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Fallout Wiki


Why does this guy defy death? When your dad gets killed in the radiation chamber, he dies too...right? I mean, he's in there. But oh look, when you get captured guess who it is? HIM! Its definetly the same guy, same rank, same brown trench coat and same slight southern accent. Can anyone explain this? 07:49, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

He injected himself with some hyper-RadX before collapsing. Some say that it is possible to catch sight of him as he is being hauled onto a Vertibird afterwards.--Amitakartok 22:32, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
dissolution of their chain of command - conclusion or statement directly based on source files?--dotz 19:54, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
The Oil Rig, Commander-in-Chief and most of the Enclave command got blown up. You don't have to be a genius to add two to two and get four. Shaur M. S. Grizlin 20:23, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
So who was the senior officer on the mainland in Fallout 2 time? I can see two at least - Sanders and Navarro commander, there were other bases also, ECC, so some chain of command could be survived.--dotz 20:51, 9 November 2008 (UTC)
Actually, Autumn could even be the Navarro commander. After all, if I recall correctly, his name was never given. Ausir 21:26, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

I still don't get it, Fallout 3 is the only Fallout game I've played. There is no mention of Oil Rig at all in F3, maybe in some terminal somewhere in the wasteland but not during the main quest as far as I can remember. There is no mention of it in F3 on the Oil Rig page on this site either. 21:19, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

I don't think the Oil Rig itself is mentioned, but Eden mentions the remnants of the government retreating to the West Coast and president Dick Richardson. Also, Autumn says "And what of the chain of command? When the Enclave fell on the west coast, Eden was next in line for leadership." Ausir 21:26, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

a ZAX unit that has achieved awareness - AI is more than its hardware (or ZAX unit means softwar + hardware; Fallout (1) and Van Buren ZAX'es were created as AIs, there wasn't necessary to archieve it; may be Raven Rock base maintanance software was primary installed in some ordinary computer and infested better/ZAX hardware)--dotz 20:44, 13 November 2008 (UTC)


If you use the tcl console command, you can see that the Colonel inside PP Control is Autumn.

He dies, yet he appears again later on.

Firelance 21:42, 15 November 2008 (UTC)

He does not die, he can be seen injecting himself with something, probably the Enclave's more powerful version of Rad-X or Rad Away. Too bad you can't use it yourself in the end. Ausir 21:45, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
That explains why he falls, get back up, and falls again. That filthy cheater. If only he saved James.--Firelance 21:53, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
Who says he didn't? All we saw was everyone in the room collapsing and Li saying that rad levels in the room are way beyond lethal. If the Lone Wanderer survived that then it isn't impossible James did too, residing in some backwater Enclave base in captivity.--Amitakartok 19:59, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

He had magic Rad-X? Why couldn't I speech him into pushing the buttons inside then instead of surrendering? At least he could be useful and revive America like he wanted to. :( Potatobreath 01:05, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

So magic Rad-X is enough to survive getting pickled in radioactive water, breathing in the radioactive vapors and maybe even drink it, but a power armor and Rad-X and RadAway is not??? The president didn´t tell you about magic Rad-X?? The player can´t ask him about the magic Rad-X at the end??? What about the two Enclave soldiers, why didn´t they have the same magic Rad-X??? Fucking plothole.
You don't get to use magic rad-x unless your a wizard. otherwise it would just be silly. DragonJTS 08:00, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Effect of this magic Rad-X, I think, is unbelievable! It made Autumn immune to the radiation of Vault 87's main entrance, killing a human in 0.3 seconds!

I think they took out autumn's brain and inserted it into the body of an android whilst on a field trip to the commonwealth. Then he becomes immune to radiation. As for his two guards they're both ghouls or something.

Canonically, a Power Armor is nearly impeneterable to radiation when it is sealed airtight. Just play F1 and you'll see: an armored guy had a diary-like holodisk which said that with the armor on, they have days to crawl around in so much radiation that without RadX you accumulate lethal dose in seconds. Later he said that the fact he can smell his comrade's burning flesh indicates that his armor is punctured so he's "sucking up a lot more rads than intended" and his leaky hydraulics prevented him from leaving.--Amitakartok 19:59, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

Chances are,someone will use the G.E.C.K to make this magic rad-x available,however,i have two things to say

1.why does colonel autumns trenchcoat look like captain jack harkness's

2.i managed to interrupt colonel autumns use of magic rad-x by using the third person camera glitch to stick my foot through the bulkhead in PP,This however bugged the game and it crashed after getting stunned by the enclave,sometimes though he doesnt appear but still talks

Haha, did that to, 3rd person pickpocked frag, he went boom. BEFORE! he magic-xed himself. Stole his coat and was wearing it in our final showdown, but so was he, bet he's got a whole cupboard full of them. You can get inside on PS3 if you're fast you can beat the door and loot but then you cant get out, so you very slowly die. You can even talk to the friendly enclave and Autumn, although he only says ... and alows no speach back JASPER42

whoa i had bloody mess at the time and i used tcl to get in the chamber and made him explode yet he still appeared later in 1 piece! -guest


What accent does Autumn have? It seems like he's not sure which he wants, so he switches between a pseudo-Southern one and some other weird variant. Aeranlaes1 16:34, 16 November 2008 (UTC)

American Accents. all of them DragonJTS 08:01, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
That's Eden... -- 15:06, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

Eden speaks in an English accent, just as i'd expect since Mcdowell is infact English. So i hardly think hes talking about him. As for Autumn i just thought he had southern American accent, but its harder for me to tell since im not really familiar with American accents. The only two i've ever come across are the ones i like to call the "Generic Squeeky Accent" and the "Hillbilly Accent". Don't be offended that was meant as a joke lol.--Greig91 02:01, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

I don't know exactly but im from Virginia and I kinda sound like him

True, Autumns isn't quite Southern, it sounds like a mix. Perhaps it was just a voice actor that wasn't the best at doing a southern accent? 05:15, 30 April 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

He has the exact same accent as General Bethlehem from the movie The Postman - Anonymous

I only removed your thing because it said he had a strong resemblance. He doesn't. And LOTS of people have southern accents. Fat Man Spoon 17:36, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Getting Autumn's Stuff[]

You know that video of how to get in project purity to get Autumn's stuff without ending the game? Well I've tried 3 times to do it and each time I get to the rotunda Autumn ISN'T there. I'm playing on 360 does any other 360 user have the same problem? Or are all 3 of my saves buggy? Someone tell me because Autumn's trench coat looks awesome on me.

How do you have his coat if he doesn't appear in the rotunda? Jdw 18:20, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
You have to wait until after Raven Rock for him to appear there.
After Raven Rock, and initiating Take It Back, then going for Col Autumn's items early; I found him in the Rotunda, but he was INSIDE the Project Purity Chamber. I had to open the chamber to get him into the decontamination chamber, then open that chamber to release him into the Rotunda proper. I hadn't seen this documented anywhere, so I thought I'd add it here. After being released, he took his usual place between the pillars, prime for pilfering. PS3, patched version dvntsvnt134.205.130.168 16:58, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Do any other 360 user have the same problem?Jdw 18:20, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Ive experienced the same bug of Autumn not being reachable after raven rock but him being locked in the contaminated area behind the door.( Xbox 360 )

You can get Autumn's "stuff" (unique 10mm. pistol and trench coat) after your father attempts to kill him. You go into third person and turn the camera 180 degrees then "Search Colonel Autumn" magically appears and you can take his stuff. Seems a waste that Alex Dargon can't use it though.

3rd person works on PS3, i always wear his coat, even in our final showdown. We were matching, so he had to die.

Does it change for a female? JASPER42

Can u get same rad-x or Radway?[]

Can u get same rad-x or radaway what autnum have.Like somewhere of enclave camp's or in raven rock? --FalloutFan 05:46, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

Nope. Ausir 05:53, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

Surprised no one mentioned this...[]

When Autumn has you imprisoned at Raven Rock, in one of his replies he refers to you as "son", even if you are a female. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

He's southern. It goes with the accent. Nitty 14:56, 27 July 2009 (UTC)

Equipment section = in need of massive cleanup.[]

We don't need a billion YouTube videos of how to get his stuff, and I really don't know where the whole block of text is going. I'd do it myself, but I'm not really sure of our position on spoilers. If someone could get back to me on them, I'll gladly take care of this. Nitty 03:46, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Autumn a good guy?[]

In the article it states that Col. Autumn was opposed to the FEV Virus you put into project purity because he wanted to control and manipulate wastelanders instead of kill them. Does anyone agree?

Umm.. If he thinks he is a good guy.. but ABSOLUTELY NOT.. I havent heard anything about Autumn being opposed to FEV.. HE didnt even KNOW about it.. Eden kept it a secret from him.. And if he is a good guy.. why does he thank you by shooting you in the gut when you truly tell him the code.. 13:00, 27 August 2009 (UTC) NightPhoenix

Eden says Autumn was opposed to the idea of genocide. And try to think for once, real hard - you've slaughtered tens, maybe hundreds of loyal Enclave soldiers - do you really think Autumn would forgive you for that? 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 14:40, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

Autumn is not a good guy, but he definately isn't evil. Proved by dialogues with him, he is doing what he's doing because he as a soldier of the United States of America will do everything to restore the United States in its pre-war form. Unlike Eden, Autumn doesn't see the Wastelanders as mutants and instead thinks that they are the America he is fighting for, thus he wants to use clean water instead of FEV water. I must reming you, Mikael, that even if someone is against the Lone Wanderer (or Vault Dweller, or Chosen One), s/he isn't evil. Da Pistolero 18:39, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
Don't forget, he murders a woman (Janice) in cold blood just to get your Dad's code. That's pretty evil.
Uh, I've been saying that Autumn's not a bad guy? 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:40, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

Worth adding?[]

Augustus is loosely translates to The Great One first used by Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus who changed his name to Caesar Augustus around the time of Christ's birth.--Atlas Lied! 06:08, October 9, 2009 (UTC)

I believe it's not worth adding period.

Autumn walked away?[]

So Col' Autumn If you let him walk away at the end of the game not like anyone really would but, say the player let him leave, Did Autumn pack his bags and leave the enclave?, Becuse in sure didint see him in broken steel so one could only wounder were Autumn went.
He probably left with some surviving members of the Enclave and formed his own group.(The Enclave is Bae (talk) 12:17, June 12, 2015 (UTC))
I let him walk away because he's a good guy. Not like Lyons. 11px-Naglowaa_se.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:19, November 26, 2009 (UTC)
Evil! Enclave supporter, "ENGAGING RED CHINESE AGGRESSORS!" - Liberty Prime

Oh no! Not Liberty Prime whatever will we do. Activate air strike, targer Liberty Prime.... BOOM! Annnnnd.. thats the end of that. I let him go once, but cos im violent, overagressive, a double crosser and just have a deep dislike for human life i shot him in the face on his way out. JASPER42

I personally thought if I let him go, he would just come after me in the DLC Broken Steel--For NCR 17:51, March 5, 2012 (UTC)


Where does he go to if you let live at Project Purity? Does he go somewhere or is he then cut from the game so you never meet him again?

I think we're better off killing him and getting his Laser Pistol. Just to make sure. --namelesswalaby 27 Dec 09 0100hrs

I met one of the Enclave soilders that escort him after I let him go. I was at rock breakers last gas and there was a friendly tesla armoured soilder with a gatling laser...


Is it just me, or does he have the same face as Gary?--Marshmallow2166 21:32, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

It's just you. Dackel 16:37, June 9, 2010 (UTC)

"His room at the Enclave's Base is located in Raven Rock on Level 2."[]

Now that grammar just doesn't sound right to me at all. I would change it to something like this: "His room is located in the Enclave Base at Raven Rock, on level two" if that's how you're trying to phrase it. Either way that needs to be fixed me thinks. Jellyb0nes 08:32, December 18, 2010 (UTC)

With all humor I say this, and with no malice at all...

"Either way that needs to be fixed me thinks."

So where is the grammar in this sentence? 14:36, July 6, 2011 (UTC)HelenaHanbazkt

Not really a bad guy[]

I really don't get why he is considered a bad guy. He didn't kill your father, your father killed himself. He didn't even want to use the modified FEV, he wanted people to flock to the Enclave and increase it's power. Okay, he kills one person, but that's it. He had no actual 'evil' intentions. He is ruthless, but not evil.

he orders enclave to kill unarmed civilians according to gunny so that makes him evil -guest
