Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bruce Isaac said Mr.Bishop was different from other crime bosses and that he knew the wasteland. The inference is that the Mr.Bishop contemporary to New Vegas is the Chosen One's son.--OvaltinePatrol 23:12, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Wouldn't it be cool...[]

It'd be pretty sweet if he made an appearance in F:NV. He won't though. Given that he's the son of the chosen one and the great grandson of Fallout Wiki Dweller it'd be nice if he/his son/daughter was a protagonist of a future fallout game, stand-alone expansion, or at least a spinoff...It'd be better than that fallout jrpg.--Ze5ro1 01:31, January 8, 2011 (UTC)

(it won't happen though)

He may already be in the game as....NO-BARK NOONAN! -- 20:01, December 25, 2011 (UTC)

Wrights (vs Van Graffs) and Mr. Bishop[]

According to Etinne from Westside, it were Wrights who wrestled control of New Reno after conflict with Mordinos, but they are now in conflict with Van Graffs. Bruce Isaac who mentions this Mr. Bishop doesn't say that he is in control of New Reno. We don't know what this Mr. Bisho's relation is to the Bishops of Fallout 2, but all this doesn't suggest that he would be the child that Chosen One can sire.-- VonVince 11:51, March 27, 2011 (UTC)

I'd say it's pretty clear from the dialogue with Bruce Isaac that he is meant to be the son of the Chosen One. It's a clear reference to one of the possible endings. It looks like both the Bishops and the Wrights have a strong position in New Reno, probably having eliminated the other two families. Also, according to FO2 ending, Bishop took control over New Reno when he was 13, which was in 2255. The Wrights could have taken over after that, while Bishop's position is still fairly strong. Ausir(talk) 19:02, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
Either way, the name space should not have been moved to (Fallout: New Vegas) User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 07:23, March 28, 2011 (UTC)

"according to FO2 ending, Bishop took control over New Reno when he was 13" Yes. I listened to audio files of the ending without subtitles, and, well, thirteen/thirty - the close proximity of the way the figures sound caused me to make a mistake at that. "The Wrights could have taken over after that, while Bishop's position is still fairly strong." Clayton Etienne says how it was first the Wrights and Mordinos, and now Wrights and with Van Graffs trying to take a piece of the cake. All that said, it is possible that Mr. Bishop would be the child of the Chosen One, but it would mean that Wrights futures are being combined with that of the Bishop Child ending. -- VonVince 18:35, March 28, 2011 (UTC)

It most likely has been combined, yes. Just because the Wrights are in control as of 2281 and before that it was the Mordinos, it doesn't mean that Bishops couldn't have been in charge in 2255. I reverted it back to my version - for me, it's obvious that a Mr. Bishop who knows the Wastes like the back of his hand is a reference to the FO2 ending, and not a coincidence. He might not be "in control" of New Reno, but he is still a powerful man, given Bruce Isaac's dialogue. Ausir(talk) 19:17, March 28, 2011 (UTC)

Look, I know you are a reasonable fellow and you obviously are a huge fan of Fallout (I'm too). I don't think we can assert that Mr. Bishop would be the child of the Chosen One to extent it is done in your version - and I'm not saying this because I would be having some petty edit war grudge with you; not at all. It's not that I wouldn't to large extend agree with you; this is a wiki for Fallout series, but keeping it balanced it good for for the outlook. --VonVince 20:18, March 28, 2011 (UTC)

Well, I do think that the reference is clear enough to conclude that it's the same character as the one mentioned in the FO2 ending. I don't really see how this could NOT be a reference, given Isaac's remark about Bishop's knowledge of the wastes mirroring a similar statement in the ending. Ausir(talk) 08:02, March 29, 2011 (UTC)
Given that Chris Avellone, New Reno's father, mother and foster parent, worked on New Vegas, arguing that Isaac's story is not a confirmation of a canon ending is being stubborn, not reasonable or balanced. Furthermore, there's nothing in said confirmation precluding Wrights from dominating New Reno - only in the SAD ending do they violently eliminate other families, while the Bishop family under Chosen One's child is never said, not once, to conquer the entire New Reno. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 08:52, March 29, 2011 (UTC)

On Mr. Bishop[]

I've discussed this before on the discussion page, and - frankly - I feel like that the assumption of Mr. Bishop being indeed the child the Chosen One can father in Fallout 2 is taken too far. Yes, he can indeed be a child of the Chosen One - he can well be - but it is just an assumption, which, in-game (or outside to that matter) is not made entirely clear. Please, let's be reasonable and keep things clear. --VonVince (talk) 22:39, December 23, 2012 (UTC)

I think it's left deliberately vague on purpose- Whether Mr. Bishop is the son of the Chosen One is left up to individual rationale, with there being enough to foster the belief that he is the son, but not enough to remove all doubt. After all, it's hardly the biggest challenge in the game to sleep with the Bishop women, nor is it beyond belief that such a child could be knowledgeable about the Wastes; knowledge isn't genetic, after all.--Cellwood55 (talk) 17:45, February 17, 2013 (UTC)

"...it's hardly the biggest challenge in the game to sleep with the Bishop women..." Thats an understatement... Agent c (talk) 18:15, February 17, 2013 (UTC)

Lol. Even Angela Bishop's listed Role on this very wiki is "Neglected Daughter" and "Full-time Whore". Ouch. Even Cat's Paw Brothel Prostitute's listed role is "Employee". It isn't hard to imagine a scenario where the Chosen One isn't the father.--Cellwood55 (talk) 19:23, February 17, 2013 (UTC)

Well it's up to each individual player isn't it? Generally I choose not to sleep with her, because it just pisses Bishop off and leaves you with no choice but to work for him or die. I suspect a lot of players will avoid it for that reason. That's why it's purposely left vague. Both possibilities are canon, and none of them are. There's like a million different examples of that in these games.-- 03:14, August 6, 2013 (UTC)


The Chosen one's bastard son would not know the wastes any better than John Bishop by pure osmosis, it's not like he was raised by the Chosen one, who is, canonically, the new Elder of Arroyo. Besides John Bishop obviously knows the wastes a hell of a lot better than the other three families. The other families are mired in protection rackets and petty thuggery. The Wrights tell you to get your hands on a treasure trove and are only planning to use if for a brute force gang war, Mordino is a cowardly egomaniac who only cares about jet, and Salvatore is a violent thug. In the meantime Bishop is playing a much higher stakes game where it actually matters: in Shady Sands.

The Fallout Bible has been rendered null, and Bethesda has taken over the Fallout franchise without dictating what's canon or not. Simply put, there is no longer any established lore. We are merely going off of what's confirmed in future games until Bethesda decides to write out some official lore. (If they ever do.) ForGaroux Some Assembly Required! 03:29, August 6, 2013 (UTC)