Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is there any way to reset the events inside the dunwich building? I spent too much time fighting to realize weird things were happening. Big McLargeHuge 05:57, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

More Holotapes?[]

I found Jaime's nine holotapes, but I get the feeling there's a tenth one. Is my gut acting up again due to excess chili, or am I thinking straight?XXCrocmonXx 01:15, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Nope, only 9. Lay off the chili next time exactly me to

Found the book?[]

Anyone found out what that Jamie on the tape recordings that you can find across the building is talking about? He has something valuable and tries to hide it somewhere or something like that, he keeps talking about this book...

Eager to find out, anyone got any information about this?

Mimos 23:46, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

  • It could be that the book is the Necronomicon, as there are quite a few Lovecraft references.

Nope. Haven't found it. I was expecting it to be on Jaime's corpse, but no. Maybe it's on top of the Monolith or something? Also, a Nuka-gernade works wonders in there. Does anyone want to transcribe the terminals/audio logs? Also, anyone else find it funny that Jaime was looking for his dad?

Dirk Gently 05:36, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

I've found tapes 1-2-3-4-5-7-9, he talks about what happened, and later on his sound turns into a ghoulish one. Nothing particular I've heard, just a timeline kind of self recordings. I was roaming with my Ghoul Mask on, but even if you wear it, when you face Jamie himself, he will attack you. Goekhan 05:51, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

There are nine tapes (1-9); the first seven are in first zone, 8th in the 2nd, final in the third. I could not find anything outside of the ordinary in GECK that suggested some special book, but hundreds of records were used to design each level. I could've missed something. BTW the statue way down in the cave is called "DunwichObelisk" in GECK. -RedKnight7 05:24, 1 January 2009 (UTC)
I went through and checked pretty thoroughly each object in the cave room and then moving it away to see if I could find anything out of the ordinary. The only thing that I found was that the obelisk is labeled as a quest item.
Well, it is a quest item for a quest introduced in the Point Lookout DLC. -Ganon
So back to the book i think bethesda finally put it into the game as the kvribek or whatever it's called.Too bad they didn't make a dunwich only quest.It could have been one of the best quests in the game :( 23:08, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

I agree. The Krivbeknih is likley to be the book Jamie was talking about. One of the endings of the Point Lookout quest: The Dark Heart of Blackhall has you going to the Obelisk and setting the book (and half the room) a-flame by touching the two together. Chaos ian7 03:20, March 8, 2010 (UTC)


There are actually 3 zones in the building. The entrance, the virulent underchambers and the ruins.

Thanks, I mostly edited the entry after watching the gf clear out the building. Haven't gotten there myself yet, and I didn't notice the second zone. Terminalmancer 16:50, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
In the virulent underchambers, when you find Jaime and the statue, you can see what appears to be another cave/room in the local map right there. I've goofed around the room numerous times, can't figure how to open that area up. Perhaps a PC player using console commands would have better luck.
There appear to be some caves to the north of where the obelisk is, but if you turn on clipping, there's really nothing there except more bunched up cave walls. Caves and e.g. a break in a subway tunnel often have these "extended" areas, which I guess are just the "footprint" of how they cut and pasted a bunch of stuff to form it. (The Pip local map doesn't seem to work on what the player can see, but on what was used to make the level.... so if they just cut and paste some extended wall crap, it still shows on the Pip local map, even though it's useless to the player.) -RedKnight7 06:10, 1 January 2009 (UTC)
The area you see in the pip boy actually has no floor at all but shows in the Geck as just a large rock object that extends well beyond the wall. The map appearing to have extra space is just a result of the rock showing on the map.

Lovecraft's Ghouls[]

Lovecraft does mention Ghouls, for example in "Pickman's Model" he mentions them by describing a painting called "Ghoul Feeding" (and later we learn, that the painter didn't invent the things he draw). He also mentions Ghouls in many other stories. Of course, Fallout Ghouls did exist before Fallout 3, so that was probably just a nice coincident for Bethesda.

Good point, I should have thought of that myself! Terminalmancer 16:51, 15 November 2008 (UTC)


Some of the ghouls are carrying card keys, I found a red and a blue. I figure this and the Lovecraft alien/occult imagery is a Doom reference. Anyone found a yellow key?

If you look at the Pass cards entry, these things tend to drop all over, and fairly randomly. The likely explanation is that many ghouls were once humans who rode on the metro lines, and the cards are for one or the other metro. If they wanted to make a Doom reference, you would think that there would be an easier way to do it besides hinting at Lovecraft over and over. I think the Lovecraft references are just Lovecraft references, and it's unlikely they were thinking of Doom at all.
Terminalmancer 20:24, 30 November 2008 (UTC)

I did not get a single metro card drop in all of Dunwich. I agree with Terminalmancer - I think ghouls just have random loot of minor consequence. There are red and blue lines in the DC metro, yes? -RedKnight7 05:24, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Correct. The red and blue card passes are references to the Red and Blue rail lines in the DC Metro. The real-life DC metro also has a magnetic card pass.

Actually the Red Card/Blue Card are refrences to the Red/Blue/Yellow Pass cards needed in the Fallout 2 Poseidon reactor #5Abolith 06:50, April 26, 2010 (UTC)

STALKER reference?[]

The monolith/obelisk might also be a STALKER reference, as you will find monolith stalkers grouped around monoliths in Prypiat in shadow of chernobyl, as well as the Monolith in the "false" endins of Shadow of Chernobyl



That name is reference to Yog-Sothoth,a creature in the 'Dunwich Horror" by H.P. Lovecraft.-- 15:51, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

Could also be a reference to Azathoth. You know, Nuclear Chaos and all that jazz. 16:29, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

The voice over at the Obelisk[]

Between saying the weird name, it sounds as if it's sleeping. Any thoughts? Other then that, love this part of the game. - 23:22, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

I think they just do it to scare you as a bullshit joke

Cut story/quest line?[]

I was wondering... The dunwich building seems a large and elaborate lead up to - not very much. Anyone know or have any idea if there was something large and juicy cut here? What I might imagine as a logical possibility, would be the possibility of the player turning into a ghoul... I think it would have added a whole new dimension to the game - being shunned and possibly attacked and maybe looking for a cure. Bethesda do have a tradition for letting the player get into situations like that (vampires/werewolves...). It would have been a huge investment of course (dialogue for almost everyone taking ghoul status into account). It is exactly the kind of thing that could end up being cut - and the dunwich building plot would have been perfect for it.--DPaladin 02:13, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

that seems like a very logical conclusion to me. SOMETHING more must have been planned there. it is definitely a whole lot of descending to the bowels of this place for virtually nothing... the first time i did it i hadn't gotten the ghoul mask yet, so i did it over again with the mask, thinking i was going to get at least a sub quest from him or something. i felt a little let down by the whole affair.-- 05:35, 9 January 2009 (UTC)flawson
It's easy for a quest like this to appear deeper than it is. Compare the fairly similar, also Lovecraft-inspired Shadow Over Hackdirt quest from Oblivion. -- 23:49, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
My friends and I have debated this very subject many times. One of them is an avid Lovecraft reader. The general consensus is that there really is no point to the Obelisk, except to drive the player mad. Its psychological warfare on the part of Bethesda, and really quite ingenious. The player tries to figure out the origin of the Obelisk, to which there is no answer. The player attempts to listen to the voices in the room, but no matter how hard they try the whispers are just outside hearing range. Jamie went insane the same way. Think about it.
Well with the bugs involving certain followers exiting south of the building seems to suggest that at one point they had a secondary exit from the building (which is pretty common in both Fallout 3 and TESIV). As many people in the industry will tell you "Cutting is shipping" and such I think that this particular area was either taking too long to make or was started to late to make it to the final cut.-- 19:20, 21 June 2009 (UTC)Antipilor
This could just be a mysterious place that cannot be investigated very far, like Hackdirt in Oblivion.

That's what I was thinking. Either something was cut, or Bethesda just wanted to torment us. I mean, after venturing that deep, all while being scared shitless, only to find a dead end with a creepy obelisk with unknown origins is definately enough to make someone go nuts. Insane Survivors 07:08, February 28, 2010 (UTC)


In the article it says that objects fly across the room at you, but when I explored the building, it seemed that the only thing that hinted at anything supernatual was the brief vision where the room shows itself in its pre-war state with a man in the center that later turns into a Glowing One. To me I have yet to see any objects move by themselves, aside from being touched by ghouls or the player. If anyone can tell me where these supernatual events occur, please reply, otherwise I suggest removing the edit from the article as it's misleading. Revelations 21:6 04:58, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

A door in the first area opens right before you can reach it, there was a ghoul some distance away that shouldn't have been able to touch it. And I THINK the room where you find the skeleton from the explorer waiting for ammo was the one that had som objects move around as you entered, a charred book and something else jump of the desk IIRC 07:16, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

Never noticed the door myself but I can confirm that entering the (locked)room with the guy waiting for his buddy with the ammo(note on a terminal) has some objects that move around. It is consistent but I am not convinced it is intentional (scripted) as opposed to just physics engine freak-out. Might check in the GECK.--7h1s 00:58, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
I checked in the Geck since I was toying around with it anyway. The movement is triggered by the script Dunwich02MoverTrig01 which activates objects DunwichFakeForceBallSmall and Medium. There are 4, one next to the fan, one placed on the desk (I assume for moving the skeleton), one directly on the coffee mug and the last on the coffee kettle on the filing cabinet.-- 20:50, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
I actually experienced something pretty creepy in dinwich. I entered the room where that guy hid from the ghouls (the one with the terminal). A pre-war book fell off the desk and a fan flew accross the room. The skeleton's leg also moved up really quick.--Дикий Человек Вампира 03:48, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
The thing with the skeleton's legs also happened for me, except they almost kicked after me, got shit scared so i just shot everywhere in the room.. Lol
I can confirm the door thing. The skeleton kicking and junk flying around happened too; unfortunately, this kinda thing happens so often in FO3 I didn't even think about it. Seems like a lot of the things Bethesda considers scary happen to look exactly like software glitches... 10:28, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

9 holotapes and a bobblehead[]

Went into the building and combed it out. Have found all the nine tapes and the bobblehead for Melee Weapons all the way at the end. I saw a normal guy standing at the door when the flash came and a second later it was a glowing zombie. After getting all the way down to the underchambers you kill all the remaining zombie's including Jaime who (as you can here on the tapes) turned into one as well. You find yourself standing in a glowing green cave with a couple of skeletons which are carved out of stone. You can hear some sort of ghosts whispering.

If you want the bobblehead its worth going through the trouble but if you are low on ammo and supply's i'd recommend you take this on later in the game. theres a room when you enter things start to move like the skeleton and fan

Freaky Building[]

Doors that open after I pass them with no enemies in the level, flashbacks that decay into radioactive ghouls... This building is one of the creepiest (or at least most supernatural) places I've seen in the game, excluding that one vault, of course...

Does anyone know if there's an in-game explanation for the weirdness here? Techercizer (say hi) (pwnage) 03:15, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

    • Swamp gas? - Lomopingseph

This building scares the shit out of me. I just let my friend do everything in the building while I hide behind the sofa. I mean think about it? It's a big building with really nothing much in it. It is meant to scare you. The only thing scarier is Lucas Simm's butcrack.

The freaky stuff is probably cause by the Krivbeknih, which is in the building, but only in Point Lookout......--Pratstercs 15:36, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

Jumping on the three pillars leading upto the Obelisk[]

There's three pillars leading to the obelisk. It seems like it should be possible to jump from the first to the second to the third. I'm a bit clumsy (although my character has 10 agility), and I've only been able to jump on to the first and then on to the second. I've never successfully landed on the third pillar. Has anyone been able to do this? Does anything happen? Is this how you can get up to the 15rad/s point. The highest I got was 4rad/s.

15rads/s is the VERY center of the obelisk. And after checking in the Geck I see that the actual rad/s set is 20. The only time you would ever get the full 20rads/s is to tcl to the exact center. It's been awhile since I've attempted jumping on the pillars, but if I remember correctly the 3rd one is flat on top so landing on it is either impossible or otherwise a waste of time.-- 19:28, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

Unusual Pre-war Book[]

The article states that near the obelisk in the final chamber there should be an unusual pre-war book, which is probably the book Jaime references in his Journal. However, I can't find this book anywhere in the cave! :S Are there more players out there with the same problem and does someone know where this book is? I know the book probably doesn't do anything and isn't important, but I still can't stand the fact that I can't find it... :S Thanks. Grz, PapBek

I was wondering this before as well. I don't think it exists, to be honest.
I pulled all the ghouls including Jaimesaway from the obelisk before killing them incase their bodies might have fallen ontop of the book. I searched everywhere in the room for the book and didn't find it. I don't think there is even a book there.
Same here. Reloaded many times and no book to be found anywhere in the cave. Searched for almost an hour for nothing. -- 22:14, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
I've looked around for a book too but I recognised from the outset that the Dunwich building is based on Lovecraft's works, and the "book" likely refers to the Necronomicon or equivalent; if that were the case it'd be unlikely the player would get their hands on it as the said book is used as a plot device, and if it stayed true to the source material, then the nature and content of the Necronomicon is only ever hinted at, and the few who read from it usually wind up dead or insane before they can tell anyone.
Anyway i looked over the stuff in the GECK and checked theitem listsand I don't see any book or note objects asides from those you find in the course ofthe game.Seems safe to assume one doesn't exist -- 00:13, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

If the origional editor of the article got their information from the Official Game Guide or another source which was released before the game was there might be an explination. The guides (as I stated earlier) were released before the game was, this meens that some information in the guide is invalad or inaccurate. Such as the case with "Father's Notes" (,which is supposed to be in Vault 101,) are, despite what the guide says, are not in the final game.

Holes in the floors[]

Since this company made sonic drills, I assume the all-the-way down holes in the Underchambers were made by one of the drills. It could be a nod to Lovecraft/horror in general, IE, mankind using advanced technology and accidentally finding something man was not meant to know of. It's an old trope, even Tolkien used it with the Balrog. 21:54, 3 May 2009 (UTC) jaime says the obelisk gets warm close to the book

Was the Obelisk built BEFORE the war?[]

Lets think about it, why would a company build a door which if we assume the obelisk and the cave containing it was made after the war would lead only to a solid wall? Also, take note of the metal walkway and steps built leading down to the chamber, I think that Dunwich LLC were doing something more sinister than just making drills...

Exactly how I felt. They were definitivly up to something... and why build their HQ in the middle of nowhere? Fat Man Spoon 17:08, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
On one of the terminals in the last office area before you go down into the cave mentions drilling and finding the obelisk before the war. The building itself would likely have been built to facilitate secret drilling of this area with the rest of the building being either a cover or an afterthought.-- 19:36, 21 June

2009 (UTC)

Likely the obelisk was 'built', if it was built at all, well before the war, or before Dunwhich LLC ever existed. I always figured they were using the underground to test/demo their drills to prospective buyers and found the obelisk that way.

I figure it's coincidentential that the Dunwich Building was built over the obelisk.

Main Dunwich pic[]

I don't know about anyone else but the picture of the building is too dark to make out on my monitor. Should the pic be changed to make it more clearer or am I not getting the picture's dark and foreboding aspect? ;) Amorality 11:19, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Picture is grey but shows up pretty much fine on my screen. If you can take screenshots replace it with a daytime (or not lol). I'm on 360 so as far as I know all I can do is take Digital Camera pics of the screen =/ V.A.T.S. addict 12:26, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Lovecraft References[]

I took out the part about Cthulhu making people insane through statues. Cthulhu is not mentioned anywhere in the game, and as to the statue part, i've yet to come across something like that in any Lovecraft story, although something similiar is featured in "Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth". Remember, everything connected to the Cthulhu Mythos need not necesserily feature him in person, as he's a fairly small part of the mythos.

Book ([]

Is it possible that the book the father read is the same one you must retrieve in point lookout?

it is, GOD I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!--Atlas Lied! 13:56, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

6th Holotape[]

Can anyone give directions, cant seem to find it...appreciate it.

Just realised[]

This really doesn't pertain to anything important but I just realised that on the back cover of the fallout 3 box the picture of the wanderer shooting a feral is in the Dunwich building... I ain't afraid of no troll! *VTHG* 08:25, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

read the dunwich horror[]

The ghosts near the obelisk are saying ajibah... if this thing is following the lovecraft refence road then it makes sense to assume its refering to Rev. Ajibah Hoadely, who preached a message pertaining to the presence of satan and evil in the dunwich church in the 1700's in the story "the dunwich horror".


So who's the lovecraft freak in the Bethesda studios? They seem to enjoy making references to his novels. -- 04:27, 24 July 2009 (UTC)


i found a creepy human head that had clipped through a desk just before the next section, has this happened to anyone else? it would be creepy, but it just jerks around making thudding noises, but i don't think it was there the first time

It was always there, it was supposed to be clipped to a platter too, but that seems to get dislodged quite often.Aryeonos 04:01, September 10, 2009 (UTC)

The head also dissapeared a while later. - Redmess 16:29, November 17, 2009 (UTC)

Bloody Sketch[]

hey i've been looking for the "bloody sketch" that there is a picture of on the main page. it says its in the dunwich building but havent been able to find it, could someone point me in the right direction?

Reference to other movies style[]

This Building has uncanny reference to styles used in other movies like LOTR in moira mines the dwarves expanded to deep and found balrog.... And I forgot what movie but its about using drills on the soil whrer really old building stands....Then discovering something terrible....

When I first explored this place,You know what HappenedRan ot one minute after entering.Hahaha


i did the krivbeknih quest in point lookout and give the krivbeknih book to the old man then killed him then took the book back off him then went to dunwich building then activated the obelisk with the book in my misc then the whole area of the obelisk set on fire but whats next beats me.


In Suikoden V, a game for PS2 by Konami, Alhazred is a star of destiny. He is a traveling man who collects books, most notably, a cursed book that you must find to recruit him for your army. Could this be a reference or at the very least, both reference the same thing? Just wondering. JerichoRCDF 16:19, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Alhazred is the name of an H.P. Lovecraft character who has something to do with the cursed book, the Necronomicon. So, the game you mention is also referencing Lovecraft, yes.--Gothemasticator 19:50, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure before looking like a fool by adding it to the reference section. JerichoRCDF 14:25, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Whats Happening in the Dunwich Building?[]

For anyone who hasn't gone into the Dunwich Building I suggest you use a diaper, because some freaky stuff goes down in there. People turn into those irradiated ghouls, non-stop hallucinations, wierd obelisks & the best of all, lots of skeletons. Dunwich Building used to be an old raider outpost. One of the raiders had a baby boy named Jaime Palabras. Jaime was phsyked when he saw his dad returning from an adventure. But when he first took a glimpse of his dad coming over behind a hill, he noticed he was holding a very strange book with strange symbols stamped on thick leather. None of the Dunwich residents knew that the book held an evil curse upon the building. Jaime's father adventured out to find a reasonable price for the book. Whilst Jaime's father was gone, some freaky stuff was happening at Dunwich. Most raiders skin started to flake with no signs of radiation & started to glow. After a few weeks Jaime's father died from super mutants some where near Maryland but after those few weeks Dunwich changed... a lot. Jaime was surviving against the remaining mutated raider ghouls, until Jaime eventually changed.

Where did you find that? o.o LoneRanger558 06:27, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

Your character will be able to defeat Jaime Palabras and 2 other glowing ones.

The only one who ventured into the building besides you, was Ronald Laren.--Paladin Donn 19:59, December 10, 2009 (UTC)

It was never specified if Ronald went in or not; he only warns you about it. As for that story, WTF?Insane Survivors 07:00, February 28, 2010 (UTC)

I know you made up that story,man.Jaime's holotapes tell the real one.Leea 18:49, April 11, 2010 (UTC)


Confirming no radiation from the obelisk on 360, not a single rad when I was around it.

Author of the terminal entries[]

Anyone know of another person called H. Granger? ;) It's probably not a reference, but still interesting. Yukabacera 15:06, February 22, 2010 (UTC)

A quick Wikipedia search reveals a bunch of Grangers, both real and fictional. And those are only the ones famous enough to get in the Wiki. - 08:38, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Dunwich Building Voices Glitch[]

I had already gone through the Dunwich Building once, but I realized I was missing some of the holotapes. So I went back to get them and decided to go down to the obelisk room with the voices( keep in mind I WAS carrying the Krivbeknih, but I did not burn it). I then went to Vault 106 just for the heck of it. When I entered the Living Quarters, I began hearing the voice from the Virulent Underchambers. It stayed even after I left the vault, and went away when I reloaded an earlier save. Has this happened to anyone else? Insane Survivors 07:16, February 28, 2010 (UTC)

I never heard the voices at all (with music off). - 21:01, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Ug-Qualtoth page?[]

I am just wondering: Why is there not a page about Ug-Qualoth? The article could certanly tie the story of the Krivbeknih, Jamie, the Dunwich Building, Obadiah Blackhall, Blackhall manor, Dark Heart of Blackhall, and Marcella together for people. And I know the decussion page would light up like a bonfire. I'd do it but seeing as I'm new here and it took me a minuite to figure out how to make the title of this entry... Chaos ian7 03:17, March 8, 2010 (UTC)

Obelisk positioning[]

Did anyone remarked that the obelisk was on the southwest end of the map and directly facing (N-E) towards the center of the gameworld? BTW: the color, radioactivity and (squarebase) shape of the obelisk as well as its pyroelectric capabilities suggest it is made of Ekanite (rare) with hints to Labradorite (common, but no radioactivity/pyroelectricity).

Oh my god.[]

This is the scariest thing I've ever seen in a video game. 05:24, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

I ALSO FOUND IT SCARY, ESPESALY IN THE ROOM WITH HOLE IN THE FLOOR. I RAN OUT OF BULLETS AND USED MY FISTS. by Lil editor —Preceding unsigned comment added by Lil editor (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I fell through the 3 floors in the Forsaken Ruins, and Fawkes and DogMeat were up there, so they couldnt help me, and I had to fight so many ferals, I was stunned when I randomly fell! 00:06, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

four words: ghoul mask and brightness.

Room with 7th audio log[]

According to the page there's a head on the table that moves up and down when you try to move it. For me there wasn't a head on any one of the tables, but there was a skeleton on the ground near the eastern wall. I tried to move that just play around and when I did, three torsos appeared next to the skeleton, and the skeleton just shook around a bunch. Editt 02:08, July 21, 2010 (UTC)

Although I am not sure, I think that there is supposed to be a skeleton with some unintentional collisionary problems, where the skull is siting on a table. If you move it, it freaks all out like other objects do sometimes. What probably happened to you, is that the skeleton shook too much while the area was loading, causing the skeleton to be released a bit (appearing as a full skeleton) and when you touched it, the collision freaked out again pulling a few bodies toward it. Chaos ian7 17:24, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

Obelisk bug?[]

For some reason in my playthrough of the game (Xbox 360) the obelisk doesn't appear. It simply isn't there, Jaime wanders around worshiping an empty spot on the ground. Tried reloading a saved game and also leaving and re-entering the Dunwich building, but the obelisk still doesn't load up. The only thing left to try is to come back with the Krivbeknih and hope it appears then. Has anyone else encountered this bug? Ghnaggi] 15:43, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

The obelisk should be there regardless of whether you have Point Lookout installed, much less whether you have the book with you. I'd say shut off the XBox, let it cool down, check the disc, then load up the game again and load a save before entering the section with the obelisk. Kris (talk) 16:08, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
I had Point Lookout installed to begin with but hadn't gone there yet. Came back with the Krivbeknih and the obelisk was there this time, dunno why it hadn't loaded up to begin with. Jaime was exactly where I left him but at least this time he had something to worship, shortly before his death and ritual dismemberment. Ghnaggi 12:23, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

what is the point of the obilisk?[]

I have no idea what to do I put the book in the obilisk and nothing happened. I also had given it to the old man in point lookout and again nothing happened so what's the point?

The Purpose of The Obelisk[]

The purpose of the Obelisk is to find Krivbeknih and touch it to the Obelisk.

An anomaly will occur.

I think it the user meant why is it there. Like, why is there a random evil item beneath a company building.

According to some unused game files, Richard Dunwich, the founder of Dunwich Borers, LLC was the brother of Constance Blackhall. It says that he was obsessed with the Occult, and that the book was "drawn" to that building. Not sure how reliable that is, since it's cut content, but there you go. 03:43, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

As the user above has said, Richard Dunwich was "drawn" to the building (at least according to the cut content). He was into the occult, so I suspect that this means he bought the building for that reason. And remember, Dunwich Borers made drills for tunnelling so presumably he had the caves underneath the building dug for his own personal use in secret, and then erected the obelisk and did dark magic and other occult stuff down there. Mcelf 23:12, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Invisble wall in door way?[]

For some strange reason the door to the room right before the 7th holodisk wouldn't let me through. i opened the door but my pc acted as if it was still closed. looking through the door way displayed the "close door" message even though the door was open and i was looking through the opening. saving and quitting fixed it. the same door also struck again when i was on the other side of it. but this time trying to walk through teliported me about 2 feet back. it was fun to mess with. it's only happened 3 times and saving quitting to main menu and reloading makes it go away. curious if this had afflicted anyone else--Silverfox6000 21:34, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

Never happened to me but these interiors certainly do have strange collisionary glitches, possibly (but not likely) because of the large amount of skeletons. Chaos ian7 17:29, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

New Image Request[]

Can someone with the proper equipment retake a screenshot of the building at daytime? Nighttime doesn't make the image very clear. Pikmin1254 23:08, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

nuoh my god[]

Holy shitting dicknipples, I almost shat my pants going through that place, very few games have been able to scare me that much and Fallout isn't even a classic horror game. Well fucking done Bethesda.

Was all that swearing necessary? I mean, sure, Dunwich was moderately creepy, but it's no reason to spout obscenities. Kastera 21:46, February 25, 2011 (UTC)
It was necessary because that place is really fuckin scary--Chargersphinx 03:08, October 24, 2011 (UTC)

not to creepy[]

if you turn on the radio or just listen to the holotapes you have accumulated over some time. oh yeah and turning your pip-boy light on and bringing a big ass gun then it shouldn't be creepy at all oh and actually lookin at your compass oh and bringing some friends

  • Coward. I went in with a Perforator and no music and have not once felt any "creepy" sensation.
  • Uhm I used the ghoul mask and turned the brightness maxed.
  • Forgot to pick up my companions, went in with Hellfire armor and plasma rifle, blasting radio. Didn't help at all, Reavers everywhere...

Heres an idea about the rads and ghouls....[]

Some lunatic(s) detonate mini nuke-esque explosive devices and the floors they were on collapse but the roof stays up. Plausible?

Erm... no. I think the collateral damage to the Dunwich building was caused by the nuclear bombs that fell during the Great War. Isn't that what Fallout's all about, anyway? Mcelf 22:51, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

Pre-War Flashback[]

Does anyone know the name of the NPC that appears in the flashback? He's behind an invisible wall and it'd be nice to know his name, if he has one. And by name, I mean when you aim at him/target him in V.A.T.S.

He is not an NPC actually. He is static meaning that he is just like most world objects that cannot be interacted with. PipMan

Yeah, but what's his name? The article says you can see his name, but doesn't tell you what it is. 21:33, July 1, 2012 (UTC)

Answers To The Dunwich Building[]

9 Holotapes talking about the dudes father and the book (Krivbeknith, Point Lookout add-on for the quest) and in the end, the spire with the screaming lady in the lower levels of the structure is the end of the quest. touch the book to the spire and it blows up giving you good karma.

Flashback old dudes name is william something (Glitched up in vats). For the haunted part, some doors fly open, a bucket flys off a shelf in a locked room (second area of the building) and computer turns on after you walk past it.

There is no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. refrence in this building, although that is a good series (Clear Sky has more bugs than a crack whore with the flu) and there is a doom refrence, but not in the building.

The Unique ghoul in the basement is the guy from the holotapes. The book is how he became a ghoul. He says in his last holotape :Sharp knife. Sharp Knife desendant to deep temple. I slay, and flay, my words, abdul, for the feast, the feast of the weaker. ALHAZZERED, GYETH, GYETH.

If you listen to the holotapes with all the subtitles on, you'll see I've missed some things.

Pre-War Man Hallucination[]

When you pass through a certain doorway, early in the Forsaken Dunwich Ruins section, you will have a hallucination to pre-War times and see a man in front of you. You will then come back to reality and see it is a glowing one. In the hallucination, it is possible through a glitch to enter V.A.T.S. and see the name of the pre-War man.

Does anyone know the man's name? I wasn't fast enough.

Hey, that's interesting. I think I'm going to take a look for myself. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 23:52, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

He isn't an NPC, he is a static world object, therefore cannot be targeted in V.A.T.S. Sorry bub. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

Holotape #9[]

Can anybody make sense of "Sharp knife. Sharp knife to send him to deep temple. Flay, and say, my words. Abdul comes again, on the feast of the weaker, feast for the Deep Temple. Born again. Here. Alhazred... G'yeth... G'yeth!"? ("Deep Temple?" Abdul? "Feast?" Alhazred G'yeth G'yeth?)

I wouldnt know about that, though i think it may have some connection to the swampfolk rituals, as there is a unique knife present at the ritual site in point lookout. (Nemerian 21:45, July 1, 2012 (UTC))

Getting Stuck[]

It's possible to get stuck immediately after entering the Forsaken Ruins. If you enter, then press yourself into the corner to the right of the door, you'll fall into some weird hole. Fortunately, the game autosaves just as you enter. 21:41, July 1, 2012 (UTC)

Nuka Cola Quantum[]

I removed the notable loot bullet about the Nuka Cola Quantum in the vending machine, Quantums in vending machines are random. I just checked for myself just to be sure and there was no Quantum on my file. TheShotgunShogun (talk) 06:10, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

The name of the ghoul?[]

The article talks about a V.A.T.S glitch where you can see the name of the pre-war ghoul during the flashback, what is it?

TES IV ref?[]

5 skulls, a woman, a whispering/breathing voice, could it be a ref to the Night Mother in Oblivion? -- 23:11, May 26, 2013 (UTC)


Its safe to assume most of the skeletons are pre-war civilians. The thing is, theres A LOT of them, and in the most candid places of any other location (I've been to so far). Might it be safe to say that that corner of D.C. got perhaps 0 warning of the nukes? I know the lore says many people disregarded the sirens and whatnot out of the cry-wolf effect, but literally none of the (partially) clothed skeletons show any indication of trying to take cover. Ironic considering the extensive basement levels. Especially considering the isolation of the building compared to the rest of the state, is it possible they didn't hear the sirens at all? Just a theory. PaulReverend (talk) 23:59, June 3, 2016 (UTC)
