Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Four Eyes[]

I found a new perk but I can't add it. Article appears to be read only? Wtf?

Four Eyes - "While wearing any type of glasses, you have +1PER. Without glasses, you have -1PER." ID: 00135ec4 (use player.addperk 00135ec4 to get it) Xizer 00:48, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

Upon further evaluation... this appears to be a trait. So the addperk command doubles as an addtrait command. Xizer 00:53, October 20, 2010 (UTC)
The article is now not editable to new and unregistered users, in order to avoid vandalism. Ausir(talk) 00:57, October 20, 2010 (UTC)

The reason u couldnt have it was probably because ur perception lvl was already at ten so it wont let u have it as lvl 10 is the maximum anyway

Every other level[]

What's the source for the "every other level" bit? Ausir(talk) 23:28, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

I copy-pasted from the F3 article page, and left that in because it's in the perk navbox. Nitty Tok. 23:31, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

Additional Perks[]

TOday I was presented with the perk called Lord Death, or something like that. I aparently killed too many enemies, so now I have bonuses in combats. I will check the stats and post here.

Return of Bloody mess?[]

In the E3 gameplay, the...Gamevideos one I think it was, the person watching noted "Aww, you don't have Bloody mess?" Or something similar, to which the player responded with "No, no, i don't have Bloody Mess on" (or something similar) so, maybe this means it returns? 17:34, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

Bloody Mess is just one of those things that makes Fallout Fallout-y. I don't think Sawyer was hinting to it returning or anything. Nitty Tok. 17:38, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
Bloody Mess is definitely back. Just checked in the GECK and saw it in the level-up menu.--Ranat 23 23:14, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

every other level for perks[]

this sucks. FNV looked to be a great game, but now these idiots have taken the worst things in fallout and fallout 2 (traits, not being able to max out skills, several levels before perks, few skill books, and god only knows what else) and put it into FNV. im sorry to all the fallout and fallout 2 fans out there, but these games were NOT that good. they were good games in their time, but fallout 3 blew these games out of the water. everything in fallout 3 was a hell of a lot better than in fallout and fallout 2. the freaking sales show it. and now what looked to be the best game to come out in 2010 had turned into a complete disappointment. Focus. On. New. Things. dont bring back the old stuff no one gives a shit about. freaking developers have DESTROYED a good game!

^^ Total disagreement. Seriously, who cares about maxing out all skills? I would rather have more interesting gameplay than max out everything. Traits sound awesome, a chance to create a unique character, instead of "Perfect McAwesome, the guy who is best at EVERYTHING!!!!!1!one". Not sure about the perks every other level thing, will wait and see. Oh, and fewer skill books are WAY better, since they now give more points and you don't have to spend HOURS searching every nook and cranny to get all 25 for each skill. RadRuler 21:26, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

I agree with RadRuler here, sure it may add a bit of difficulty to the game but so what? I like to role play and this would make that easier, instead of everything only adding good stuff you have pros and cons. That's better. The sales show it? Fallout 3 sold more because it was on more systems and people who had played Fallouts one and two would buy it and have recommended it to friends. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard

Fallout 3's leveling system was unintuitive and unbalanced. I'm glad they're reducing the perk rate (not like you're going to use half the perks anyway), and the traits from Fallout 1 & 2 are part of what made the games unique. A lot of games have things similar to perks, but not nearly as many allow you to fundamentally change gameplay during the creation process. It sucks for you that your tastes differ from the developers' (and arguably, most of the fanbase's), but I doubt anyone's going to lose sleep over your overstated displeasure.John Larson 14:05, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

I really enjoyed the max out stats thing...but now we must now think about our skills wisely... i like this. i see some tough choices ahead on which skills to focus on--Silverfox6000 04:46, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

I was introduced to 1 and 2 by 3 (so I'm not some hardcore fan of the originally games), but while Fallout 3 was excellent for the feel introduced by the new engine, the gameplay quickly became repetitive. It wan't long before there was nothing left to do but kill everybody. I'm only through to Novac, but I already feel more variety in this game than I did in Fallout 3, and the new crafting/reloading/survival mechanic is a huge improvement. While I would be interested to see a perk every level myself, it isn't "several levels", it's every other level. You don't have to use traits, the skills are fine, and you're even upset about things you're imagining ("god only knows what else"). (Also, realize that the sales comment is a laugh: Fallout and Fallout 2 were released over a decade ago, for the PC only. The industry itself wasn't nearly as large then. Aside from that, "more sales" does not equal "better". Lot of people eating at McDonald's and shop at Wal-Mart.) The fact that there's more than one way to play it seems to be really upsetting for you. Your anger and hyperbole is fail. Calm down, enjoy a playthrough, and then, one day, you can come back to it and play through it again in a completely different way. -- 06:47, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Seriously, to the guy at the top, there's this thing called 'balance'. Ever heard the expression 'jack of all trades, master of none'? In fallout 3, you could be jack of all trades and master of all, great? Sure. Balanced? No. This game forces you to decide how you want to BUILD your character.

More New Perks[]

I'm surprised these aren't here already - but here are some of the perks I noted when I looked at a build of New Vegas 1.5 months ago at PAX:

There's a female counterpart to the Mysterious Stranger - Miss Fortune, who shows up to surprise your enemies and "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".

There's a perk to run 10% faster.

There's a perk to make all things under 2 pounds weigh half as much.

There's a perk to increase damage in VATS when aiming for the torso.

There's a perk to gain a chance of knocking down opponents when unarmed.

There are references to throwing weapons in the perk list, including perks that boost throwing weapon strength.

There's a perk to let you fast travel while overencumbered.

There are perks for explosive damage, area-of-effect increase by 25%, and to resist explosives (including your own).

There's a version of Lady Killer called "Bachelor" that confers the same bonuses, but affecting men.

There's a perk that requires you to be level 28, so the level cap is at least that.

There are no level 30 perks, implying a possible no-cap.

There's a Cowboy perk to increase damage with dynamite, revolvers, and knives.

There are perks to reduce AP costs for everything, or only for certain weapons.

There are out-of-VATS perks such as improved reloading, a "Quick Draw" perk to draw and holster 50% faster, and perks that let you collect empty casings from your guns.

The empty casings can be reloaded.

The level 20-something "Spray and Pray" perk makes you deal less damage to companions.

There's a perk that gives your companions a damage resistance boost when you have less than 50% health.

There are perks to raise your damage threshold (like Armour in Battleground), and to help you ignore the threshold.

Some of these perks are now known, but others are still new. This is the list exactly as I wrote it down on September 6th. I've been avoiding the Fallout Wiki for months, since I wanted to avoid New Vegas spoilers, and I forgot to go post the list of perks that I saw. I've posted it now for your interest. Chamale 08:20, October 15, 2010 (UTC)

OK, 12 hours after I remember to post the list I wrote from memory on September 6th, someone posts the full list of perks on the Wiki. I guess my timing should have been better. Chamale, who often forgets to log in Chamale 04:36, October 16, 2010 (UTC)

Perks every level up[]

I got a friend who has the game already who says you get to choose A perk every level. Is there any truth to this?--BLACK LENNY 14:20, October 17, 2010 (UTC)

No. He probably saw that he got a perk on his first level up, and made an assumption that every one would be like that. But the first level up is Level 2, so of course he'll get a perk then. --Kris User Hola 14:47, October 17, 2010 (UTC)

Can't remember from FO3 so... do you HAVE to take a perk everytime you can or can you save it for later? I'd love to pass on level 2, then pick Comprehension and Educated both on level 4. Is that possible? -- 00:05, October 18, 2010 (UTC)

yes you have to take the perk. i dont see any point in getting them both at lv 4 anyway

Seems obvious to me. Save up your Perks until you can meet the requirements for the good ones later. Pass on Intense Training or Swift Learner at level 10 and use it for Better Criticals at 16. Super Duper Mutant 04:10, April 3, 2011 (UTC)

Added Base IDs[]

I went ahead and added the Base IDs I found in the GECK. There seems to be a lot more perks in there than what's in the article, so it would be a good starting point for further edits.--Ranat 23 23:15, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

Please help add any of the missing perks! I think all the level-up perks are in, but we still need to add the quest ones. Ausir(talk) 23:18, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

ranger take down[]

Ranger Andy in novac teaches it to you.

"when caught without their weapons, NCR's rangers rely on the Ranger Takedown to quickly incapacitate opponents. Perform a Power Attack while moving backwards to execute a Ranger Tackdown."

Lord Death[]

Kill 200 things.

"You gain a damage bonus against everything, because you like killing everything."

it reset and is at a 700 "mountain of murder" not sure what it does yet

Bug Stomper[]

Kill 50 mutated insects

"Pulling the legs off ants suits you well. You gain a damage bonus against insects."

free radical[]

use 20 rad-aways

"you gain enhanced effexts from rad-away"

ID's for Perks that are missing them.[]

Sorry if this is no help to anyone.

Nerves of Steel - 000e2c49 RadAbsorption - 000e2c4a Spotter - 0015c60c Abominable - 0015eadb Animal Control - 0015eae0 Beautiful Beatdown - 0015eadf Bug Stomper - 0015ead7 Camel of the Mojave - 00167e26 Day Tripper - 0015ead8 Dine and Dash - 0015ead1 Fast Times - 0015ead9 Free Radical - 0015eada Friendly Help - 0015ead3 Machine Head - 0015eadc Melee Hacker - 0015eade Mutant Massacrer - 0015ead2 Tough Guy - 0015ead6

Quest Perks Power Armor Training - 00058fdf

Implant Perks Monocyte Breeder - 0014cce1 Sub-Dermal Armor - 0014ccdf Luck Implant - 0014c134 Intelligence Implant - 0014c132 Charisma Implant - 0014c130 Endurance Implant - 0014c12e Perception Implant - 0014c12d Agility Implant - 0014c12a Strength Implant - 0014c069

Power Armor Training?[]

Does any one know when or were you get this perk? MasterRPGer (talk) 10:53 PM October 22, 2010 (UTC)

looked in Geck - power armor training = 00058fdf cold someone confirm and add to perks page

You get the power armor training when you finish all the brotherhood of steel quests in the [hidden valley bunker].

Alternately, upon completing the side quest For Auld Lang Syne.

Legion Takedown Perk[]

Available from Lucius in Caesar's fortress with 50 unarmed. Perform a power assault when moving forward and attacking to perform the Legion Assault. --El Matarife 17:23, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Unarmed Techniques[]

So far, I've found four unarmed techniques in the game: Ranger Takedown, Legion Assault, Scribe Counter, and Khan Trick

Ranger Takedown is taught by Ranger Andy in Novac, but only if you can convince him he's not useless. The ability kinda is, though. It's activated by performing a powerattack while going backwards, and is a leg sweeping kick. The problem, however, is that you move far enough back that it's almost certain they're out of range. Would be nice if it weren't for that.

Legion Assault is taught by Lucius in the Caeser's tent, but requires 50 unarmed to convince him to teach you. You can get this in most any circumstance right after obtaining the Platinum Chip and gaining amnesty from Caeser. It's pretty much a leaping punch. Probably the easiest of the four to hit with, but I haven't seen any great features other than hitting people with style.

Scribe Counter is taught by Veronica if you place a Formal Wear outfit (from the Ultra-Lux casino) in her inventory. If you successfully block an attack, you can press the attack button immediately in order to throw a quick liver punch (quick but short-range left hook into the enemy's ribs). Haven't gotten it to do much, but it'd make a pretty effective tool for turning enemy attacks against them without leaving much of an opening.

Khan Trick is taught by Jack, the chemist running the Great Khan's drug ring, after completing a number of quests for him and Dianne. It is activated by performing a power attack while moving to either side. It consists of a dive towards the ground, where you grab a fistful of debris and then toss it in the target's face. Pretty easy to use, and stuns the target for a second or two - good against enemies that like to block, but the long animation time makes you vulnerable to enemies who favor all-out assaults. Works against people it technically shouldn't, in fact - Veronica was wearing a power armored helmet when I tried it on her and she still went reeling.

Looking at it in the Geck, those four should be all there is other than level perks like Super Slam, Piercing Attack, and Paralyzing Palm. If someone would be kind enough to add entries for Khan Trick and Scribe Counter, I'm too new to do it myself.

--Calemyr 23:09, October 26, 2010 (UTC)Calemyr

Re: Ranger Takedown. Remember that, like in Oblivion, you can hold the attack button and then hit the direction to trigger power attacks. Pushing the attack button first to go into the animation locks your character in place while performing the maneuver. Zhukov 00:47, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

to the authors perk code for special perk[]

the perk code for: spotter is 15C60C / tough guy is 15EAD6 rank 1 / day tripper is 15EAD8 rank 1 / machine head is 15EADC rank 3 / melee hacker is 15EADE rank 2 / dine and dash 15EAE1 rank 1 / mutant massacrer is 15EAE2 rank 3 / animal control is 15EAE0 rank 3

u can edit it in the main topic :)

Quest perks versus implants[]

I suggest that the "Special Perks" section get broken into implants and the special unarmed perks and anything else granted from perks or speech checks. The current stuff about "These are limited to endurance" isn't the case for the unarmed attacks. I'll go ahead and fix it up a little but I don't think it will be good until split up. --El Matarife 22:11, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

Done! Ausir(talk) 11:09, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

Power Moves[]

You got the same code, 15B8E8, for two different perks: Khan Kick and Ranger Takedown. One of these should be 15B8EB or 15B8E7 not sure which way. GECK it to confirm. KaisarDragon 15:16, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

EDIT Khan Kick is 0015B8E7. I have changed the page to match this. KaisarDragon 21:03, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

Operation of Hit the Deck, etc[]

An easier way to test this would be for someone to take Stonewall and try getting knocked down while holding a gun, or testing limb damage when not holding an explosive. Mictlantecuhtli 11:00, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

Meat of Champions ID[]

Can anyone check the ID of this perk? Ausir(talk) 11:10, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

It's 00164AFB, I added it to the table and surprisingly didn't mess anything up in the process. --Kris User Hola 11:25, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

By the way, are there any other perks in the game files that we haven't listed here yet? There might be more hidden challenge perks like that. Ausir(talk) 11:33, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

I'll check right now. --Kris User Hola 12:16, November 12, 2010 (UTC)
Looks like that's the only one. --Kris User Hola 12:32, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

Challenge perks.[]

Can anyone give a clear answer how these perks work? For example, if its kill 50/100/150 for rank 1/2/3 is that 50 for each rank, or 50 for one, then 100 more for two, for a total of 150 and 150 more for rank 3 for a total of 300?

If you look at the mutant massacre perk, the page states “Player must kill 50 Super Mutants for each rank of this perk” which would be my first example, however on the lord of death talk page, when I asked about this I was told it was the latter example. ReapTheChaos 16:34, January 8, 2011 (UTC)

Add Perk glitch[]

Anybody have problem add a new perk through console command but they dont show up in pipboy nor are they working?

All other commands work except add perk, the console indicates its added but wasnt 'truly' added to my character

Any ideas?


Check your load order, if the main Fallout.esm isn't at the top of the list it screws with additem and perk commands. You'll have to remove any perks you tried to add through the console before you can add them again.--LordVukodlak (talk) 06:19, April 16, 2013 (UTC)

Machine Head Perk[]

Someone undid my edit, so I thought I'd explain why I made it.

There is a bug in the reward script for the "Demise of the Machines" challenge. It tells you it gives you rank 2 or rank 3, of the perk, but it actually gives you rank 1 and rank 2. It also stops that challenge once you hit rank2, so rank 3 is impossible to get.

Here's the script as lifted form the GECK (path

scn ChallengeRobotSCRIPT

begin ScriptEffectStart

int rank; set rank to (player.HasPerk RobotChallengePerk)

if (rank < 3) set rank to (player.addperk RobotChallengePerk) set rank to (rank + 1) showmessage ChallengeMessageMachine rank endif

if (rank > 2) RemoveRecurringFromChallenge NVChallengeDemiseMachine endif

player.RewardXP 50


The "set rank to (rank + 1)" is the cause of the misreported rank, and also the cause of why rank 3 is unachievable. Dwaz 16:42, April 27, 2011 (UTC)

total perks.[]

I added that the total amount of perks you get when you hit 30 is 15 because I didn't know max level was 30, and thought it would be useful information. I planned my character for 14 perks since it seems to show 28 levels. looks like someone deleted it. It's useful information damn it, I wish I knew it. 07:52, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Max level for New Vegas is currently 40, meaning you get 20 level based perks. Not including the extra perks from companions and challenges. User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 07:54, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

I'm aware of that, but I thought this covered New vegas? regardless, we can always say 15 without add-ons and 20 with. I'd add it, but not if it's going to get deleted again. 23:47, July 5, 2011 (UTC)


The description for this perk needs to change. It says "+15%( 15 luck skill) critical chance with melee and unarmed weapons....". That "(15 luck skill)" portion is wrong, as it insinuates it's bonus is equivalent to +15% critical strike chance. Which isn't the case, according to the Ninja page: "In Fallout: New Vegas Ninja multiplies your critical chance by 1.15 instead of adding a flat 15%, unlike all other perks/traits that modify critical chance. For example, a character with a critical hit chance of even 25% would have it be increased to only 28.5% rather than to 40% as it should. (25% * 1.15 = 28.75% vs 25% + 15% = 40%)". Not to mention the current description looks unsightly anyway. The perk Finesse doesn't say "( 5 luck skill)" for example. -- 07:56, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

Why are you telling us this when you can be doing it yourself? Yes Man default 08:17, July 28, 2011 (UTC)
The page is locked for non-users like myself for some reason. On top that, I typically find that some idiot always deletes whatever I change in less EVERYONE agrees with it, OR if somebody else confirms it on the talk page-- 07:16, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

Locked Article + Bugs Section[]

1. Why is the article locked? Nevermind I see it is because I just re-registered.

2. The bugs section needs to be just removed. It's just links to random YouTube videos that don't fit the video guidelines. GAdr 09:32, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Goodsprings Re-spec[]

Is there anyone out there that has a comprehensive list of the perks that don't disappear from your "Pimp-Boy" if you re-spec after leaving Goodsprings? The video that guy put out is decent and all but I think the way he specs his character isn't for me. I'm on my third playthrough and just discovered the levelling glitch in Goodsprings. Hefe 15:27, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

OWB Unused Perks?[]

It appears that if you replace the last letter of the end-game Old World Blues perks (Big Brained, Cardiac Arrest, Reinforced Spine) with 0, 1 or 2 (instead of a, b, c) you get perks named 'Heart-Full', 'Brain-Full' and 'Spine-Full'. These don't appear to do what they claim to do, but perhaps they were what you were originally intended to receive at the end of OWB? I've not seen these mentioned or discussed anywhere before, so apologies if this has been mentioned before and I just didn't notice -- 13:14, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Two Perks missing?[]

As of 2012-02-13 i believe two perks are missing from the list; 'Good Natured' and 'Trigger Dicipline'. If i remeber correct these are level 1 Perks wich you choose during Doc Mitchells quest 'Ain't That a Kick in the Head', but should be listed never the less.-- 18:38, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Those are Traits, which differ from perks in that they have a downside. For interface simplicity, they are displayed alongside the Perks you've chosen when you look at the list on you Pipboy. The traits for New Vegas can be found here: Fallout: New Vegas traits --TheWealthyAardvark 19:05, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Requirements made consequent[]

To make the thread consequent I changed all SPECIAL requirements with DLC-perks to EN/AG/ST et cetera, the same way the requirements for non-DLC perks are formatted. -- 09:24, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

Dead Money Perks base id's[]

Dead Money Perks not working with console commands with supposedly appropriate form id. I've just started to play around with commands and I was adding some perks and when I got to Dead Money perks it gave me the same error code about item (XXX) not found for parameter perk. The form Id for Dead Money is supposed to be "04" but they don't seem to work.

--3Dawg4Prez (talk) 18:32, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

Well I played around for a little while longer and I found out that for me Dead Money form id is "05" --3Dawg4Prez (talk) 18:47, August 25, 2013 (UTC)

In Shining Armor[]

I know the perk is bugged, but isn't it better to mention what it's supposed to do and then mention that it is bugged?-- 17:32, October 25, 2013 (UTC)

The perk is bugged to the point where it doesn't work and not everyone will check the individual perk page. Better to warn them in multiple places. Great Mara (talk) 17:58, October 25, 2013 (UTC)