Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


It is also possible (but unlikely) that thier beliefs are a reference to when the Fallout universe begins, According the thier beliefs, when an atomic bomb explodes, new universes are created. In the Fallout 3 game manual it says: "Imagine, if after World War II, the timeline had split" - it's possible, that the manual is refering to the event when the Atomic bomb was dropped on Japan and the Fallout universe was created during the Atomic blast - "Our world forked into one branch, the Fallout universe the other." WikiaNinja 22:04, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

this idea is... surprisingly robust within the cosmology and context of the cult, but it's inappropriate to contrive supernatural hiroshima lore. --Anachorite (talk) 17:08, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

children of jesus chris[]

anyone else think this is a reference to the church of the children of jesu christ?

What?--Gothemasticator 04:01, July 12, 2011 (UTC)
No. --Kastera (talk) 06:30, July 12, 2011 (UTC)
Why couldnt it be? At least the name is 04:14, August 2, 2011 (UTC)
LOL, have to say no on that one, (unless they developed a gamma gun). Chances are it's a poke at new age religions, hippies etc who proclaim to be children of the earth, or stars, or universe, etc.. I'm sure you get the idea.
ten years late but a lot of cults are called children of blank. i don't know enough about cojc to speak to how they might compare. i think the more profound comparison is probably atom and the biblical adam. --Anachorite (talk) 16:47, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

non passive[]

I raise a flag at the passive mention, as when I went to Crater House they were immediately hostile towards me. Has this happened to anyone else? Nick3258 (talk) 12:17, November 26, 2015 (UTC)


"However there was a certain incident in 2296 where a member of Church of Atom stole a girl from a nearby settlement and started to have his way with her claiming it to be the salvation of Atom's glow luckily he was gunned down by the Church Members."

Could somebody cite a reference for this information? By itself, it makes no sense as the major events of Fallout 4 start in 2287 and have no set date beyond that. fubarmonkey (talk) 17:27, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

The "Children of Atom" are not derived from Planet of the Apes. They are derived from Brian Fargo's previous game, Wasteland. In Wasteland, you had "The Servants of the Mushroom Cloud". When Fargo created Interplay and they made Fallout, it was basically Wasteland's spiritual successor, and includes a lot of the influences and factions, just renamed and fleshed out a bit different. Now, the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud may have been influenced by Planet of the Apes. But, folks playing modern Fallout games thinking things in them are an homage to old-school stuff.... No, it's not. Most of Fallout is an homage to Wasteland, and Wasteland was an homage to old-school stuff. People seem to conveniently forget or leave out the fact that Fallout was heavily inspired (if not out-right copying) Wasteland, it's predecessor. Fallout universe is not this unique thing that sprung up out of no where.

Relationship with ghouls[]

I removed the following section from the article:

The Children of Atom view the ghouls as "Atom's forsaken" or those who have unfinished business and, for denying the ghouls their unification with Atom himself, Atom touches them with "the Glow" and asks that they spread the word of Atom to those around the world. Those ghouls that refuse to accept the "gift of the Glow" and refuse to spread the word of Atom are doomed to becoming feral ghouls.

It was unsourced and as far as I can tell isn't based on any canon materials -Adashiel (talk) 19:29, January 23, 2019 (UTC)


it is the fallout community's general impression that the Children in the commonwealth are ALL from Cromwell's expedition, but i can't prove that ANY of them are, whatsoever. best i have is

-they quote his sermons while swinging melee weapons
-crater house resembles megaton
-Martin and Tektus went north from Megaton with an expedition

i do think the above conveys the creative intent that the north commonwealth group came from the same expedition, but i also think the ambiguity is built into it. i would be fine with the wiki hesitating to connect the Commonwealth CoA to megaton directly. i have no solid evidence whatsoever that isolde is connected to cromwell or the northern commonwealth group. in fact, given that they would never swing melee weapons under normal circumstances, they would never be heard quoting cromwell. in fact, henri, the only of Isolde's followers intended to go hostile, doesn't seem to use CoA combat dialogue(???)

would like to see a finer point drawn on this, if possible, or help making the article reflect this ambiguity. --Anachorite (talk) 17:00, 2 May 2023 (UTC)
