Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


FO2 says Richard Gray was Richard Moreau, previously living in Vault City. An appropriate disclaimer is needed. - Aptyp 20:11, 8 Feb 2005 (GMT)Aptyp

Death of the Master[]

Should we include the timeline in which the Vault Dweller kills the Master, which then triggers the nuke? -- WCFrancis 17:14, 27 Jun 2005 (CEST)


Maybe it shows that I've spent too much time on the net and/or reading old science fiction, but does anyone else note similarities between The Master and the goyal from James H. Schmitz's "The Searcher"? Especially in how they speak. (Available in the Baen Free Library as the first chapter of "The Hub: Dangerous Territory") -- 05:41, 23 April 2009 (UTC)

Also reminds me of The Master from Dr Who... and more importantly, Hitler. ;D The Master; The Leader; The Fuhrer. Trying to form the master race and bring all humans under one banner. LordSchmee 12:39, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

No, I'm pretty sure he's just the master of Super mutants. The Unknown User 02:10, November 29, 2010 (UTC)

Fallout 3 reference?[]

Where is he referanced in Fallout 3?

Harold mentions him


'It became apparent that only those with low total radiation count would not suffer this fate.' im sorry but i cant quite make out what this is trying to say, id change it to be more ineligible, but i cant distinguish what its trying to say in the first place, could someone fix this please-- 13:07, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

Make it ineligible?! That line is fine. Only people with a low total radiation count can become excellent supermutants. Nitty 13:09, October 17, 2009 (UTC)


This guy looks scary. Tezzla blah blah blah 17:36, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Oh he is Gheart 14:52, May 30, 2011 (UTC)


Why is the Master look Some thing from the 50's

Because Fallout is based on a lot of Sci-fi from the 50's and the 1950s culture as well.--Anti-materiel rifle 1 2 3 Protecting the people of the Wastes 19:40, July 16, 2013 (UTC)

Alternate way to defeat the Master[]

On the speech page, it is said that the Master can be defeated with speech. Could someone include this in the article, along with what you say to convince him to commit suicide?

Am I the only one who thinks of that thing from Courage The Cowardly Dog? [1] 01:02, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

The Super Mutant National Socialist German Workers' Party?[]

Using a simple Wikipedia search, I was surprised to learn that the "Master Race" (which The Master considers his super mutant army) is also what the Nazi party referred to the perfected Aryan race.

Furthermore, much like Adolf Hitler, The Master himself is an imperfected version of his ideal people. The Master was tainted by the overexposure to the FEV virus, Hitler often feared his ancestry may have been tainted. Alois, Hitler's father, was the illegitimate child of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, and Hitler feared that the "...letters claiming that Alois' mother was employed as a housekeeper for a Jewish family in Graz and that the family's 19-year-old son, Leopold Frankenberger, had fathered Alois"[1] could be true. Adolf even referred to himself as having a "Jew-nose."

Anyone else think this should be in the Wiki page?



First off, concept of “master race” is far, far older than Hitler. Virtually any high culture in the world that has reached golden age and dominant position during course of history, has believed to some degree that they are the master race or the chosen people. (In fact one of the monikers Jews used themselves was "The chosen people" which the mutants also call themselves on occasion) Ancient Sparta, The Romans, Egyptians….you name it. While they did believe they were superior to everything else they didn’t exactly take on a campaign to purge the world, but were just content to flaunt their superiority and conquer everything what they could.

Second, Hitler’s vision of evolving mankind was to kill all the undesirables to protect what he saw as purity, while Master wanted to take those undesirables and make them something better than they were and thus create purity. The thing is that the process of evolving them was just so problematic that it killed most of them or made them actually dumber than they were (Harry) with small percent of them coming as intelligent as Marcus and the Lieutenant. This could count as genocide, though Master probably would liken it to deaths caused by trepanning which actually is a useful procedure though at the time they didn’t know enough of human physiology to use it well. What Master is trying is to chance his crude method of trepanning to craniotomy, whether this would've been successful is another story.

Master also was prepared to spare those who did not try to oppose him, provided that they would not breed (Apparently no forcible sterilizing was not applied, again stark contrast to uncle Adolf). Worldwide genocide ala Enclave was not his intent, even if his flawed methods did cause a great death toll.

Thirdly, whatever the master did suffer, weak self-esteem and self-loathing was probably not one of his flaws. He in fact did consider himself perfect and one of his plans was that he will absorb everything to himself, creating a super-organism. That puts the word “Unity” to another perspective…-- 15:44, August 24, 2015 (UTC)


In FO2, if you take him to a hooker, Marcus will state that he hopes she doesn't get pregnant and that it "Just takes some time to get the juices flowing again" rather than them being permanently sterile.

Chris Avellone later stated that was supposed to be a joke. Paladin117>>iff bored; 16:40, August 17, 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, it was confirmed in Fallout bible that it was a funny way to make old players bit uneasy, since one of the options dealing with the master was to convince him that instead of saving mankind he would destroy it, since mutants wouldn't be able to breed. Before someone says that "Fallout bible is no longer canon" that doesn't change this issue, since Bethesda has kept sterilization rule in effect after they picked up the franchise.-- 15:50, August 24, 2015 (UTC)

Marcus might not be aware of the fact he is sterile. The Master certainly wasn't, and neither was anyone else until Vree made that discovery. There may be juices flowing, but that doesn't mean those juices are fertile. OTOH, it was known that Mutants couldn't breed with other Mutants, but it was never explicitly stated (as far as I know) that Mutants couldn't breed with Humans, or vice versa. So even if Marcus couldn't impregnate a female Mutant it doesn't mean he couldn't impregnate a female human. -- 07:43, June 8, 2016 (UTC)

Not mentioned in Fallout 4?[]

If i recall, White at Greygarden makes mention of Dr. Richard Gray. Although not mentioned as "The Master" he is in fact mentioned, if only in passing.

No, this is Edward.--ExplorerSmaily (talk) 15:11, November 9, 2017 (UTC)

I usually thought the voice of Master, David Hyde Pierce were considered for this role in video game...

Cartoon to B.Franklin[]

Here. --ExplorerSmaily (talk) 17:29, 3 December 2020 (UTC)
