Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Power plant?[]

Considering Corvega is known to manufacture cars, not produce energy, I think the current source which calls the Corvega building a "power plant" should be taken with a grain of salt. I found another source (http://www.gameinformer.com/games/fallout_4/b/playstation4/archive/2015/07/26/fallout-4-quakecon-presentation.aspx?PostPageIndex=3 ) that covers the same QuakeCon demo, but mentions an "assembly plant" rather than a "power plant". It doesn't specifically name Corvega, but the context is similar and an assembly plant for Corvega vehicles makes more sense. Clockpuncher (talk) 19:18, August 11, 2015 (UTC)

Raider in Power Armor[]

I see in the description of this page a mention of a Raider in Power Armor in front of the main entrance. Could it be a leveled spawn, as I cleared in and around the location and never met a PA Raider? Also, there is text from the "I" perspective, which reads very weird on a Wiki.

They'll be in the upper floor of a building across and to the right of the assembly plant facing away from the main entrance. You can spot them walking about from the large building to the left of the entrance while facing away from it. Especially at night, since they'll be walking with the spotlight on. It's Raider Power Armor though. Great Mara (talk) 05:44, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

I also never encountered this, must be a level thing. I would recommend removing the reference - Abedecain (talk) 16:45, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

It belongs in the Lexington article since the raider isn't actually in the Corvega plant. User:Fredgiblet

I 100% agree, the power armor raider with the missile launcher is in lexington and has nothing to do with the corvega plant. I took a clumsy pass at editing the article to reflect this.

If you approach from the south or the west you'll fight roughly 8or so regular raiders with pipe weapons, and sniping them from the overpass makes no sense and if anything makes the fight more difficult as the raiders will run around breaking line of sight constantly. If you approach the plant from the east (which makes no sense) and ignore the raiders in lexington, then yes, you'll fight both groups at once.... also if you don't accidentally agro several groups of seperate raiders at once I see no reason why this is a power armor recommended area... this is actually one of the lowest level locations in the part of the map it is located in. 04:54, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

there is no raider in power armor outside the corvega plant! they're inside the lexington area next to the coverga plant! why did someone revert all my edits? I guess my english was pretty bad, but at least the facts weren't untrue :( see lexington for the information on that missile launcher power armor raider 06:02, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

Read above. There is a raider in power armor near the plant in one of the skyscrapers. And your edits were reverted because you were using first person writing. Great Mara (talk) 06:11, November 27, 2015 (UTC)

Nuka Cola Cherry, Quantum

Not sure if this is the appropriate place, I don't post on wikis often. The article mentions a Nuka Cola Quantum, Nuka Cherry, and regular Nuka Cola hidden behind the Nuka machine on the main floor. Perhaps because it was because I left the building without grabbing them, but I returned several in-game days later and wasn't able to find them. Just wanted to ask for confirmation if these items are actually found here. If so, then it seems they despawn upon exiting the area, at least in my case

Respawned Junk Parts Don't Provide Steel[]

Bug? I noticed that the Raiders outside the Corvega plant had respawned, so I went inside and cleared out the assembly line again. I walked to Graygarden and tried to scrap the junk I picked up at the plant, but my Steel didn't increase. Playing on PC. GRPeng (talk) 00:28, February 18, 2016 (UTC)

Hmm, nothing picked up in Corvega will increase any component when scrapped. I need to check if my game is bugged or if it's just the items from Corvega. GRPeng (talk) 00:41, February 18, 2016 (UTC)

Tried collecting same items and scrapping in Graygarden. Works for me on PS4 v1.3.47. Aya42 (talk) 20:00, February 18, 2016 (UTC)

Power Armor Station[]

Corvega AP map

Corvega Plant Power Armor Station

There's one in the North West corner of the building. Once you come in, make a left, thru the doors, up the scaffolding to the western half of that area, back down, and it's in the upper left corner on your local map. Noobyorkcity (talk) 00:05, May 8, 2019 (UTC)
