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This is a transcript for dialogue with Supervisor White.


1DialogueGraygardenBranchRememberPastPlayer Default: I was in a vault. They put me in cryogenic freeze.Remarkable! I must say, darling, you seem very well-preserved.SupervisorWhite: Now, where was I...A1a
2Player Default: Just forget I said it.Of course, darling. I can see it's a sensitive subject for you.SupervisorWhite: Now, where was I...B1a
3Player Default: It's a long story.Of course, darling. A lady knows when not to pry.SupervisorWhite: Now, where was I...X1a
4Player Default: You haven't met anyone else who was around back then?I'm sorry to disappoint you, darling, but no.Y1a
5In my experience, you are unique.SupervisorWhite: Now, where was I...Y1b
6Player Default: Remarkable! I must say, darling, you seem very well-preserved.Now, where was I...A1a
7Ah yes, Edward Gray.SupervisorWhite: Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.A1b
8DialogueGraygardenIntro{Dahling... you're playing Tallulah Bankhead} Welcome to Graygarden, darling! This is the Commonwealth's first and only hydroponics facility run entirely by robots.Player Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.A
9Player Default: That's pretty ingenious. I bet you can work around the clock.Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.SupervisorWhite: You see, there are two kinds of robots here.A1a
10Player Default: Robots can do simple tasks, sure, but you need a human being to make the big decisions.Ah, but that's where Graygarden is unique, darling.B1a
11We're not just simple robots. We have a unique social structure - a hierachy, if you will.SupervisorWhite: You see, there are two kinds of robots here.B1b
12Player Default: This place seems familiar. I think I saw a bit about it on the news, back before the war.Yes, construction was completed mere days before the war.X1a
13We were able to survive and continue our operations only because our creator made us fully self-sufficient.SupervisorWhite: You see, there are two kinds of robots here.X1b
14Player Default: There's not even one person here?That's right, darling. We are entirely self-sufficient, with no need for human guidance.SupervisorWhite: You see, there are two kinds of robots here.Y1a
15SupervisorWhite: Of course, darling. Our unique hierarchy allows for constant operation.You see, there are two kinds of robots here.A1a
16The worker drones carry out labor and maintenance.A1b
17We supervisors - that is, myself, Greene and Brown - possess sophisticated cognition processors.A1c
18We are capable of complex analysis and decision-making, a testament to the genius of our creator, Doctor Edward Gray.Player Default: Obviously, the man was brilliant to come up with something like this.A1d
19Player Default: Obviously, the man was brilliant to come up with something like this.I could hardly have said it better myself, darling.SupervisorWhite: Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.A1a
20Player Default: Only a madman would think that artificial intelligence could replace human intuition and experience.You misunderstand him, darling. He wanted only to know what a machine was truly capable of.SupervisorWhite: Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.B1a
21Player Default: I remember him. He was one of RobCo's senior engineers, but more than a little eccentric.That's the second time you've said that you remember something before the war.X1a
22I think you're a little confused darling. You simply can't have been alive back then.SupervisorWhite: Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.X1b
23Player Default: I remember him. He was one of RobCo's senior engineers, but more than a little eccentric.You seem a bit confused, darling.X2a
24You're far too young to remember anything that happened before the war.Player Default: I was in a vault. They put me in cryogenic freeze.X2b
25Player Default: What became of Doctor Gray?{Sad} Like so many others, he died in the war. It was a terrible loss.SupervisorWhite: Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.Y1a
26Player Default: I could hardly have said it better myself, darling.Robotics and artificial intelligence were our creator's great passions, rivaled only by his love of television.A1a
27Perhaps you've noticed that I possess a rather singular personality, as do the other supervisors.Companion: That's puttin' it mildly.A1b
28Player Default: Well, it's definitely unique. Sort of hard to miss.I'll take that as a compliment, darling.A1a
29After all, the last thing any woman wants to be is ordinary.SupervisorWhite: A few other things you should know... talk to Greene if you need supplies.A1b
30Player Default: A tin can that talks like a femme fatale is still a tin can.{Disdain} Some men know how to talk to a woman. The rest are more like you.SupervisorWhite: A few other things you should know... talk to Greene if you need supplies.B1a
31Player Default: Why did Doctor Gray give you these unusual personalities?Genius is restless, darling. It abhors stagnation. Doctor Gray was tired of the standard Mister Handy personality.Y1a
32He looked to his favorite television characters for inspiration, and we are the result.SupervisorWhite: A few other things you should know... talk to Greene if you need supplies.Y1b
33Player Default: After all, the last thing any woman wants to be is ordinary.A few other things you should know... talk to Greene if you need supplies.A1a
34If it's caps you need, Brown might have a few odd jobs.SupervisorWhite: Farewell for now, dahling.A1b
35SupervisorWhite: Farewell for now, dahling.Ah, there's one other thing. A question, really.A1a
36SupervisorWhite: If it's caps you need, Brown might have a few odd jobs.Farewell for now, dahling.SupervisorWhite: Ah, there's one other thing. A question, really.A1a
37-{(See notes for Supervisor White) Shouting, starting a fight.} You've gone too far, dahling!
38{(See notes for Supervisor White) Shouting, starting a fight.} I can't allow that!
39{(See notes for Supervisor White) Shouting, starting a fight.} How dare you!
40{Humble gratitude.} Thank you again for all your help, darling. We won't forget it.
41{Darling is pronounced "DAH-ling".} Hello, darling.
42{Darling is pronounced "DAH-ling".} What can I do for you, darling?
43Do you think it's easy, being this beautiful? I assure you, it is not.
44Another admirer comes to see me.
45{Darling is pronounced "DAH-ling".} I'm afraid I don't do autographs, darling.


46DialogueGraygardenBrownWhiteSceneBrown: I say, have you noticed unit seven-seven-J acting a bit strangely, White?Really, darling, you must be a bit more specific than that.Brown: Ah, yes, quite right.A1a
47Brown: Well, it just seems to be a tad slow of late, as if it's not running on a full charge.It's probably just a defect in the power unit. I'll have a look at it later.Brown: Jolly good. Just let me know if we need a new power unit and I'll see if can't make a trade for one.A1a
48DialogueGraygardenGreeneWhiteSceneGreene: Supervisor White, you're the next contestant!{A demure femme fatale} What do you want, darling? And please make it quick, I haven't got all day.Greene: Bad news, I'm afraid.A1a
49Greene: Our latest mutfruit crop is coming in smaller than usual, and some of the fruit isn't ripening quickly enough.{Frustrated} Again? It's got to be the water. It's been getting more toxic by the day, and now it's affecting the plants.Greene: Well, if something isn't done soon, it'll be game over for the entire crop.A1a
50Greene: Without fruit to sell to the traders, we won't have caps to buy the spare parts we need to keep running.Then let's hope we can find someone willing to help us, darling.A1a
51DialogueGraygardenWhiteBrownSceneBrown, darling, I need you to pick something up for me the next time a trader visits.Brown: Hm? Yes? What's that, then?A1a
52Brown: Hm? Yes? What's that, then?Drone Two's shear attachment is getting a little dull. We'll need to replace at least one of the blades.Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.A1a
53Brown: Hm? Yes? What's that, then?A few of the sprinkler pipes are getting rusty. We'll need to get new ones.Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.A2a
54Brown: Hm? Yes? What's that, then?Don't tell him I said so, but some of the wiring in Green's main processor is faulty.Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.A3a
55Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.I'm sure you'll do your best, darling.A1a
56Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.Splendid, darling.A2a
57Brown: I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.Thank you, darling.A3a
58DialogueGraygardenWhiteGreeneSceneThe mutfruit's looking ripe, darling. You should gather some up for Brown to sell.Greene: Whoa, there! Just hold your horses, little lady.A1a
59Greene: It's going to be a few more weeks before this fruit produces that sweet, delicious taste your kids will love.Well I simply can't agree, darling. Call it a woman's intuition if you like, but this crop is ready now.Greene: Oh, I'm so sorry but that is the wrong answer.A1a
60Greene: Better luck next time, but hey, thanks for playing!Have it your way, but don't say I didn't warn you, darling.A1a


61DN151_WhiteConclusion{Friendly} Darling! So good to see you. You fixed our water problem, didn't you?Player Default: Yes, ma'am.A
62Player Default: Yes, ma'am.{Sincere, grateful / Grateful} Such a gentleman, too! I simply must give you something.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.A1a
63Player Default: Yes, ma'am.{Sincere, grateful / Grateful} That's marvelous, darling, simply marvelous.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.A2a
64Player Default: I went through a lot of trouble for this. I hope it was worth it.{Sincere / Grateful} Oh, it will be.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.B1a
65Player Default: I went through a lot of trouble for this. I hope it was worth it.{Grateful} Darling, you helped us whether you knew it or not. You simply must allow me to give you something.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.B2a
66Player Default: You said something about a reward?{Affirming the reward. / Grateful} Yes, yes of course.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.X1a
67Player Default: You said something about a reward?{Disgusted. There must have been dirty water in there! / Disgust} Ugh, I don't even want to think about what you must have gone through.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.X2a
68Player Default: Why does it matter so much to you?{Friendly} For a farm like this? Water is everything to us, dear.Y1a
69{Grateful / Grateful} You deserve something for all of your hard work.SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.Y1b
70SupervisorWhite: Here, you can have some of our produce.{Grateful} I'll ask Greenie to give you a discount, too, if there's anything else you need.SupervisorWhite: Now, I simply must get back to work. Ta-ta.A1a
71Player Default: Such a gentleman, too! I simply must give you something.{Grateful} Here, you can have some of our produce.SupervisorWhite: I'll ask Greenie to give you a discount, too, if there's anything else you need.A1a
72SupervisorWhite: I'll ask Greenie to give you a discount, too, if there's anything else you need.{Friendly} Now, I simply must get back to work. Ta-ta.A1a
73DN151_WhiteGiveQuest{Vain / Relieved} Most of our water comes from the old Weston plant, south of here. Such an eyesore.SupervisorWhite: Be a dear and pay it a visit, hmm? See what you can do? Maybe tidy up the place? It must be filthy.A1a
74SupervisorWhite: Most of our water comes from the old Weston plant, south of here. Such an eyesore.{Vain / Relieved} Be a dear and pay it a visit, hmm? See what you can do? Maybe tidy up the place? It must be filthy.SupervisorWhite: If you can get it working again, I'm sure I can... come up with something for you.A1a
75SupervisorWhite: Be a dear and pay it a visit, hmm? See what you can do? Maybe tidy up the place? It must be filthy.{Friendly, maybe a bit seductive. / Relieved} If you can get it working again, I'm sure I can... come up with something for you.A1a
76{Friendly} See what you can do about the old Weston plant, would you, dear?A1a
77DN151_WhiteIntroSupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!{Cajoling / Friendly} This will never do. I don't mean to impose, darling, but... perhaps you could lend us a hand?A1a
78SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!{Cajoling / Friendly} This will never do. If you Minutemen can lend us a hand, I'll be eternally grateful.Y1a
79{Annoyed. The player just stormed off. / Irritated} Well! Hmph.A1a
80Player Default: Seems fine to me.{Disgust} Men! Take it from me, dear, it's ghastly. Simply ghastly.SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!A1a
81Player Default: Seems fine to me.{Aghast. Not really trying to insult the player. / Disgust} Surely you aren't serious, dear? Why, it'll melt that makeup right off your... adequate little face.SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!A2a
82Player Default: It's awful.{Sincere / Disgust} Isn't it, though?SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!B1a
83Player Default: It's... nothing special.{Disgust} It's ghastly, that's what it is. Simply ghastly.SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!X1a
84Player Default: I'm with the Minutemen. Did you need help with something?{Surprised} Why, yes. That's what I was getting at, dear. The water - it's simply ghastly!SupervisorWhite: Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!Y1a
85Player Default: Men! Take it from me, dear, it's ghastly. Simply ghastly.{Vain / Disgust} Pressure is down. Radiation is up. Why, it's practically toxic. Just think what it must be doing to my skin!SupervisorWhite: This will never do. I don't mean to impose, darling, but... perhaps you could lend us a hand?A1a
86DN151_WhiteQuestion{Cross with the player / Irritated} Oh, it's you. Hmph. Decide to help us after all?Player Default: All right.A
87Player Default: All right.{Pleased / Relieved} Marvelous, simply marvelous.SupervisorWhite: Most of our water comes from the old Weston plant, south of here. Such an eyesore.A1a
88Player Default: I can't believe you called the Minutemen to fix your water.{Amused} I'm just glad you cared enough to help.SupervisorWhite: Most of our water comes from the old Weston plant, south of here. Such an eyesore.B1a
89Player Default: I can't believe you called the Minutemen to fix your water.{Cross with the player / Angry} What nerve! Well, then, off with you. Run along now.B2a
90Player Default: I can't believe you called the Minutemen to fix your water.{Cross with the player / Angry} Hmph.B3a
91Player Default: Just tell me what you need done.{A little seductive. / Flirting} Trust me, darling, I can make it worth your while.SupervisorWhite: Most of our water comes from the old Weston plant, south of here. Such an eyesore.X1a
92{Annoyed / Impressed} Hmph.A1a
93-{Friendly} Have you looked into our little water problem, darling?
94{Friendly} Do see about that water, won't you?
95{Friendly} Tell me, darling, what do you think of the water around here?
96{Friendly / Friendly} You repaired the old Weston plant, didn't you?