Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

(Cause of) Death[]

of course their aint gonna be any records of his death in his office its very unlikly we would write his own obituary

You do realize that there are plenty of records for people who have died/commited suicide during FO3/FO:NV? Skål! 06:36, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

ah but 'records' of death and suicide notes are quite different

You obviously don't know the meaning of 'records' then. Don't play lawyer with me unless you know what you're talking about. And I also really hope you're not the Anon I had that edit war with. It would be kind of sad if you made an account just to fight this out with me. If not, then disregard that previous statement. Skål! 06:43, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

psst.. dont think your self soo lucky

Whatever that's supposed to mean. Skål! 07:01, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Who shit in your cornflakes?

Not Me. Anyways. I think that since the general is ghoulified he was still manning his post as base commander way beyond the end of the war. He just stayed there. And possibly he was killed by marked men or maybe even Ulysses. -- 23:02, October 26, 2011 (UTC)

I think he committed suicide. Maybe he was despressed/lonely since everyone died and only he survived. It was unlikely that anyone killed him since 4 guardian robots in his command room were still intact. What a pity since he;s a pre-war army general, he must have a lot of useful knowledge. Grbone 12:49, January 28, 2012 (UTC)

He had to of commited suicide cuz of the ten-millimeter pistol near his dest and 11 bullets. The ten has a 12 round magazine, and, he shot of one of the rounds off at himself.--Nikolai belenski 11:55, February 15, 2012 (UTC)

Clever. I guessed it was suicide, by the location of the pistol, but the significance of the number of bullets didn't occur to me. I don't think we can assume it was suicide, but it's strongly implied. FoolishOwl (talk) 01:15, October 19, 2013 (UTC)

I thought it was suicide since he had a empty bottle of whiskey on the floor, like it had slipped from his hand, and well as his gun sitting right there next to him. I don't think he was killed by marked men because the room he is in is highly undisturbed. Masterpwn (talk) 06:44, March 25, 2014 (UTC)

Who is Martin Retslaf?[]

For a "Behind the scenes" header:

I suspect this is a shout-out to Martin Falster, who is a game tester.

Update: His FB profile indicates he is a QA analyst at Blizzard. Still no hard evidence though.

--Mctaff350 11:46, May 30, 2012 (UTC)


It would be nice to re-add the picture of Retslaf at his desk, which was replaced by one which makes it look like he is still alive, as the infobox picture. It could be added to the gallery. I would do it, but, since the page is locked, I cannot. Jol87 17:16, May 1, 2012 (UTC)

Cause of death[]

I surmise once he realized his mutation into a ghoul, he shot himself. Enclavesymbol 11:56, September 29, 2013 (UTC)

Well, we can't add that to the article. It's speculation. 12:18, September 29, 2013 (UTC)
In Eden's defense, I'd shoot myself if I turned into a ghoul. VSSCR

This isn't a theory. It's the only really plausible explanation. I don't care if it can't go on the page or not, but make no mistake, the guy killed himself. ЮраYuriKaslov - Sig image 18:11, October 28, 2013 (UTC)

That's what everyone thinks when they find meaning where there possibly is none. That's what makes speculation so subjective, which is why we keep it out of our article-pages. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required!
I sincerely doubt this is just some random coincidence. You'd be playing the writers as less than they are by saying that.
Based on all of the provided evidence:
  • There is a pistol nearby with only 11 bullets to be found in the room. The pistol holds 12 bullets per magazine. Where's the 12th?
  • The man is a ghoul. I don't believe posthumous ghoulification is possible (iirc). Being a ghoul rules out pretty much any other possibilities as a starting point.
  • His guards were all still sealed away. If he had been attacked, which is unlikely, they should be out and about.
  • Isn't the door to his room locked initially?
So that basically leaves three possibilities, two of which involve him shooting himself in the head: either he committed suicide and was posthumously ghoulified, he was ghoulified and then committed suicide, or he died of radiation poisoning and was posthumously ghoulified. Assuming posthumous ghoulification isn't possible, that leaves only one possibility. ЮраYuriKaslov - Sig image 18:27, October 28, 2013 (UTC)
Let me give you an example as to other situations that might have occurred:
  • The robots, turrets, and doors malfunctioned or were always hostile towards the Marked Men. His office is full of sentry bots that are hostile to everyone once activated. He could have easily been killed after squeezing off a shot in defense before dying at the desk.
  • His own men could have betrayed him, in which is crawled back into his office after/before causing the robots to enact his revenge.
  • His own men forced him to shoot himself with his own pistol, or they left their pistol behind on his corpse after leaving.
See how easy it is to make speculation? ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 18:32, October 28, 2013 (UTC)
Again, isn't his door locked to start with?
Even if the sentries had malfunctioned they're still locked off when you enter, and there's no evidence at all of their having escaped -- shouldn't there be burn marks from lasers/missiles if that were the case?
I'm going off of a year-old memory here, but iirc there are also no corpses leading into his office, or in the silo outside. If they had betrayed him, shouldn't there be some evidence of that betrayal -- bodies, weapons, etc?
The fourth one might be logical if the door was unlocked to begin with -- why would they bother relocking the door in the midst of a nuclear apocalypse? And again, wouldn't there be some evidence of multiple people, as in corpses? IIRC the only corpses around are marked men. ЮраYuriKaslov - Sig image 18:41, October 28, 2013 (UTC)
Not a single Marked Man has been left alive within the compound. Their corpses are seen everywhere, including right outside of his office. (Three just outside of his office, to be exact, with many more found in the tunnels straight ahead.) Anyways, I'm not here to debate this, necessarily. I just wanted to clarify why that information has been left out of the article. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 18:45, October 28, 2013 (UTC)

Retslaf's death[]

Thought I'd write this because it's a issue that seems to stir every once in a while and hasn't really been resolved, because prior discussions (read above) mostly focus on arguing about how he died, or why he would commit suicide, not why it should or shouldn't be on the page. There is the admin notice saying that speculation regarding his death will be removed, but I think it wouldn't be speculative to say that someone slumped over dead in a chair with a pistol next to them that has one round missing from the magazine committed suicide. Aiden4017 (talk) 03:04, 5 December 2020 (UTC)

I agree, this is as clear cut New Vegas can make it without directly saying so. All the pieces are there, you just have to put them together. It's just basic environmental storytelling. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 05:26, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
It's not our place, nor does it add any value to the article itself, to add our personal perspectives into an article no matter how obvious it may or may not seem. All of the information is there for our readers to come up with their own conclusions, and that's precisely what we should be doing as a wiki. 寧靜 Fox 23:40, 5 December 2020 (UTC)
While I disagree, ignoring whether or not he did commit suicide the speculate tag is used as justification to remove anything about the items surrounding his body. While they are pictured, not mentioning them in the article impairs the readers ability to come to their own conclusion. Aiden4017 (talk) 01:29, 6 December 2020 (UTC)
Yeah, I see what your issue is now; detailing a location is a good thing to have on our articles, and that information never should have been removed in the first place. Dave and I were talking about it earlier and we were in agreement with your assessment - He went ahead and added that information back in, so thanks for pointing that out. 寧靜 Fox 11:59, 6 December 2020 (UTC)

Not to mention, if something is obvious, it should be included. Having a dogmatic approach to "speculation" actively interferes with building an informative wiki and this is the perfect example. Tägäżïël 12:17, 6 December 2020 (UTC)
