Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Can't talk to her[]

It seems that whenever I try to talk to her for the quest I Don't Hurt Anymore she tells me to be quiet as they have a job to do. Any fixes known? Mark (talk) 14:26, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

PC Fix[]

This happens when you recruit help from the snipers in Three-Card Bounty. I stood next to her and spawned Driver Nephi then let them all kill him. She started talking to me again after he was dead. Grokkage 04:57, July 6, 2011 (UTC)

"Betsy is a lesbian"[]

I don't think so. It seems the raping made her think she is a lesbian. It's a psychological thing, part of her trauma. She also has the Stockholm Syndrome, saying she doesn't like to kill some of the female Fiends, because she thinks they are attractive (as I said, she is no real lesbian).

uhh, all of the above sounds like conjecture completely in conflict with the facts. she hits on female courier, finds female fiends attractive.

"It's a psychological thing, part of her trauma". You're right - sexual abuse sometimes leads to promiscuous behaviour, but it never changes nature of sexual attraction - therefore, if she wasn't attracted sexually to women before, she wouldn't want to have sex with them after rape, and Gorobets, as it's said below, merely says that she started hitting on women >>all the time<< after this (promiscuous behaviour). If she was straight, she would sleep with men. You could only argue that she may be bisexual, but since she's very thankful to male Courier after he helped her, but even then she says she prefers women (in polite way this time) if you hit on her - and mind I remind you, it's after she received psychological help, and as implied, healed her trauma - implying she's not lesbian seems to be based on unscientific (as belief that rape could change nature of woman's sexual attraction), outdated stereotypes rather than facts.
In addition to above, in GECK there some words you don't see in game: when male player tries to hit on her - "{lesbian, hostile}Yeah, right. You're sniffing up the wrong skirt. Try me again when you're tall, blonde, and female." and after he helped her and tries the same - "{lesbian, but friendly}Thanks for your help with Usanagi and all, but I still like them tall, blonde, and female."
So it's settled then. If her writers consider her lesbian, then she is lesbian.
After the rape that is. Major Dhatri even implies that she's gone lesbian after her "experiance" with Cook-Cook. She is no real lesbian. It's part of her Trauma.
Lieutenant Gorobets implies the same. She started acting like a Lesbian after the rape.
She started hitting on women a lot after the rape. That doesn't mean she wasn't a lesbian beforehand. 22:10, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
Hitting on women doesn't mean she's a lesbian either. Mictlantecuhtli 00:20, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
No, it's merely evidence. But I'm a big fan of having evidence when taking a position. Seems to work out a lot better than making hunches. Anyways, what exactly is the proposal here, that we add another line to the page? "Even though she openly admits being attracted to other women, she's not a real lesbian because she forfeited her right to determine her sexual preference when she was raped." Or how about, "Betsy claims to like ladies, but rape victims can't be taken seriously. She would probably love dick otherwise." 00:52, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
I don't think it's important to list at all. Mictlantecuhtli 01:06, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
True. I think it's fine the way it is now. 01:49, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
I don't think just saying she is lesbian is enough. Would it be more accurate to say she was always lesbian but the experience with cook-cook made her more vocal about this part of her personality, as many characters say, she only resently began flirting with women, possinle as part of her trauma?Tommadbox 20:32 Feburary 17
Or, and bear with me on this one. We drop the whole topic and leave the page as it is?-- 21:45, June 13, 2011 (UTC)Anonymous 2

Voice Actor[]

Are we sure about the voice actor on this one? Her audio is femaleadult12 not femaleadult07 (which is Cindy Robinson). JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 22:02, July 15, 2013 (UTC)


The tooltips are directions for actors speaking the lines and contain nothing of value as far as cited dialogue goes. They add unnecessary bloat to the page and citations and should be removed. Great Mara (talk) 14:16, March 18, 2020 (UTC)

While I think tooltips can be overused, completely taking out everything that helps with understanding how the line was acted p much envokes Poe's Law. While not literally, people may not be able to tell if a line is meant to be said sarcastically or not, lines of text start to become excessively confusing out of their context in the games and the inflection of the character saying them. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 16:25, March 18, 2020 (UTC)