Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Well, obviously...[]

It's a big gun with a brain in it... obviously, it's a Smart Gun!

...oh, I wish. -- 15:55, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

HA ha ha! Zac hemker 23:51, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Stimply Amazing[]

first, i did notice my typing error and i did it on purpose. but this gun looks unbelievably amazing. i dont think iv ever been more excited for any weapon in the fallout series other than possibly the tessla cannon in F3 but that thing was a monster in it's own right. I have a feeling the K9000 will compete easily.

It's over 9000.[]

Enough said.


.357 rounds? Seriously? I sold ALL of mine because they are useless, there isn't a sinlge good weapon that uses them. And now you're telling me that the one weapon I looked forward to from this DLC uses the one ammo type I don't have? Way to go Bethesda. --Wiseman of the Wastes 11:48, July 19, 2011 (UTC)

^Um..... Obisdian are the guys who made New Vegas and the DLCs, which means that they are the ones that made this weapon. Bethesda just published the DLC.

^Besides, that's the idea, they knew that .357 ammo is useless, so they are giving you a new weapon... you aren't really smart aren't you?

^ You got me thinking don't you realise that the ammo for this weapon is seeming unlimited?????AKA Dead Money vending machines and Coin Operater perk (The Coin Operator perk enables the player to make 50 new chips at any workbench from 1 fission battery and two pieces of scrap metal.) So to the person who made this page don't beat yourself up to much. LOL--Eckrack 09:28, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

I disagree, if your a cowboy like me, you may have used the unique single-action .357 revolver "Lucky" with JFP rounds you'll be doing 37.5 damage before perks 1.5 damage more than a .44 revolver, with Cowboy you'll do 37.5 with standard rounds and with JFP you'll do 46.875 damage, more than a standard sniper rifle, with a mere pistol round. .357 magnum is extremely easy to come by, and powers a disc one nuke [1] and a hand cannon. Also if you really hate .357, you can always just get the FIDO schematics out of the Kennel in X-8, the key is in X-13 once you get the EMP upgrade for your sonic emitters (return to testing after main quest line) to take out the shielding. .357 is hardly useless, it fuels both Lucky and La Lounge Carbine, but it now has yet another use in the K9000. Also it makes scense that they would chose an unappreciated round that seems useless, to give it use in a very up played weapon. (Troper of the Wastelands)

Don't forget the Police Pistol in Dead Money, I always love that. The K9000 is also a good way to waste those crapload of .357 rounds you find in Sierra Madre vault. Make sure you convert it to JFP. Flaktrooper, August 19, 2011.

.357 Rounds are useless..? LOLOLOL. Right off the bat you've got Lucky. You can get that within an hour of starting the game, and it will see you right the way through to level 30. Shit I still use it at level 50 sometimes. It has a critical multiplier of 2.5 and it's a holdout weapon, what's not to like about that? La Lounge Carabine is quite nice too.-- 22:07, March 6, 2012 (UTC)

The critical point is that who would sell ammo? If you really want to get rid of it, break it down. The component weight hardly at all and can be remade into other calibers.Laclongquan (talk) 12:59, March 22, 2013 (UTC)

Wrong sound effect?[]

What happened to the new meaty fire sound that we heard in the trailer?--MrBread 14:37, July 19, 2011 (UTC)


Are there any other locations for the K9000 besides getting it at the very beginning of the DLC? Also, is this weapon available for purchase at the store in The Sink? I haven't seen it there yet. Thanks for the help, I'm trying to get a few more copies of the weapon. --ZzirBooty 20:43, July 19, 2011 (UTC)

I found one of those space suited skeletons using it in the X-12 Research Centre--MrBread 21:30, July 19, 2011 (UTC)


Interesting enough, if the K9000 were to be fully upgraded and loaded with JFP rounds, it's damage per shot exceeds the base damage per shot from FIDO, the K9000's DPS can in fact reach well over 480. This with the accuracy bonus of the JFP rounds makes the K9000 virtually superior to FIDO. --Radnus 11:56, July 21, 2011 (UTC) According to computers in big mt it helps scout enemies but in game it growls when enemies are near. Fryingpan57 23:38, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Weird Features[]

Why does this gun have a huge backpack? A gigantic battery backup for the gun? Life support systems for the doggie brain?

Also, other than looking neat, what does the brain do? Does it up your perception upon equipping the weapon?

YellowCat305 19:46, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

Not to mention the scope reticule when aiming. There's no scope on the gun. The weapon is practically dragged around, if not carried. The scope is probably a mistake, right? Should the scope be modded out with GECK?

The backpack's there for the same reason as the minigun, even though there is a clearly visible magazine already in the gun itself, it seems to act as some sort of hammerspace system allowing the gun to have both a ammo backpack and a need to reload "cassette" magazines into a sort of hanging feed system. you can't get a good look at what the hands are doing to reload the weapon, nor see where the ammo is materializing from, genius! As you may now know from playing the DLC, the scope is useable (Troper of the Wastelands)

-AHEM, i believe you CAN find a scope on the gun, about exactly parallel of the doggie brain THAT MEANS ON TOP, that looks like a small green lens.

                              _____   _LENS
                |____________|_______    \             |\
                |_______          __      \        ____\_\____
                        [        ]  |      \______/   K9000   | 
                        [_BRAIN__]   \                       _|
                                                |   MAG   |
                                                |         |

sink bug[]

the bug about disappearing is a bug with the sink. not with this gun. it happens with all items (usually when moved to a different room and left the item will turn invisible). plz remove it from the bugs section as it it not caused by the gun but by the sink to all items.


So far I haven't seen anyone mention the ammo type this gun takes can be unlimited which makes that a large advantage over the FIDO imo. The ammo for this gun and a few others can easily be obtained from a chip dispenser in Dead Money.

"The Coin Operator perk enables the player to make 50 new chips at any workbench from 1 fission battery and two pieces of scrap metal."--Eckrack 09:21, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Even in Big Empty it's potentially infinite-ammo, with a electronic assistant to transform item into case, lead, pistol powder, buy primer from Sink, or breakdown 9mm rounds. Change it to JFP for max effectLaclongquan (talk) 11:53, March 22, 2013 (UTC)


I was trying to figure out which weapon is better, the K900 or FIDO. I included things that I chose for my character (i.e. Trigger Discipline trait) and all mods available for the K900 as well as using Hand Load ammunition (.44 SWC and .357 JHP). Here's what I got:


(Sorry, had to put it as an image because the formatting was screwing up the graph)

Anyway, hope this helps some of you. I personally think that the K900 is better because of its accuracy and RoF, which cancels out the damage inferiority to FIDO, but there's the chart for you. And yes, I was bored enough to actually make this lol. --Deus Gladiorum 01:43, September 4, 2011 (UTC)

Re: VATS bug[]

The bug is in the firing animation in VATS. It shows the weapon firing 12 rounds, with 12 cartridge cases ejected, but it does not actually fire 12 rounds. It only fired the 3 rounds per VATS unit of fire that it should, and correctly removes 3 rounds from your inventory. I tested this on PC using the get.av health command to verify that the damage inflicted was only that of three rounds, and it was correct. As I'm a new user here, it seems I can't edit this page yet, so if someone who can would kindly edit this in the bugs section, I'd be oblidged.--The Gunny 21:07, October 31, 2011 (UTC)

Absolutely baffling...[]

I had entered vats and attempted to shoot a cyber dog with the gun and I, in vats, dropped the gun while collapsing to the ground inexplicably. When exiting vats it was as though nothing happened, I was standing in the same spot I initiated vats in, holding the gun, simply wasting my action points. Has this occurred to anyone else? 05:41, May 20, 2012 (UTC)

I'm not sure what your specific case is, but the cyber dogs can knock down the player, so if they managed a knockdown attack before you started firing, it may have screwed up the vats targeting. If that wasn't your situation, I have no idea why that happened. 03:50, May 19, 2014 (UTC)

Best of Both Worlds[]

With a high enough guns skill, passing a guns skill check, with Dr. Klien, in the first opening conversation with the Think Tank, they will give you the K9000 cyberdog gun. If you go kill the Y-trauma Harness enemy (in the first facility to the right of the Think Tank looking from the door outside towards the Big MT.) (X-12?) you will have the other one. Upgrading one w/ the two mods and the other one can be updated w/ the schematics for FIDO. Is that right? Can you have both? I passed the gun check for the first time (on this new character build of mine), but haven't found the schematics for FIDO yet...I think they're in the Kennel at the X-8 facility. I haven't done the quest to release the unusual specimen as of yet to grab them though...whatever the case when I find them my hope is to upgrade my other K9000 cyberdog gun to FIDO and have the other K9000 cyberdog gun tricked out w/ Mentant Chow and Relsa Roil upgrades. We'll see if you can, indeed, have K9000 cyberdog gun+ and FIDO both. Or unless someone has already managed to do this. I'll update this edit sometime later today, when my character has the 75 guns skill to make it at the workbench. I don't see why you can't have both, we'll see if it works out.(Not2shabbyBABY (talk) 15:45, August 22, 2013 (UTC))

You answered your own question. One is obtained by Klein, and the other is obtained by the unique trauma harness. As for the locations of both weapons and their mods, all of the information can be found on the page that this talk page corresponds with. ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 15:51, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

It's true I managed to ask and answer that one without realizing it. I was all focused on the exciting discovery(Ha! That was a no-brainer, duh!) Anyhow to confirm, it did turn out to be doable. I did in fact upgrade one K9000 cyberdog gun to a K9000 cyberdog gun+ and also upgrade the other one to a FIDO.(Not2shabbyBABY (talk) 16:04, August 24, 2013 (UTC))


I'm running the steam version of new vegas, and for me the maximum damage of the K9000 pre-upgrade is 25, not 26 as listed in the page. Or the damage I'm shown in the pipboy is 25 at maximum condition. For reference I have the 4 DLC's: dead money, honest hearts, lonesome road, and obviously old world blues. Since I don't see any mention of it anywhere else I wonder if it's steam specific or something else. 23:35, May 16, 2014 (UTC)

Getting K9000 initially[]

Turns out (just tested), that if your gun skill AND your energy skill are both over 50 when you first talk to the think tanks, what you get as a bonus weapon from them depends on which is higher. if your energy skill is higher, you get a second sonic emitter. if your gun skill is higher, you get a k9000.

I edited the locations section to reflect this.

I guess nobody noticed before because they either started the dlc late, like I did, did not boost both their energy and gun skills past 50, or just didn't even notice. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Ichthyic12 (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Just tested this, it's not true. I had 51 guns, 75 energy. Also, you are asking for something that shoots bullets, and if you want a second emitter you can buy it in the sink. It doesn't make sense to get anything but a k9000--Damx (talk)