Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I have found a Hardened Sniper Rifle on top of the roof near the smoke stack. I've also found another Hardened Sniper Rifle right in front of the Weapon Workbench at the top of the catwalk right before the entrance to the roof.

Additional verification[]

Hardened sniper rifle[]

Verified Hardened Sniper Rifle on the Roof, at level 42, but nothing in front of the Weapons Bench. -- The Arcadian Rook (talk)Needs More Battle Cattle 01:48, December 17, 2015 (UTC)

Stealth Boy[]

I did not find a Stealth Boy. Not sure whether one is supposed to be found here. Any ideas?
-- Whtqn (talk) 19:19, March 14, 2016 (UTC)

Same here, searched everywhere in and on the building... no Stealth Boy. WeelyTM (talk) 19:56, June 11, 2016 (UTC)

Further verification and theory[]

I found a Hardened Sniper Rifle on the floor in front of the Weapons Bench at level 19 AND in the position on the roof that's been reported as well, so it does seem extremely likely that it's a set spawn since the above user found the exact same weapon at more than double my level but the variation in location is a bit odd. Could be it's just that both locations have a chance to spawn (either both or just one), or an odd clipping issue since the item could presumably have been generated once the building was approached, then when the inner cell was loaded the game spawns the gun again in the same X/Y/Z location (half asleep so I don't know what else to call it right now) but because it's no longer on solid ground it then falls until it impacts the first solid platform (in this case, in front of the workbench).

One reason I considered this theory (other than sleep deprivation) is that the "rooftop" Hardened Sniper Rifle looks to perhaps be roughly above where the "weapons bench" sniper rifle is located. In addition, I've had weird things happen when entering/exiting in other places, where the inner cell is partially loaded only which resulted in the inside of a building being PARTIALLY loaded without unloading the outside world and vice versa. Alternatively I've just spent valuable time on writing out nonsense that could have been spent on hunting down copper and screws :/ One thing I AM sure about is that it does not belong to the lone super mutant that's up there as he only had a "Hunting Rifle" (I made sure to check) --Thegreatdookutree (talk) 05:13, December 20, 2015 (UTC)

I have checked both the interior and exterior cell references with FO4Edit, and the sniper rifle is ONLY placed inside the interior section. Unless there's a script that changes it's location (which seems unlikely), I'm not sure about the exterior spawn - I'd write it off as a fluke (the game is rather buggy lol). Ulithium Dragon (talk) 08:32, January 8, 2016 (UTC)

Ok, maybe I missed something, or it really IS using scripts, because I founded hardened sniper rifles is BOTH locations. Additionally, the one on the roof in the exterior cell had a super mutant guarding it... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 08:47, January 8, 2016 (UTC)

There are the rifles ref 000a4504 in CambridgeMassChemical01 and ref 00055094 in CambridgeConstructionSiteExt02. I had a glitch of the internal rifle not there and appearing only when re-entering, but I attribute that to me just coc-ing into the cell, not entering the regular way. --Alfwyn (talk) 09:58, January 8, 2016 (UTC)

Feels Like Cut Content Location[]

I kinda feel like there was a lot more effort put into this place than the standard "unmarked interior cells" in Fallout 4. I mean, it even has a custom texture, and given how much Bethesda just LOVES to recycle as many assets as possible, I have to wonder if there were originally plans for a quest or something here that got dropped... Ulithium Dragon (talk) 08:32, January 8, 2016 (UTC)
