Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Every location that has people unique to that location has a 'quest' so that those things will spawn, such as Red Tourette at the Federal ration stockpile. Her existence is "quest" DN040. DN011 is what spawns the bodies of the Curator Givens and Dalen, as well as all of the super mutants that attack while you're in there. The different stages are just a timing thing and mean that if you've done it once, it won't reset the location if you visit a second time. Having a DN011OverdueBooks stage of DN011 just means that, had they not cut the content, you would only be able to do the data compression once per playthrough. DN011 itself is not cut content, it's in the game.

Something else that may point toward the cut content, Buzz Lightyear -- I mean Danse -- says, when he sees the room full of machines, "This equipment is here for a reason. Let's find out why."... and nothing is messable-with. --Azaram (talk) 05:48, January 30, 2016 (UTC)

Safe Storage[]

After the quest is complete or on first entry where the Super Mutants attack, this location never resets.

There are over 50 potential containers, not including the SM bodies which also never leave. Note: destroyed protectrons & turrets are removed. And there is a chemistry station.
Although its now possible to build your own containers in settlements, this eats away at the maximum size your settlement can be. If you hoard (and I do - to the point I crashed Home Plate with too many items), this could be an alternative long term storage location with lots of ways to sort & store. The only downside is the fast travel point is the front of the building and just west is a fixed feral spawn w/occasional raider spawns. (Philbert) 21:23, February 4, 2016 (UTC)


The mechanical room where the INT bobblehead is found is in the northEAST corner of the building, not the northwest. I went to edit the article, but there was a do-not-change note in the code. So I'm making note here instead, in tribute to the several minutes I just wasted looking northwest. :P

Intel bobblehead on the map
For the 25th time, it's northwest. Can't you guys read a compass anymore? Here's an image. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 23:43, November 12, 2017 (UTC)
Wearing power armor screws up the HUD compass. Don’t know why they don’t look at the map, however... Great Mara (talk) 23:44, November 12, 2017 (UTC)