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Fallout Wiki

Metro Station List[]

Anyone ever consider making a list of all the Metro stations in the game? --Turbine2k5 17:02, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

See the chart added to the article. Here is a detailed guide. It does not include info about exploring for loot. I always suggest getting the Alien blaster as your first quest out of Megaton in conjunction with the Minefield quest for the Wasteland Survival Guide (Minefield is not far South of the Alien Crash Site, then go to Super-Duper Mart as the next quest, then get the History quest, which takes you to Rivet City. You can fast-travel back to S-D Mart, go North to the bridge to Farragut West station, then go via Metro all the way from there to Anacostia Crossing Station at Rivet City and get the A3-21's plasma rifle as part of the Replicated Man quest. With both the Alien Blaster and the A3 (and some mini-nukes for Behemoths), you are top dog in the Capitol Wastelands. (Since the introduction of the Mothership Zeta (add-on), you can get some other energy weapons early on, but the Alien Blaster is still the most powerful.)

You should be on level 5 by this trip (if not, see the Tips discussion page for getting off to a good start) and able to handle the hostiles along the way. If you poke your head out of station exits you come to, you get XP for discovering them and you can then fast-travel to them later.

Farragut West station
Take maint. tunnels (past the gates) to Tenleytown/Friendship tracks.
Turn left
1. Stay left curving North.
   Go up escalator, take East exit to Friendship Heights.
2. Go thru crossover, turn right following subway.
   Go up escalator, take left exit to Chevy Chase North.
2a: Go above ground South to Galaxy News Radio building (front).
    (Look for 3 green pips on your radar and go with them.)
2b: Go above ground SE then East to Chevy Chase East (short, easy).
Chevy Chase East
Entry is on the subway level.
Follow the far tracks to the right.
1. Go thru door on left and take stairs to Dupont Circle (GNR - back).
2. Go South thru 2nd subway tunnel then left at curving tunnel.
   Go up the escalator.
2a: Take left exit (NE) to Vernon Square North.
2b: Take right exit to Dupont Northeast exit.
Collapsed Car Tunnel
If coming from GNR's back door, cross the bridge and turn right
  to get to the picnic table, then... 
If coming from Dupont Circle, go left to the picnic table
  and pick up loot, then look over edge and shoot ghouls.
  Watch for ghouls coming up and through the bridge to get to you.
  Jump down to the top of the bus and from there to the ground.
  (Note: You are at the back of GNR, but you cannot get into
         to the front entry nor up to the back door from here.)
Go down the incline, past the bus, to the door on the left.
Follow the maintenance tunnel to the subway area.
Cross the tracks to a door on the other side.
1. Dupont Station exits:
1a. Turn left before the door and go to the end of the tunnel.
   Go thru the door on the right.
   Follow the tunnels to the exit to Dupont Station.
        Walk to all the Dupont locations shown in main article chart.
Or to get to the adjoining exit to Dupont Station:
1b. Go through the door and follow the tunnel to offices.
    Go through offices to entry/exit tunnel.
    Turn left to Dupont Station exit. (This is the main DS exit.
    The exit in #1a is a utility door to the left of this exit.)
2b. Follow 1b, but instead of turning left to the Dupont Station exit,
      Cross the Dupont Station entry tunnel and take the maint tunnels 
      and come out in Metro Central subway tunnels.
   Go through maint tunnels down to a cave area. The stairs to the
      cave area have 4-5 Raiders at the bottom and a turret gun.
      Hack the terminal to turn the gun on the Raiders, for what that
      is worth (not much), then poke your head out and shoot one, come
      back in and wait for them to come to you. One will be left below.
   Follow path/lights to sewer tunnel then to maint tunnel.
   Take maint tunnel to Red Line subway. Turn right (SSE).
   Make short walk on tracks to a waiting area.
2b1. To Penn. Ave North, Vernon Square, Georgetown North, Dupont West, Penn.Ave:
     Go up escalator to an intermediate platform.
     Go up another escalator to a waiting/track area.
  A. Take tracks ENE to room with door to
     "Freedom Street Station", which brings a new Local Map.
     Keep going and go down the stairs in the Scavenger's room
     through another room, a short tunnel, then you reach stairs
     on the left while the tunnel keeps going.
     A1. Stairs lead to a main exit ramp to "Pennsylvania Ave."
        (which is Penn. Ave North on the World Map)
     A2. The maint tunnel leads to a sewer tunnel.
        Turn right and watch for a door on the left.
        Go through and up the stairs and keep going
          to the Vernon Square Station exit. (Avoid going down
          any long staircases along the way.)
  B: Go down the tracks WSW to a maint door marked "Foggy Bottom"
       leading to:
     Georgetown North ("Foggy Bottom") station and the
     Dupont West ("Foggy Bottom") station
     This brings a new Local Map.
     Go right (West) to the main area and up to the
       platform for the Dupont West (aka: Dupont Circle)
       and Georgetown North exits, or if you want to
       avoid the platform for some reason, go back down
       the direction you just came on the parallel tracks
       to a metal door and take the maintenance tunnels.
  C: Go up another escalator (the third) to the Metro Central exit.
      (Penns. Ave.)
      Above ground:
        Bear left to Penn. Ave. East station.
        Go left (SW) to Penn. Ave. South station.
2b2: To Museum of History, Museum of Technology, Seward Square SE, or
        Anacostia/Rivet City: 
    Continue South past main area looking for maint entrance
        on right wall with the Outpost sign.
    Take short tunnel to Museum station. (New map)
    Turn right and follow the tracks to the main area.
2b2a: To Museums:
    Go up escalator and
2b2a1: Take the right (West) exit to the Museum of History station.
2b2a2: Or take the left (East) exit to the Museum of Technology station.
       Above ground, cross the street to the right to the museum.
2b2b: Continue on tracks as far as it will go, then go up the
         escalators to the platform
   - exit to Anacostia and Rivet City or
   - exit to Seward Square Southeast
Penn Ave East
Go thru bathroom to offices to maint tunnel to subway tunnel
   to Seward Square exit.
Fairly long, dangerous walk above ground to Seward Sq Southeast
   (gate to Anacostia Crossing Station).
Seward Sq Southeast/Anacostia Crossing Station
1. Cross the platform to the exit to Anacostia Crossing
   (just North of Rivet City).
2. Go down the escalator and North on tracks to door
     to Museum station.
   Take maint tunnel to tracks going North.
   Take next escalator up then
2a: Take exit on right (East) to Museum of Technology.
2b: Take West exit to Museum of History and Washington Mon.
    Go West above ground to Mall Northwest station.
Mall Northwest
Cross the platform to an exit; take maint tunnel on right
  after the restrooms.
Exit to Georgetown South.
Walk East one block (past La Maison Beauregard on right)
  to Georgetown East.
Georgetown East
Cross the platform to Penn Ave Northwest.
Walk above ground NE to Penn Ave North
Penn Ave North
Take maint tunnel on left and follow to Vernon Square exit.
Take an alternate door to the right (North) and follow a winding
path around to a path South to the Metro Central tracks.
Vernon Square Station
Walk South above ground to Our Lady Of Hope Hospital.
In the bottom of some stairs in the hospital is a door
to Dry Sewer, which is a route to Dupont East filled with
enemies and loot.
Walk East above ground to The Statesman Hotel.
Walk NE to Vernon Square North and Vault Tec.
Skirt the radioactive pit on its East side until you get by it.
Vernon Square North
Right next to Vault Tec building.
Cross platform to Dupont Northeast exit.
See Chevy Chase for other connections.
Metro Central -- Penn. Ave South -- above ground
Penn. Ave South -- The Mall Northeast -- sub
Metro Central -- Penn. Ave East -- above ground
Penn Ave East -- Seward Square North Metro -- in-out sub
The Mall Northeast -- National Archives -- above ground
Irradiated metro
Take maint tunnels to L'Enfant South.
L'Enfant South
Cross street to The Capitol Post building.
Long, dangerous walk to L'Enfant Plaza station.
L'Enfant Plaza
("Hazmat Disposal Site L5")
Take first door on left and follow the tunnels to Mall SW exit.
You'll be going underground and through some radiation for a few
seconds. Bear left and you will be through it soon.
Mall Northwest
Cross the platform to an exit; take maint tunnel on right
  after the restrooms.
Exit to Georgetown South.
Walk East one block (past La Maison Beauregard on right)
  to Georgetown East.
Georgetown East
Cross the platform to Penn Ave Northwest.
Walk above ground NE to Penn Ave North
Penn Ave North
Take maint tunnel on left and follow to Vernon Square exit.
Vernon Square Station
Walk South above ground to Our Lady Of Hope Hospital.
Walk East above ground to The Statesman Hotel.
Walk NE to Vernon Square North
Vernon Square North
Right next to Vault Tec building.
Cross platform to Dupont Northeast exit.
See Chevy Chase for other connections.
Metro Central -- Penn. Ave South -- above ground
Penn. Ave South -- cross platform to The Mall Northeast
The Mall Northeast -- National Archives -- above ground short
Metro Central -- Penn. Ave East -- above ground
Penn Ave East -- Seward Square North Metro -- in-out sub
Irradiated metro
Take maint tunnels to L'Enfant South.
L'Enfant South
Cross street to The Capitol Post building.
Long, dangerous walk to L'Enfant Plaza station.
L'Enfant Plaza
Take first door on left and follow the tunnels to Mall SW exit.
You'll be going underground and through some radiation for a few
seconds. Bear left and you will be through it soon.
DuPont West is an area, not a station.
On the outside Local map, it is Foggy Bottom.
On the inside Local Map, "Dupont Circle".
Cross the platform to exit to Georgetown North.
Either take the tunnels through the door to the left in
the entry hall or go down the escalators on the platform.
Either way, you end up on the tracks. If you take the
tunnels, you will have to turn right at the tracks and
cross under the platform.
Take the southernmost tracks going East and shortly turn
left up stairs to the Metro Central exit.
Take the southernmost tracks going West then South to the DCTA
Tunnel 014-B Potomac exit
You have to go through some irradiated water to get in
and will go through some other irradiated areas as well,
including a quick walk down stairs and up the next stairs.
Shortly thereafter you come to the tracks where you must
turn right.
After a brief walk, turn right and exit to Georgetown.
Above ground:
You can walk to Dupont East, which is an area and not
a station. When it looks like you are blocked by debris
you can go through a house which is filled with and
surrounded by raiders. When you get to where the game
says you have discovered Dupont East, walk NNE to get
to a down ramp to Dry Sewer ("Hospital Maintenance")
Follow the only through path until you get to the hospital.
The Dupont Station entry is the easiest route: go up the
escalators (outside), turn left and go across the bridge,
then between two buildings. When you emerge, Lady Frumperton's
Fashions store is on the left.
Repeat of above info:
Dupont West Station:
      Cross the platform to Georgetown North.
         1b2. Go down the escaltor and West curving South
               tracks to the DCTA door.
              Cross the room, follow the maint tunnels,
              cross the water with the stairs going up
              the other side. (You get like 1 RAD.)
              Come out on the Red Line, turn right and
           A. Hug the right wall and turn right when it
              ends and go to the door with stairs up to
              the Georgetown exit.
           B. Keep going straight on the tracks and thru a
              crossover to get to a metal door to a room
              with a door to the Arlington Utility.
              This brings up a new map.
              Follow the sewer tunnel to a cave area.
              Follow the path through a Raider camp and
                back into Metro maint tunnels.
              Follow the tunnels ot the White Line tracks.
              Turn right and go to the Arlington Cemetery
                North exit.
              Above ground:
                Cross the platform to an entrance not on
                  the World Map. The exit from this tunnel is
                  only marked "Capital Wasteland", but it
                  is actually the entry/exit ramp for the
                  World Map marker: Flooded Metro, which
                  is a blocked subway, but an easy walk
                  above ground to the Anchorage Memorial
Georgetown West (Tepid Sewer)
Take door on left in entry to enter tunnels.
At the T, turn left for two rooms with loot.
Turn right and a long walk ends up at subway tracks.
1. Turn left.
Loot rooms through door on right, then continue South.
Take door on left and follow tunnels to Tepid Sewers.
Vernon Square East
Long, Mirelurk-filled trek to Takoma Park.
Mason District
Falls Church/Mason District Metro is at Hubris Comics
Take tracks West to Falls Church Metro
Take tracks East then South to Franklin Metro Utility
  which has lots of loot, but doesn't go anywhere
Long walk beside the water then through town to get to
  Maston District South/Flooded Metro
Falls Church Metro
Walk above ground to other end of tracks for Marigold Sta.
Then take the tunnels/tracks to Grayditch.
Mason District South
Long, winding walk in the tunnels to Flooded Metro
Stations on the Mall:
All Mall stations.
Stations not shown on Pipboy's World Map:
Museum station at Museum of History
Museum station at Mu. Of Tech
Arlington Cemetery North
Tunnels to (Arlington) Flooded Metro.
           Arlington Cemetery South
Walk across tracks outside to Arlington Utility
Arlington Utility
DCTA Tunnel 014-B Potomac
To Foggy Bottom Station  (Georgetown North)
To Georgetown area (walk to
        Tepid Sewer
        McClellan Family Townhouse
        Georgetown South
        Georgetown East
        La Maison
        Radiation King (store)
        Cornucopia Fresh Groceries
Arlington Cemetery South
Walk to Mama Dolce's
        Arlington Cemetery
        Arlington House
Cross platform above ground to Falls Church North
Falls Church North (Arlington/Falls Church Metro)
Walk to:
        L.O.B. Enterprises
        Falls Church Metro (Falls Church/Mason Dst. Metro)
        Office Building
        Marigold Station


Why aren't Warrington station and Warrington Trainyard listed as part of the Blue Line? Signs in the Warrington Tunnels indicate that they are part of it, and Warrington Trainyard seems like a more logical terminus for the Blue Line than Evergreen Mills, which looks more like a commercial rail yard than anything affiliated with the metro. --Ferlith 23:13, October 15, 2009 (UTC)


Please leave all the station's capitalisations in the status quo. It's completely unnecessary to move them. -Love, ΣΔ 20:20, December 20, 2011 (UTC)

New image of connections[]

OK, folks. I got permission from the creator of a nice new connections map to upload it here. I really like the map as it shows the connections in a clear graphical way. I don't want to replace any of the other maps we have, but I'd like to showcase it somewhere on the page. The question is where. We have it placed in the gallery for now, but I was thinking up near the section where it describes the metro would be better. I'm open to suggestion. The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 02:03, October 29, 2014 (UTC)

Should we add info about who made the map to the map's file data somehow? Great Mara (talk) 02:07, October 29, 2014 (UTC)
I suppose we could. We could link to his reddit profile or something. The Gunny  UserGunny chevrons 21:39, October 29, 2014 (UTC)