Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Second floor gun cabinet: I have encountered the Laser RCW in that same cabinet on five seperate characters, the cabinet may be randomized to some extent but it's likely to have the gun. Mictlantecuhtli 18:48, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

I too have found the Laser RCW. It's almost definitely not a randomised item. --3nexx 05:23, January 24, 2011 (UTC)


Okay, seriously, what's with the lack of capitalization in the word "hotel?" It's apart of the hotel's name, therefore it should be capitalized. I've actually noticed simialar issues in a lot of other articles for locations in New Vegas. These places are shown as using proper capitalization in their names in the Pip-Boy, therefore the titles of their respective articles should as well. This needs to be fixed. -Nahald 00:07, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

Escaped Convicts[]

I thought that a hotel was inhabited by escaped convicts, not Powder Gangers.

And I can only guess by my very own obswervations that killing them does not affect you relation to the faction. 10:40, November 22, 2011 (UTC)


I was on the second floor... This being during my first play through so I'm not super familiar with this area yet. I repaired the elevator, but didn't use it, being unsure what I would find when I came out. I used the stairs. However, later in the level during a gun fight, I witnessed one of the Convicts use the elevator. However, when I followed him a few minutes later he was gone and I saw no trace of him on the first floor. When I returned upstairs, there was a similar looking convict pacing the hall, but I cannot verify if it was the same. I guess maybe it's possible to crossover an NPC in load space?Theopheus (talk) 22:39, January 2, 2014 (UTC)

Is this really a bug?[]

If the Courier completely clears the first floor of the building and then leaves without going to the upper floors at all, and finishes My Kind of Town with any choice of sheriff, he/she may on returning find all convicts on the second and third floors dead, their bodies scattered over the rooms and corridors. They can then be picked clean with no interference. The Courier may also be met by a NCR trooper walking down one of the corridors and out of the hotel; the trooper is not named and will only give a stock response to inquiries.

Is this really a bug? It sounds more like intended behavior, in that once the new sheriff is in place he goes in and cleans the place out. It doesn't really sound like a random occurrence with no mechanism behind it. However, given that it was marked verified apparently it was believed to be a legitimate bug so I didn't just want to remove it without getting any feedback first. Anyone else have an opinion? --FFIX (talk) 00:28, January 3, 2015 (UTC)

I agree it doesn't seem like a bug - in particular since it is described in the notes for My Kind of Town, not as a bug. Cattlesquat (talk) 17:27, November 1, 2016 (UTC)