Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


could we get a map here? -- 15:50, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

One is in Fallout 3 places. J.i.gorkij 15:55, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
thanks -- 15:37, 7 November 2008 (UTC)

Has anyone ever let Bethesda know that the name of this region should be "Capitol" rather than "Capital"? I can just picture Liberty Prime declaring "THE SEAT OF LIBERTY REQUIRES NO SHIFT KEY!" --ManiacClown 06:07, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

"Capital" correctly defines the area in and around the capital city. The "Capitol" is only the buildings on Capitol Hill including the Capitol building. That would still be really funny. -- 06:57, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
HA! While looking on the FAQ on Bethesda's site to try to find the name of the Pipboy's font, I noticed the following (underline added here):
Where does Fallout 3 take place?
In the Capitol Wasteland in and around Washington, DC.


Someone should make a list of locations, linking to individual pages for those locations. NightChime 01:44, 10 November 2008 (UTC)


You know what I wonder? How are people still alive in the Capital Wasteland after 200 years of drinking radioactive water? I can understand why the area might still be irrated despite the fact that there are few if any nuclear weapons that will cause 200 years of fallout (I don't think there are any that will even cause 10 years of fallout); the Chinese might have made nukes that would cause that effect for area denial purposes. But radiation is not something you build up a resistance to. If you ingest irradiated material faster than you metabolize it, just say bye-bye to your organs... and even then, in this case, what doesn't kill you makes you weaker. This was not some kind of secret to the atomic age pop-culture pseudo-science that Fallout borrows from, either. So how is anyone still alive? Do they just drink alcohol like people in the middle ages did to avoid dysentry and cholera? Ideas? Speculation? ComradeJim270 02:21, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Actually creatures in Fallout do build up a resistance to radiation, through evolution. All of the mutated creatures you encounter (from yao guai to ghouls) have mutated positively to survive and actually thrive in the radiated wastes. (especially those glowing ones) It may be all the Nuka cola around. As for the non-ghoul human settlers, they *do* drink a lot of alcohol... but you'll notice that wherever there's a built-up settlement, they have (or per canon are supposed to have) a water purifying machine that can remove radiation. The Republic of Dave is supposedly built on a radiation-free spring. The raiders just raid everyone else for their purified water, alcohol, and Nuka-Cola needs. -- 23:30, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
The answer, I believe, is FEV. The survivors of pre-War America living in the radiation-blighted ruins of the Old War are all infected with it. Sometimes you get super mutants, sometimes you get scorpions the size of a Buick. And sometimes you get a strange mutation which adapts human beings very rapidly over the course of only a couple centuries to live in a world where radiation is ever-present. Note that the most famous example of Forced Evolution is the Super Mutant - who is completely and utterly impervious to radiation of any kind. (Stupid, green, insanely strong and immune to radiation... the Hulk?) Also, please note that on the list of things that radiation does not do, it also does not: make ants grow to the size of cattle, cause mutations that make your bones regenerate when exposed to massive doses of radioactive material, or turn anyone into an immortal zombie-looking guy with a croaky voice who can sustain himself indefinitely by being exposed to more radiation (in fact, I don't think anything in the world regenerates its cellular structure when standing in a puddle of heavy water). The problem is that nothing about how atomic energy is presented in the Fallout universe is supposed to be remotely scientific. Ever notice what cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles do in the Fallout universe when struck by gunfire? They detonate. They turn into a gigantic nuclear hell-ball that often kills everything within sixty feet. No one would drive cars that react to head-on collisions by becoming a fission bomb. Atypicaloracle 08:08, June 1, 2012 (UTC)

First of all, you really shouldn't compare our universe to Fallout's universe... In fallout, they got stuck in the 50's or sumthing and their science is somewhat different... In a quicker way, radiation in fallout "mutates" you while in our world it kills our body cells and other things... Fallout somewhat copies the things of the 50's where radiation turns you into monsters....Also you can see it clearly since they added isotopes on nuka cola quantums but dont even kill you.... BloodOmelet 11:11 July 8, 2009 (UTC)

The fallout games are total fiction. Game science is a far cry from anything real.

  • That said, I love fallout fiction & I hope they write more soon. I wish they would let me do it but God is pissed at me.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 07:15, June 23, 2013 (UTC)


what is the size of the capital wasteland (in kilometers squared if you please).MangooseGod 14:34, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Judging by the aproximate location, plus a map of the area, i'd say it's a 50 mi X 50 mi square...or does that seam to big?Mr White 01:15, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
Actually second thought, it's 10 miles from the center of DC to Annadale (andale), so taking that number, and looking at the Capital wasteland map, it's about 30-35 miles from side to side. Mr White 01:20, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Based on the juxtaposition of the map with actual satellite photos, the wasteland is a square with aproximately 20 kilometers on each side, giving it an area of 400 squared kilometers.


I think that in the Capitol wasteland certain areas are more dangerous than others like I think that the northwest area is much more dangerous than areas like the northeast

And your point is? --Enigma24 (talk) 09:16, March 23, 2013 (UTC)

First know, Any true FALLOUT would have far less to do with any bombs than it would with civil upheaval that leads to full revolt, social disorder and desperation. The nukes just eliminate nations ability to respond and recover. The sead of destruction would have been already in every home.

1950ish propaganda fed paranoia in the discourse that already existed due to geopolitical and socioeconomic strains in a world at the brink of total fule reserve collapse. Why eles "Forcibly~invite" AKA Annex, Canada ?

Still on the heels of economic collapse brought on by soaring inflation of costs to any and all goods and or services came the FEV and inevitable riots, global terrorism.. Yada yada OH MY FUCK.. The world was primed and up to the eye balls in flammable shit before the first round of the "Great War" was ever fired.

  • The bombs killed millions but the Fallout of global, social collapse killed billions more.
  • Consider what targets would be worthy in such a Nuclear exchange ? These things are prioritized.

Radiation and the areas effected by atomic bombs would be limited to key locations of strategic military power or where population density would cause the most shocking loss of life. National forests, wildlife preserves open deserts or like wise swaps and bayous with low population density would hardly be a target and even the "Fallout" from blast areas would be negligible after far less than even 100 years.

  • The dumping of toxic or radioactive waste on the other hand might bring up other issues as the lasting concentrations and or density of seepage is far, far, far less dispersible.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 08:32, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Will The ncr try to expand east?[]

While the ncr are looking to put their fingers into every pie do you think they will ever make it to capital wasteland? The look on their face when they find a well established brotherhood of steel controlling the place and they are sent packing by the sound of gatling lasers and liberty prime exclaming to them that they are communists haha! IN my opinion of course. Do you think ncr could hold their own against the cwbos and name reasons and if possible some history or a gathering of info. :)

I find that unlikely. In the 95 years (2186-2281) they've been a republic, their expanse has reached to the tip of Nevada, about 150 miles. At this rate, they would reach Washington D.C. in the year 3547.

i think they would work together to make the world a better place. Plus the EC Brotherhood will probably expand a little also.

Does no one remember to sign their name after their posts so we can remember who said what? It's not that hard to do. Well, on to the point at hand. While I would love to see the NCR in the Capital Wasteland, I'm a huge fan of the New California Republic, it is very unlikely to say the least. They wouldn't have to worry about Liberty Prime either, he was destroyed in one of the expansions, but they would still be dealing with a large Brotherhood of Steel and the Wastelanders who I don't imagine would be very welcoming to a bunch of invading outsiders. But the NCR would find a potential ally in the Brotherhood Outcasts who would welcome the destruction of the traitors (as they consider them).

But no, I don't think it would be very likely for the NCR to make the very long journey to the Capital Wasteland. They have no reason to come, they have everything they need back west. The Capital Wasteland is far too remote and thus very difficult to govern for them to bother with it. --Enigma24 (talk) 08:50, March 23, 2013 (UTC)

If anything, the NCR would side with the CW BoS, not the Outcasts, the Outcasts are the kind of BoS they went to war with out West, the technology first and only style organization, whereas the CW BoS cares at least a bit about the people. Either way, the NCR would have a VERY long hike to reach the CW and they have other places to expand to first, like a bit to the North and who knows what sort of challenges they'd encounter on their way? The path East would be a long one, and one I doubt we'll see the NCR make any time soon, if at all. Richie9999 (talk) 09:26, March 23, 2013 (UTC)
Now that you mention it, I agree. The Outcasts would remind the NCR too much of the hard-line Brotherhood of Steel back west. At least with the Capital Wasteland splinter group they would be able to find some common ground, maybe come to an understanding. Like you say, the trip is a very long one and an unnecessary expense of resources for something that you might not actually benefit from. Too much risk and not enough promise, beside I doubt the Legion will simply let the NCR tramp across the country without trying something.
If anything it will be the groups already in the Capital Wasteland that will establish some type of government. But there wouldn't realistically be any NCR expansion or contact, the distance is too great and even radios wouldn't work. The NCR know of the Capital Wasteland but have no immediate interest in it. Maybe if they took over more states to become larger but I think its safe to say that the Capital won't be seeing any NCR presence. It's going to take a lot of progress before any group is capable of action on a national level. America in Fallout really is in a terrible shape, a reunification may not even be possible. --Enigma24 (talk) 11:04, March 23, 2013 (UTC)

I think the New California Republic should know it's place. California. Enclavesymbol 08:54, March 23, 2013 (UTC)

That has never stopped any nation before. The hunger for more land and greater power always get the best of people. The NCR is no exception, they have territory in Oregon, Mexico and now Nevada. But I still don't think they'd ever get to the Capital Wasteland, that's too far out of their way. Just imagine the resources it would take to get soldiers there in the first place let alone establishing a presence. --Enigma24 (talk) 09:14, March 23, 2013 (UTC)

Maybe if the NCR gains a naval route through whats left of the Panama Canal they can establish regular contact (maybe an outpost) with the East Coast but I doubt they would go as far as to start wars a continent away.

That's a feasible method for making the journey to the Capital Wasteland. But it would be a long journey and a resource hungry one. There would have to be a strong incentive for the NCR to invest in such a long trip but it is possible, risky but possible. The Capital Wasteland wouldn't present that much of an attractive prospect to the NCR though - on the other side of the continent and largely uninhabitable. The Legion on the other hand might take an interest, an entirely new land up for the taking and with no NCR to boot! --Enigma24 (talk) 06:04, June 23, 2013 (UTC)
  • Might just maybe might be a better question should the NCR move east?

I say NO they pushed to far already and not only do the folks they invade resent it but their own best of the best Rangers actively work agaist it. The sharecroppers feel their efforts are unsupported and abused by the NCR military.

Nobody other than the out of touch NCR ruling class seems to be in favor of this unwise and unwelcomed expansion east.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 06:17, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Though I would like to see the NCR in the Capital Wasteland, that hell-hole needs proper order. I very much doubt the NCR would make the very long and resource hungry trip, it's just too far away and too unappealing. They wouldn't be able to justify the move to their troops and citizens. The NCR's expansion into the Mojave does make sense though. It's right on their doorstep and they gained significant benefits by annexing it. But at the end of the day all the NCR really cares about is caps, power to funnel back to California and depriving the Legion of territory. They just want more citizens to tax. --Enigma24 (talk) 06:32, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Into the Capital Wasteland would be a move north.

  • North would be more logical if the NCR wished to claim unheralded legitimacy.

Death Valley is all that awaits the NCR in the Mojave. New Vegas is the last best hope for the American Dream ~

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • The pursuit of happyness

The New Califonia Republic could never be welcomed in Vegas any more than the Legion and their troops know it.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 06:52, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

You make some very good points. I enjoy a good discussion with someone who is willing to talk about things sensibly without flaming. The NCR could gain the acceptance of the people of the Mojave, if only they saw other things than caps and territory. If they actually worked to improve the lives of the residents of the Mojave and showed genuine compassion and care for them they could very well win the support of the people. But they seem to only see the Mojave communities as a source of revenue, as cash-cows to tax and drain of their caps. The Capital Wasteland could provide an ideological victory for the NCR, boldly reclaiming the nation's capital from lawless raiders and hideous mutants. --Enigma24 (talk) 08:05, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

On this I will quote you word for word in total agreement : "Quote" You make some very good points. I enjoy a good discussion with someone who is willing to talk about things sensibly without flaming. The NCR could gain the acceptance of the people of the Mojave, if only they saw other things than caps and territory. If they actually worked to improve the lives of the residents of the Mojave and showed genuine compassion and care for them they could very well win the support of the people. But they seem to only see the Mojave communities as a source of revenue, as cash-cows to tax and drain of their caps. The Capital Wasteland could provide an ideological victory for the NCR, boldly reclaiming the nation's capital from lawless raiders and hideous mutants. --Enigma24 (talk) 08:05, June 23, 2013 (UTC) "END Quote"

It is good to meet fair minded folks who would rather chat about a topic than debate it as a war of words.

  • All the if's you mentioned would be great.. If the NCR was not what it is... I say give them 50 years minding their own borders, seeing to their own internal needs.. Then maybe they could mature enough to reach out with diplomacy to the Mojave..
  • At the very least they would have time to build up a willing fighting force... ~;P

It is just a game.. I agree it has been nice conversing with you to Enigma24.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 08:54, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

It is just a game but its fun to play around with the possibilities. I'm a creative person so I can't help looking into back stories and going behind the scenes. It sounds silly I know, but I find it interesting to look into things like this. I find the story of Fallout very interesting, nothing like a good alternate history.

It seems to be considered canon now that the NCR annexes the Mojave. But they'd continue to have problems with the area long after it became a part of the Republic, the people of the Mojave got off on the wrong foot with the NCR from the very beginning. They might be able to smooth things over in the Mojave if they get rid of that idiot Kimball and replace Crocker with someone more sympathetic to the needs of the people of the Mojave. I always thought they should get together with the the Followers of the Apocalypse, the Followers tend to the Mojave-ites needs and the NCR handles the political and official side of things. It was a pleasure talking to you Saint :) --Enigma24 (talk) 09:23, March 29, 2014 (UTC)
