Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I Respectfully Disagree[]

The article states that this perk loses its usefulness at later levels. I respectfully disagree. Guns like the Anti-Materiel rifle are incredibly hard to maintain, even at later levels. I'm level 24, and can't afford to constantly shell out a couple thousand just to keep it in good condition. Then I get Jury Rigging (combined with 100 Repair) and can repair it with incredibly abundant Varmint Rifles! Although I haven't tested yet, I'll probably even be able to repair the Ranger Sequoia with stuff like .357 Revolvers. If this is indeed true, it would make my life so much easier as I would just buy the relatively cheap revolvers while being able to keep one of the best guns in the game at full condition (its ammo becomes kinda common at later levels, too) 03:34, October 23, 2010 (UTC)Anon

You're right, that was a subjective statement, which I have now removed from the article. In the future, go ahead and remove such subjective material on your own. It's a wiki, after all. :) --Gothemasticator 03:37, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
You can't afford to spend 2k per repair? You are doing it wrong then, caps are kind of insane in this game. Further, as far as weapon repairs go, there's weapon repair kits that are fairly easy to keep in stock as long as you pick up duct tape whenever you see it. I think this is more useful for armor, but I was honestly hoping to see a detailed chart on what works with what. - yes I'm anon deal with it :)
  • Are we playing the same game? I’m constantly looking for the items to make weapons repair kits, duct tape is easy enough to find/buy, its wrenches that seem to be in short supply. I actually make regular trips around the game to visit each and every merchant to look for nothing but wrenches. Every time I make the repair kits I’m always short of them. Seeing as every weapon you find out in the wastes is on its last leg, it takes 3 minimum to get them in shape. They go pretty damn fast!

umm just a question, you can repair the anti mat with the similar "1 shot rifles" but whats the matter with the gauss rifle and the named gauss ? can u repair them with laser/plasma rifles ? thanx for the help !

It falls under the category of an "Energy Weapon". If you look at the Wiki's organization of weapons, its logical to assume that weapons within that "class" can be repaired with similar weapons. For example, you can repair a Hunting Rifle with a Varmint Rifle. An Anti Material Rifle with a Sniper Rifle. Infact you could repair a sniper rifle with any of the weapons I just listed. And about top paragraph discussion. The perk actually GAINS usefullness in later levels since you start to find unique weapons, some of which can't be repaired with anything other then the weapon repair kit.

From what I've tested, Laser RCW and Plasma Rifle can be repaired each other which means they're in the same category, but Laser Rifle is strangely not repairable with these two. So, at least there're more than one "category" within Energy Weapons. On the other hand, Melee category seems as vague as one-handed and two-handed; when you can repair a Chainsaw with a Baseball Bat, but not with Ripper, I think you've got an idea. MoroQ 17:05, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
Revolvers, low caliber pistols/smgs, lever/bolt action guns, semi automatic rifles, laser weapons, plasma weapons, one handed weapons, two handed weapons, big guns. Think of categories like this, and you will be able to think of what weapons repair what. The anti-materiel rifle is a bolt action and the sniper rifle is semi automatic, so they can't repair each other. Oddly though, the 12.7mm SMG can repair snipers, so there are some discrepancies. I believe we should make categories for each weapon, and put what weapons fall into which categories. In fact, I will start that right now on the main page. -- 19:23, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Caps are mad if you use the vance and vikki glitch, of course. -- 00:43, December 8, 2010 (UTC)

Possibly the most useful perk?[]

I'd say this is the most useful perk in the entire game, and was thinking about adding it into the wiki, but given the recent issue with subjective material, I wanted some backing first. --Vault-BA 23:31, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

-- I would agree it is one of the best 'utility perks' you can pick up, but i also consider built to destroy one of the best traits to pick as well and the penalty makes this perk that much more appealing.

as far as the person who said you are doing it wrong to not be able to shell out thousands to repair high end weapons regularly, i just disagree with that entirely. the difference between losing a couple hundred in low grade weapons vs thousands at a repair merchant is pretty huge.

this perk also has another benefit. instead of having to travel back to a merchant and repair you can repair on the fly from looted items, allowing you to maintain fully repaired weapons at all times. remember weapon repair level affects damage and critical hit chance, not to mention the benefit of convenience and saving time.

i suppose if you feel you will be entirely gimped by picking a non-combat perk, then you may not like this, but its one of the best choices for a utility perk out there.

--I concur that it is a huge money-saver perk and can obviously make you a lot of caps, too. I enjoy sniping, and I shelled out around 20,000 caps on repairs for my weapons before heading into Honest Hearts. *cries* I still can't get over being able to repair the Anti-Material rifle with a Varmint rifle. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the most useful perk in the game, however, because caps honestly aren't that hard to accumulate in this game. I'd probably say that Intense Training is the most useful since it's the only way aside from implants to raise your SPECIAL, which to me is more important than extra caps in the game.

There's a difference between "one of the most useful" and "most useful". However, you can hardly do an apples-to-apples comparison of all perks due to both variety of effects and variety of playstyles. Best to avoid the whole issue of subjectivity by sticking to detailing its usefulness. Personally, my level 36 hardcore-mode toon doesn't have it, nor do I shell out caps for repairs. I make lots of weapon repair kits, currently I have about thirty in reserve. I do plan to get before all is said and done though. --Steveg700 00:51, October 23, 2011 (UTC)

In my expiriance you may not need to call it most useful but certenly it is comperale to Logan Loophole in the way how dramatic impacting your game play. nEVER_BoRN

Potential for money making?[]

I've found this perk extremely useful for making money, because it allows you to repair common expensive guns (hunting rifle, 10mm SMG) with cheap guns (single shotgun and 9mm Pistol respectively). So I was wondering if it might be a good idea to add a section to this article, about this perk's potential for money making. --dumuh 03:47, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

was going to add that to the discussion too, i think you should put it on the page. I find it the most advantageous thing about the perk, after that you don't need to worry about how expensive things are cos you know that if you kill a few enemies, the weapons you obtain and repair will fetch a few thousand caps.

Quick example: Tribal Village: After cleaning it up you can usually find two Fire Axes and two pool cues (plus some other minor loot). Usually you need three pool cues to fully repair a Fire Axe to 100% condition. One 100% Fire Axe = 2500caps. 20:35, November 6, 2010 (UTC) kodi

A sawed-off shotgun is worth about 2000 caps at 100%, and can be repaired with a 9mm pistol or 357 revolver. So that's another good weapon for making money with. Snooldex 08:09, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

I usually save the pool cues and repair THOSE to 100%, and I end up using just one to repair a fireaxe to 100%. I keep stashes of 100% cheap items like varmint rifles, pistols, service rifles, and melee weapons to repair the super expensive stuff. I save my Weapon Repair Kits for the Mini Guns to make money. 19:31, February 11, 2011 (UTC)

The Jury Rigging page was recently changed for "Notes: this article is not a money-making guide", but if you still want to see cheap items in bold and expensive items in italics just go back in history to Feb 11: http://fallout.fandom.com/index.php?title=Jury_Rigging&oldid=918032 I find it to be incredibly useful! - February 15, 2011

Weapon catagories?[]

Energy Weapons (Rifles) appears to be divided into two categories with Laser RCWs & Plasma Rifles in one, and Laser Rifles & Tri-Beam Laser Rifles in the other. (Not sure which category the other energy rifles fall into, as I don't have them to test with. I can also only verify this on the 360.) -- 23:39, November 6, 2010

Gauss rifle can be repaired with a plasma rifle, but not a laser rifle. I think it's in the wrong category. Or energy weapons is a bit tricky. And where's the Tesla Cannon?

If something is out of order go ahead and fix it. I will add all energy weapons to my character and test which weapons fix what. --Saphireking65 07:03, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

I used...[]

I used parts from a party hat to repair a power helmet. --Kris User Hola 23:17, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

yes all headgear repairs each other. you can use glasses to repair it as well, giving you a weightless headgear repairer. --Saphireking65 23:21, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Odd name.[]

Is it not politically correct to say Jerry rig now or something? Jury rigging would be tampering with a Jury to effect the outcome of a trial. Never heard the term applied to this.

Not particularly. Jury rigging is using what's currently available, while jerry rigging is generally poorer quality that doesn't (usually) last as long, or is merely temporary --Snapjak 20:14, November 11, 2010 (UTC)
See: wikipedia:jury rigging. It's originally a sailing term that had nothing in common with juries. Ausir(talk) 20:16, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Amazing utility perk[]

Without a doubt one of the, if not the best utility perk. On-the-fly repairs with shoddy equipment, wider repair options for unique weapons and a good profit potential - not that caps are much of a problem in this game though. Plus, who the bloody hell wouldn't want to go all MacGyver on their gear, fixing power armor helmets with birthday party hats or maybe even fixing broken nuclear warheads with some bubblegum and a pencil - you never know!

Recon Armor[]

Can a Recon Armor be repaired with other Medium-class armor using this perk? I had no problems repairing other kinds of armor, but the Recon Armor looks "special"... Dairydian 19:52, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

  • It fits under medium armor and can be repaired by other similar-class items --Snapjak 00:03, November 16, 2010 (UTC)
  • Also, with the Jury Rigging perk, Recon Armor can be repaired with NCR Trooper Armor.

Centurion Armor[]

Slaver of the Year 08:29, November 26, 2010 (UTC)Which category of armor does Legion Centurion Armor fall under?

It falls under the Medium Armor category, so it can repair (and be repaired by) any Medium Armor. God's in his Heaven... All's right with the world 18:41, January 18, 2011 (UTC)

Armor categories[]

All clothes/armors seem to indicate if they fall into light, medium, or heavy category. And my observations are that anything in a category can repair anything else in the category with this perk. Sadly however, we don't yet track the category information on each individual item page. Should we start including that information there? Or should we go ahead and create the list of everything that falls into each category for the armors like we're doing now for the weapons? Zeedee42 19:34, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Tesla Cannon?[]

It doesn't mention the Tesla Cannon or unique Tesla-Beaton Prototype, am I to assume that it can't be repaired by anything other than other tesla cannons? --MunsOsl 01:03, November 28, 2010 (UTC) I'd assume it hasn't been tested. I didn't have one when I went through my stored inventory. But because of the manner of the weapon fires it may well be that Tesla Cannon and Tesla-Beaton Prototype can only repair themselves even with Jury Rigging. I'll try to get each and confirm. Zeedee42 09:09, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

I have only been able to repair Tesla Cannons (and the Beaton Prototype) with other Tesla Cannons. And after killing the Van Grafts, and the Brotherhood, its one of the rarest weapons in the game for me.-- 20:14, December 20, 2010 (UTC)

No longer as useful.[]

With the addition of Dead Money, this perk seems to have lost a lot of its usefulness, at least as far as weapons are concerned. If you use a rare armor, it will still serve some purpose to you, but with the ability to get nearly unlimited free weapons repair kits they basically made this perk obsolete.

On another note, the main page states, as other pages do, that instead of taking this perk you should instead just use NPC’s to repair your high value weapons then simply steal your caps back. I would like for someone to explain how you can accomplish this feat. I have a 100 in sneak, an 8 in luck and even using a stealth boy on top of that I have never been able to pick-pocket any substantial amount of caps from any NPC. They will catch you every time. If someone could prove me wrong I’d be happy to find out how you do it. ReapTheChaos 18:15, January 18, 2011 (UTC)

On average it takes about 30-100 tries to steal the caps back. It is extremely variable, but after multiple tries and making sure that you're in [HIDDEN] mode, you'll get all your caps back. It is more useful if you have spent a VERY large amount of caps and steal them all back in one go. I usually don't try to steal them back until they have about 50k or so caps to get back. The number of attempts is quite high and seems annoying, but there's just no comparison to the amount of caps you're saving. In my current game I'm stealing over 150k caps back from the repairer. 19:35, February 11, 2011 (UTC)

I play on hardcore and I'm on PC, so I don't have Dead Money, just to clarify. Most of the article is writed in a way that this perk is only good for making money. This and the statement that with unlimited weapon repair kits this perk is obsolete is also misleading. Like the comment above, the latest patch appears to make very hard to steal your money back from Raul or Major Knight. I've always pick the Pack Rat perk and with this two perks is very easy to maintain a weapon on the fly using things very weighless, like carring 5 fully reapired BB guns (1 lbs each) for maintaining the Anti-Material Rifle or 5 9mm pistols (0.75 lbs each) for the Ranger Secoia. Or you can pick things like Spears and Thermic Lances for repairing Oh Baby! on the fly, this is very handy on the assault to the Legate camp, if you are fighting for the NCR/Independent Vegas. And this perk really shines with the Built to Destroy trait. Also, this perk appears to be more usefull if you are a guns courier, since most of the really good energy weapons like the YCS/186, Plasma Caster, Gatlin Laser, etc require other very expensive weapons for repair (with a few exceptions). Brfritos 04:48, January 21, 2011 (UTC)

What happened to the bold and italic from the article?[]

What happened to the bold and italic in the article? Weren't bold things cheap, and italic things expensive? Now they seem to be all in plain font. Snooldex 07:46, February 16, 2011 (UTC)

  • I have corrected this by including a 1 to indicate least expensive and a 2 to indicate most expensive items. I'm not sure who removed the previous indicators, but hopefully these will remain as they are both helpful and fairly unobtrusive. XxSylphxx
They were removed by a moderator (Crazy sam10) due to being pointless. And frankly I agree with them. Great Mara 22:28, April 22, 2011 (UTC)
    • To each their own, but rumaging thru the weapons page hardly seems time effective and for some obviously not pointless. 14:19, April 26, 2011 (UTC)

except in cases when it is unique.....[]

I've found that X-2 antenna, Alien blaster, Euclid's C-Finder, AER14 prototype, Big Boomer, That Gun, Survivalist's Rifle and This Machine ARE all unique weapons . Do I have to delete them from the lists?

Also the pulse gun now that the Van Graff don't sell it anymore is become a unique weapon and should not compare in this page!

Weapons that are unique variants of other weapons should not be on the page things like the X-2 antenna are fine.Frantruck 03:06, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry but could you find more than one X2 Antenna? Cause I couldn't and also in the NV weapons page the X2 Antenna is highlighted with a darker background as they are all the unique weapons in the game (including the holorifle that's not clearly declared as unique in its dedicated page).To me you should delete the X2 Antenna as well as you deleted the other unique weapons or variants. And also, why you didn't delete the This Machine,Alien blaster and Euclid C Finder that are all highlighted as unique in the NV weapons page (together with the pulse gun even if before the last patch it was not)

Unique items should only be removed if it does not have a normal variant. This includes the X-2 antenna, Alien blaster, and Euclid's C-Finder, but does not include Love and Hate (a unique version of brass/spiked knuckles), Pew Pew (unique laser pistol), or the All-American (unique marksman combine).


My theory: Jury Rigging allows repair of weapons if they share the same Type and the same Skill in GECK. Can anybody confirm? --Evil4Zerggin 02:56, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

For example, this would explain the "uniqueness" of the Holorifle (it is the only playable Energy Weapons TwoHandRifle), and why semi-automatic laser rifles are in one category (TwoHandRifleEnergy) and automatic laser and plasma rifles are in another (TwoHandAutomatic). --Evil4Zerggin 03:03, September 21, 2011 (UTC)


Type Guns Energy Weapons Explosives
One-Handed Pistol .357 magnum revolver, .44 magnum revolver, .45 Auto pistol, 10mm pistol, 10mm SMG, 12.7mm pistol², 9mm pistol, 9mm SMG, hunting revolver, H&H Tools nail gun, police pistol, Ranger Sequoia, sawed-off shotgun, silenced .22 pistol¹, That Gun³
One-Handed Pistol, Energy Alien blaster³, Euclid's C-Finder³, flare gun, Laser detonator, Laser pistol¹, Plasma Defender², plasma pistol, pulse gun³, recharger pistol, sonic emitter
Two-Handed Automatic .45 Auto SMG, 12.7mm SMG, assault carbine, automatic rifle, light machine gun, Marksman carbine, riot shotgun², service rifle¹, silenced .22 SMG, sniper rifle Gauss rifle², laser RCW, multiplas rifle, plasma rifle, recharger rifle¹, LAER
Two-Handed Handle Minigun¹, K9000 cyberdog gun² Arc welder Grenade machinegun
Two-Handed Launcher Shoulder mounted machine gun Tesla cannon Fat Man², missile launcher¹, Red Glare
Two-Handed Rifle Anti-materiel rifle², BB gun¹, brush gun, caravan shotgun, cowboy repeater, hunting rifle, hunting shotgun, lever-action shotgun, single shotgun, This Machine³, trail carbine, varmint rifle Holorifle Grenade launcher², grenade rifle¹
Two-Handed Rifle, Energy Laser rifle¹, tri-beam laser rifle²

--Evil4Zerggin 03:17, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

Tested and confirmed, i repaired a Tesla cannon with a frag mine among other wackiness.

--Chops214 (talk) 12:31, May 29, 2017 (UTC)

Incorrect classification[]

Regarding the comment that arc welders are unique and cannot be repaired using other weapons, I have found that they may be repaired with gatling lasers, and vice versa. Is this a bug, or has anyone else noticed this?-- 16:10, November 7, 2011 (UTC)

I've noticed this too. I can use arc welders when repairing gatling lasers, incinerators, plasma casters, and other large energy weapons. On Xbox. - 06:25, October 11, 2012 (UTC)


There's some weird consistency issues with the labels. I added the logo for Honest Hearts on "She's Embrace" but why is Italics being used for DLC items? How is that helpful? Also according to the legend Yao guai gauntlet should be italicized.

Wouldn't it be more helpful if the unique items were italicized instead? DLC items already have their individual logo. I'll finish fixing the consistency. (lol, impossible).

edit: also why label 1 and 2? you can just sort by price (that's what I do to figure out what to repair)

edit2:...wtf why are my edits being undone?

edit3: made an account... what does "Note: In cases where multiple items could be listed, the most commonly occurring item is used." even mean? Saturnite and Super heated Saturnite fists can be repaired with power fists without jury rigging (the most common)

I reverted your italicization earlier, as I assumed italicization was used for unique weapons, as it is on every other weapons page. My mistake. 02:39, October 14, 2013 (UTC)
And why are you removing unique variants of weapons? 02:43, October 14, 2013 (UTC)
"Note: In cases where multiple items could be listed, the most commonly occurring item is used."
Also see http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Jury_Rigging#except_in_cases_when_it_is_unique.....
This whole page is an inconsistent mess
Industrial Hand is missing because it's a variant of the power fist, but both Bear Trap fist and saturnite fist are also variants of the power fist.
Personally I think ALL non-unique items should be up, as that's what I use as a pricing guide
You guys are weird...you keep both saturnite and super-heated saturnite, but you don't like proton axe and protonic inversal axe?
You don't like even the other saturnite weapon, the cosmic knife.
There's the cosmic knife, but no Cosmic knife clean or cosmic knife super-heated

edit 4: Alright. We need a very, very clear reason why each is going up or down. This page is a mess.

Are they unique?

Are they unique, but have a normal variant?

Are they normal, but have a more common variant?

Are they a unique DLC variant of a NV weapon?

Are they a normal DLC variant of a NV weapon?

Feel free to add questions as needed. I'll make sure the entire list is however you decide it's "suppose" to be because this page upsets me to no end.

About the Notes[]

In the notes section there's a observation about "despite the oddity of some repair combinations, there is no difference between repairing an item with a proper counterpart and a vague equivalent. Repairing a chainsaw with a baseball bat will in no way alter the chainsaw, despite the fact that nothing in the bat would serve as effective repair parts".

That's why the perk's description states "How does it work? Nobody knows... except you". :D Brfritos (talk) 20:52, June 6, 2014 (UTC)

Mirelurk's Opinion[]

I want to add this somehow to the main page but I don't know how to professionalize it, lack of better words

Knives should be used in crafting Weapon Binding Rituals, which can either break even at max condition or net 19 caps in profit at min condition, Assuming 100 Barter.

NCR Dog Tags should not be used to craft Dog Tag Fists, which require saving Private Halford, or at least reading his note. They should instead be traded with Quartermaster Hayes or Aurelius of Phoenix. --06:04, 3 March 2022 (UTC)Mirelurk with a Pencil assuming Barter 100 (talk)
