing considerable splash damage.


  • Missiles have a surprisingly high top speed and the A.I. will fire them at the exact spot where you're standing, (instead of aiming for the chest) making it very difficult to side-step the blast radius.
  • Enemies will lead you if you run, your best bet is to slip behind cover, attacking during the lengthy reload phase. Alternately, keep your distance while strafing; the instant they fire, run in the opposite direction.
  • Enemies with Missile Launchers can be problematic, as they will fire multiple missiles, often taking the player by surprise and immediately crippling limbs and severely damaging hit points. Players without Rad Regeneration will want to immediately jump to the pip-boy status screen and repair crippled limbs, (especially legs to make a run for it).
  • If caught out in the open, or in close proximity (indoors), its best to immediately engage opponents with missile launchers, in V.A.T.S. if possible, to minimize your chance of death by dismemberment. Try aiming for the weapon to disarm or aim for the head to stun them. It is important that you kill the person in V.A.T.S. to prevent a launch when coming out.
  • They seem to intentionally hit derelict vehicles, causing even more damaging explosions, and lingering radioactivity.
  • The advantages for the player is the weapon's large size, which makes it easier to shoot out of an enemy's hands.
  • When wielded by raiders, they tend to be in very poor condition, thus less damaging and even easier to destroy with a targeted-shot.
  • Running up close to the enemy forces them to switch to a pistol/melee weapon or even their own fists.(though this doesn't always work sometimes they will still shoot damaging both you and themself if not killing themselves)

moved this strategy from article as per guidelines --Kingclyde 08:39, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

Below the MPLX Novasurge?[]

(360) In my inventory, the Missile Launcher is found below the MPLX Novasurge, despite "i" coming before "P". Is this a glitch or are there other factors that I'm unaware of?

Uppercase letter ("P") vs. lowercase letter ("i").-- 23:23, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Annabelle and Miss Launcher[]

Both the Annabelle and Miss Launcher are unique versions of the missile launcher of their respective games, not specific models, as such should be moved into those sections.--Ant2242 (talk) 03:14, December 14, 2019 (UTC)
