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Dr. Edward Gray was a senior engineer for RobCo Industries prior to the Great War.[1]


Before the Great War, he planned and supervised the installation of the Graygarden hydroponics facility, the completion of which was televised shortly before the Great War.[2] He created the Supervisors Brown, Greene, and White to make the greenhouse autonomous from human intervention, separating them from the worker drones by giving them sophisticated cognition processors, making them capable of complex analysis and decision-making.[3] His passion for robotics and artificial intelligence was only rivaled by his love of television, a passion that left him wanting to know the full capabilities of a machine.[4] This love of television would factor into his programming of the Supervisors, as he had tired of the default Mister Handy personality, and utilized his favorite television characters as the inspiration to the Supervisor personalities.[5]

Doctor Gray perished during the Great War, leaving Graygarden and the Supervisors as his legacy.[6]


Dr. Edward Gray is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. The Sole Survivor: " I remember him. He was one of RobCo's senior engineers, but more than a little eccentric."
    Supervisor White: "You seem a bit confused, darling. You're far too young to remember anything that happened before the war."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "This place seems familiar. I think I saw a bit about it on the news, back before the war."
    Supervisor White: "Yes, construction was completed mere days before the war. We were able to survive and continue our operations only because our creator made us fully self-sufficient. You see, there are two kinds of robots here. The worker drones carry out labor and maintenance. We supervisors - that is, myself, Greene and Brown - possess sophisticated cognition processors. We are capable of complex analysis and decision-making, a testament to the genius of our creator, Doctor Edward Gray."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)
  3. The Sole Survivor: "There's not even one person here?"
    Supervisor White: "That's right, darling. We are entirely self-sufficient, with no need for human guidance. You see, there are two kinds of robots here. The worker drones carry out labor and maintenance. We supervisors - that is, myself, Greene and Brown - possess sophisticated cognition processors. We are capable of complex analysis and decision-making, a testament to the genius of our creator, Doctor Edward Gray."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)
  4. The Sole Survivor: "Only a madman would think that artificial intelligence could replace human intuition and experience."
    Supervisor White: "You misunderstand him, darling. He wanted only to know what a machine was truly capable of. Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television. Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "Why did Doctor Gray give you these unusual personalities?"
    Supervisor White: "Genius is restless, darling. It abhors stagnation. Doctor Gray was tired of the standard Mister Handy personality. He looked to his favorite television characters for inspiration, and we are the result."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)
  6. The Sole Survivor: "What became of Doctor Gray?"
    Supervisor White: "Like so many others, he died in the war. It was a terrible loss. Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television. Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors."
    (Supervisor White's dialogue)